Profiles in SciFi Romance: Trailblazer Linnea Sinclair Talks ACCIDENTAL GODDESS, Author Craft & More

Note: This post first appeared on the AMAZING STORIES MAGAZINE blog…I’ve added back a few additional Q&A which were edited for ASM due to length.

Veronica Scott for AMAZING STORIES: Welcome to my periodic series of author profiles. Today I’ve chosen one of the true pioneers and early trailblazers in the genre, Linnea Sinclair. Many people still mention her Accidental Goddess as their first SFR read and she shares a few details about the inspiration for the novel, as well as what she’s up to nowadays, teaching author craft classes. I used to enjoy time spent catching up with Ms. Sinclair at the various romance conventions of bygone days and I even had one of my short stories edited by her for an anthology she was putting together. 

VS for ASM.: What was the first science fiction (or scifi romance) book you ever read and what did you like about it? 

LS: Good question. Being that I’m approaching 70 years old, and I’ve been reading since I was four… My best guess is it was probably a fantasy/fairy tale book, not a science fiction one because back in the 1950s, there weren’t many children’s SF books around (to my knowledge).  Most of my childhood favorite books had magical-type stories. My addiction to the ‘impossible as possible’ probably started there.

But for science fiction itself, that probably started through television. I was devoted to SPACE PATROL/PLANET PATROL and the THUNDERBIRDS (kids’ SF show using marionettes), all broadcast during the late 1950s and into the 1960s. Then, of course, there was TIME TUNNEL, LOST IN SPACE and then STAR TREK.

What I liked about these stories was the strong female main characters (“strong” for that era) and, as well, the Good Conquers Evil theme. I liked the problem solving. I’d been reading Sherlock Holmes short stories since I was, oh, five or six years old. I loved problem solving stories. I still do.

ASM.: Since many people have mentioned this book as a major influence in inspiring them when it comes to reading or writing scifi romance: What was the story spark or inspiration for Accidental Goddess?

LS: The impetus for An Accidental Goddess was my sword-and-sorcery story Wintertide, one of the first books I wrote professionally (as an adult—my crayon offering at age four doesn’t count). I wrote the first drafts of Wintertide on a typewriter back in the early 1980s. Yes, a pound-on-the-keys-hit-carriage-return typewriter. Why didn’t I start out writing SF, you ask? Good question. Honestly, because I didn’t feel smart enough. Sucky reason, yes? I also hadn’t read (couldn’t find) a lot of female SF authors back then.  I felt “safe” writing fantasy.

When the Internet started to blossom (Compuserve and AOL, anyone?) I realized that, yes, there WERE SF stories crafted by women. I dove in.

Goddess, like many of my stories, deals with a main character who finds herself between a rock-and-a-hard place that she’s unprepared to deal with.  It could have been written (any of my stories could have been written) without the romance element. But, hey, why pass up a chance to REALLY torture my main character emotionally? Yunno, anyone could fight off an evil sorcerer on a space station using both magic and technology. But why miss the chance to also torture my main character emotionally by juxtaposing what she MUST do—stop the bad guy—up against the reality that by stopping the bad guy SHE ALSO RISKS losing someone she deeply loves? Woo-hoo! She’s also fully out of her element and has no one else to help her (well, except Simon… but he’s often more of a hindrance than a help). I love writing to literary agent Donald Maass’ s excellent advice: Make it worse, make it worse, make it worse. So the history of who and what my female MC, Gillaine, actually was (which is set up in the fantasy, Wintertide) also comes to play in a very uncomfortable manner. Gillie can’t change who or what she is. That really makes things worse, doesn’t it?

Note to all: I’m honestly a nice person in real life. Just don’t mess with me on the pages of a story…

ASM.: Do you have a favorite scene in the book?

LS: My favorite scenes in most of my stories are always the ones where the main character has to step from the frying pan into the fire.  Most often it’s a belly-flop more than a step. With Gillie in Goddess, it’s first where she has to reveal to Mack and his crew one of the key things she didn’t want to reveal: who she is (militarily) (Chapter 24, if you want to look it up). Again, to quote Maass: What is the one thing your MC never wants to do? Make him do it. And then, in Chapter 28, where she has to become the actual “goddess” she is: “Tal tay Raheira!”

I love any time my characters have to put it all on the line, go for broke.

It’s also why, in real life, I have a deep admiration for cops, firefighters and any first responders. (Hence the main character of Detective Theo Petrakos in my The Down Home Zombie Blues.)

ASM.:  I know you’ve been concentrating on other things for the past few years. Do you foresee yourself tackling another book at some point? In the SFR genre or another one perhaps?

LS: Yes, I’d love to start writing stories again. I need to get life and my increasingly arthritic fingers to cooperate. (My thumbs are now pointing in directions thumbs aren’t supposed to.) I do have a three-quarters finished SFR manuscript that I’ve been working on for over five years and a follow-on novel in my Dock Five series. Maybe if I soak my fingers in Bio-Freeze for an hour or so I could get at it. I also have to get my brain to cooperate, and moving to a new house five times in the past eight years has not helped. (I make the joke that my hubby keeps moving, but I keep finding him…)

But, yes, I’ve not completely thrown in the intergalactic towel yet. I’m still in orbit…

ASM.: Tell us a bit about your classes for authors. What led you to create the curriculum and how has it gone?

LS: I honestly love teaching the craft of writing fiction and of discovering and encouraging new talent. The bulk of my classes hit what I call The Basics: character, conflict, world-building (NOT just for SFF writers!) and key story components like crafting opening scenes and the basics of dialogue. When the Romantic Times magazine conventions were an annual occurrence (and one helluva grand time!), I taught individual workshops and, as well, organized and taught their three-day pre-convention Writers Boot Camp for over a decade (along with several other fantastic authors and literary agents).

I was amazed at the large amount of fantastic untapped talent out there at the annual writers’ boot camps. There were many attendees with more than enough talent to hit the big time but were stopped because of 1) fear/lack of faith in themselves and 2) no earthly clue on how to prepare and submit a manuscript for publication. I was also challenged by the number (not as large) of adults who had great ideas for stories but couldn’t spell or put together a coherent sentence. But all wanted to learn, and if you want to learn, I’m willing to teach.

My online classes (most are month-long) range from basic story structure (what is a plot, what is a main character) to the more complicated use of internal conflict or the pacing of high-action scenes.

ASM.: What would you say is a key fundamental craft issue for an author and how do your workshops help to tackle the challenge?

LS: Depends on the author but the most common issue I’ve seen in almost twenty years of teaching is the lack of understanding 1) conflict and 2) how to use conflict in a plot. I credit author Jacqueline Lichtenberg with teaching me the deeper key components of conflict. Succinctly: “Conflict is the essence of story.” I know that sounds simplistic but it’s not. Humans naturally shy from conflict. If you want to write great fiction, you need to slug back a few Pina Coladas, put your evil on, and steep your main character in real, gripping, what-the-hell-do-we-do-now conflict. As writing guru Dwight Swain said: It’s the author’s job to manipulate the emotions of the reader.

Conflict (in a plot) is the one sure-fire way to manipulate your reader’s emotions.

So, most classes I teach touch in some manner on the proper deployment of conflict in the story. I hand out free (cyber) Pina Coladas in all my online classes so students can get their evil on with ease.

ASM.: The classes seem to have quite an emphasis on the characters and their motivations. Can you share a bit more about ‘torturing’ the characters leads to a successful book?

LS: With motivations, you have to ask WHY. WHY does Dorothy have to escape from the land of Oz? What’s at risk, what’s at stake if she DOESN’T? WHY does Luke have to become a Jedi, why stop Darth Vader? What’s at risk is he DOESN’T?

Why does your Hero/Heroine have to _________? What’s at stake, what does s/he stand to LOSE unequivocally if s/he DOESN’T?

The stakes have to be real, tangible, serious, non-negotiable. If another solution can be substituted, your stakes are weak. And then your story is weak.

Author Holly Lisle has some wonderful how-to articles that address this issue on her site. I recommend her often to my students.  Yes, I teach writing, but I also learn from others. Holly is one such other and she’s excellent. I also recommend the books by Lisa Cron on neuro-science and crafting fiction (yes, there’s a definite connection!). If you download Holly’s advice (I’ve never taken her classes, but I suspect they’re great) and read Cron’s books (and underline key passages in bright colors like I do), then come sign up for my classes and we’ll refine what you’ve studied as we play with it in real time. A writer learns by writing. You have to take good advice and then put fingers to keyboard and deploy that same advice.

You can always hit delete if you don’t like what you wrote. But you have to try it first.

ASM.: Any lessons learned for you as the instructor? Anything that surprises you during a workshop? 

LS: I don’t think there are any major surprises (yet) in my workshops but, yes, I learn tons from my students. I watch their struggles with crafting and in order to help them, I have to get into WHY they’re struggling. Most often, it’s fear of conflict (they don’t like experiencing the feelings of conflict) but other things like characterization or plot crop up. And I have to think of a helpful way (and example) to address that for THEIR story. Every story writes differently. Yes, craft concepts don’t change but how one deploys a concept can vary. My internal conflict class came out of that very scenario. I’d taught basic conflict—GMC, per noted author Deb Dixon—for years. Time and again, a student or three would comment on a conflict-craft issue and, time and again, it was clearly an INTERNAL conflict issue. So, I asked myself: Self, what’s the problem we need to address? And the answer was to teach a class solely on crafting internal conflict. Which I now do. It’s killer, because it needs to be. It’s all emotional-brain science-personality stuff. All stuff that, in real life, we avoid because it’s uncomfortable. In order to rip your reader’s heart out, you have to rip your main character’s heart out and, in order to do that, you have to clearly know what it feels like to have your own heart ripped out. Mercilessly. The better writer sucks it up and faces what that feels like, and then painfully plants that on the page.

ASM.: Are there any craft books you’ve found to be particularly helpful? Or are you more a seat-of-the-pants style writer?

LS: I’m a pantser, through and through. That being said, I recommend the craft books by Lisa Cron, Deb Dixon, Jack Bickham, Donald Maass, James Scott Bell and Dwight V Swain. These would be for overall crafting fiction (of any genre). As noted, I’m definitely a pantser and not a plotter, but craft books address more than just plot structure. My critique partner, S.A. Barnes (she writes SF Horror for Tor) aka Stacey Kade (she writes YA and NA for Simon & Schuster and Disney Hyperion), loves the how-to books by screenwriter Christopher Vogler, specifically The Writer’s Journey, which was inspired by Joseph Campbell’s mythic structure. I “get” Vogler but his methods don’t speak to me as deeply as Swain and Bickham.

So, point: Not all craft books work equally for all writers. Every craft how-to is worth considering or, as I state in my classes, adding to your writerly toolbox. But not every craft tip works 100% of the time for everyone.

ASM.: If you had one tip for a writer, what would it be? 

LS: Write. To quote La Nora (Nora Roberts): You can’t edit a blank page.

ASM.: Pithy and oh-so-true! What do you wish you’d known when you started your writing career? Did you have mentors or other authors who inspired you along the way? 

LS: I’ll answer in reverse. Yes, I had wonderful mentors/authors who helped me and I’m eternally grateful to Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Nancy Gramm, Dee Lloyd, Susan Grant, Pat Simmons, Robin D Owens, Catherine Asaro, Monette Michaels, Mary Jo Putney, Jo Beverley, Nalini Singh, all the crazy and beloved authors who populated my annual Intergalactic Bar and Grille parties at the Romantic Times conventions for more than a decade… and, of course, my trusty crit partner, Stacey Kade aka S.A. Barnes.

I’m not sure there was anything I wish I’d known (in the sense of a warning). I can tell you I was surprised, having formerly been a reporter in the competitive hard-news arena, at the unequivocal support and advice so willingly and kindly offered to me early in my career by really big-name authors. I mean, when literary stars like Mary Jo Putney or Barbara Hambly ask a newbie author (like I was back then) to lunch, just out of the blue… it makes one gob-smacked. (Ah! Reminds me to add Lynne Connolly to the list above—if nothing else, she taught me to say “gob-smacked.”)

ASM.: As a reader, what makes a “good book experience” for you? 

LS: Characters with depth and quirks. A “prize” (story goal) worth fighting for. I’m a sucker for well-crafted, pithy dialogue. And I do love me some snark.

ASM.: Fun Question: If you were invited to be a guest star on a major scifi franchise (movie or TV), which one would you pick and what character would you design for yourself to play? 

LS: I’d like to be Han Solo’s co-pilot on the Millennium Falcon. And I think I’d have been a much better captain of the Enterprise than Janeway. Or maybe Security Chief on a starship (because I do have the appropriate background for that, being a former private detective). But be that as it may, I’ve pretty much gotten to do those kinds of things through writing my stories. And I did all of those kinds of things while still in my pajamas and Hello Kitty slippers.

ASM.: What’s next for you? 

LS: Well, it’s Thursday (as I type this) so that means my hubby and I are going out to dinner at The Oar House as usual… oh, that’s not what you’re asking?

I’m teaching a class in April on Internal Conflict in fiction, then classes on Word Choice and Pitches & Blurbs in August and September.

Have you binge watched any series (of any type) lately?  

Nope. The closest I come to binge-watching is a weekly episode of HOME TOWN (LOVE Ben and Erin!), which my hubby and I watch during dinner most Monday nights. (We’ve renovated several old homes ourselves since we got married… back in 1980. Yeah, that long ago.) I honestly don’t watch a lot of television, except during hurricane season (I live in Florida). Jim Cantore is my main man, then.

What’s on your To Be Read List?  

I’m a few chapters from finishing up GATE OF TRUST, which was written in the eleventh century by Rabbeinu Bachya ibn Pekuda. (Probably not what you expected to see as an answer, hey?) I discovered, a few years ago, that family on my mother’s side had Jewish roots, and that a great-aunt of mine was possibly kidnapped in the 1920s by the Zwi-Migdal in Poland and taken to South America to work as a prostitute in their brothels. I’ve been exploring the Jewish faith and, as well, information on the many kidnappings orchestrated by the Zwi-Migdal. There’s not a lot of information on them. Author Talia Carner is one of the few who has addressed their existence: .  From an author’s perspective, the organization’s machinations may well feed into a plot and characters for a story of mine. But from a personal standpoint, my heart grieves such a thing happened, and I learned to recite the El Malei Rachamim for my great-aunt Sophie.

ASM.: Where you can be found on social media. 

LS: I’m not a fan of social media anymore. Sorry. Facebook is the only place I have an ‘author’ presence, and that’s only because I’ve been on FB a long time and also because I know I have to have something somewhere.

But I don’t hang out on FB. If a reader wants to ask me something, good heavens, drop me an email (and give me a few days to answer, because we just moved north to Pensacola FL late December and we’re still organizing, reorganizing and waiting on home repair people, etc..).


Raheiran Special Forces captain Gillaine Davré has just woken up in some unknown space way station, wondering where the last three hundred years have gone. The last thing she remembers is her ship being attacked. Now it seems that while she was time-traveling, she was ordained a goddess. . . . Gillaine’s only hope of survival rests with dangerously seductive Admiral Mack Makarian, who suspects her of being a smuggler—or worse. But he can’t begin to imagine the full extent of it. For Gillaine is now Lady Kiasidira, holy icon to countless believers, including Mack—a man who inspires feelings in her that are far from saintly…feelings she knows are mutual. But when their flirtation is interrupted by a treacherous enemy from the past, Gillaine’s secret—and secret desires—could destroy them both….

Author’s own photos



New Releases in #SciFi #Fantasy and Paranormal Romance for MARCH 29

I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking quite a few as I prepare these posts LOL). 

‘AB’ denotes audiobook and the Amazon buy link.



VS Note: So happy to see a new one in her VORGE series! She’s always an autobuy for me.

Since being betrayed by her home planet, Kelsey Bowen has been sold at auction as a human incubator. Until she’s rescued by a feline alien who claims to want to marry her. He’s got to be crazy, right? Since joining the crew of The Vorge, Tryleskian male Crath Vellar wants what his family has—a human life-lock. His littermates and cousin are very happy with the Earth females they’ve rescued and claimed, and after a lifetime alone, Crath wants someone to call his own. He’ll just have to make sure she survives long enough to give him a chance to win her heart. Not an easy task, when other alien males also want his Kelsey.

Amazon      Apple Books     Kobo


What happens when an off-planet work trip turns into a sham honeymoon with a fake alien husband? I, Birdie Clayton, a travel agent with a crippling fear of flying and a pile of debt, never thought I’d be doomed to face my worst phobia to avoid getting fired. Yet here I am, lightyears from home and touching alien grass. Everything was running as expected until Omen Bainbridge barged into my life. Thanks to a software malfunction, the famous alien athletics sensation is my new, unwelcome roommate. Stuck together for the foreseeable future, we hash out a decent plan to coexist. But when the unrelenting press starts hounding my every move, Omen suggests something outlandish. If I pose as his affectionate mate to help him secure his dream contract with the premier sports team in the universe, he’ll pay off all my debts. But as we navigate this game, the lines of reality and fantasy begin to blur and I question what’s true and what isn’t. Can I make it back home with my heart in one piece?      AmazonKU


He was her perfect match. Fed up with the deadbeats and jerks infesting the standard dating pool, Maeve reaches out to the Prime Mating Agency, hoping to improve her luck. Her fear of ending up with some weird primitive alien is immediately alleviated when she’s paired with a stunning Edocit. Smart, funny, sweet, and as hellbent in protecting the weak and the oppressed as she is, Helio exceeds everything she ever dreamed of. If only she didn’t have to keep so many secrets from him. Helio hadn’t been actively looking for a mate, least of all an off-worlder. But the moment he lays eyes on Maeve, he’s smitten… but also intimidated. Aside from the cultural shock their pairing is bound to give her, he’s a mere bounty hunter, while she’s a brilliant, high-ranking officer of the Enforcers, the elite intergalactic peacekeeping forces. Despite his insecurities, they’re off to a great start… until tragedy strikes. With the lives of countless innocents on the line, will the clash of their respective worlds tear them apart, or will they overcome adversity to prevail against evil?     AmazonKU


They took her from me. My mate is in danger. And I will do anything to save her. Even take part in the Trials of Kalumbu, the most dangerous games in the galaxy. Can I trust him? I’ve been abducted by aliens, tortured, imprisoned, and now dropped onto a planet filled with monsters. My day couldn’t get any worse. Until an alien with horns and a tail arrives as my knight in shining loincloth. Is this yet another trick or is he really here to save me?     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


HAZEL – I  get lucky when horned blue aliens rescue me straight from cryo. So when I get the chance to use my communications skills to help save other human women, I jump on it. It’s perfect. Except for him. Of all the handsome devils, why did I get stuck alone on a mission with a heartbreaker? Especially one who keeps losing his shirt and carrying me everywhere. Kirel is all smooth talk and easy charm. He claims I’m his fated mate. But I refuse to be fooled by a handsome face again, no matter how tempting his whole… package. KIREL – I never met a computer system I couldn’t hack or a female I couldn’t tempt for a fling. But without a fated mate, all of it was flimsy and fleeting. Until her. My soul’s breath. The one destined to be mine forever. Hay-Zul is the puzzle I can’t figure out and the one I’m the most desperate to solve. I ache for her and her lush curves. When we go undercover to find more Hyoo-mon females, we pretend to be fated mates. But it’s not fake, and I’ll prove it to her. Then I’ll take her as mine.   AmazonKU


The couple that spies together, survives together! As intrepid human journalist Elif Moora stalks the levels and voids of Artha Station, camera drones on alert, interview subjects reveal the inner workings of Universal Society and offer terrifying hints regarding the existence of a mysterious mastermind, one intent on destroying humanity. Kirk Tormod, pict rogue and undercover USIA agent, has spent the past three years in pursuit of the mastermind. When Elif crashes Kirk’s investigation, damage control means recruiting her as his girlfriend. But what could one lone, human woman bring to the party? Secrets of her own. I Spy an Alien is a cozy, space opera thriller.   AmazonKU


VS Note: From the blurb for Book One: “Evelyn enjoyed living a nice, quiet life in an anarchic pirate port, far from the world she’d once conquered. Then came an attack by mercenaries that made her angry. By the time the dust settled, she had a group of former slaves which she’d freed, her djinn assistant had convinced several of the women that they should join Evelyn’s brand-new harem, and she was looking for a new home, likely aboard a ship.”

There will be hell to pay. Evelyn’s parents have been missing for more than thirty years, and at last Evelyn has a clue as to their fate. Investigating won’t be easy, even for someone as powerful as she is, yet she won’t be deterred. Her preparations have her requesting aid from those of great power and visiting ancient ruins with hidden dangers, yet all of that pales before what she will encounter. It’s really a shame that she’s truly pissed off.     AmazonKU


Being the only female electrician in my company can be hard enough most days, but on April Fool’s Day, the guys go all out with pranks. So there’s no way in hell I was going to take them seriously when they told me they found a flying saucer at the edge of a job site. The huge pink dude they got to play an alien begs me to help fix his ship, but I’m not falling for it. I decide to shock everyone and kiss him right there—time for payback. Except when we kiss, the chemistry between us is electric—literally. Because apparently he’s a real freakin alien! And now he’s claiming I’m his biological mate, but I’m too grounded to let the sparks flying between us knock me off my feet. Alien Love Encounters – It’s April Fool’s Day, and these ladies have had it with all the pranks. So it’s no wonder they don’t believe that aliens have landed on Earth. Maybe smooching an alien is a weird way to call a bluff, but it sure makes for an interesting alien encounter. This book is part of a multi-author collaboration celebrating mistaken identities and first-contact alien romance.      AmazonKU


VS Note: An expanded re-release with an additional, new 12K words.

