New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday December 28

sky-raidersI have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL) and as always I recommend sampling before you buy!

It’s a mix of the genres in no particular order. Also the term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. And I catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

(NOTE: If the author provides me with buy links I insert those; otherwise I default to Amazon and iBooks.)

Also, I usually include only the beginning of the book blurb…

SKY RAIDERS by Michelle Diener

VS NOTE: A new series by one of my favorite authors! The book is in my To Be Read stack and Riley of the Whiskey With My Book Blog just reviewed it! 

First they flew their mysterious sky craft through the skies of Barit. Then they started attacking. Finally, they began to raid.

Garek’s one year of duty as a guard walking the walls of Garamundo was extended to two when the sky raiders appeared. Two long years away from home and his lover, Taya. When he finally returns, the town is empty. While Garek was protecting Garamundo, the sky raiders were taking their victims from his hometown.

Taya can’t bear looking into the night sky. All she can see is Barit, her home planet. Impossibly, the sky raiders have brought her and their other victims to Shadow, the planet that shadows her own, and looking up makes her aware of everything she’s lost. Garek is out there somewhere. She knows he’ll look, but he’ll never find her. (more)….


the_edge_of_the_blade_jeffe_kennedyTHE EDGE OF THE BLADE (THE UNCHARTED REALMS) by Jeffe Kennedy

VS NOTE: Another favorite author and series! I got to read the ARC on this one and really enjoyed Jepp’s story – she’s an unusual heroine but very gutsy. I have an interview with Jeffe on USA Today Happy Ever After this Thursday.

The Twelve Kingdoms rest uneasy under their new High Queen, reeling from civil war and unchecked magics. Few remember that other powers once tested their borders—until a troop of foreign warriors emerges with a challenge . . .

Jepp has been the heart of the queen’s elite guard, her Hawks, since long before war split her homeland. But the ease and grace that come to her naturally in fighting leathers disappears when battles turn to politics. When a scouting party arrives from far-away Dasnaria, bearing veiled threats and subtle bluffs, Jepp is happy to let her queen puzzle them out while she samples the pleasures of their prince’s bed.

But the cultural norms allow that a Dasnarian woman may be wife or bed-slave, never her own leader—and Jepp’s light use of Prince Kral has sparked a diplomatic crisis. Banished from court, she soon becomes the only envoy to Kral’s strange and dangerous country, with little to rely on but her wits, her knives—and the smolder of anger and attraction that burns between her and him . . .

Amazon      iBooks

forever-wildeFOREVER WILDE (IMMORTAL VEGAS BOOK 6) by Jenn Starke

Life has never been smoother for Tarot-reading artifact hunter Sara Wilde. With a worldwide criminal organization at her beck and call, she can finally secure the safety of the youngest and most vulnerable members of the psychic community. Sure, she’s been banged up a little, and the Magician’s most recent attempts to heal her turned her temporarily immortal. But otherwise…things are coming up roses.

Then Sara discovers an enclave of psychic children whose DNA has been dangerously altered, making them the hottest targets on the planet for traffickers….

Amazon      iBooks


In a grim biker bar with wizard mercenaries on her tail and a “found” amulet around her neck, Sadie Howard needs a miracle. What she gets is the man who broke her heart nine years ago.

phoenix-bloodMarcus Aurelius is a changed man, in more ways than one. The preppy, confident medical school student is now a hard-bitten, magic-wielding assassin. He’s also a man on a mission. He has debts to pay and old wrongs to right before he dies—sometime this week.

As the secrets of Marcus’s heart are revealed, Sadie learns that nothing is as it seems and that the man who broke her heart also saved her life and paid in agony for her freedom.

With wizards trying to kill her, phoenix blood burning in Marcus’s veins, and a villain who’ll stop at nothing to acquire the amulet Sadie has promised to a friend, their roadtrip is a one-way ticket to extraordinary adventures. The question is, who will survive?


ajaxs-harpy-holidayAJAX’S HARPY HOLIDAY: DRAGOFIN MATED BOOK 1 by Mychal Daniels

Look at him… she’s determined to wipe that gorgeous smirk off his face!

Alien Warrior Guardian Dragon & Gryphon Shifters Live Among us.

Discover what happens when a fight over the last holiday pie turns into a hilarious showdown between a stubborn young dragon and an even more stubborn harpy–who turns out to be his mate….

Amazon      iBooks


VS Note: From November. Found this one thanks to the Whiskey With My Book Blog. She’s a terrific resource!

Beside his own image, Dane Bainbridge sees another; a ginger haired beauty–behind her, behind-every-mirrorred mountains and clouds as if from another world. He’s seen her his entire life, a life filled with glamour and fame… and loneliness. For the woman in the mirror is his one true love. But, this he does not know, not until he is dragged into her world–one of beasts and lands beyond imagination. One where his sacrifice is the only thing keeping her and the world in which she resides alive.