A trip on the luxury star-liner, the Wandering Star, to the far-off sights outside of coalition space is an often dreamed of opportunity of a lifetime for the citizens of United Earth. For Kelly Roberts, winning the citizen’s passenger lottery is also a chance of escape from a demanding life where she is often treated less than human for her cybernetic implants as a mech-technician. An alien attack on a star-liner had never happened before. It should not have happened, ending both her life as she knew it and her dream vacation with cyrostasis in an escape pod. Waking in an unfamiliar sector of space by her alien rescuers, and with no way home, Kelly suddenly finds herself in a situation where she must define what her new life will be and the forbidden attraction that she’s beginning to feel for the males who rescued her. For a pair of males exiled far from their homeworld to manage a quiet waystation on the outer limits of Zelekzan space, finding a capsule containing a lone alien female is an unexpected surprise. Drawn by her scent, and charmed by her curious exploration of their home, Hlek and Krith dare to dream of the possibility of having a mate. A dream that is threatened with the arrival of a dangerous stranger to their station who also hungers for the female they would make their own. With the law working against their instinctual desires, they will do all that they can to protect her even as they work to woo the female that they can’t imagine life without.     AmazonKU


One signature. That’s all it took for my life to be turned upside down. Now I belong to the ISC. At least, that’s what I thought, until they shoved me into the cell of a giant, hyena-like alpha with a possessive streak and filthy sense of humor. He owns me in ways they never could and makes me yearn for a future I never thought possible. Will he fulfill my dreams of freedom, or will I forever be trapped in this hellhole? **This story is knot for the faint of heart. It is a dark action-packed Omegaverse romance set in a world where violence and sexual situations occur. Scenes are not glossed over. Sensitive readers please abstain.**

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Simon – I needed to get the hell out of Big City. The only reason I was living in this American wasteland was because my mother insisted I reconcile with my estranged father. That the idea came to her while drunk on the French bubbly should have been my sign to stay right where I belonged. Anywhere but here. Certainly somewhere more fabulous. When an international job opportunity arises, I jump on board. It’s just a bonus that I’ll be traveling with the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. Make that muscular, morally gray, and hopefully, my next conquest. What’s a casual fling between coworkers, after all? I’m ready for my next big adventure—far from Big City—so if whatever we’re up to is vaguely illegal, I’ll simply turn the other cheek. It’s not like some superhero is going to swoop in and stop a couple of humans like us. Wolfgang – I may have orchestrated my villainous parents’ deaths, but that doesn’t mean the crushing weight of my responsibilities is easy to bear. My sister was the only one…(more blurb on ebook seller’s platform)    AmazonKU


VS Note: The author only seems to have one blurb for all the cyborg books and this is it:

This is a Happily Ever After, Galactic Cyborg Heat Series, Hot Romantic Fiction Novel. This tantalizing story of passions and desires unexpectedly brings together a Cyborg and a human female in a way they never thought possible.     AmazonKU

LOKI’S RING by Stina Leicht

VS Note: Not a romance but an LGBTQ scifi release of note. Sounded good to me, put it on my TBR list.

Gita Chithra, the captain of the intergalactic ship The Tempest, is used to leading her crew on simple retrieval and assistance missions. But when she receives a frantic distress call from Ri, the AI she trained from inception—making her like a daughter to Gita—she knows she’s in for something much more dangerous. Ri is trapped in the depths of Loki’s Ring, an artificial alien-made solar system, and says everyone in the vicinity has been infected and killed by a mysterious contagion. Gita and her team investigate, only to discover horrors at every turn, and are soon stranded themselves, leaving them vulnerable to infection and attack. Forced to call on an old friend to help them out of this mess, Gita must succeed or risk losing everyone she’s ever loved.

Amazon      AB     Apple Books     Kobo


There is no way to predict the future or pick the planet where you would crash. When Lily embarked on a space ship to become a colonist on Hamunaphtra 4, she had no idea what the future will hold for her. All she knew was that by taking this job, she offered her mom and sister a carefree life. No one told her that the space ship could crash and that instead of waking up in the new Colony she would end up on a Prison Planet. She didn’t even know that there was such a thing. After being trapped and destined to be sold as a slave, Lily is freed by a bounty hunter. A rough… Creature… because the male that stood in front of her cage was not a man. He was something else: a tall jackal like creature that looked like the ancient Egyptian God Anubis. Amon-Kan was attending to business, hunting his prey on the surface of the harsh desert planet. With only his trusted companion Brox the maul, his sword and his gun, he stumbled upon the most fascinating creature. She was too small and weak to survive…(more blurb on ebook seller’s page)   AmazonKU


He calls me ‘his’, says I’m his treasure. I never agreed and now I’m forced to be near him…I never expected to be in this situation. Trapped in a bunker with the Zmaj, a race of sexy alien dragon-men, and on the brink of extinction. As a genetic researcher, I’ve been tasked with studying the Experiments. Zmaj who have undergone horrific body alteration at the hands of the evil scientists who built this place long before humans arrived on Tajss. Now I’ve discovered that one of the Experiments is our best hope for survival. I know he can withstand the radiation outside, and our leaders need us to find a place on the surface safe for humans. We’ve only got a couple weeks until our food supplies run out. But when I wake him up, everything changes. He claims me as his treasure, saying that I’m his forever. I didn’t agree to that, but once a Zmaj claims you, it’s for life. As we embark on a mission to save both our species, I’m forced to spend time with him. Alone. I know I should be focusing on the task at hand, but I can’t stop thinking about Dal. And I’m worried. How do I keep the boundaries between us? Can I resist his seductive pull? In this world of deadly danger, with everything trying to kill us and only him for protection, anything can happen.     AmazonKU


No one wants the attention of an alpha. Huge, Brutal, dominant… but what happens when you’re pretending to be one? I’ve always been an alpha. At least, that’s what I’ve been told all my life. But one look at Thale Barnes, and I’m running scared. Something about the big, brutal alpha gets my motor running. And it shouldn’t. I certainly shouldn’t want his kisses, his dominance… his fangs in my neck marking me. The plan was to ignore him. Until Logan Shaw, a sexy as sin beta whose scent screams alpha. Now I have two of them vying for me, and everything inside wants to submit like the omega I shouldn’t want to be…She’s an alpha. I shouldn’t want her. Yet I can’t keep away. Penny is my weakness. Has been since she joined the ASC. Hard as nails and stunningly beautiful it makes me ache, I know I don’t have a chance with her. Alpha and alpha won’t work without a pack and I’m not into sharing. Except Penny is worth it. Whatever it takes to keep her in my bed and safe—even agreeing to share with a beta. Getting caught between two alphas is suicide—but I don’t care. From the moment we met, it was lust at first sight. That she’s an alpha and I’m just a beta doesn’t stop me from wanting her, from wanting her in my bed and wearing my mark, even if it means taking on an alpha hell-bent on marking her without her consent.      Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo

THE STRANGE by Nathan Ballingrud

VS Note: Not a romance but a scifi release of note. On my TBR.

Since Anabelle’s mother left for Earth to care for her own ailing mother, her days in New Galveston have been spent at school and her nights at her laconic father’s diner with Watson, the family Kitchen Engine and dishwasher as her only companion. When the Silence came, and communication and shipments from Earth to its colonies on Mars stopped, life seemed stuck in foreboding stasis until the night Silas Mundt and his gang attacked. At once evoking the dreams of an America explored in Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles and the harder realities of frontier life in Charles Portis True Grit, Ballingrud’s novel is haunting in its evocation of Anabelle’s quest for revenge amidst a spent and angry world accompanied by a domestic Engine, a drunken space pilot, and the toughest woman on Mars.

Amazon     AB     Apple Books     Kobo

MADE OF STARS by Jenna Voris

VS Note: Not a romance but a scifi release of note.

Shane and Ava are a team. He steals the aircraft, she charms their mark, and together they take what they need. Not even their distracting chemistry could get in the way. Until Shane was caught and left to rot on a prison moon. Now, freshly escaped from confinement and simmering with anger, he has his sights set on their biggest job yet. Cyrus just graduated from the flight academy with a shiny new position lined up reporting to a well-respected general. On his very first assignment, he stops the outlaws in their tracks—or he would have, if his annoyingly handsome copilot, Lark, hadn’t fallen for Ava’s deception. But when Shane uncovers a top-secret plot that would leave his and Ava’s home world at the mercy of Cyrus’s military leaders, he makes it his mission to thwart them at all costs. It isn’t long before the two of them make interstellar headlines with each new heist. And thanks to a chance run-in with the rebels, Cyrus is caught between two versions of the truth. He must pick a side—and fast. Because Shane and Ava will bring the planet to its knees . . . or die trying.        .Amazon     AB     Apple Books     Kobo


I will never marry again. Not after my first taste of freedom in over a decade. Thankfully, I’m also not qualified to enter the Match Program, where I would be forced to mate with an alien. But I do want children and the leader of the Brona tribe offers me the chance to become a Breeder, a coveted position within the clan to reproduce with qualified males. No strings attached. I pick and choose who seeds me. What could be more perfect? Isabelae has visited our planet to be with her daughter and we’ll do anything to keep her here. She’s determined to become a breeder. The sweet female has no idea she is meant to be mine. But I will agree to her ludicrous idea. She just has no idea I refuse to let anyone but me plant babies in her womb.     AmazonKU

UNUSUAL MINDS by Tracie Hollis

As a child, Angela Mathers was the victim of a top-secret experimental program that implanted neural chips in children to correct disorders and enhance intelligence. Shunned by society, she, and others like her were locked away in camps. Now an adult Luman, she is both brilliant and calculating. Her quest for redemption brings her to D.C. where she works to get a government bill that would free the Lumans passed into law. Isabella Dodge works for Control, the agency tasked with tracking and imprisoning the remaining Lumans. But Isabella has one secret. She’s a Solo—an undocumented Luman who fled the camps years ago. When their paths cross, an innocent touch sparks something in both women. But is it love, or simply their neural programming? When Control finds out Isabella is a Solo and captures her, Angela finds her answer—she will risk everything to save Isabella, even her own freedom.      Amazon

THE NEW ONE by Evie Green

VS Note: Not a romance but a scifi release of note. Put it on my TBR.

For Tamsyn and Ed, life is tough. They both work long hours for very little money and come home to their moody, rebellious daughter, Scarlett. After a tragic accident leaves Scarlett comatose and with little chance of recovery, Tamsyn and Ed are out of options until a lifeline emerges in the form of an unusual medical trial. In exchange for the very best treatment for Scarlett, a fully furnished apartment, and a limitless spending account, the family must agree to move to Switzerland and welcome an artificial copy of their daughter into their home. Suddenly their life is transformed. Tamsyn and Ed want for nothing, and the AI replacement, Sophie, makes it feel just like having their daughter back—except without all the bad parts. Sophie is engaged, happy, and actually wants to spend time with her parents. But things take a turn for the worse when Scarlett makes a very real recovery and the family discovers that the forces behind their new life are darker than they ever could have imagined.

Amazon     AB     Apple Books     Kobo


Love makes you do crazy things. Like risking your life for a stranger you have no business helping. Life was good. Just me and my son living off the grid where no one should have found us. But it seems my luck just ran out. Because now there is a soldier passed out too close to my home. And he is too hot to let die. I nurse Moglox back to life and I must have the magic touch. Because this sexy warrior can’t leave me afterward. To me, this life has always been about survival. But with Moglox, I’m starting to learn there might be more to live for. And for him, there is only one thing he wants. Me.   AmazonKU


VS Note: Genetic engineering

Unexpected consequences…Aaron and Will enlist the help of sexy barmaid Danielle Sullivan to track down the man who once held their unit captive, subjecting them to torturous experiments. They never intended to put her in the line of fire. Now they must protect her from their pasts. If they can keep her alive, maybe they can keep her for themselves.    Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Mirabella is running for her life when two huge, muscular alien warriors come to guard her. Will she lose her heart when she is…Shared by the Monstrum? Mirabella is a reluctant ruler—she never asked to be the Ruling Member of the Sacred Seven—the governing body of Opulex. But things get much worse when all the other members of the Sacred Seven are murdered by a ruthless serial killer. Miri goes into hiding but help is on the way in the form of two huge, muscular Monstrum warriors who vow to guard her with their lives. Saxon and Lynx are Monstrum Shifters. They can appear humanoid or Shift partially or fully into huge beast-like predators. The two have a special bond they formed as boys which enables them to be more effective warriors. However, it also means they have to share a mate…in every way. A past mating with the woman they both loved ended in tragedy, which caused them to put their hearts on a shelf and vow never to love again. Miri feels an instant attraction to both the big Monstrum and they want her too, but the past stands in the way of their happiness. In the meantime, they have sworn to protect her no matter what. But when Miri’s fate takes her to visit the Oracle at Delphi Prime, their relationship is turned on its head. For on this strange planet, every male is required to have a “sex pet.”

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: Exciting to have a new series from her!

On a planet where there are no rules, she’s the prize, and he will claim her, no matter what the cost. I know I’m not ever getting back to Earth, but I’d settle for escape from the cage I’m being kept in. Instead, I end up as a prize in an alien game where a golden eyed, horned alien lord is the winner. The Remek Lords are notorious for their brutality. Vicious, dangerous and feral, I’m about to get up close and extremely personal with one of the most ferocious species in this galaxy. Only Taborr is not what I was expecting at all. Aloof, passionate, dominant, he knows exactly what he wants.  His fated mate. Me. He’s been alone in his citadel for a long time and, despite his savage nature, he has needs I never would have expected from such a fearsome alien. He needs hope, a future, a way of freeing his captured crew, of being whole again. I’m not sure I can love a monster, even one who’s vicious exterior hides the noble beast within. I’ve already had my world ripped apart once and if Taborr wants my heart, he’s going to have to fight for it.     AmazonKU


VS Note: Not a romance but an LGBTQ scifi release of note.

A captain without a ship isn’t a captain at all. Rescued from the island she and her crew were marooned on, Jerry wants nothing more than to exact her revenge on the Wench’s Dream. Shipless, penniless, and stuck, Jerry scrambles to form a plan. With the virus taking a severe toll, her resources are thin. She has a crew to feed and responsibilities to live into. But she’s consumed by her obsession with her ship—the only home she’s ever known. Calling in all the favors she has, Jerry sets on a quest to rescue her ship from a band of pirates.     AmazonKU


Thirty years ago, the Zuvgran released a virus that killed most Svesti females and rendered the remainder infertile. The Svesti initiate first contact with Earth when their scientists discover that humans and Svesti can interbreed. Humans may be able to save the warrior species that has been protecting Earth’s region of space for a century. Talia has no intention of entering into a breeding or troth contract, no matter what her government promised. All she wants is to negotiate a treaty and go back to Earth to her son and sister. Vared is the commander of the space cruiser. As a warrior, he isn’t sure he wants any mate. His job: deliver the human females safely to their Choosings at the King’s Court.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


There is nothing left on Earth for Jill Harris. Being able to survive day to day is such a struggle that when she’s given the opportunity to work in Rhapsody, a city in the new colony of Mercurium Port on Jupiter’s terraformed moon of Ganymede, she is all in. Her path takes a sudden turn, however, when a vessel comes through the cosmic fault, delivering into her path two winged Geminidae males. They tempt her, fascinate, and charm her, and draw her by some force until they are suddenly separated by the powers that be. For the short time she’s known them, moving on with her life without them shouldn’t be so hard and yet they consume her every thought and continue to pull at her as if tied by some invisible string. When they drop back into her life and claim that she’s their mate, she has…(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)   AmazonKU


What if your nightmares were really suppressed memories? Twice, I disappeared for more than a year, only to turn up with no recollection of where I’d been. Vague details came to me in blurry dreams, but no one believed my suspicion that I’d been abducted by aliens. Most days, I thought that I was losing my mind but the signs of pregnancy on my body were confirmed by my doctor, so where is my child? And who is the man with the tattoo that I keep dreaming of? Chatting online with a stranger results in the opportunity for Jade to get answers about her mysterious loss of memory. But can she trust the aliens who say they want to help her or are they here to kidnap her for the third time?   AmazonKU


I came here to be a companion. I never meant to be a rebel—or to fall in love with one. Calix Callisto would never have been my first choice for a mate. Despite his looks, he’s young, impetuous, and a little bit superficial. We should never have gotten along. A gymnast back on Earth, I’m everything he’s not—intensely disciplined, coolheaded, and a problem-solver. As it turns out, though, we balanced each other out. We even became…friends. Friends with benefits, no less. And then Ixion devolved into rebellion, and we had to make a run for it. Now I’m no longer bound to him by any program—just the need to help each other survive. And we’re good at that. We’re good at everything together. I want to keep it that way, too—which means no falling in love. Nothing that could eventually break apart our friendship when we realize that this won’t work permanently—and was never meant to, in the first place. There’s danger coming at us from all sides, and we don’t need distractions. Not when Calix is a whole distraction himself. And me? I never wanted to fall in love anyway. Not on Earth, and not on Ixion. Not anywhere. Until we’re separated, and I learn a terrible truth—Sometimes you don’t know what you want until you’ve lost it. Maybe forever.      AmazonKU


I’m stuck in a prison cell with a hot, double tongued, blue alien. Unfortunately, he hates me…A massively gorgeous blue alien tries to save me from our ruthless insectoid overlords, except we’re both captured and thrown in jail. He’s a jerk to me because he blames me for his capture. I can’t stand him and his grumpy ways. But even though I loathe him at first, there’s something pulling me to him, making me want to surrender to the delicious feeling of his skin on mine. Too bad his little grudge is the least of our worries…A fated bond forming between our souls threatens to consume us in a blaze of passion. But we must resist our carnal urges and find a way to escape. If we don’t succeed, they’ll rip my soulmate away from me… and I’ll have to face a breeding ritual worse than death.     AmazonKU

THE ALIEN’S MATCH by Elaine Waters

This dragon says he will make me shine brighter than his treasure, and he succeeds every time he touches me. Threatened by a dwindling population, the dragons create a matching program where their fittest warriors seduce and conquer humans, providing comforts and pleasures fit for a queen. It has been decades since they attacked Earth and destroyed our cities, but I haven’t forgotten. After years of resentment and fighting to survive, I have no interest in their matching program. But when my rebellious sister enlists, I go on a wild chase that lands me in the brawny arms of an unyielding dragon who sets me on fire without breathing a single flame. I’m stuck on an alien planet with this relentless man. He has so much wealth, status, and muscle that little can be denied, but the greedy dragon wants more: me. I resist his advances, but with every touch and whisper, every time he flies me into the sky to do wicked things no one else can see, I fall deeper into his lure.     AmazonKU

BABY FOR THE ALPHAN CAPTAIN (ALIEN BABY PACT BOOK FOUR) by  Aurelia Skye, Juno Wells and Kit Tunstall

A runaway proxy, a determined Alphan, and a searing claim that marks them both.
Five months ago, Pei Ling Xiang’s life was turned upside down when Earth authorities broke into the bunker where her family had sheltered for the last eleven years, dragging her parents to prison and taking her and her sister to the Faction Embassy to be registered as proxies. When she learned she would be paired with an Alphan, she panicked and fled. If Brighton hadn’t taken her in, she would have been in a desperate situation. Once he catches her, she settles in with Zafer and grows to care for him, but her family is still at risk. Zafer Karr spent five months tracking his wayward proxy, and once he acquires her, he tasks himself with winning her trust and proving she’s safe with him. He believes he’s succeeded, and she weathers her first omegan heat without fear, so he’s mystified when she disappears again. He won’t let her go without a fight, because he loves his stubborn human and wants to make her his mate forever, not just a year.   AmazonKU


Being matched with an alien to have a baby was supposed to be my escape. But my new start shattered when my alpha gave his life trying to protect me from kidnappers. When I met Orri, I was injured, going into heat, and terrified. He kept me safe though, and instead of abandoning me to suffer alone in my heat, this menacing alpha warlord stays at my side. I’m torn, my heart splintering. I can’t give what’s left of my heart away, but everything tells me Orri is right. That I can trust him. How can I love an alpha warlord who thinks his heartmate died years ago? I can’t let another male take everything I have and give nothing in return. I don’t think I have a choice when it comes to Orri, though.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Can an alien fated mate stop the rage keeping me isolated in my dimension? Alexis: I’m giving up. It’s a tough pill to swallow because I’m only three years into University. But I’ve lost my parents in the last couple of weeks. It’s only a matter of time before I get sick and turn into one of the stalking infected or I get caught and abused by looters.
I’m tired of all the death, and living in fear is exhausting. Now men from the work camps up north are heading my way. I can hear them getting closer, and my back’s against the wall—or the cliff–to be more accurate. I’d rather be dead than this lonely and terrified.
Stane: The Wen virus has exploded into view again. This time on an underdeveloped planet called Earth in the Ashen Zone. When my old friend Purlogh contacted me with the news, I was interested in investigating the Fakel involvement with him. They must be stopped. But when Purlogh ends his communication saying a Sinth Guardian found his fated mate among the human females… of course, I take off immediately. Only a mate can …(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)    AmazonKU


Four unmated alien lizard men from each of the three warring tribes. Twelve human women sent to live out the rest of their lives on their planet. You do the math. After many cycles of the farthest sun we have spent living in fear of our tribes dying out, the gods have answered our cries for help and blessed us with females for whom we burn. However, I cannot allow the other tribes to get a hold of them, knowing how they have mistreated their women in the past. I must protect these small, delicate females at all costs. But how can I focus on such an arduous task when my soft little mate, my Gaby, torments me with her large, pleading eyes and a scent that brings out the beast I never knew slumbered within me? For all the savagery I have accused the other tribes of, I am beginning to wonder whether I am truly any different. Gaby – So, basically, I was put in charge of a dozen girls last-minute to start a new life on Juras 5 as part of Earth’s attempt to test which other planets we can move to when we’re done ruining this one. What we weren’t told, however, was that the aliens living on the planet are …(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)     AmazonKU


Life is about survival—not romance—but her Vahking Prince never got the memo. While I’m searching for my missing brother, I find myself in a dark alley with the wrong people. Too bad the hero that saves me is no better. He thinks he can win me over with sweet words, but I show him that I’m a girl of action… by ditching his ass. Unfortunately, fate isn’t easy to ignore. The Vahking Prince Rune’s blood sang for me, and now I’m in his sights. My family and my past keep me away from others, but Rune makes me forget all the lessons I learned to protect myself. Dammit. Now, I’m starting to see there is only one destiny for me—at his side. Will Rune be the one man who can break into my stone heart… or will my past push him away, too?

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Xena Moran was in over her head. Stealing from her former lover had been a bad idea, but it gets worse when the contents of the cargo turn out to be the most beautiful alien being she’d ever laid eyes on. Determined to keep her promise to return Mata to his home, Xena sets out to find out how a series of alien abductions is linked to her ex’s newest venture. No one said that it was going to be easy. Not when she’s being pursued by a pilot determined to get his boss’s stolen cargo back — no matter the cost. Xena will have to outrun him while keeping Mata out of harm’s way. With the help of old friends and new ones, Xena will discover that stealing just one piece of cargo might not be enough of a punishment for Ancyn Robak. First in a why-choose space opera trilogy.   AmazonKU


Kaviere is one of the long-lived aliens that humans call monsters. But Kaviere knows he is no monster. Humans are the real monsters—they destroyed the universe with their magic. But the universe isn’t what it was, thanks to a desperate plan put in motion by a desperate species. But something has gone terribly wrong…He wakes up on a world that should be dead. The first human he meets is Blane, and their connection is instantaneous. Even if Kaviere resists, he already knows the mating will not be stopped. But Blane is not only human, he has magic…Blane has no idea what a single meeting with a crazy monster is about to do to his life, but he knows one thing: loving a monster is not that hard to do, even when he’s the craziest monster Blane has ever met…A story of the New Canton Republic, where magic is determined to put an end to the ages old conflict between humans and the aliens who share their world!

Amazon     Kobo     NOTE: The other books in the series are on Apple Books


Rory’s got a virgin in a jam, teammates getting jumped in space station hallways, and the most intense interspecies communication exam ever. His squad is absolutely determined to get assigned to a FarCol ship before Day 30. But how many times can Rory save the day to get them there in one piece, and what exactly will the handsome, twisted Command demand he do in exchange for keeping his crew safe?   AmazonKU

HOOKED UP (EARTH CON 6) by Alice Gaines

For years, Mora has studied the ancient art of sex in the literature and history of her planet, Vesta. Now she’s been assigned to visit Earth to discover, hands-on, how sex is performed so she can re-teach the pleasures of the flesh to her people. Unfortunately, she’s been paired with an aristocratic prig who prides himself on tight control of his emotions and denial of any sensual pleasure. Thank the Universe he’s a handsome devil, or the job would be impossible. Laer has spent his life in pursuit of the intellectual over the carnal. Unfortunately, he scores high on Mora’s so-called tests of sensuality. Now he’s been assigned to a mission to Earth to study how to give and receive sexual pleasure. Watching a pair of Earthers make love opens up a new reality for him, but what follows between him and Mora in the bedroom steals not only his dignity but his heart.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo

*************************BRIEF BREAK BEFORE THE FANTASY/PNR BOOKS!***************************************

VS: My backlist highlight today is TRAPPED ON TALONQUE, one of my oldest titles and one where yes, I had so much plot I probably should have made it a duology. It’s my take on an alien “sleeping beauty” tale as well, which was a fun challenge to figure out. And I was so thrilled to find the FMC cover model because the character does have purple hair and there’s even a scene about her braids.


Will an alien sleeping beauty awaken to save him, or to destroy everyone around her?

Space Marine Nate Reilly and his Special Forces team are in deep trouble. Prisoners on a backward alien planet, they’re brought before an alien ‘goddess’, sleeping in her high tech seclusion. Nate is astonished when she awakes and establishes a psychic link with him. But her news is not good–he and his men must win a brutal challenge set by their captors, or they will die. She’ll give her aid, but in the end their courage and strength must win the contest.

Bithia sleeps in her chamber, as she has for thousands of years, since her own people unaccountably left her there. Viewed as a goddess by her captors, she must hide her ancient secrets to survive. But only the bravest of men may free her. Can she use her psychic powers to keep Nate and his men alive long enough to help her escape, or will her only hope of freedom die with them?

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo     Nook      GooglePlay

******************************OKAY, THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ONWARD WE GO!**************************************************


For Lydia Susi, there is no sweet sorrow in saying goodbye to the man she loves. As a wolven hiding among humans, she’s used to being alone—until destiny gives her the kind of love she never dared to dream about. But after a sudden devastating diagnosis, grief is the only thing she sees in her future. As an operative for a clandestine arm of the United States government, Daniel Joseph always expected to die an early death. He just assumed it would be out in the field—not in a laboratory hospital bed. With his time running out, he refuses a potentially lifesaving treatment to focus on making sure that Lydia finds her wolven clan. Following an attack on the lab’s compound, Daniel fears his former boss is coming after the two of them. Marshaling his strength, he must call on all of his training to protect his love…even if it means her moving on without him.    Amazon     AB     Apple Books     Kobo


Stolen by darkness, I exist in misery. A throwback with high blood running through my veins, they drain me and leave me broken. Mocked for my empathy when all others live for brutality and war. Then out of the darkness comes a warrior. The most wicked and feared of them all. He wants me, so he takes me, the last fairy with wings. Stolen by Darkness is a through the portal fantasy romance set in the Coveted Prey universe! It features a cast of shifter, mythical, and human mates, and the sweet fairy they will claim.   AmazonKU


This time, it’s all or nothing. Maverick – My return to Wolfwater comes at a price, but everything is at stake and I can’t lose. I’ve been delaying the inevitable for years all because of my family’s feud. I’ll end it somehow—even if I have to break tradition. I live my life without my mate beside me even though I know she exists. This time, it’s either all or nothing. I’ll have her soon—exactly how I imagined. Courtney – I thought I could defy the Alpha’s son without consequences. I was so very wrong. The beast inside the man wants one thing: my total submission. But the man has his mind set on something else: revenge. Last time I ran into Maverick in Wolfwater Bay, I told him to take a hike. And he did…Now that he’s back in town, I’ll do anything to avoid him and the thorough punishment he promised me so long ago.   AmazonKU


VS Note: Series is best read in order according to the author.

It all began with the kiss of Death. Abaddon, the Destroyer, right hand of Lucifer, has returned from the dead with one thing on his mind: revenge on the Horseman who kept him from taking back what is his. But spending time alone with Death has awakened something between them, resulting in an experience that he enjoys more than revenge. The natural conclusion is to keep doing it, of course. He never planned on his heart getting involved with a Horseman he can’t even touch. Death is the fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, arriving only when the end is near. The Apocalypse he and his brothers were summoned for this time is over, lost when they lost one of their own, but the stakes are higher now than ever before. It isn’t just Earth that’s at risk; the fate of existence now hangs in the balance, with a power-hungry God ready to unleash a new world order.
Death cannot touch another and has resigned himself to spending his existence alone, until a kiss changes everything for him. When Abaddon returns, and they pick up right where they left off, Death doesn’t fight the attraction …(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)     AmazonKU


With two weddings on Beach Drive, Danielle’s plan to temporarily close Marlow House Bed and Breakfast is put on hold. Not everyone showing up on Marlow House’s doorstep is a welcome wedding guest. Nor is everyone from the living world.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Hades and Persephone meets Snow White in this gothic-inspired dark fantasy romance. When the evil queen kills her father and takes over the kingdom, Princess Celeste flees for her life. There’s only one place to hide, the forbidden forest where those who walk its hidden paths are stolen. . .Celeste loses her way in the wood, but does not expect the half-man, half-monster who offers her shelter in exchange for a vow. She must help him with his quest and he will protect her from the evil queen. Unaware he’s a treacherous immortal known as the King of Hearts, Celeste agrees to the deal, binding herself to the king and his curse. As Celeste fulfills her vow she’s exposed to a dangerous world of magic, mystery, and music, including a castle full of gnomes, an underground mine, and portals guarded by unsavory creatures. Worst of all, a demon holds the fate of the king, forcing her to make a choice. Will she choose love or freedom?   AmazonKU


I didn’t mean to steal the book—but I did… and now I’m in big, big trouble. The moment I convinced one of my loyal customers to buy the leather-bound spellbook, I regretted it. At first I thought it was because I could’ve gotten more than fifty dollars for it—money that would’ve come in handy while I was on vacay—but while I was on the beach, all I kept thinking about was the book. It called to me for some weird reason, and when I got Shannon’s message that she had a question about it, I hoped that meant she would let me buy it back. Nope. She wanted to know where I got it from. Too bad I had no idea. Almost as if by fate, it popped up in one of my boxes of stock, but I couldn’t trace it. Believe me, I tried. So when Shannon offered to drop it off so that I could get a closer look at it, I jumped at the chance. And that’s how I found the “true love” spell in the middle of the book. I don’t know what made me decide it was a good idea to read it out loud, or what came over me when the beastly shadow monster appeared in my bedroom and crooked his claw at me…One thing led to another and, suddenly, I’m the bonded mate to a horned demon who doesn’t speak English, who stole me away to a terrifying world of shadows and skulls, and who I can’t stop touching even so. When I finally understand him, there’s only one thing my new mate wants to make sure is clear: I’m his. He has no intention of letting me go, either in Sombra or my world. And it isn’t long before I start to wonder if it would really be so bad to be forever bonded to the beast… especially when I discover just what mating during the golden moon in Sombra leads to.   AmazonKU

A HINT OF GLUTTONY by Arizona Tape

Gluttony has never tasted so good…After having her heart broken, Demi planned on staying away from the Forked Tail as much as possible, even if it isn’t what she wants.
Lana didn’t intend for things to get so complicated, but with the next round of DemonChef approaching, she needs Demi’s help if she’s going to succeed. Can the two of them put their emotions to the side and focus on the food? A Hint Of Gluttony is book four of the Forked Tail series, a light-hearted urban fantasy with demons, cooking, and a friends-with-benefits to lovers f/f romantic subplot.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


The new High Priestess is one of the Council of Poseidon’s exes…what could possibly go wrong? Aurelia has always taken her position on the Council of Poseidon seriously, which includes hiring the right people for the job. When her ex’s name comes up as a suggestion for High Priestess, she knows she’s the perfect fit, even if she’s never really gotten over her. Kate has always been determined to not let her heart get in the way of her career, so when she’s given a chance to become a High Priestess, she knows she has to take it, even if it means her ex is now her boss. Will they take hold of the second chance the fates have offered them? Council Of Poseidon is a fantasy twist on the classic Greek mythology of Poseidon with an f/f romantic sub-plot.

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VS Note: Previously published in Vella as Season Two of Wolf

As the new Silver Pack Alpha within the Stope Packs mining coalition, Seth Volk is committed to his people and his duty with a deadly focus. As such, enemies are coming for him from both within and outside the pack, determined to end him before he truly gets started. Even so, there’s one female for him in life, and he guards her above all others with a singular determination that both intrigues and infuriates her. Mia Stone was a trained FBI agent thrust into this world of immortality with centuries long enemies, a patriarchal structure, and shifting alliances that has her biting not only her lip but her mate. When a killer from her past makes a move toward her, she’s more than ready to meet him and take him down, although she’ll have to get past Seth to do so. Her loyalty is absolute, but the Alpha is about to see her temper in full force. Of course, a predatory wolf always bites back.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Despite her endless attempts to pull Blair Braden back into hunter life, Lily Walker and Blair are fast becoming friends. The only thing they don’t see eye-to-eye on is Blair’s retirement. And Blair is retired, thanks very much. But when Pearl Walker, aka Granny Ice Queen, aka the matriarch of the hunters, selects Blair to be the new liaison between the shifters and the hunters, Blair’s hiatus from hunting is no longer permanent. When Pearl says ‘jump’, nobody keeps their feet on the ground. Not even the long-retired Blair. As Blair scrambles out of retirement, she finds herself having insanely powerful visions and an irresistible desire to help the objects of them. As soon as she meets the man in her first vision, she can’t stop thinking about him. The handsome alpha wolf wants nothing to do with her, but …(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)    AmazonKU


Naamah – Babysitting a human witch isn’t how I should be spending my time when there’s sexual sin to collect, but I owe my succubus bestie after she helped me out last year. A demon always pays their debts. It’s supposed to be an easy job: stop the 17th century witch from attracting too much attention–from the mortals *and* from Hell’s favorite overdramatic overlord, Satan. But the sexual energy emanating from the witch is heady and addicting in a way no human should beAnd I can’t stay away… When I finally get her all to myself, it turns out I’m not the only dark and dangerous thing in the forest.   AmazonKU


A girl determined to do it on her own. The two men who’ll give her everything she never knew she needed. Lexie grew up in a tough environment, and when she escaped, she thought things would be easier. They weren’t. And once again she’s found herself in a situation where she has no money, no job, and nowhere to live. Maybe her mother was right and she wasn’t meant to make it on her own. Markus and Oliver are a perfect pair. Unidentical twins that are the opposite of each other, and yet perfect compliments. The bone of contention between them however is whether they’ll share a mate or not. Ollie doesn’t care and will take anyone Fate delivers to him. Markus is determined to stay single forever, believing what everyone says about him- that he’s not made to be a husband. But when Lexie literally runs into Ollie, their lives become intertwined and Markus will have to decide if he wants to risk his heart on a woman fate chose for him, or not.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo

CHAOS AND FLAME by Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland

Darling Seabreak cannot remember anything before the murder of her family at the hands of House Dragon, but she knows she owes her life to both the power of her Chaos Boon and House Kraken for liberating her from the sewers where she spent her childhood. So when her adoptive Kraken father is captured in battle, Darling vows to save him—even if that means killing each and every last member of House Dragon. Talon Goldhoard has always been a dutiful War Prince for House Dragon, bravely leading the elite troops of his brother, the High Prince Regent. But lately his brother’s erratic rule threatens to undo a hundred years of House Dragon’s hard work, and factions are turning to Talon to unseat him. Talon resists, until he’s ambushed by a fierce girl who looks exactly like the one his brother has painted obsessively, repeatedly, for years, and Talon knows she’s the key to everything. Together, Darling and Talon must navigate the treacherous waters of House politics, caught up in the complicated game the High Prince Regent is playing against everyone. The unlikeliest of allies, they’ll have to stop fighting each other long enough to learn to fight together in order to survive the fiery prophecies and ancient blood magic threatening to devastate their entire world.

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I wish I knew why I was born with the mark of a half-moon, but I was abandoned at the edge of a forest as a baby. Leading my forest army into war and fighting for my people is all that matters. I don’t need family and friends because I love my bow and arrow and I certainly don’t have time for relationships or sex. At least, it’s how things used to be. Nothing has been the same ever since the pretty witch Marwa chased me until we fought. Now I can’t sleep without thinking about how she kissed me or the embarrassing way she played with my body. And I allowed her to do those things! I should be ashamed of myself, but I can’t stop thinking about her. There’s more. The river and trees are dying and the moon had cracked into two. Everyone says the witches are to blame. How can the rift be healed? My people and Marwa’s have been enemies since time began. Is it too late to stop the rot?     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Grace is a monster hunter who went into her demon deal with eyes wide open. Years ago, her mother made the same choice and was never seen again, and the answers Grace seeks can only be found in the demon realm. She doesn’t care that she’s auctioned off to a gargoyle. She doesn’t plan to stay with him longer than strictly necessary. Unfortunately, she didn’t read the small print of her contract. Every time she tries to escape, Bram catches her and brings her back…to his bed. Where things get heated very quickly in unexpected ways. Grace doesn’t mean to give in, to stop fighting. But the moment she does, she starts to forget what brought her to this place and what her goals are. After a life starved of pleasure, she’s all willing to let Bram seduce her again and again…At least until the past comes calling.      AmazonKU


All roads lead to Underhill, where it’s always winter, and never nice. Harry Bodie has a famous grandmother, who wrote beloved children’s books set in the delightful world of Underhill. Harry himself is a failing kids’ TV presenter whose every attempt to advance his career ends in self-sabotage. His family history seems to be nothing but an impediment. An impediment… or worse. What if Underhill is real? What if it has been waiting decades for a promised child to visit? What if it isn’t delightful at all? And what if its denizens have run out of patience and are taking matters into their own hands?     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Summer fun meets eternal love in this sass kickin’ fated mates romance! Phoenix Tala is taking a break from his new home on the border of Blue Valley where his Pack and MC have recently settled down. With his Dire Wolf feeling out of sorts, he takes a road trip to clear his beast’s mind. But the Fates have more in store for him than an easy ride. Tracey Donner is tired of her upper-crust parents’ disapproval. After a shopping trip gets nasty, she takes off for the one place she felt happy as a child. Maccon City, New Jersey. She is ready for some serious changes in her life. But until then, a girl could have a little fun, couldn’t she? Of course, she never expected to run into that fun face first. Literally. A spontaneous moonlight skinny dip turns into something else when she swims into a midnight bather with more muscles than she knew was possible for one man to have.
Willing to dive into a vacation fling with the bad boy biker, Tracey is all about the moment, but Phoenix has forever on his mind. Can he convince the luscious female to be his mate?     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo

THE BLUE DOOR by Carol Holland March

The youngest child of a poor peasant family, Delia must marry or find a position as a servant in the nearby town to help her aging parents. She is loathe to relinquish her freedom, and has refused many suitors, when the duke of the land expresses interest in her. Maltric has lost four previous wives in mysterious circumstances. No one knows what happened at the castle, and many fear black magic is loose in the land. Delia is wary of Maltric’s attentions, but cannot refuse to meet him when he sends a message announcing his arrival. At night Delia dreams of her perfect lover, a beautiful green-eyed woman named Atishi who knows everything about her and offers her sensual pleasure more exquisite than anything she has experienced in her waking life. She begs to stay with her dream-lover. When Atisha tells Delia they can be reunited in flesh if she finds the blue door in the duke’s castle, Delia agrees to the courtship with the duke. Married and the mistress of an enormous castle, Delia searches for the blue door and finally locates it …(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)

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For Maeve Ruhdneah, being blessed with the soul of a goddess comes with a price. Now, war is on the horizon and she finds herself relying on the callous High King of Summer, Tiernan Velless, to help her control the magic in her blood. Yet as tension and temptation surge between them, she’s torn between wanting to stab him in the chest or tumble into his bed. But the High King of Summer carries a secret from his past, one that promises loss and death. With Parisa’s dark magic on the rise and unrest growing in the Autumn Court, Tiernan and Maeve must fight to protect everything they love or risk losing it all. Including each other. Because if one thing is for certain, the fates are not always kind.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Meg Pearson didn’t expect to spend the rest of her life working as a sous-chef in Lucifer’s kitchen at Hellscape Holidays Resort. But after a bad career move, she’s out of options and on the run. Hell’s hotel is the best place for a witch to hide. Or so she thought. When ten guests are poisoned, Lou and Portia call in a demon private investigator. Ford Huntington immediately takes the case. What better way to gain a favor from the devil than to save his beloved resort? But nothing is ever simple in Hell. Ford and Meg join forces when the hotel’s fate is on the line. Have Portia and Lou made their last match? Or will love save the day? When the devil is your matchmaker, expect one hell of a time!