Once they are together, he remembers it all, and that knowledge means his doom for all eternity. But if he escapes her world, she will perish as will all others behind the looking glass….


ALIEN FROG PRINCE by J. M. Page and Juno Wells

Prince Zakrom feels like everyone on Granota has found their One — their beloved for life alien-frog-prince— except him. His worried parents send him to visit Earth, hoping it will distract him from his solitude. Zak finds more than a distraction: Jennifer, the lovely human at the Interstellar Embassy, is his One! But surely such a beautiful creature can’t be interested in a strange-looking alien like him….



VS NOTE: I love her Genevra Thorne novels so I’ll have to try this one – sounds fun!

Marcus is a Drakkon as ancient as the stars, stronger than a mountain, and the last of his kind. Men now rule the earth. The time of the Drakkon is over thanks to the legendary Phoenix Amber and the Council of Elders who use its power to transform Drakkon into humans. When the Council discovers he may be hiding a treasure worth more than any dragon horde, they will stop at nothing to have it and transform him against his will.

scorchedBeing human is worse than anything Marcus could have imagined. His brilliant cerulean scales are gone, replaced with paltry skin he is sure could not even stop a bird if one flew into him. But worse than imprisonment in a male body are the awakenings of unfamiliar human desires that are nothing like the animal urges that were so easily satisfied as a Drakkon— emotions like loneliness that make him seek out companionship with a woman who, unfortunately for him, happens to be a sweetly-scented virgin.

Samantha Montgomery isn’t about to go to bed with a man who believes he used to be a reptile, especially one whose smoldering smiles make her think of being consumed alive by fire, and loving it….



VS NOTE: listed as a short read; LGBT

niniaAngela’s parents died in horrific circumstances a few years ago, about the time she had last seen her childhood home—a quaint, old cottage situated deep in the woods that holds many secrets.

Angela’s return to the cottage in the mysterious woods intends to be a once in a lifetime opportunity for her to ease back into a time that held an easier and simpler life. Yet, in her slumber, she dreams of a woman with flaming red hair. Baffled yet intrigued, Angela wonders who the woman is she dreams about.

After a chance encounter with a stranger who ironically resembles the woman in her dreams, Angela’s life changes forever as she learns more about herself and the woods surrounding the quaint cottage that has a set of secrets all its own….


dreams-of-the-eatenDREAMS OF THE EATEN (CHILDREN OF THE DROUGHT BOOK 3) by Arianne ‘Tex’ Thompson

After trials by fire and thirst, Appaloosa Elim’s quest to bring home the body of the crow prince is finally nearing its end. But the coffin is missing, the funeral party is hopelessly scattered, and the fishmen are hell-bent on revenge.

Worse yet, the pilgrimage has disturbed an ancient power – and the earth is crumbling in its grip. As the ground shakes and the crows gather, the final reckoning promises to unite the living and the dead in a battle for the land itself.One way or another, blood debts will come due, Elim will face his judgment, and the World That Is will be forever changed.

Amazon      iBooks

dragons-christmas-wishTHE DRAGON’S CHRISTMAS WISH by Georgette St. Clair

Liza Hawthorne has everything perfectly planned for her family’s final Christmas on Far North, the planetoid that orbits Terra 2. If only there weren’t two dragon shifter species battling over the fate of her little world. And if only one of them wasn’t seven feet of pure silver-skinned sexiness, who apparently thinks she’s his “heart-mate”. When you add in some misbehaving alien elves, a malfunctioning Santa-bot, and the mysterious disappearance of Liza’s best friend – untangling this mess will take a Christmas miracle.


STAR SURVIVOR by….well, me! Veronica Scott

VS NOTE: If you’ll indulge me, since it’s a  week of relatively few new releases, my latest book came out at the end of November, so here’s a small reminder in case you missed it before LOL!

Star Survivor by Veronica ScottTwilka Zabour is an interstellar celebrity. She built on her notoriety as a carefree Socialite who survived the terrible wreck of the Nebula Dream, and launched a successful design house. But now the man who gave meaning to her life, then left her, is back–this time for the worst of reasons. Will he kill her … or help her survive?

D’nvannae Brother Khevan survived the Nebula Dream in the company of a lovely, warm woman, only to be pulled away from her, back into his solitary life in the service of the Red Lady. Now Twilka’s within his reach again–for all the wrong reasons. Khevan will do everything within his power to discover why Twilka has been targeted for assassination, and to save her….

Amazon     iBooks

And if you missed it last week, I asked the members of the Scifi Romance Group and the SFR Brigade on Facebook to talk about their memorable  SFR reads of 2016 for AMAZING STORIES – lots of good recommendations in the post!

Best Wishes for a very Happy New Year and good things in 2017!





4 comments on “New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday December 28

  1. Your weekly release roundup is dangerous to my pocketbook, but I love seeing all the new releases in one spot. Thank you for doing this! 🙂

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