DRAGON UNLEASHED (ACCIDENTAL ALCHEMY BOOK ONE) by Jessica Wayne and Heather Hildenbrand

I accidentally freed the king of all dragons. As an intern for the world’s only supernatural library, it’s my job to make sure nothing inside the books gets out. Unfortunately, I suck at it. Blame it on too much pumpkin spice, but one rainy afternoon, I somehow manage to conjure a literal book boyfriend. Aries is fire. And I mean that in the very real sense of the word. Not just the ripped abs and a jaw that could cut steel, but the fire-breathing, flame-inducing, might-burn-this-freaking-building-to-the-ground kind of heat. The attraction between us is undeniable. The danger? Even more tangible. Because the king of dragons isn’t the only creature I’ve unleashed. In the hushed stacks of the library, something stalks. No story is complete without a villain–and I’ve just met mine. Unless Aries and I can reverse the damage, there will be no happily ever after. Not for us.   AmazonKU


Milo is no stranger to the fine things, so why in the world would he deny himself the finest thing he’s ever seen across the small bar in his even smaller home town? Spoiler alert: he doesn’t, and his curiosity leaves him cuffed to one of the Hunters of Obscure Artifacts. The HOA’s magic cuffs leave him unable to don his scales and his dragon itches for freedom. Trapped hand in hand with his supposed mortal enemy, that’s not the only itch Milo would mind scratching. Xander, however, has other plans. They need this dragon’s treasure, because that’s what hunters do. But ever since the Big Reveal, torturing dragons for their treasure is outlawed. A minor complication, and one that requires the kinds of creative solutions Xander excels at. They’ll do almost anything to secure this treasure, and get unchained from the all too charming dragon it belongs to.
Is there any line a desperate treasure hunter won’t cross?     AmazonKU


The Forbidden Depths was a dangerous place holding the ancient secret – that within Akira’s blood is the key that will unleash a hoard of monstrous sea creatures that the goddess Atargatis once created but couldn’t control. After centuries of being locked away, they have gone mad and want nothing more than to feast on her flesh. Which wouldn’t be so bad if they could control their hunger for the rest of her people. As time goes on, Akira starts feeling a strange connection to Atargatis, one that sings to her blood and calls her to the first mermaid. Akira needs a way to sever the connection between her and Atargatis. With her friends, and new-found lovers, they journey to the most powerful sea witch, Urna, who might just have the magic needed. However, when they get there, she demands a hefty price, one that Akira isn’t certain she can pay. But Atargatis is on her way and each day her powers are growing stronger. And the ocean is becoming a much more dangerous place, warped and twisted, and with no one really to trust. When Atargatis’ powers affect Nami, though, Akira is faced with a terrible choice: sacrifice a new love or sacrifice the lives of her people.     AmazonKU


Just like all the other women in her bloodline, Hyacinth was shipped off to Blue Moon Academy immediately after graduation from high school. This was her opportunity (and duty) to learn all that she could about magic and witchcraft. From spells and incantations, potions and mindreading, to familiars and magical books, there was a lot to learn about being a witch. This is also when you take your Magical Placement Tests to learn what kind of witch specialization you are. It’s one of the most exciting times in a young witch’s life. There was just one problem…Hyacinth wasn’t displaying any magic. She takes her Magic Placement tests not once, not twice, but THREE times without verifiable results. Experts from the High Court are called in but then even they can’t make sense of it. What good is a witch with no powers? Staff is baffled, as she comes from a long line of celebrated witches. In fact, she’s next in line to be the High Witch, a responsibility she’s not even sure she wants. What kind of High Witch can’t even master elementary spells? Pressure to perform is hitting Hyacinth hard when suddenly, the focus is taken off her and onto a bigger issue. Something – or someone – is attacking the school.     AmazonKU

RUTHLESS LIES (KINGS Of EDEN BOOK THREE) by Mila Young and Harper A Brooks

The dark secrets of my past might just be the end of us…For a long time, I thought I knew who I was, but I’ve never been more wrong in my life. My father, the Horseman of War, found me. He’s a ruthless, bloodthirsty tyrant, and as far as he’s concerned, the two of us can’t be alive at the same time. So, guess who he’s coming for? I’m running out of time. My Kings will fight with teeth and claws to protect me, but what if it’s not enough? What if the men who gave me their hearts will perish because of me? I have no idea if any of us will survive…This final fight will be our sought-after salvation, or a savage end to the love I’ve finally found.     AmazonKU


My life wasn’t going anywhere, but it was still my own. Until the day a light appeared on a Hawaiian beach and swallowed me whole. It spat me out into a deadly underwater world full of monsters and magic. But I was saved from the monsters by the greatest monster of all—a Sea Dragon. A monster who is also a man. A king, no less. And having saved my life, he claimed it as his. King Asmar of the Rosrae Sea says I’m his slave. He says it over and over despite my protests. He doesn’t believe me when I tell him that I’m from another world. Nor will he accept the fact that I will not call him master or serve him in bed. But the King doesn’t force me into his arms. He seduces. He ensnares. He enthralls. And the Sea Dragon King is the most amazing man I’ve ever met. Arrogant, yes, but how could he not be? King Asmar is one of the most powerful men in the seas of Serai, with a legend that has survived centuries of hibernation. Men and women willingly offer themselves as tribute to him, entering contracts of slavery just for the chance of catching his eye and becoming his bed slave. If I don’t escape him soon, he will wear down my defenses, and I will become one of the many slaves who willingly serve him. But his city lies on the ocean floor, beneath thousands of feet of water, and no one within it would dare oppose the Sea Dragon King to help me. Unless I grow gills, my freedom is only a memory. The best I can do is hope that Asmar won’t claim my heart as well.   AmazonKU


VS Note: Although this seems like a nonPNR romance for the most part, it’s part of the PNR Mortar and Pestle series by various authors.

Lexi Pintari is stuck in a dead-end cubicle job that is slowly killing her. She tucked away her passion for art when the love of her life ghosted her after college. Witnessing her lack of motivation, Lexi’s best friend drags her to an art retreat for much-needed reflection and inspiration. Though knowing her ex-boyfriend is an artist-in-residence there, Lexi agrees to go. Unfortunately, her metal-goth style and enthusiasm for graphic comics clash with the pastel-scarf-wearing, tea-sipping participants, making her ex the least of her problems. Cole MacDougall is blocked. His rise to the top of the modern art scene is crushed by a missing muse. He is desperate to paint again, but the canvas remains blank. Due to the shortage of patronage revenue, he is forced to put up with the groupie-students. Until he sees a woman standing out like a sore thumb in ripped jeans and a leather jacket. Lexi. Hope blooms that he can renew his passion through her. For two weeks, Lexi and Cole work together, discovering what they’ve lost professionally and personally. Will a magical Mortar & Pestle show them how to connect the broken lines and seal their destiny?     AmazonKU


VS Note: A cookbook with recipes from the author’s cozy mysteries.

My name is Lottie Lemon, and I see dead people. Okay, so I rarely see dead people, mostly I see furry creatures of the dearly departed variety, who have come back from the other side to warn me of their previous owner’s impending doom. And guess what? I’ve put together a cookbook for you features recipes that span SIX of Addison Moore’s Cozy Mystery series! Including: Murder in the Mix Country Cottage Mysteries Brambleberry Bay Murder Club Hot Flash Homicides Cruising Through Midllife Meow for Murder
This cookbook is chock full of sweet treats and even a few savory dishes too. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to rumble—in the kitchen. When the fine folks of Honey Hollow found out I was putting together a cookbook they insisted that they contribute to it as well. There are recipes from my sisters, my mother, my bestie Keelie—with several of her “cheat” recipes—and even some from Suze, Eliza, Noah and Everett. I just know you’ll enjoy them all. Happy baking! A baker who sees the dead. One too many suitors. And a killer. Living in Honey Hollow can be murder.     AmazonKU


Alpha lion shifter Gideon believes that alphas and omegas are equals and should be treated as such. When his pride alpha passes and their son takes over, Gideon can’t sit back and watch the man ruin their whole pride with his outdated ideas. Unfortunately his plan is discovered and the consequences have him left for dead. Omega panther shifter Morgan is the forerunner, Alpha, of the Asilo pack— a pack whose mission is to help omegas in need begin their new lives. As much as he would love to find his true mate and start a family of his own, this life is a calling. He’s come to terms with it—what he does is too important to give up for his own happy ever after. The Asilo pack is omegas only. That’s the way it’s always been, but when Morgan discovers Gideon near death, he can’t let him die. Instead, Morgan makes a decision that changes everything for both the lion in his care and his entire pack.     AmazonKU


Royal alchemist Kaethe knows two things: Drinking tea made from steeped riverhearts will cure almost anything. Never, ever trust an orc. But when a rumor that she believes pertains to her missing brother has her leaving the safety and warmth of King Arkain and Queen Elvie’s court, she finds herself in the heart of the orc’s territory. Brokenbone Mountain is rumored to be filled with unspeakable danger. And if you can survive the harsh elements, those foul creatures that call the mountain home will enjoy feasting on your bones. Delightful. Bazur, General of the Black Claw Clan, has no time for humans. The years have turned him as cold as the mountain he calls home. The last thing he needs to turn up in one of his traps is a brightly-colored hair human who danger seems to be following like a shadow. Bazur should turn her away and let the beasts have an easy dinner. But there is something about her that stops him. That propels him to take her in and keep her safe.  Even if she seems terrified of him. When one of his soldiers falls ill, Kaethe is the only one able to save him. In return, Bazur promises her safe passage through the mountain and volunteers to watch over her while she acts as a healer to his village. As the nights on Brokenbone Mountain grow longer and colder, Kaethe and Bazur learn that the other is not what they appear. Will their distrust for each other give way to the passion brewing between them? Or are some old wounds too deep to heal?   AmazonKU

VALKYRIE by Kate Heartfield

Brynhild is a Valkyrie: shieldmaiden of the Allfather, chooser of the slain. But now she too has fallen, flightless in her exile. Gudrun is a princess of Burgundy, a daughter of the Rhine, a prize for an invading king – a king whose brother Attila has other plans, and a dragon to call upon. And in the songs to be sung, there is another hero: Sigurd, a warrior with a sword sharper than the new moon. As the legends tell, these names are destined to be lovers, fated as enemies. But here on Midgard, legends can be lies…For not all heroes are heroic, nor all monsters monstrous. And a shieldmaiden may yet find that love is the greatest weapon of all.

Amazon      AB     Apple Books     Kobo


So many impossibly powerful foes have opposed the wolves and their allies over the years. Evil witches, warlocks, fae, elves, and alphas, just to name a few. And all have found the pack too strong to break. But the foe hellbent on taking down the pack now—the vampire king, Cain—has a plan that might finally tip the balance of power away from the wolves. In the middle of the desert, Cain works desperately to find a way to mix the blood of wolves and vampires. While most find the idea reprehensible, Cain believes it is the key to his victory. He imagines an army of unstoppable hybrids with the combined power of the vampires and the Canis lupus. Such a force would be unstoppable, even for the powerful of alpha of alphas, Fane Lupei. And Cain just might have found the secret ingredient necessary to bring his plans to fruition.    Amazon      Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: Author states there is a “slight paranormal twist”.

Raven, V.P. of the Devil’s Murder MC, is no stranger to loss. Four months ago, his best friend Rook, president of the club, was gunned down and left for dead. Vengeance becomes his focus as Rook’s son Crow returns home to take his place as the new president. The hunt begins for Rook’s murderers, leading Raven to an abandoned house outside Las Vegas. When he enters and finds an innocent young woman being held against her will, terrorized by the rival club Dirty Death, his rage unleashes. Raven’s protective instincts kick in. He won’t let anyone harm Brianna, even if that means he goes rogue to keep her safe. But he doesn’t expect the men who took her to attack so soon. Brianna is in danger, and he can’t allow her to be kidnapped again. Going off-grid, he sneaks away in the night, taking her to a safe house. And that’s when he realizes he’d do anything for her, anything to keep her with him. Even if that means battling the ghosts of his past, his dead wife, and all of Nevada to have her.   AmazonKU


A half-drowned stranger turns up at the door of Garad Gaheris, retired King’s Champion, with a hell of a story to tell. The ex-knight may have uncovered a conspiracy involving the very highest echelons of London’s elite. Current King’s Champion Si Wyll, a master illusionist, still reeling from the betrayal of his lover and the death of his mentor, is poised to become the most dangerous man in London. Then a figure from his past surfaces, determined to blackmail him into a plot to change the balance of power for good. And the city’s godchildren, those born with illegal magical abilities, have had enough of being put down – but who must die to ensure their ascension?

Amazon     AB     Apple Books     Kobo


Just as Clara and her sister are settling into their new life, Drosselmeyer sends a desperate message to the Seelie Court. With Lir and Louisa occupied elsewhere, Clara and Finias (the Sugarplum Faerie) have no choice but to respond and forge deep into Unseelie Territory, where a cruel Queen, known as the Eater of Hearts, has taken the throne. As they infiltrate the Court of Dread, Finias and Clara are forced to keep their relationship a secret. Meanwhile, the ravenous victims of the Queen, called the Heartless, turn the Unseelie kingdom into a far more dangerous place than usual.   AmazonKU


VS Note: A re-release.

She just wanted a romantic holiday, not the literal embodiment of death at her shop’s door. When another year comes and goes in the blink of an eye and Morgan is still as single as ever, she makes a promise to herself: she’s not spending this holiday season alone. She’ll do whatever it takes, even if that means resorting to kissing the first person to walk into her soap shop as soon as the doors open. And she does. She kisses Grimm, the Grim Reaper sent to collect her soul.     AmazonKU


ABOVE – The Age of Enlightenment has come to England. Among the triumphs of science is the prediction by Sir Edmond Halley that a comet last seen in 1682 will return in 1758—a prediction that will soon be put to the test. BELOW – A century ago, the fae of the Onyx Court fought to defeat the Great Fire of London, an elemental Dragon that destroyed four-fifths of the city. In the aftermath, they banished its spirit to a comet—a comet that will soon return. BETWEEN – The race has begun. When Halley’s comet appears, the Dragon will strike, and the city will burn once more. Faerie magic alone cannot kill this monster; defeating it for good will require the aid of science as well. But science brings its own form of danger.    Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


When Sir Harrance ‘Harry’ Larksdale, bastard brother of the king, falls for a mysterious lad from the mountains, he is unwillingly caught up in a chaotic world of court intrigue and murderous folk tales. Meanwhile Queen Carmotta Il’Lunadella, First-Queen of the Brintland, needs to save her life and her unborn child. With the Third-Queen plotting against her, and rumours of coups rocking the court, Carmotta can rely only on her devious mind and venomous wit. But deep within the walls of Becken Keep squats the keep-within – patient, timeless, and evil. To speak of the keep-within outside the walls of Becken Keep guarantees your bizarre and agonising demise within nine days. All the while, people fearfully whisper the name Red Marie: a bloodied demon with rusted nails for teeth and swinging scythes who preys on the innocent. Harry and Carmotta are clinging to their dreams, their lives, by threads. And, beneath all, the keep-within awaits.     Amazon          Apple Books     Kobo


Dear Miss Phillipa Willoughby, on account of your preference for plants and stones over people, and your complete withdrawal from society, Her Majesty has deemed your Season a failure. Considering your utter defiance for all proposals, you are hereby ordered to attend The Monsters Ball. Phillipa Willoughby already had one successful Season, betrothed to Wesley, Duke of Chelmsford. But after her kind and gentle husband mysteriously disappears on their wedding night, she finds polite society intolerable and withdraws to the woodlands. With her hands happily in the dirt, she is delighted to learn the ways of the herbs and crystals she’s found in the forest, and the traditions of the fae who call the woodlands home. But all is not peaceful in this newly found sanctuary. The woodland creatures are being terrorized by a Wolven King. When Her Majesty demands she attend The Monsters Ball, a three-day affair at a remote gothic estate, her family threatens to shun her if she attends. But Phillipa welcomes the invite. She plans to seduce the noblest members of this monstrous society to get information on the fearsome Wolven King. Few have seen the beastly royal with their own eyes, but she’ll stop at nothing for the chance to confront him. To make life better for the residents of the woodlands she loves. But the Wolven King is on a mission too. He refuses to believe his condition is permanent, or to give up on his bride. He’s been watching over her while attempting to steal magic from the woodland fae to regain his humanity. When he’s given chance to reveal himself to Phillipa in his wolven form at the ball, he’s reluctant. He’s feral. And he’s determined to reclaim the love of his life, even if the lady has vowed to destroy him.     AmazonKU


Don’t look at the gibbet… Legend has it that disaster will strike all those who do. The townspeople of Last Light Point have come to respect the centuries-old advice. Those that didn’t, paid the price. (NOTE: story blurbs on ebook seller’s page…)

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Can one night, that could be written off as a drunken mistake, become more when neither of them wants to mess up their friendship or be forced to leave the pack if things don’t work out? Wolf Lust is a friends to lovers, steamy wolf shifter romance, with a wolf who’s scared to risk his heart only to find it safely held by the man who’s secretly wanted him from the day they first met.     AmazonKU


Scarlett Sutara Aditya has finally learned the full cost to save her world and correct mistakes that are not hers, but she refuses to accept the fate that has been decided for her. Making demands of her own, she fights for her twin flame, her family, and the realm that balances on her destiny. She has always played games by her own rules, but this time, winning might cost her everything. The broken are remade. The lost are found. Fate is defied, and new destinies are forged as the realm comes together to defend what is theirs. Kings will fall, and Queens will rise. Power is lost, and Chaos is born. Truth can be uncovered in the darkness, but some secrets can only be found among the stars.   AmazonKU


Can a dancer in her 40s, burdened with a troubled past, and a shifter Alpha with three kids start afresh, or will their past secrets and present hurdles be too much to handle?  Lily – With nothing left to hold her in Seattle, forty-something Lily Archer does the one thing she’s been too afraid of: Start over. A chance to teach irresistibly handsome but mysterious Samuel’s nephews the art of dance brings her to picturesque Greenacre – and Lily is sure she’d found her paradise. Until she finds that nothing is as it seems. Not only is Greenacre the home to a shifter clan, but Samuel is their Alpha. Dangerous, though, and protective of his clan and the kids in his care, he’s everything Lily should stay away from. Even so, she can’t get him out of her head and for the first time in her life, she’s willing to take a chance on love. There’s only one problem. The shifters of Greenacre aren’t the only ones keeping secrets. Samuel – Between the clan’s decision to allow human mates, caring for his three nephews, and keeping his clan safe, Samuel has his hands full. The last thing he needed was to lose his heart to a gorgeous, angelic human. Yet Samuel can’t resist Lily. Could it be that opening the clan to the world has brought him the one thing he always longed for? His fated mate. However, when Lily’s past collides with their present, Samuel is faced with yet another heart-wrenching decision: To keep his clan safe, will he have to let go.     AmazonKU

LONE WOMEN: A NOVEL by Victor LaValle

Adelaide Henry carries an enormous steamer trunk with her wherever she goes. It’s locked at all times. Because when the trunk opens, people around Adelaide start to disappear. The year is 1915, and Adelaide is in trouble. Her secret sin killed her parents, forcing her to flee California in a hellfire rush and make her way to Montana as a homesteader. Dragging the trunk with her at every stop, she will become one of the “lone women” taking advantage of the government’s offer of free land for those who can tame it—except that Adelaide isn’t alone. And the secret she’s tried so desperately to lock away might be the only thing that will help her survive the harsh territory. Crafted by a modern master of magical suspense, Lone Women blends shimmering prose, an unforgettable cast of adventurers who find horror and sisterhood in a brutal landscape, and a portrait of early-twentieth-century America like you’ve never seen. And at its heart is the gripping story of a woman desperate to bury her past—or redeem it.

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Determined to pass junior year, Logan won’t let Henry distract him—much. Logan’s focusing on all things human, which means his swoony vampire ex-boyfriend will have to file his own fangs for a change. When he goes to the school bonfire and runs into Henry, wandering into the woods seems like a great escape. Until he’s bitten by a wicked Crone with some twisted magical munchies. Logan is certain his ex-free human future is done when he’s dragged off to a scientific institution for study. There, he’s presented with an opportunity to keep his life, family, and future. All he has to do is stick to human ideology, since all things paranormal are illegal. But complications arise when the Crone begins to haunt him and Logan realizes that if he wants to get his life back, he has to navigate his lingering feelings for Henry. With the Crone set on devouring him and the institution ready to obliterate him for any missteps, Logan must decide between pursuing the human future his family wants—one that he thought he wanted too—or the chance to embrace Henry, even if the world isn’t ready.     AmazonKU


Ren Monroe has spent four years proving she’s one of the best wizards in her generation. But top marks at Balmerick University will mean nothing if she fails to get recruited into one of the major houses. Enter Theo Brood. If being rich were a sin, he’d already be halfway to hell. After a failed and disastrous party trick, fate has the two of them crossing paths at the public waxway portal the day before holidays—Theo’s punishment is to travel home with the scholarship kids. Which doesn’t sit well with any of them. A fight breaks out. In the chaos, the portal spell malfunctions. All six students are snatched from the safety of the school’s campus and set down in the middle of nowhere. And one of them is dead on arrival. If anyone can get them through the punishing wilderness with limited magical reserves it’s Ren. She’s been in survival mode her entire life. But no magic could prepare her for the tangled secrets the rest of the group is harboring, or for what’s following them through the dark woods.    Amazon      AB      Apple Books      Kobo


“Mom seems off.” Her brother’s words echo in Sam Montgomery’s ear as she turns onto the quiet North Carolina street where their mother lives alone. She brushes the thought away as she climbs the front steps. Sam’s excited for this rare extended visit, and looking forward to nights with just the two of them, drinking boxed wine, watching murder mystery shows, and guessing who the killer is long before the characters figure it out. But stepping inside, she quickly realizes home isn’t what it used to be. Gone is the warm, cluttered charm her mom is known for; now the walls are painted a sterile white. Her mom jumps at the smallest noises and looks over her shoulder even when she’s the only person in the room. And when Sam steps out back to clear her head, she finds a jar of teeth hidden beneath the magazine-worthy rose bushes, and vultures are circling the garden from above. To find out what’s got her mom so frightened in her own home, Sam will go digging for the truth. But some secrets are better left buried.

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Will I make it through the night? After beating me for slipping food to a starving, winged lion-man, my husband locked me in the cage with the beast who could kill me with one swipe of his sharp claws. Instead, the male gently wraps me in his downy wings, lending me his body heat until we’re rescued the next morning. The magical healing ceremony that saves both our lives has a catch. We must mate the two males who healed us: a grudging centaur who is hesitant to share and his fiery elf mate who doesn’t want to lose him. Forming a reluctant foursome, we battle our way to safety. We soon give in to our blazing desires, but will we ever find love?     AmazonKU


Seb – I’m the boring twin, the one who always has his nose buried in a book. I’m amazed by the new paranormal world that I’ve suddenly been thrust into. With both my brothers finding the love of their lives, I’ve been welcomed with open arms into our new family, but no matter how nice everyone is, I still feel like there’s something missing. I might be considered the quiet twin, but when I met a mysterious Reaper, all those fun filthy fantasies I try not to dwell on come to the surface. Ash – I know the Alpha of the Hellhounds has found his mate and I’m happy for him, but I’ve given up hope for myself. As a Reaper, I escort souls to their final resting place and live in the Hell realm. Unless my mate is condemned to a lifetime of punishment or is dead, I can’t see where I’ll met the person meant to be my forever…until a chance meeting at the Alpha’s house. When I first lay eyes on the small, sweet, nerdy human, I know he’s mine. Instantly I worry that he’s too nice for me, but one look in his eyes and I know the truth. This little ball of fire calls to my primal urges and begs for more.     AmazonKU


Angie – My life has become anything but my own. The shiny rock, the sensible fiancé…and a forced “vacation” to El Salvador, courtesy of my insufferable boss.
But I play the game, for the sake of my mother’s aristocratic aspirations, and for some peace. Little did I know that El Salvador would lead me straight back to a wolfish grin — the one that has me dripping with desire, ready to leave it all and get lost in the jungle…
My instincts are telling me to run. And a single night’s bad decision leads me to a group of cadejo filled with glittering magic, broad smiles and a twisted secret that will unweave everything I think I know about nightmares. Sal – The girl with gold-flecked eyes thought I was joking when I pledged myself to her in that playground. But we were bound in accordance with totoco law — and twenty years later, my cadejo can wait no longer for the mating ceremony. It’s cute that she thinks she’s marrying some snotty businessman — as if I’d let a man so unworthy of my Xochitl take her to bed every night. No, now that I have her scent again the dance is over. Whichever direction she runs, I’ll be there. Whatever the cost.     AmazonKU


Finding seeds of inspiration in the Brothers Grimm, seventeenth-century French lore, and Scottish ballads, Kelly Link spins classic fairy tales into utterly original stories of seekers—characters on the hunt for love, connection, revenge, or their own sense of purpose. In “The White Cat’s Divorce,” an aging billionaire sends his three sons on a series of absurd goose chases to decide which child will become his heir. In “The Girl Who Did Not Know Fear,” a professor with a delicate health condition becomes stranded for days in an airport hotel after a conference, desperate to get home to her wife and young daughter, and in acute danger of being late for an appointment that cannot be missed. In “Skinder’s Veil,” a young man agrees to take over a remote house-sitting gig for a friend. But what should be a chance to focus on his long-avoided dissertation instead becomes a wildly unexpected journey, as the house seems to be a portal for otherworldly travelers—or perhaps a door into his own mysterious psyche.

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WOLFWOOD by Marianna Baer

Indigo and her mother, once-famous artist Zoe Serra, have barely been scraping by since her mom’s breakdown. When a gallery offers Zoe a revival show for her unfinished blockbuster series, Wolfwood, Indigo knows it’s a crucial chance to finally regain stability. Zoe, however, mysteriously refuses. Desperate not to lose the opportunity, Indigo secretly takes up the brush herself. It turns out, there might be a very good reason her mother wants nothing to do with Wolfwood. Painting submerges Indigo into Wolfwood itself—a dangerous jungle where an army of grotesque, monstrous flora are in a violent battle with a band of girls. As Indigo enters Wolfwood again and again, the line between fantasy and reality blurs. It’s a tenuous balancing act: keeping her forgery secret and her mind lucid, all while fighting her attraction to Kai, the son of the gallery owner. And by the time Indigo realizes the true nature of the monsters she’s up against, it might be too late—and the monsters might just win.

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Deacon Haas has been a field agent for the DuCane coven for many years. He made a name for himself defending DuCane interests far and away from the forests of Mt. Pleasant. Back home he is a Commander for Louis DuCane’s guards and is keeping his eye on the prize, climbing to the top of the Coven he loves and keeping the borders defended. His biggest problem right now is the Northern border which has been breached on two separate occasions. Security is foremost on Deacon’s mind, not finding his beloved. When the Northern Border is breached again he gives orders for the person caught to be made an example of. They must be shown that they can never trespass on DuCane land again. What Deacon doesn’t know is that the man he has just ordered roughed up is his fate chosen beloved. ..(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)     Amazon


Sara Beth – At nineteen, I replaced my mother as high priestess of the Windsor coven. I’m duty bound to protect my coven and the king, and for almost ten years, I have worked to transform the coven from the rigid system of Mother’s rule, to a warmer community of witches. News of men being admitted to the Windsor coven has spread, requiring me to consider more of their petitions. Legend says that male witches destroy and kill, often turning to dark magic. This was the reason for the ban. Will my removal of the old prejudice bring us all to ruin? Adam – I’ve been running for over seven years, always staying a step ahead of my siblings. Each new town where I work my illusions and make a name for myself as a showman gives them the chance to catch up with me. ..(more blurb on ebook seller’s page)

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SPIN by Rebecca Caprara

Sixteen-year-old Arachne is ostracized by all but her family and closest friend, Celandine. Turning to her loom for solace, Arachne learns to weave, finding her voice and her strength through the craft. After the tragic loss of her family, Arachne and Celandine flee to the city of Colophon, where Arachne’s skills are put to the test. Word of her talent spreads quickly, leading to a confrontation with the goddess Athena, who demands that Arachne repent. But Arachne will not be silenced. She challenges Athena, and a fateful weaving contest ensues, resulting in an exposé of divine misdeeds, a shocking transformation, and unexpected redemption.

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Seven years ago, I ran away from my fate…The enemies who wanted me dead,
And my mate, Rowan Forge. Leaving was the only way to save him—the only way to save our clan—from death. But the High Council of Vampires found me and dragged me back to the mate I rejected, his brother who despises me, and my best friend, who no longer trusts me. They used to be mine, but I’ve lost them forever. With my enemies closing in, I’m walking a razor’s edge, compelled to mate Rowan to mend a deadly blood feud between our houses and play the council’s dangerous game. Forced to keep my darkest secret hidden from the male I love, but can never have—doomed to remain alone, when the men I crave are close enough to touch. War is brewing, we’re caught in the middle, and my secret’s about to be revealed. The world can burn. All I care about is whether or not Rowan, Finn and Darrow will be by my side after they discover the truth I’ve hidden from them my entire life.      AmazonKU


As Nephele, Alexus, and their faithful companions grapple with the devastating loss on Mount Ulra, the threat of Thamaos’s reign rises in the East. To prepare, the crew must strengthen the Northland and Summerland armies, even if it means depending on the one being they never thought would live again: Neri, God of the White Wolf. Nephele made a deal she can’t escape, a deal that not only ensures the Wolf’s resurrection, but one that forces her to remain at his side, even when he returns North to bolster defenses and destroy any traitors and enemies remaining on his land. The last thing Nephele wants is to spend her days and nights alone with a seductive, arrogant god, but Tiressia’s future depends on Neri being their primary weapon, one only she holds the power to wield. As Thamaos aims his first wave of destruction at Neri, Nephele finds that not only is the Wolf more difficult to control than she believed, but that he’s far more human than she gave him credit for. With every passing hour, the undeniable passion between them burns brighter, until their fire becomes impossible to resist, and impossible for Thamaos to ignore. Because the only thing he loathes more than the Wolf roaming Tiressia again, is that there’s a witch at his side, and her name is Bloodgood.

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I… have issues. I know. Who’d have thought that a jaded ex-cop elf would have problems with emotional commitment and self-esteem? Yeah, me, too. I’m trying to work on that. I’ve also got a new job, new boss, and a pile of bones I’m trying to identify while not stepping on too many official police-business toes. To top things off, it looks like the Antiquus Ordo Arcanum aren’t the only murdering cult making my life a living hell.
I’m in the middle of a battleground between not one, but two cults and a group of people who think that witches, warlocks, and people like Ward and me shouldn’t exist. And as if that weren’t enough, I’m struggling to find time to work on self-improvement and maybe manage to go on a date or two in the mean time with a certain shifter who is just way too adorable for words. I’m pretty sure he’s going to dump my ass. But I really, really, really hope he doesn’t. At least not before I can solve these murders and get my life a little more together than it currently isn’t.     AmazonKU


With a theater foundation tea and an art show planned at Violet Vickers’s estate, Courtney is hired to create charming fairy gardens for the event. It’s not so charming, however, when her best friend Meaghan’s ex-boyfriend turns out to be Violet’s latest artistic protégé. Even worse, not long after Meaghan locks horns with him, his body is found in her yard, bludgeoned with an objet d’murder. There’s a gallery of suspects, from an unstable former flame to an arts and crafts teacher with a sketchy past. But when the cops focus on Meaghan’s business partner, who’s like a protective older brother to her, and discover he also has a secret financial motive, Courtney decides to draw her own conclusions. Fearing they’re missing the forest for the trees, and with some help from Fiona the sleuthing fairy, she hopes to make them see the light.

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VS Note: I’ve been told there are some PNR stories in the collection. I love to support anthologies.

Celebrate spring, slip into an enchanting tale, and show your support for World Central Kitchen! Remember waking up with the first blush of a new romance filling your morning with joy? Seven breakout authors bring you a medley of love stories that will quicken your senses, lift your hearts, and make you imagine love in whole new ways. Spanning the scale from gentle and sweet to spicy hot, each entry brings a fresh look at love in all its variations along with the perennial promise of morning’s renewal. ALL proceeds go to the charity feeding people in need here and in every corner of the globe: World Central Kitchen.

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Stories can take you to the depths of sorrow or the heights of joy. Find out what happens when a wish comes true, when dreams are more than they seem, what steadfast love looks like and so much more. You will find an officer stationed to Area 51 and a man who can talk to animals. Every one is slightly different but hints to so much more than the world around us. For fans of Twisted Luck, you’ll find a Carelian story titled Thumbs.
I hope you enjoy these stories from my unpredictable mind.     AmazonKU


Silvia – I was a Hunter. A damn good one at that. And then everything changed. The Order, my parent’s death, everything about my old life had been turned upside down and all I wanted was the truth. But how could I even begin to unravel everything while still on the run from the two most powerful organizations in this country? You may think I will come crawling back Keir, but you have another thing coming. This never has and never will be my burden to bear. Keir – Two years. Two years had passed since Silvia left. Every day I hoped while looking out over the compound that I would see her once more, but ever since that night she had been a ghost. My clan needed her. needed her. You can run Silvia, but just know that one day I will get you back. It’s just a matter of time.



Five cruel sex demons who have fallen hard. One woman who may not be human. Enemies who know she’s not …I thought I knew who the bad guys were. Turns out I was dead wrong, but so were the Iron I’s and now everything has gone straight to hell.
Vic, Sie, Theo, and Paris are missing. Metro City is a war zone. And I’m stuck with the demon who hates me the most at another demon clan’s house in the middle of nowhere! Oh, and Vic’s creepy dad has his sights set on the girl who runs with the Iron I MC.
They say I’m not human, but what do they know? I mean, I think I *might* have accidentally killed two guys with my mind in a closet but trust me they totally had it coming. All I want to do is make sure the demons I’ve grown to care about are okay and shake off the one I don’t. But Korban has other plans and so do our weird hosts who may or may not be plotting against the Iron I’s to take me for themselves. Turns out I have a ton of powerful enemies I didn’t know about and they’re closer than I thought. I don’t know why everyone wants a piece of Jane Mercy, but those a-holes going to find out the hard way that this neuro-spicy human isn’t as weak as she looks. And then I’m going to get myself a happily ever after somehow, because after everything I’ve been through, I freaking deserve it!     AmazonKU


VS Note: Rereleases previously only on author’s Patreon.

Eleven Short Stories previously only available on Patreon featuring new fiction from the Muse Chronicles, Sedona Pack, Sentinels of Savannah and more…Ready to check in with the Muses and the werewolves in Sedona? And how about checking in with One-Eyed Bob from the Sentinels of Savannah? These stories and more are collected for the first time in this edition.

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Back again, I see. Well, you are in luck, for the story of, I, Detective Octavius Evander, continues! To start off on a positive note, prepare to be amazed as my precious human, Turney, falls into my hands! Okay, technically, I already had my hands on him—all of him—but that didn’t make him mine, mine. But now it is time to show how I captured his heart with my lovable personality! No doubt my adorable and sparkly new hobby had something to do with it as well! But enough about the gooey emotions. On to the cases! There will be a new adventure or two with my team to entertain. Though the adventures this time, well, not all end as pleasantly as one might hope. While I would say to prepare for the return of old faces, none of you have seen them before. Just know that their reappearance in my life leads to an unfortunate event. But in the paranormal world, fun and death go hand and hand, does it not? CONTENT WARNING: This is a M/M paranormal romance book that ends on a cliffhanger. There will be violence and a main character death—a temporary death.     AmazonKU


When it rains, it pours in Windy Ridge…When my ex, Alton, unexpectedly arrives in Windy Ridge with arms full of roses, I know we’ve got us a problem. And not just because I’m not looking to start up anything romantic with him. It’s more like Alton is human, and he’s just witnessed a diner full of fog-created creatures. To say that man has just suffered the shock of his life is putting it real mild like. Things only go from bad to worse when one of the locals, a crow shifter named Georgia, winds up with an arrow in her throat. Now we’re faced with a whodunit. Before I know it, I’m looking at Alton as a possible suspect. Not only does he know archery, but he’s been acting dang strange ever since he found out the truth of Windy Ridge. And weirder still? Alton keeps hearing the shrill scream of a banshee, the spirit of a woman who wails whenever someone’s about to die. Well, I’ve had just about enough of things going upside down in this backwoods town, so I’m gonna get to the bottom of this mystery right quick. I can only hope I solve it before that banshee gets to screaming again.     AmazonKU


My name is Marina Estuary, and I’m a mermaid. Actually, I’m a lot more than a mermaid—I’m a siren, but I have to keep that little tidbit on the down-low. Why? Because anyone who hears the song of the siren will either lose their mind or become desperately in love with me. That’s usually a buzzkill to most people. Anyway, not only am I a siren-in-hiding, but I’m also a private investigator. And I’ve been called to the newest of the supernatural hollows, Misty Hollow, to investigate the disappearance of three women. Not only did the women go missing from the blossoming hollow (which is more like an old west boomtown dropped into the middle of a Louisiana swamp), but the facts behind their disappearance are hazy at best. I’m not entirely sure that the quick-talking, devious and secretive vampire mayor of Misty Hollow, Alistair Beaumont, didn’t have something to do with it. Or could the truth lie with the unfriendly leader of the weregator community, Jean-Baptiste, a man as surly as he is sexy? Good thing for me that I’m an expert at unearthing truths that don’t want to be unearthed.   AmazonKU


When the current captain of Boston’s cold case unit comes knocking on Ronan O’Mara’s door he brings with him an unsolved homicide file and Ronan’s old police badge. Ronan is intrigued to say the least. The case is the twenty-year-old murder of a high school math teacher. It’s the one investigation Ronan’s partner Kevin Fitzgibbon could never solve during his time on the police force. Psychic Tennyson Grimm, is happy to have his husband’s days of wearing a badge behind him, but now Ronan wants back in, begging to solve one last case. While Ronan reminisces about their good old days working cold cases for the Boston Police Department, all Tennyson can remember are the times he and Ronan were shot, stabbed, and kidnapped. Never able to deny his husband anything, Ten relents and agrees to join the hunt for the killer, who’s had two decades to cover their tracks. As new leads and old secrets come to light, the finger of suspicion points in only one direction, but when Ronan and Fitzgibbon show up to make an arrest, their suspect has vanished. When the killer steps out of the shadows to take another victim will Fitzgibbon get there in time to stop another murder? Or will this case leave Tennyson and Ronan dead cold?     AmazonKU


As a child, Selene was left at the foot of the White Tower—given to the sorceresses who train those with magic. Her life has been spent honing her powers. But she can’t fully join their ranks until she fulfills a single, impossible task. Bring the Demon King, Lust, to his knees. Lust has ruled his kingdom for centuries. He is the reason his people live without remorse and indulge in their senses. Life is mundane and boring…until he runs into a dark haired enchantress with eyes the color of the night sky. With one whispered sentence, she changes everything. “I’m the beginning of something new.” Suddenly, the weight of centuries consumes him. He tries to use his powers of lust to sway her. He can bend the emotion, manipulate it, use that lust to control anyone he wants. But she’s a blank slate. He can’t feel anything inside her mind but ice and defiance. All it took was one sentence to get into his castle, even less to capture his attention. And suddenly, the weakest of the sorceresses finds herself in a game of wits she has to control. A game of deceiving a demon king while desperately trying not to fall in love with a creature who cannot feel anything but lust.      AmazonKU


The three have become the five. As crazy as it sounds, I’m bound to three sexy, bioengineered super soldiers. In a moment of battle, with blood flying and passions heightened, Link, Shift, and Flash were not only freed from their stasis, their powers engaged. I am their catalyst. I don’t know what to think about that… Connor doesn’t either.  With Shift imprinted on him and the three of them bound and bonded with me, it’s a big mess. As the pull between the five of us grows stronger, Andras Brass and his army come at us, determined that the three never reach their full potential. His first mistake was discounting them. His last mistake will be underestimating them.   AmazonKU


My name is Colby Witherington. It’s 2023 but I still live in a world of lords & ladies, balls & arranged marriages. It’s all very regency, except men marry men & magic is involved.
Desperate times called for desperate measures. I’m twenty-one and still unwed. Vessels are always married to a mage on their eighteenth birthday. It’s tradition. One I want to take part in. I long to surrender my body and my magic to a mage. But when I was seventeen my first fiance got himself killed in a car crash, days before our wedding. Leaving me in this mess. I’ve tried everything and it’s been years. So tricking the lovely Duke Rakewell into a compromising situation at a ball is my last option. But it’s Duke Sothbridge who falls into my trap and is forced to propose to me. Evil, cruel Duke Southbridge who ravished Lord Garrington’s vessel on a balcony and fought a duel over it. Him. I’m engaged in an arranged marriage to him. What on earth am I going to do?   AmazonKU


They know. My former pack, my traitorous father, the alphas who rejected me… and most importantly, the three men I love. I never thought I’d have my pregnancy announced onstage during a fake mating ceremony. I also kind of thought I’d at least know who the father of my baby is, but with the fae emperor trying to break into our world, me and my guys have even bigger problems to solve. Somehow, I have to find a way to keep the overprotective alpha males around me in line, overthrow a tyrannical empire, and deal with a ghost from my past who wants another chance–all while hunting down my birth father and the rightful King of the Fae, because this former pack princess is not interested in being anyone’s queen. Yeah, I think I’m gonna be a little late for my shift at the bar.     AmazonKU


Omegas aren’t allowed to fight back… at least, that’s what everyone wants us to believe. 
Me? I’m a fighter. As daughter of the VP of Wrecker MC, I have to be. Pushing back hasn’t caused problems for me until I end up resisting the Prez after my dad dies.
Turns out kicking the Prez in his precious family jewels is a no-no. With no family left to take me in, I’m sent to the omega auctions to be sold to the highest bidder. There a rival crew claims me. The three sexy as sin leaders are nothing like the men of Wrecker MC. They’re worse. They used to be my best friends, but now, we’re enemies. They’re not my MC, but will I find love with this crew or will they break my heart all over again?   AmazonKU


Can my mate and I tempt a silver fox to join us? Julia – My mate, James, is my best friend. He’s brilliant, kind and sexy as heck. But, as rock solid as our bond is, we both ache for more. That need can only be soothed by the hulking silver fox currently living at Bent Fork Ranch with my pack. I’m not the only one who wants Cassian—James is just as hot for him as I am. Despite our sexiest efforts, Cassian holds us at arms’ length. So, James and I will do what any sane couple would, we’ll double down until Cassian gives in. Every man has a breaking point, and we won’t stop until we find his. Cassian – I missed my chance with Julia—now she belongs to James. But when the handsome alpha makes it clear he wants me too, it shreds my resolve. I’m dancing on the knife’s edge of self control, fending off daily advances from James and his beautiful, deaf mate. It’s a losing proposition, though. Because they want forever, and I can’t give it to them. My former pack needs me. I can’t escape the past, even if it means forsaking a future with the sexy duo. I need to leave, but they make it oh so tempting to stay.   AmazonKU


We must unite our rival packs. Our child’s future depends on it…If only falling for Night, the alpha of our rival pack, was the least of my problems. Now Troy, the fallen alpha of my old pack, has escaped from prison, and Night wants to hunt down. If we’re going to have a chance of uniting the King and Warg packs, we need to stop the violence. But if Night and I can’t agree, I can’t help but wonder what hope there is for us. When I discover that I’m pregnant with Night’s child, the timing couldn’t be worse. Troy is still on the loose and Night has uncovered sinister activity within my pack. The only way for our family to be safe and have a life together is for him to succeed in the Alpha Challenge. If Night wins, he’ll rule over both packs and our future will be secured. But if he loses, he may not live to see his child.     AmazonKU

THE MONSTER’S DEN by Jillian West

Emerson Parker is exhausted. She spends her days chasing around her high energy, half-shifter toddler and her nights working full-time trying to make ends meet. …oh, and add in the absolute cluster of a situation her ex dumped in her lap on his way out? Well, that’s just icing on the cake. With virtually no options left, Emerson heads for Haven, a sanctuary city for monsters and humans alike. Survival means taking a job at The Monster’s Den – a club that caters to the inhuman residents of her new home. But freedom comes with complications of its own: delusional monsters dead set on inserting themselves into her life and her bed. With the North American Alpha hot on her heels and monsters standing in his way…Will it be enough to keep Emerson and her daughter safe?     AmazonKU


There is nothing more interesting to a book-loving vampire than an old bookstore…and a human with the rich aroma of ink and parchment embedded in her skin…For more centuries than he cared to count, Declan had found more comfort among his books and his personal library than he ever did around others, whether they be human or supernatural. With eternity before him, he treasures knowledge, the pursuit of it, and the preservation. Nothing, and no one, could ever part him from such endeavors. Until, among the stacks of a familiar bookstore, he encounters a human with a love of books that rivals his own, and an interest in perusing his personal collection…But for Rosamund, meeting Declan is so much more than exploring his home library, as she knows his secret. His deepest one. The one she knows he treasures above all others. She knows that he… is her favorite author. And in just one very loosely planned encounter… she needs him to reveal everything… For the pursuit of knowledge, of course. And perhaps something else.     AmazonKU


The paranormal world was slowly becoming extinct and the leadership, the Consilium, was desperate. A plan was hatched to put a spell on all singles to mate them with someone from the opposite sex in order to procreate. All they had to do was draw a name out of a bag and the mating bond would begin. They were positive their plan couldn’t fail. Then again, they didn’t know the fates were watching and decided paranormals, especially the Consilium, needed to be taught a lesson. One that wouldn’t soon be forgotten. Timon Bell’s world was turned upside down when the Consilium knocked on his door and told him he was about to draw his mate’s name out of a bag. The only question that made it through the fog of chaos his brain became was if he were happy about it. Considering his life up to that point, he thought maybe he was. Zenon Snow longed to meet his mate. Now that he carried the burden of being his clutch’s chieftain, that was even more true. As he struggled to navigate how to lead, he longed for someone to walk with him, to rule with him side by side. Neither Timon nor Zenon had imagined just how much their lives were about to change in ways they’d never once thought possible. But the fates have a way of giving people what they need with a little Unexpected Luck.      AmazonKU


My freedom was short-lived, but this time, being a test subject is my choice. To save one of the men called to me, I’m willing to play the Conclave’s game. The sooner this week is over, the sooner I can return to my family and to the three men called to my Sept so far. I want to focus on living, forming friendships, pushing boundaries, and strengthening the bond with my men. But when my birthday comes early, and the rest of my Sept are revealed along with hidden secrets, tensions rise. Factions are working in the shadows to try and break me, forgetting I’m not alone anymore. I have reasons to fight, and those reasons will keep my hope and fire alight. Claimed Ember Bound is book two of a series which must be read in order and ends with a cliffhanger. It is a slow burn, medium build why choose romance novel, meaning the main character will not choose between love interests.     AmazonKU


I was done being an assassin when I was hired to find her. She was the beautiful wolf shifter that shook my world. Sparks flew from the moment I laid eyes on her. But I had to lie to get the job done. Jolene’s wolf shifter clan is after her life. She escaped them as a child but has no clue how much danger she’s in. Pretending to be just a guest at her bed and breakfast is one thing. Telling her I don’t love her is another. It was my job to capture her. Now I’ve made it my duty to protect her. Jolene’s enemies would have to defeat me to get to her. But will she think of me as the enemy once she finds out the truth?      AmazonKU


To my beloved black sea, It was full dark when I snuck out of the castle to meet you. You wore those ripped black jeans and your new friend’s boots, with sleet from the forest still in the grooves. You moved awkwardly in your new clothes because you were still creating yourself, like one of your drawings. We drank vanilla cola from glass bottles and listened to a song about how fast the night changes over and over. Two adults frolicking as youths, French kissing in secret to hide from winter and distract ourselves from the town crumbling around us. The way we touched each other was equally punishing and artful, painting a world where we could be together on each other’s skin. For a while, we pretended. For a while, I was the kind of woman you could be loyal to and fight for, and you weren’t the lost, forbidden Heathen. Now, it’s been days since I’ve seen you. I’ve decided long ago, and this is my last letter. Everything I’ve worked so hard for—before you came along—will carry on as if our time together never happened. Don’t bother stopping me. As I once said, the tremor between us will only lead to carnage. But as I plunge a knife into the chest of the man I once desired to marry, I’ll think of all those foolish nights when we pretended, our time on Bone Island, vanilla cola, our stupid song, and you. Yes, my beloved black sea. I’ll think of you. xx, Bone Island can be read as a stand-alone or within the interconnected series. For a better reading experience, read books in the order they are published.     AmazonKU


Leo just lost the best girlfriend he’s ever had because of her cocky and gorgeous brother… and now he can’t stop thinking about him. But he doesn’t have time to worry about it now. With a new position in the pack, a shop to renovate, and a wedding to plan for his best friends, Leo is up to his neck in obligations. However, that doesn’t stop him from visiting the woods where he finds himself chased down by an unfamiliar werewolf. It seems the man that’s been haunting his dreams has come back to hunt him down in real life and the worst part is… he can’t resist the mate bond forming between them. Leo is faced with the choice of destroying all hope of returning to his previous life, or fighting the forbidden romance he craves so desperately.     AmazonKU


VS Note: A re-release which has doubled in length according to the author’s note.

Coming to Westin Pack is supposed to be a fresh start for Lucy. A single mother who spent years in captivity, she arrives with a lot of baggage, scars, and secrets. Finding her one true mate is the last thing she wants. But meeting the sexy Dr. Micah might just be exactly what she needs to heal from the horrors of her past and move towards a future she never dared to dream. Imagine Micah’s surprise when a new wolf in town brings her toddler in for a school physical. He knows she’s his one true mate, but with a young pup, he also knows she’s off limits. In haste, he requests a Pack change knowing no good can come from him lusting after a mated woman. Can he be stopped in time or will he ruin his one chance at true love?     AmazonKU


It shouldn’t be possible, but my fated mate is a werewolf. He definitely got the raw end of the bargain, because I’m not a wolf or a human; I’m a demon. And not a powerful or popular demon, either. I’m literally the janitor in a nightclub called Hell. My magic won’t allow us to be separated, and his demands I somehow figure out a way to wolf out myself and literally sink my teeth into him. I have to find a way past both of our people’s strange mating processes so we can live our own separate lives. But the more I adjust to life with my wolfy mate and his small town full of werewolves, the more I start to wonder…Do I want to be freed from him at all?     AmazonKU


Caught between two rival packs…Goodbye heartache, liars and cheats. I’m hot-tailing it to the city to escape all my problems. What I don’t expect is to find a whole heap more. Right at the top of the pile: turns out I’m not the beta I always believed. Nope, I’m an omega. How do I know? Because the freaking hot alpha, Axel York, I bump into at the gas station, triggers all those repressed hormones and pheromones. Hormones and pheromones I’m battling to control. Then there’s his pack. Rich, powerful, ruthless. The pack every omega wants. Thing is, they’re not interested in the city’s pampered princesses. They want me. As do their arch rivals, Pack Boston. Just as rich, just as powerful and just as freaking hot. Now I’m caught in the middle of this tussle to claim me, struggling to determine what’s real and what’s false. One thing I know for certain, neither pack is willing to lose.     AmazonKU


Supernatural Secret Service agents Owen Sharps and Calvin Springfield meet on the train to their new assignment in St. Louis, and sparks fly between them. But it’s 1897, and they need to be very careful—falling in love can be dangerous for men like them.
It’s their first case together, investigating mysterious disappearances—including the two agents who preceded them. Grim evidence leads them to look for a darker purpose. Old ghosts haunt the railroad line, zombie rise, signs point to ritual sacrifice, and they suspect someone is trying to open the gates of hell. Can Calvin and Owen stop the mayhem, thwart the vampires, and find true love, or will everything go up in smoke?

Amazon      Apple Books     Kobo


Mitzy Moon is finally tying the knot. And she’s loving the whole town’s excitement for their upcoming big day. But when their tailor is found buttons up behind a jazz lounge, the almost-newlyweds will have to hem in a murderer before their dreams rip apart at the seams. Knowing they’ll get no help from the new sheriff in town, the couple embarks on a tightly woven undercover assignment. But Mitzy fails to heed ominous warnings from her mentor, Ghost-ma, and her entitled feline. When another body drops, she could be the next target erased by the mounting powers in the darkness…Can Mitzy and Erick unravel the twisted clues, or will their wedding be eclipsed by a funeral?   AmazonKU


My type is bad boys that will screw me over and leave me walking funny. No matter how much they tempt me or my ruined heart—I know better than to trust my own taste in men. My ex taught me that love isn’t sweet, patient, or kind. It’s cruel and it hurts. He’ll do anything for a second chance, but I can’t forget the flames that burned me from the inside out three years ago. My liar is forbidden, but I’m haunted by his slate blue eyes and wicked mouth. He’s gotten under my skin, and I don’t know how to remove him without tearing my heart apart in the process. My devil may be bad, but he makes promises that sound so good. I wish I could say he tricked me with honeyed words, but really, I did it to myself. Bonding to him was a mistake, but bargaining with him? It might be my undoing. I’m torn between three men that I swore I wouldn’t get involved with. I know it’s wrong, but part of me loves it. Craves it. Everyone thinks I’m the good girl, but what they don’t see is that my carefully crafted persona is crumbling around me. My mask is cracked. I’m hanging on by a thread. We all have weaknesses. Mine just make me a glutton for punishment.     AmazonKU


Jamue – On the cusp of his first heat, Jamue is finally going to meet the alpha his parents arranged for him. Master Rosh is from a wealthy family like his, their bond makes sense, and Jamue won’t have to go to a commune house once they bond. He’d be spared that fate … if only it were that simple. On the night they’re supposed to meet, things don’t go as planned – his father and brother don’t show, and he has to look for them at the health center. There he finds something unexpected – his true mate. He’s beaten, broken, and in so much pain; his heart goes out to him. But there’s one problem – he’s already promised to another alpha. Hym – After his rescue from a failed mission, Hym is broken. Captured and tortured for months, his mind is at the breaking point – temporarily blind and unable to process what’s happening around him; everyone is the enemy. But he responds to one thing – his true mate’s scent. Even that doesn’t seem real. The night he met his true mate felt like a dream – a long-winding hallucination that stayed with him long after he healed and his mind returned to normal. Did he meet him, or did he not? No one can confirm the truth. How will he find him when he can’t even trust his senses? Please note: Dream Omega is set on an imaginary planet that is similar to modern day earth, with a bit of fantasy elements. The novel contains Omegaverse themes: Knotting, True Mates, Claiming Marks, MPreg and fated love.     AmazonKU


When Meg Mefford is found murdered in Mystic Cove, Kara is eager to join in on the investigation. Why? Because the number one suspect, as far as she is concerned, is Dagon Vulter–the very fairy she is trying to take down for her mom’s murder. But it doesn’t take long before Zane and Kara realize more than just Dagon may have wanted Meg dead. As the two detectives move farther and farther away from Dagon being the killer, Kara can’t let go of her need to punish Dagon and seek her own justice for her mom’s murder. Can Kara separate her need for revenge and put the true killer away? Or will her desire for vengeance blind her to the truth?     AmazonKU


It all began when a man got shot in my diner…No—actually, it started when a woman went missing. Then THAT poor man got shot to death. It wasn’t enough to take something from the Sheriff. Now someone’s after him—and they won’t stop until he’s dead…But I know that the Sheriff won’t give up, either. This dreamy, sizzling werewolf shifter will scour this small town if he must. He’ll stop at nothing to find the missing woman and rescue her. Who wouldn’t fall in love with a man like that? I did…and now it feels like my heart is on the line. Because he couldn’t possibly feel the same way about me…Could he?      AmazonKU


With her sister on her back and an Omnipotent Being in her kitchen – what’s a Lioness to do? Why does everyone think she needs a Mate? Can’t she just be wild and free?
Then she sees him. Why hadn’t she noticed him before? Were his eyes always that hypnotic shade of hazel? Did just the sound of his voice always make her tingle in all the right ways? Wait! Why is he walking the other way? Doesn’t matter. This Lioness refuses to give up. Hey! At least they’re in the middle of the ocean, so he can’t run away, right?   AmazonKU



March 22

March 15

March 8

March 1

February 22

“New” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  And I may mention ‘special items’.

I do NOT cover every single new release in SFR/FantasyR/PNR. I never have. That would be an impossible task for any human! I assemble my list by hand every week based on various informal inputs, and I do curate the list to some extent…

Some authors aren’t in KU but still don’t list books with Apple or other platforms. This report is very time consuming to prepare so I’ve always had to limit myself and cannot go and look up every book on all the platforms. If an author gives me their other buy links, I include them here but generally I develop the post on my own, not from author-supplied information. I curate and prepare this post individually every week to help connect readers/books/authors and I have to be very careful not to give it so much time as an activity that I don’t write my own novels! Thanks for the feedback and happy reading!

I check and verify all the buy links at the time I create the post  but after that I’m not responsible.

Required Statement: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifiying purchases.

Required Statement: As an Apple Books Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Can You Keep A Secret Weekend Writing Warriors

Here’s the link to the Weekend Writing Warriors central page, so you can visit all the participants sharing excerpts today…a fun way to sample new books and find new authors! (Also welcome to the Sunday Snippet visitors!)

I’m now taking snippets from  STAR CRUISE STAR SONG.

The excerpt – Addy ignored a message from Ryder in favor of preparing for her first day on the new job. So he came to find her. I’ve jumped ahead and now they’re on their first dinner date.

“So how was the first day on the job?” he asked. “Did the engines meet your expectations?”

“Oh my gosh, yes. They’re magnificent and perfectly in tune too,” she said with enthusiasm. “The energy in those chambers is off the charts.”

“So I know what it means for me to be in tune,” he said with a grin, “But what does it mean for engines?”

Trying to decide whether she could trust him with the truth, Addy decided to take the risk. “The harmonics of all four were synced and meshed and it was like standing in the eye of a hurricane with a symphony going on all around me. I loved it.” Words failed her and she focused on her appetizer.

“Wow, doesn’t sound like a technical term at all. I was expecting a complicated discussion of physics. Now I’m curious—if I went down there, could I hear it?”

She shook her head, sorry she’d mentioned her joy. “No, it’s um not something a person can hear with their ears.”

Head tilted and eyes narrowed, as if he was trying to determine whether she was joking, he  asked, “So how do you hear it then?”

“In my head.”  She swallowed hard. “I can hear the harmonics of most modern technology, especially if I concentrate. I don’t talk about it though because no one understands. Well except my Dad, he has the same ability. He taught me how to control when and where I hear it. He said it’s the star song and only the most blessed of our lineage can tap into it.” Addy smiled, missing her family and a bit embarrassed to be sharing the story. Her father could be whimsical, especially when he’d had a few too many feelgoods.

Ryder was intent, leaning forward over the table. “Truly amazing. What does it sound like?”

“I can’t describe it.” Desperate, she chewed her next bite of hors d’ouevre and considered. “I could draw it for you because it makes a pattern if I close my eyes.”

“Oh yes absolutely because I’m totally intrigued here.” He got the attention of their waiter and when the man came over, asked for a writing instrument and paper. Perplexed, brow furrowed, the server rushed off.

“But it has to be our secret,” Addy said.

VS: Can Ryder keep secrets?

Here’s the official blurb:

Addy Tryndall is a fresh graduate from a highly respected engineering college in the Sectors, on her way to a plum job on the Nebula Zephyr cruise ship. She knows she’ll be on probation but she’s determined to succeed and nothing is going to distract her.

Ryder McRhodes is a has-been interstellar rock star, on his way to reunite with his fellow band members to see if the lightning of mega success will strike twice for them. He isn’t sure he wants to be in the spotlight again and he hasn’t been able to write music since the band broke up.

Addy has secrets. Ryder needs a muse to unblock the creative flow…could her tightly guarded past be the answer  to his problem?  When the two are thrown together in an attempt to avoid the interstellar paparazzi he’s intrigued. She’s wary.

And someone is sabotaging systems on the Nebula Zephyr. Addy unwittingly finds herself in the middle of the situation while juggling her increasing attraction to Ryder and her challenges on the new  job. Can she trust him with her secret? Or will he break her heart?

The danger on board comes ever closer to Addy as the cruise continues…

Amazon      Apple Books      Kobo      NOOK      GooglePlay

Profiles in SciFi Romance Anna Hackett

NOTE: This post first appeared on the AMAZING STORIES MAGAZINE blog…

Veronica Scott for AMAZING STORIES: Welcome to my periodic series of author profiles. Today I’ve chosen Anna Hackett, a wonderful creator of many worlds and some of my favorite book series. I first started reading her books back when we were both Carina Press authors, with At Star’s End, the first in her Phoenix Adventure series and then came the wildly inventive Hellsquad Series (dinosaurlike aliens invade Earth), the incomparable Galactic Gladiators, Eon Warriors, the Galactic Kings and now a new series, the Oronis Knights. Yes, I’m a genuine fangirl here! 

VS for ASM.: What was the first scifi romance book you ever read and what did you like about it? 

AH: Warrior’s Woman by Johanna Lindsey! I absolutely loved it. It had all the things I love: a smart, tough heroine, and a big, overprotective alien warrior hero, along with lots of action and adventure.

ASM.: What was the first scifi romance book you wrote? 

AH.: My first sci-fi romance was a holiday novella called Winter Fusion. I loved the idea of mixing the holidays with sci-fi, so I combined the holiday of Yule with two rival trade negotiators on an ice planet.

Former space marine and trade negotiator Savan Bardan will do anything to close the deal for powerful fusion crystals, even seduce his beautiful, infuriating rival who is icier than her planet.

ASM.: I’m going to have to reread that one. Which of your SFR books is the bestselling?  

AH: My most recent SFR series, Galactic Kings, is my bestselling – the first book is Overlord. But that series is closely followed by my Eon Warriors and Galactic Gladiators series.

ASM.: I think my heart will always belong to Cyborg, in the Galactic Gladiators series. How do you go about world building? Do you do elaborate planning, keep a big file, use post its, wing it – what method works for you? 

AH: I’m somewhere firmly in the middle of elaborate and wing it! I do some basic planning in a notebook, to flesh out the main worlds in my series, including their environments, cities, animals etc. But a lot of it I add on the fly as I’m writing.

ASM.: What was the story spark or inspiration for your new book, Knightmaster? 

AH: The Oronis Knights series kicks off with Knightmaster. The Oronis knights made some cameos in my Eon Warriors series (it is a standalone series though, no need to have read Eon Warriors beforehand). The obvious inspiration for these guys was knights in space. They live by a code of honor, dedicated to their people, planet, and their knightqueen. I had such a great time writing the first book and I’m itching to get to work on the next one in the series.

ASM.: Do you also write other genres? Which ones? How does writing a book in that genre compare to writing an SFR?

AH: I also write romantic suspense. I love writing action-packed romance, and I tell my readers all my books have smart heroines, tough heroes, and lots of action…just some of my books also have spaceships. My contemporary set romances usually require a little more research, as they’re based in real locations. I get to let my imagination run a little wilder in my sci-fi romances! And I would say the action and adventure is slightly higher in my sci-fi series as well. For me, I just love switching between the two genres—it keeps me fresh and inspired.

ASM.: What’s next for you?

AH: I’m currently back working on the next book in my romantic suspense series, Sentinel Security. The second Oronis Knights book will arrive in July, along with the audiobooks for that series.

ASM.: What’s on your To Be Read List?

AH:  I actually finally got Radiance by Grace Draven. I don’t read a lot of fantasy romance, but I’ve heard such great things about this book, so I’m excited to read it.

ASM.: Radiance is one of my alltime favorite fantasy romance, SO good. Give us your short author bio and where you can be found on social media. 

AH: I’m a USA Today bestselling romance author who’s passionate about fast-paced, emotion-filled romantic suspense and science-fiction romance. I love writing about people overcoming unbeatable odds and achieving seemingly impossible goals. I like to believe it’s possible for all of us to do the same. For more information on me and my books visit:

For social media, I’m mostly on Facebook and Instagram.

ASM.: Here’s the blurb for Anna’s new book Knightmaster (Oronois Knights Book One):

She was sent to forge an alliance with the deadly Oronis knights…and instead finds herself framed for abducting their queen.

Xenoanthropologist Kennedy Black loves exploring new cultures with Space Corps. Everyone in her life has left her, so she happily fills the void with exciting adventures. When she’s assigned to escort the new ambassador to the planet Oron for an opulent ball, she’s thrilled to get an up-close look at the Oronis knights, and their culture of honor and duty to their knightqueen. But she never expected her reaction to cool, controlled Knightmaster Ashtin Caydor, head of the Oronis Knightforce.

And she really didn’t expect a savage alien attack that leaves the knightqueen missing and Earth fingered as the culprit.

Knightmaster Ashtin Caydor lives to protect his planet, his people, and his knightqueen. He came from nothing, and the code of knighthood is the cornerstone of his being. When Knightqueen Carys is abducted by their mortal enemies, the ferocious Gek’Dragar, he’s icily enraged, especially when he finds evidence that Earth, and the far too enticing Sub-Captain Kennedy Black, are involved.

But Kennedy vows to clear Earth’s name by helping Ashtin and his knights find the queen. As she and Ashtin embark on a risky mission to a dangerous jungle planet, they’re forced to rely on each other, and their sizzling chemistry is soon undeniable. But love can’t be an option, not for a knight bound only to his duty and a woman whose heart already has too many scars.


LINKS TO OTHER PROFILES IN SFR INTERVIEWS (listed alphabetically by authors’ first names):

Cynthia Sax

E G Manetti

Michelle Diener

Ruby Dixon


New Releases in #SciFi #Fantasy and Paranormal Romance for MARCH 22

I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking quite a few as I prepare these posts LOL). 

‘AB’ denotes audiobook and the Amazon buy link.



Enslaved to the alien gladiators. Trapped on a harsh alien moon. Stranded with an alien warrior who may be as dangerous as my former captors. All I know about the Taori warrior who saves me during an escape attempt and the ensuing battle is that he’s huge and horned. When he drags me from the carnage and deeper onto the barren moon, I’m grateful for his protection—even if he does eye me like I’m the last drop of water in the desert. When he confesses that he’s slowly being consumed by an ancient curse on his people—a mating fever with only one cure—I don’t want to believe him. Especially when being around him provokes desires I’ve never experienced before. Desires that feel like they’re devouring my inhibitions. Can we evade the aliens hunting us and escape the deadly moon before we’re both cursed?     AmazonKU


I have a reputation for being the most chaotic bounty hunter in the universe. What they don’t know? My private life is just as messy. I’ve got a sweet, innocent cloned human woman who wants to be my lover…and a grumpy cyborg paramour who might be jealous that he’s not the center of attention. The solution? A triad. Can three very different people love and work together all on the same small spaceship? We’re about to find out. (Please note – this book is F/F/M and everybody touches everybody. If you’re not into that, this isn’t the book for you!)     AmazonKU


WILLA: I was supposed to kill Xar’Gon, but when I meet him, he is not at all what I expected. I have never met anybody as fascinating and good looking as him, and it doesn’t take long until sparks fly and all I want is to get to know him better.  Unfortunately it doesn’t seem as if time is on our side, as his father’s armada is on it’s way to destroy Eden and Earth. Xar’Gon has a plan to stop him, but it’s reckless and dangerous and I learn quickly that losing Xar’Gon is not an option I want to take.
XAR’GON: My life as the disposable heir to the Maraguay Empire is more of a waiting game for my execution than a life. But it’s something I have gotten used to. Until the most breathtaking female enters it like a space vortexer and turns it upside down, filling me with things I have never experienced before: Love and purpose. Now we just need to figure out how to stop the Emperor from destroying the entire known and unknown universe, without dying ourselves, because for the first time in my life I want to live.   AmazonKU


VS Note: I’ve read several in the series and they were pretty well done. The scifi element is pretty minor so to me the books read like military suspence romance.

Emerson Charles grew up luckier than most, going from a difficult life to finding safety and a true home with her stepmother and stepbrother. Years later, when Levi’s in trouble, Emerson will do anything for the brother of her heart, her greatest protector. Even seek the expertise of people who could be more hinderance than help—the men of Blue Halo Security. But she’ll have to play her cards close to her chest. Telling the whole truth could see the team unwilling to assist, and Levi in more trouble than ever. Tyler Morgan’s career in the special forces had barely begun when he was kidnapped by the people behind Project Arma. With that chapter of his life finally put to rest, he runs a security business with men he considers brothers, all of them using their enhanced physical abilities to assist others. But their newest client seems to be harboring secrets behind her pretty amber eyes. He can’t trust Emerson, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting her. Nor can he let her out of his sight when the danger surrounding her brother increases. As the risks get higher, and their attraction stronger, Tyler and Emerson are soon embroiled in a deadly race to locate a man only one of them believes is worthy of redemption.      AmazonKU


Life onboard a spaceship isn’t so bad for Julie Skye — except for the gorgeous and obsessive alien warrior who claims they are fated mates. His name is Varg. He is an eight foot tall Dragan warrior with an arrogant smirk and steely buns to die for. He believes — falsely — that he is the Old God’s gift to the human race. Out of all the mateable women on-board the Ravenous, he has chosen Julie Skye from Engineering. Varg has chosen poorly. If there’s one thing Julie doesn’t tolerate it’s arrogant men, and they don’t come any cockier than Varg. Despite her best efforts to rebuff him, the Dragan warrior simply will not give up. Varg promises that eventually Julie will come to see that they are fated mates. Julie thinks the sun will burn out before that happens. To her dismay, General Kai orders the two of them to embark on a dangerous mission to an alien planet together — and the fate of the Ravenous and the lives of its crew depend on their success.     AmazonKU


When Ginny stows away on a spaceship and ends up on the Balazar Space Station, she’s paired with Zhor, a rugged and dominating orc, as her mechanic partner. They’re fated mates, but their passion is threatened by the dangers of the space station where the law is nonexistent. Ginny’s exotic Earthling status makes her a prime target for slavery, and Zhor will do whatever it takes to protect her. But as their attraction intensifies, Ginny discovers she might like being dominated by her alien mate. Get ready for a steamy sci-fi romance that will leave you breathless.     AmazonKU


VS Note: Not a romance but a scifi release of note.

Rylla McCracken dreams of escaping her family’s trailer in the Dust States to go to college, but on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, her mother demands she drop out of school to work for Lockburn chemical refinery instead. When Rylla learns Lockburn is planning to dam the Guadalupe River-the last flowing water in Texas-she defies her mother to protest in the state capital. The protest ends in disaster, but her ensuing viral infamy gains Rylla an acceptance to the mysterious Wingates University. At Wingates, Rylla befriends a diverse group of students, all working on new technologies to save the planet. Besides mountains of homework, Rylla struggles with guilt for leaving her brother behind in the Dust, where tensions with the Lush States are escalating towards civil war. Succeeding at Wingates seems like Rylla’s best chance to help her family, until she uncovers a terrible secret about the school’s billionaire backers. Now, Rylla and her friends are in a race against the rich to reclaim the world-altering technology they’ve developed-before it’s too late.

Amazon     Kobo


When Rosi Sanchez wins the trip of a lifetime her hope is to find secrets hidden in the frozen tundra around the Glacial Palace Resort—secrets in the form of mythical creatures that will help her prove to the world such monsters exist. What she doesn’t plan on is falling for the handsome “face” of the resort, extreme sports superstar Austin Cooper. Austin’s goal is to make it into the brand-new space games and a gig at the resort is his ticket there. But when the contest winner he’s supposed to take on a private excursion turns out to be a smart and sexy twenty-something with a firecracker personality, his goals begin to unravel. The problem is he’s sworn off getting close to anyone because of the danger involved in his lifestyle, and a dangerous truth he’s keeping buried. When the cryptid creature Rosi uncovers turns out to be all too real, everyone’s secrets start an unavoidable avalanche that could bury them all.   AmazonKU

HERO FOR THE HOLIDAYS by Charles Payseur

Cody travels from Metro City to the Caribbean island lair of Dr. Devious to look after the place while the supervillain is in space for the holidays … and maybe to mend his broken heart. With Christmas fast approaching, Cody is desperate to avoid reminders of his recent disastrous breakup, and a few weeks of sun and relaxation sound perfect — until a drunk (but very cute) superhero crashes the party by literally crashing onto the beach.

Amazon     Kobo


He’s been hunting me for rotations. Now, it’s time to return the favor. I knows things have gone ecking south when the Sky sends its full army to hunt me down. Now, I’m stranded on an adorably violent little planet with only Jerrock to rely on — and he hates me. Jerrock. Sky assassin. The Quadrants’ most renowned killer. He wasn’t always, though. I remember who he used to be before and I want him to remember, too, but he wants eck all to do with me. He thinks I’m just an addict, a fool, a reaver with no instincts for self preservation. He says that reavers like me can’t be trusted. He says that assassins like him can’t love. But as we crash through the cosmos together with an army on our trail, I’m going crack through his armored flesh if it kills me – and it just might – but I’ll prove him wrong. Ashmara, you really think I could forget? My soul remembers who you are.     AmazonKU


He’s got claws, tusks, a tail and…is he also breathing fire? Oh my. Crash-landed on an alien planet where everything seems to want to kill her, I’ve got no choice but to rely on the hunter, Grizz, to help me stay alive, steer clear of the awful male I crashed with and find my family missing somewhere on the island. Huge, green-skinned, with a tail, tusks and claws, Grizz seems so hot and cold. Could it be cultural differences? Why else would he be so reluctant to help me? Or……could it be that I’ve unlocked a fire-breathing monster within him that wants me, not just once, but to keep? Eh. Seems unlikely. Taken to Revatu is a 50k-word standalone orc shifter romance set in the Xiveri Mates universe and can be read at any point. Complete with an HEA, watch out on the way for threats of SA, sleep play, fully shifted dragon-human mating, and battles.   AmazonKU


One speedy female human. One mechanically gifted alien. One hot, steamy and humorous racing quest. Tessa – Tessa is not ready to settle down. She’s happy being a self-employed Uber driver in New York, free to take advantage of her attractive clients, enjoy the various shaped peens of life, and live without the pressure of commitment. The trouble is, her bossy, over-powering Mom has other ideas. She gives Tessa an ultimatum. Find a steady boyfriend to bring to Uncle Sam’s fifth wedding, or start paying back her dreaded student loan. Tessa will not give in to her Mom’s pushy ways, though. Setting her sights on finding a wedding boyfriend that will shock the family forever, she meets someone (or some alien) who completely changes her outlook on life, enhances her emotions, and develops her deep sexual desires. Widdick – Widdick is one win away from beating his spiteful father’s Fortunick Series Cup record and finally proving his true worth. The trouble is, he’s just lost …(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)   AmazonKU


Ellie-Mae doesn’t want to be an alien incubator. Or what the Throkyn alphas call an omega. She has avoided the colony and the Alpha Center to lessen the risk of scenting in an alpha’s presence. When her father sells her to the leader of one of the camps in the Badlands, the lawless wasteland outside the colony, to pay off his gambling debt, she has no where else to go. Ellie-Mae is convinced she’s not an omega. She takes the risk and will use her thirty days at the Alpha Center, living with their pack’s chief enforcer, Kydax, who they believe is her best match. She came to the Center for the wrong reason. Using it and Kydax to runaway from her problems. What will Kydax do if he discovers her lie? Will he cast her out even if she decides to tell the truth and stay for Kydax?   AmazonKU


Help! I’ve been abducted by a horned alien in a kilt! One second I’m working three jobs trying to get by in Los Angeles, the next I’m tied up in a dark cave with a terrifying purple brute. Then his horns start changing color, and he’s getting a little too frisky with his blades. I plan to run from him and find my way back to Earth, but is it so wrong if I hope he catches me? The fragile female doesn’t belong on this planet. The dangers are too great. She will be hunted and bred if she stays. My selfish desire to claim her as mine will only lead to her death. But the wee lass has taken my heart captive, and she may be the only one to set me free. This is a full-length standalone sci-fi romance featuring a morally gray alien Highlander and his feisty human mate.      AmazonKU


As a mom it’s my job to protect my kids from the worst things in this life…the dark elves. I never meant to fall in love with my master. It was a beautiful secret that couldn’t last. Our love made us a target. So I ran. I had to protect the triplets I was pregnant with. I raised my kids far away, happy they were safe from violence. But heartbroken in my loneliness. Until one day, Miothro finds me. I should have known I couldn’t hide. There is nowhere on Protheka a dark elf can’t go. He sees the kids and knows they’re his. I see the hurt on his face. The anger in his eyes. I just wonder though…Does he still see the love for him in my heart?      AmazonKU


Stranded. After barely escaping with my life from a prison transport ship, I find myself stranded on an alien planet that looks devoid of any sentient lifeforms. I don’t know what galaxy I’m in, let alone what planet. With my escape pod out of commission, I’m stuck on this humid jungle planet until further notice. And to top it off, I’m still handcuffed with no feasible way to defend myself against this planet’s predators. Until him. Vedhral rescued me from certain death, but I’m afraid of him. Though humanoid up top, his lower body is shaped like… a centipede. And I hated bugs. But after navigating our language barrier, I found myself growing closer to him. He’s kind and protected me from harm, but he kept saying I’m his mate. Even though my heart is softening for this big bug, I can’t stay on this planet with him…Can I?     AmazonKU

FIRE IN HIS HEART by Harper Moon

I’ve spent my entire life trying to be the perfect conservative girl. I never thought I’d end up in bed with the Devil. After crash landing my escape pod on Vannuth, I realize that this isn’t the cute little Ewok planet I thought it would be. The first thing I encounter is a towering alien devil coming for me along the desert plain. I prepare myself for a swift, violent death when I discover that that’s not what the monster has in mind at all. Apparently the hulking monster has a thing for me — he thinks I’m his fated mate or something — so I can take consolation in the fact that he’s probably not going to kill me, just mate with me. I’m not consoled. My other choice being death by starvation, I decide to take my chance with the chiseled alien devil. His sharp fangs, giant wings, barbed horns, and gargantuan naked body fill me with unparalleled terror. I truly believe that each breath may be my last, but I can see the flames in his chest burning for me and me alone. He believes with his whole blazing heart that I am his mate — the last thing I expected was to start believing it too. He hunts his prey like a beast possessed, the blood flowing down his burly chest and impeccable abs. He protects me, provides for me, kills for me, the one thing he can’t do is get me back home. When I’m offered the chance to betray him in exchange for a passage back to Earth, my heart is sliced in two. Do I lose my home or do I lose him?     AmazonKU


VS Note: From FEB 28.

A common enemy is enough to bring people together. It can take away our differences, prejudices…and clothes. In unlikely circumstances, Veken became my captor and I, his willing prisoner. Maybe I should have fought harder against his plans for me. But it’s hard to want to escape an alien that looks that good. And it seems that Veken can’t just let me go, either. His leader takes me away from him, but that won’t stop my new protector. He’ll reject which side of this war he is on in favor of a new one. Mine…Together, we can get out of this compound – and maybe do a little damage in the process. We were always looking for an escape, and in each other, we found the best one…Love.      AmazonKU


Dressed as a Dark Elf with midnight blue body paint and a set of chainmail-and-leather armor, Josh Ingram feels more at home among his fellow gamers at the local gaming convention than he ever has anywhere else. Faron Krius is an Ichthian detective on the hunt for a murder suspect. He tracks the fugitive to Earth and follows the man right into a local gathering of video game enthusiasts. Now Faron has to wade through throngs of people, including one young — and very human — man who greatly resembles Ichthia’s most wanted murderer. Is it a case of mistaken identity? Or is there a damn good reason why Josh has always felt out of place?

Amazon      Apple Books     Kobo


Trapped in a dangerous, dark world of interplanetary betrayal, I am forcibly traded by my own government to the savage planet of Ahn’hudin. Stripped of my freedom, I am doomed to become a mere possession, a bride to one of the monstrous, reptilian warriors that rule this cruel realm. But then, a cruel twist of fate throws me into the arms of two fierce and irresistible Ahn’hudi warriors. With the instincts of beasts, they claim me as their mate, sharing my body and tempting me with forbidden desires. As I struggle against their dominant hold, I must maintain my independence, will, and very identity in a world that seeks to enslave me. But as I clash with these powerful and untamed creatures, I begin to uncover a shocking truth. My two mates have suffered just as much as I have, and together, we may have a chance to build something greater—a future that emerges from the ashes of our shattered pasts. Can I find the courage to trust them, to love them, and to forge a new destiny, in this dark and dangerous world?   AmazonKU


I’m tasked with analyzing a few rare mushrooms on a supposedly abandoned space station–a couple of soldiers being my only company. However, the captain and his crew aren’t interested in mushrooms at all—they only care for the alien that cultivated them. And when I say “alien,” I mean a crossbreed of the universe’s strongest species that was meant to become some kind of super soldier killing machine. So much for the “abandoned research station.” If someone had asked me, I would have told them immediately that such a creature, equipped with artificial intelligence to make things even worse, is an extremely bad idea. But what do I know? After all, I’m only here for the mushrooms…Dark sci-fi romance with a fast-learning alien, an overly diplomatic biologist, and a dash of humor.

Amazon     Apple Books    Kobo


Commander Qutan Rex-Prolan – Dominant alpha alien male, cold, logical. Against my will, the council ordered me to claim Alia Benson – a smart, curvy, expressively chaotic female. A law practiced for centuries, I have total control over every emotions and craving. Love does not exist…and Alia threatens all that I have attained. Giving in to Alia’s aching desires could unleash the suppressed beast lurking within me. Is it worth losing everything for this forbidden passion? Alia Benson – Passion-seeking, virgin female Earth Universal scientist. My literal dream man shows up, saves me and I become his acquisition. I belong to this big, smoking hot Chironian fighter. And my dreams bonded us before we met. For a girl who’s waited her whole life to find true love, knowing my dream guy doesn’t feel the same is heartbreaking. How can I break through his resistance and show Qutan that risking it all on me is worth it?     AmazonKU

*************************BRIEF BREAK BEFORE THE FANTASY/PNR BOOKS!***************************************

My backlist highlight this week is HOSTAGE TO THE STARS, which is one of my older favorites. I’d been doing research into Special Forces rescues of hostages and it occured to me I had the perfect hero to fit into that framework, on a mission to find and rescue one person. But he catches a hint of someone else also being held prisoner and he’s not about to leave anyone behind. And the story grew from there. Johnny is one of my alltime favorites heroes and readers had been asking for him to get his own book…


He rescued her from space pirates … but can he keep them both safe from the far greater evil stalking a deserted planet? Space travel without Kidnap & Ransom insurance? Not a good idea. University instructor and researcher Sara Bridges can’t afford it, so when pirates board her cruise liner, she’s taken captive along with the mistress of a wealthy man, and brought to a deserted planet. When a military extraction team sent to rescue the mistress refuses to take Sara too, she’s left to the mercies of a retired Special Forces soldier, along as consultant.

Reluctantly reactivated and coerced into signing up for the rescue operation to the planet Farduccir where he once was deployed,  Sgt. Johnny Danver just wants to get the job done. But when the team leader leaves one captured woman behind, he breaks away to rescue her himself.

As Johnny and Sara traverse the barren landscape, heading for an abandoned base where they hope to call Sectors Command for help, they find villages destroyed by battle and stripped of all inhabitants. A lone survivor tells a horrific tale of the Sectors’ alien enemy, the Mawreg, returning after being pushed out …

Searching for evidence to give the military, Johnny is captured. He regains consciousness in a Mawreg cage–with Sara next to him. Death is preferable to what the aliens will do to them… And even if they do escape their captors, can they alert the military in time to prevent another invasion of the Sectors?

Standalone sequel to Mission To Mahjundar (mild spoilers for Mahjundar in this story.)

Amazon      Apple Books    Kobo     Barnes & Noble       Google Play

******************************OKAY, THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ONWARD WE GO!**************************************************

YEARNING FOR HER by Tiffany Roberts

VS Note: To say this book is highly anticipated would be an understatement!

Willow Crowley’s world comes crashing down when she discovers her boyfriend has been seeing another woman. The dream she’d held of a life with him is shattered in an instant, leaving her alone with nothing except heartache. She vows to never open herself to that hurt again…Until a seductive, otherworldly stranger with white hair, piercings, and icy blue eyes promises her a single night of pleasure. No strings attached. But that night isn’t enough for him. He wants more, more than she’s ready to give. How can she trust him not to break her heart when he isn’t even human? Kian has lived promiscuously for four hundred years, feeding on the desire of the humans he and the fae considered prey. But when he locks eyes with a purple-haired female, something inside him shifts irrevocably. No one else can sate his hunger. He wants her. Needs her. Yearns for her. Yet she refuses to submit to the carnal delights he promises. She wants more. She wants…love. Can he mend her broken heart? Can he love a mortal woman?     AmazonKU


Hide all you want. I will find you. I might not wear a cape or a mask, but as an agent for the SMU—Special Monsters Unit—I am plenty heroic. Most of the time. Accidents tend to happen a lot around me since I’m what they call a null witch. Someone who basically murders magic. Sounds cool, right? Not when it causes cursed folks to explode—literally—in my face. Gross. Not to mention I hate shopping for new clothes. Still, I love my job even if it is dangerous. Other parts of my life could use some help, though. My parentage is still a mystery. The guy I liked, well, let’s just say things got complicated. The boss hired someone new and annoying, and did I mention hot? Oh, and there appears to be ancient ruins under our town. I’d be more excited if the Cryptid Historical Society hadn’t shut us out of our own investigation. Whatever. There are plenty of monsters to go around in Nexus. Secrets too. Time for me to cause trouble in the name of good.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Lately, my life has been a big, fat, hairy midlife crisis. I could really go for a boring day or three. Apparently, there’s no rest for the over-forty crowd. Yes, I have fabulous friends. Yes, I have a beautiful baby. Yes, the ghosts are coming back home. Yes, I’m in love with the Grim Reaper. However, that sexy Demon has got some major ’splainin’ to do…like his possible involvement in the shocking kidnapping of my worst and most deadly enemy. With a drag queen and an ice queen as my back up, we’re going to sashay away into the Darkness to find the truth and turn a wrong into a right. Although, I’m learning fast that black and white are often clouded with of shades of gray. Whatever. I’m putting on my rose colored glasses and going for it. I plan to live midlife in peace… not pieces. Good luck to me.     AmazonKU


She’s kissed a lot of frogs in her day, but she has the feeling she’s finally found a prince. A simple first-contact mission goes horribly awry…Arlo was just going up to Idaho for a quick visit to a possible new member of his extended Pack – a part-dryad who might be related to the Pack’s Alpha female. What he finds is a woman who stirs his senses and challenges his perceptions on every level. He likes her. A lot. Maybe too much. What he doesn’t like is the mage who comes calling, out for her blood. Shared danger, shared adventure…Running for their lives, Arlo learns that his new dryad friend is very powerful and incredibly ingenious. A woman after his own heart. His inner wolf wants to claim her and she seems amenable, but they have to deal with the people trying to kill them first. Fate, it seems has ideas about her previously quiet life…Pam is drawn to the handsome werewolf. She doesn’t like the danger, but she wouldn’t want to face it with anyone else by her side. Arlo inspires trust, and a lusty attraction like she’s never felt before. Not only that, but he’s the kind of guy she could easily fall in love with…if she dares.    Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


With the realms crashing down around me, I attempt to find solace in my budding relationships. But even if I can get a moment’s reprieve, the mystery behind the missing supes comes to a head. Combining my unusual powers with my five mates might be the only way to stop the end of magic and save them all. This book includes steamy scenes with M/M pairings.     AmazonKU


After months away, attending to family matters in a distant city, Olaf is grateful to at last be returning home. Rochdale is a small village, and life as a ropemaker is simple and unexciting, but it’s a life Olaf deeply treasures—especially his son, Lukas. Instead of a warm welcome, however, he’s greeted by screams and nightmares, people who are clearly dead walking around feeding ravenously on the living, and nothing remains of the home he loves so dearly. Fleeing for their lives, Olaf, his son, and their few companions make for the next village over, praying for the nightmare to end. Stopping the Risen Dead is not a simple matter, however. Even the might of holy magic wielded by priests is not enough to do more than hold them back. To end the nightmare once and for all, Olaf will have to travel through dangerous territory to find a nigh-legendary necromancer, who gain their power over death by consuming their masters.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: Lots of really top notch ‘monster’ authors!

Welcome to Monsters in Love…Give in to these delicious and dangerous beasts



Head of the Sensible Solutions Agency Evangeline Malcolm Carstairs doesn’t have time to puzzle out why a film production’s animals have gone berserk. She is about to be married. In a week. Although she probably should find the film’s missing animal handler. That’s where her cousin, veterinarian Idonea Malcolm comes in. Iddy reads animal minds. Iddy has an animal clinic bursting at the seams and no patience with hysterical actors, until sexy Cade Garcia, the film’s annoying line producer, offers enough cash to expand her clinic if she helps find the missing trainer. But hardheaded Cade is skeptical when Evie and Iddy claim a poltergeist haunts the animals. . .With everyone on the crew, including Cade, a suspect, a wedding looming, and bulls on the loose, Evie and Iddy must rely on help from ghosts and sheep to sort through the lies of unreliable actors to discover the truth—before anyone else dies.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Vengeance made him a monster. Love will make him my mate. Deknol has sold his soul to The Deceiver. I can see it in the powers that he now wields. Far stronger than any magic present on Protheka. It excites me. Because he will use his power to rescue me. To protect me. To pleasure me. The value of my life on Protheka is less than worthless. But when I stand next to Deknol, whose godlike powers crackle the air around him, I am a queen. His queen. With all of our enemies seeking to tear us down, one question keeps nagging in my mind. With all of this power, Deknol has a body that can fight, a mind that can do magic…But does he still have a heart that can love?     AmazonKU


His name is Cailean and he’s a wolf shifter. However, he believes he is Tom Clayton, a popular author of mystery and paranormal books. One night he meets Gib, a seemingly homeless man, and offers him shelter in the lobby of his condo building. Gib takes advantage of that to visit Tom and tell him its time for him to come home, his real home. Baffled, because his condo is his home, Tom angrily tells Gib to leave, which he does, suggesting he consider two things — Cailean and Blackmont. Then, Tom has a dream about a shifter called Cailean who is banished from his pack for being a deviant. Gib is also in the dream, only his name is Gerulf. Gerulf, still posing as Gib, returns to talk with Tom and is able to convince him the dream is in fact a memory of his earlier life resurfacing, that his true name is indeed Cailean, and that they had been lovers before his banishment, twelve years previously. It will take more than that, however, to awaken all of Cailean’s memories. First, he must return to the pack’s village at Blackmont Ridge to meet his father, the Alpha of the pack. What ensues might change Cailean and Gerulf’s lives forever — if they survive.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


My alpha will do anything to protect me. But he doesn’t know how far I’ll go to save us…
War has been declared on the shifter race, and my fated mate and I aren’t the only ones in shock. The news broadcasts are filled with outrage. Shifter activists are already protesting. Our only choice is to go to war and to start training for the battle that is coming. We know that if we can find and destroy our enemy Viola, her army will soon falter and fail. But in all the chaos, we missed the signs. When our desperate attempts to locate Viola go horribly wrong, I become a target, and Nico forbids me to fight. Except there’s something powerful inside me, clawing to get out. And I don’t know how much longer I can hold my protective mama wolf back.     AmazonKU


VS Note: From FEB 23.

How do I bring peace when I’ve never known it? For over a century, as war waged, Emelyn and Ace have been in hiding and constantly moving, knowing that Ember’s emperor is searching for them with the suspicion that Ace is more than a Sky Elf. But the truth has been revealed and now Emelyn has to save a world she doesn’t have a place in. When a mysterious man of shadows saves her, claiming to be with the rebellion against Ember, Emelyn can’t deny the draw she has to him—in particular the way his shadows touch the deepest parts of her soul.     AmazonKU


For years, when I fell asleep, I dreamed of a man with blazing green eyes and a cruel smile. The day I meet him, the ruthless mercenary leaves me for dead. Just hours after humans are born, the gods take what little power we have. In return, they protect our borders from the vicious, merciless fae. The humans who manage to keep their power are known as the corrupt. And they are burned. When my forbidden power is discovered, I’m forced to flee my tiny village and the life I adore. To survive, I make a desperate bargain with the mercenary who abandoned me at my weakest. Our deal is simple: I’ll help him and his mysterious friends sneak into the city. And he’ll help me learn to wield the strange, dark power I’ve always kept hidden. The power that may just be the key to my survival. But the ruthless mercenary is hiding secrets of his own. Secrets that threaten the safety of everyone I love. Secrets that could tear this kingdom—and perhaps even this world—apart.     AmazonKU


Captain Henry Tourmaline is having nightmares again. And this time he’s not even cursed. But Henry is worried. He might be healed — but the healing spell left his lover Theo in pain, their magic tangled together. They’ve uncovered an ominous plot — but, without evidence, the Royal College of Wizardry refuses to believe them. And Theo’s brother, the Duke of Baselton, wants to meet Henry — but also wants to introduce Theo to a wealthy baron, a more suitable match … who might possess more sinister intentions. Theo Burnett tells himself he has no regrets. He’s in love with Henry, and a permanent magical headache isn’t too high a price to pay for Henry’s recovery. But he misses his peaceful life in the College Library, before he became entwined in cultists’ plots and perils. And now he’s got his brother to deal with, and a baron asking questions about him. And Theo’s last magical secret is about to come to light … explosively. Together, Theo and Henry will face curses, cultists, and chaos … and their own emotions, as they fight for their magical happy ending.    Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


When her sister was killed, Dee Wixx’s soul shut itself away, never to see the light of day again, not even for a hunky bear shifter who was there for her at every turn. Her sister’s death dominated her past, present, and future. At least the murderer was in prison…until he showed up at her front door. Nathan Pierce, the beta of the Pierce sleuth, found his mate, but she has locked herself away from trusting any man again. He sympathizes with what she’s suffering and is determined to get her through the tragedy…one way or another. But he can’t sit back and watch her walk into danger when her life is threatened. Taking the case into his own hands, or paws, he’s led to something he never saw coming. Something that not only could kill his mate but end the entire sleuth.   AmazonKU


Adrenalin junkie Audrey Koch loves her job … chasing storms. Unfortunately, storm chasers don’t make great money, so when Gerri Wilder offers her a gig as a treasure-hunting guide for a rich dragon shifter, she decides what the hell. What’s the worst that could happen? Lots. Lots can happen. Being a thousand years old dragon shifter, Stone Langert has had a long time to ponder the legend of his clutch’s missing treasure. And now, he thinks he knows where it might be. He’s not sure he wants anything to do with a time-consuming mate. But when he sees Audrey, keeping her is all he can think of. Everything is perfect. His fated mate is leading him to the lost fortune, and they’re going to live happily ever after. But he’s not blind or oblivious to the dangers aimed directly at his fragile human mate. Keeping his real treasure safe becomes more important than anything.     AmazonKU


Ghosts can’ t hurt the living? The Darke sisters know otherwise. Edwina Darke is one of a trio of ghost-hunting sisters who rid clients of their unwanted supernatural visitors. A badass by nature, Edwina doesn’ t run from haunted houses— she runs into them. Yet no matter how many “ ghosts” she debunks, she remains troubled by a demon from her own past. Simon Teal is the co-owner of a historic B&B in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, a town famous for its connection to the 1812 War. Simon doesn’ t believe in the spirit world, but something is chasing his customers away, so he reluctantly allows the Darke sisters to investigate. As the team uncovers the star-crossed love behind the B&B haunting, Edwina and Simon’ s attraction flares. It’ s the last thing either of them needs. The dedicated Edwina refuses to lose herself in another relationship, and Simon is still reeling from a terrible betrayal. When a darker presence reveals itself, triggering their protective instincts, Edwina and Simon succumb to temptation. But the evil entity has taken an interest in them, and if they don’ t solve the mystery, someone new could end up going “ into the light.” And it could be one of them.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Tired of dealing with ghosts reactively through the Toronto Police Service, psychic medium Harlan Brand starts his own paranormal investigation business, Laid to Rest Investigations. He wants to help ghosts before they become problems and help the people and ghosts who slip through the official cracks. His former police partner, Hamilton, joins him as his associate. Harlan’ s personal life is becoming just as complicated. He’ s just moved in with his boyfriend, Charles Moore, and he’ s been contacted by a man he saved from possession, Michael Clark. Despite his love for Charles and the commitment they’ ve made to one another, Harlan immediately finds himself drawn to Michael. However, after Charles meets Michael and they hit it off, they decide to invite Michael into their relationship. As his business grows and Harlan adjusts to his new role, solving cases and helping spirits leads him closer to the heart of a mystery that hits very close to home.     AmazonKU


I entered into a bargain—choosing my mate over my freedom. But I underestimated the crowned prince who took me. His touch like venom. His vengeance lethal. He craves a power I no longer hold, and he’ll sacrifice every part of me until he gets it. But I don’t belong to him. I belong to his brother. His brother who will come for me, consequences be damned. My fate is entangled between two princes—one who craves my power, the other who covets me—and I have more to lose than I ever imagined. War rages in a game between queens, and I have become their pawn. But I will fight for my life, for my mate, and he will raze kingdoms to get me back.      AmazonKU


When Kebechet is asked for a favour by another goddess, she knows better than to say no, even if it means performing a duty she hasn’t done for years. And seeing a god she spent one night with and hasn’t seen since. Imsety has never forgotten his night with Kebechet and now their paths are crossing again, he’s determined to make her remember it too.  Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: Saw this one mentioned on Ruby Dixon’s FB feed.

Only a monster can claim me. I’m too monstrous to love, a dragon shifter who’s never been courted by a male. Dragonslayers hunt me relentlessly and I kill every last man. Until Rook invades my cave. Tall, dark, and demonic, Rook alone has the strength to defeat me. He chains me and collars me with magic, forcing me to shift into a woman. I’m vulnerable and at his mercy. Worse, he’s an incubus who feeds upon lust, and I’m smoldering with barely restrained desire for my enemy. I refuse to confess the truth: I’m in heat, and soon the urge to find a mate will become irresistible. I’m playing with fire. But I’m a dragon. I like fire. I want him. He needs me. How dangerous could one night with an incubus be?      AmazonKU


Jim’s birthday is coming up, and Emmett is determined to make it a good one. Scratch that. A perfect one. Sure, that means spending money he doesn’t have. Sure, that means trying to keep secrets, which Jim is irritatingly good at ferreting out. It even means playing nice when his parents attempt a reconciliation, no matter how much he wants to tell them to screw off. But he can do that—all of it—for Jim. When Emmett’s parents ask him to befriend a girl who survived a terrible car crash, Emmett can connect the dots: his father’s political aspirations; the daughter of a freshman senator; and Emmett, the boy with scars. To keep the peace, he agrees. But when he and Jim arrive at the remote cabin, everything goes wrong. An attack by the Solar Court ends with the senator’s wife and daughter being kidnapped—and with Jim and Emmett on the run. As someone tries to draw a net tight around Jim and Emmett, the two men must race to save the kidnapped girl and her mother. Their search takes them into the path of private security forces, the unnatural creatures known as wanderers, and—most dangerous of all—monsters from their past. And if they’re too late, they’ll watch the whole world burn.

Amazon     Apple Books      Kobo


War zones and wildfires? No sweat. A summer camp full of shifter kids? Oh hell no. 
Buck Frazer has been a lot of things in his life – a Marine, a firefighter, human. And now, after an unwanted bite, he’s a motherloving werewolf. With wings. He’s supposed to be enjoying his hard-earned retirement, not waking up naked on rooftops. But the feral furball sharing his skin wants to be part of a pack. And no matter how hard he fights, it keeps dragging him to one place: Camp Thunderbird. A secret summer camp for shifter kids… which is in desperate need of a camp counselor. Two months wrangling a pack of hyperactive nine-year-olds who poof into fur every five minutes. Buck would rather swallow ground glass, but his personal curse isn’t giving him a choice. Only one thing could make this worse… and she just said, “Hi! I’m your co-counselor!” The gorgeous woman with the sunny smile is the last thing he needs – now, or ever. Even the damn kids can see the connection between them (and are way too keen to give fate a helping hand, as if he didn’t have enough problems already). Her briefest touch has the beast in him howling for release. She’s his motherloving mate. And she doesn’t… seem to have… noticed? Which doesn’t make a lick of sense. Buck knows shifters (not that he is one, thank you very much). The moment they meet their mate, every other thought falls out of their tiny skulls. And Camp Thunderbird is shifters-only, no humans allowed. The infuriating woman must know she’s driving him mad. She has to be a shifter…Right?   AmazonKU


Vampire Dante Allegretti hates his sucky life. Born into a family of energy siphoners, he’s desperate to reinvent himself as a fun-loving normal guy rather than a crowdsourcing parasite. To stop the draining urges, Dante resorts to grinding alternative meds in an ancient Mortar & Pestle, not knowing it contains magical properties. Enter wisecracking thirty-year-old Sophie Arley, who lives with her clingy parents. Working three jobs and craving independence, she’s come back strong after a breakdown crashed her cozy world. So when the weird, hot guy she just met-cute asks Sophie to the movies, she agrees. Sophie won’t spoil their magical connection by mentioning her heartbreak. And Dante dreads telling Sophie about his dark side. Will the power from the Mortar & Pestle guide them to their happily ever after despite the secrets and lies?     AmazonKU


Working for a top modeling agency is Jade Parsons’s dream job, until her boss suffers a heart attack, and his son temporarily fills his position. Eric’s push-pull approach fuels her frustration. While anticipating the troublemaker’s imminent departure, Jade’s destiny is revealed through a magical mortar and pestle, leaving her heart tormented by whispers of a different fate. World-renowned photographer Eric Martini returns home to restore his relationship with his estranged father, but wounds from the past haunt him. Enchanted by his father’s feisty assistant, he masks his heart and refuses to give into desire. Convinced his destined future is already written in the stars—and doesn’t include Jade, Eric’s only choice is to walk away. Will Jade and Eric find the courage to trust the mythical and smokey signs before their paths are severed forever?     AmazonKU


Chandler’s orderly, fulfilling life is running like clockwork. The darkness in his own past doesn’t bother him, not while he gets to help other people solving crimes as a consulting mage with the Federal Investigative Service. But all that order goes out the window when Chandler takes an involuntary vacation and encounters two immortals, gods, who seem to think he’s the hottest thing since the discovery of fire. While he’d be fine with a little fun on his own terms, that doesn’t seem to be what the gods have in mind. Hermes and Charon, frenemies with benefits, have solved the problem of the delectable human they both want: share him. Because sharing is better than losing your favorite rival to monogamy. Besides, gorgeous Chandler is high maintenance for a human and demands their full support for his crime solving passion, especially when he is asked to consult on a series of violent murders. Will Chandler find a way to shake the divine duo—and does he want to? Can Hermes and Charon satisfy their demanding boyfriend while they help solve his case? And can the three of them understand that sharing has to be caring, even when they don’t fully understand each other?

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


When the elven king of death released me even though my existence is a threat to his kingdom, I took the opportunity to run. There is just one problem… I also fell in love with him. Nothing like a little doomed love to add a dash of intrigue to life, right? Unfortunately, that’s not even the worst of it. I’m a worrier on my best days, but with a psycho tracking my every move because he’s obsessed with killing me, I’ve graduated to the level of paranoid lunatic. Even if I could forget about the tracker—not happening since he’s figured out the fastest way to get to me is to attack my adopted family—my regular life is also anxiety-inducing as the city of Magiford is brewing with trouble. Someone is setting off increasingly powerful magical spells downtown, upsetting all the humans. The supernatural community is desperate to find the perpetrator, and the top leaders are convinced the psychotic tracker chasing me is in on it. Their solution? Use me to capture the tracker for questioning. What none of us counted on was Noctus—the elven king of death—interfering. Turns out I might not be the only one to regret our parting. But is there any way he could help me, and still keep his kingdom a safe secret? At least one thing is for sure: I’m in way over my head with this, and my gut is warning me that I’m about to test if cats really do have nine lives.     AmazonKU


Dirk, my werewolf nephew, is going home. Sending Dirk back to his father is complicated, but I have to do it. Even if it’s for a short time, I know that father and son need to talk about what’s changed between them. They need to talk about what the future holds for both of them. One year. That was how long we wanted to keep his new status as a werewolf as secret as possible, before we involved the family. That one year is up, and now, it’s time to face the music. Niko is only the start. However, secrets are insidious things. They can stay hidden for decades, even centuries. Dirk and I kept have been keeping several, but we’re not the only ones. When too many secrets finally come to light, we’ll be left standing in the ruins of more than one family. It’s too late to stop this, but I’m Jacky Leon and I’ll be damned if the secrets of generations past ruin the family I’m building in the present.     AmazonKU


They told us we’d be helping our country. That we’d be preventing war—but I have a different plan. One that won’t be a lie and will save Asturg… I’m gonna bring it all down. With a taste of freedom, a pack who respected me, and the chance to never be a victim again I felt hope for the first time since coming to Asturg. I should have known better, it’s not in my cards to have the traditional happily ever after you read about in books. Not when the man whose mark I was branded with shows up to claim me for real. I’m now bonded to the North with my heart in the South, both bitter enemies who’ve been at war for centuries. How could there ever be a chance of having the life and family I crave when they want to kill each other? Can the promise of ending the war and creating a new world be enough for two powerful Alphas to set aside their past to work together? Probably not—but if it’s for the Omega they love anything is possible.   AmazonKU


Keeping the Peace: While escorting his king on a diplomatic mission, a dragon stumbles upon someone who threatens his commitment to his duty. Vicar Rhomes has had the honor of being head honor guard to King Leortis—the dragon king—for several centuries. Escorting the king to Savannah to discuss a rogue dragon they’re tracking with the Shifter Council is normal procedure. Joining a couple of councilmen for a meal, Vicar fills his plate only to stumble over a pretty auburn-haired cutie… spilling his clam chowder all over the poor man. Mortified, Vicar snaps at the shifter. It’s only after the blushing beauty strips his shirt that Vicar gets a clean whiff of his heady scent and learns who the man is to him—his mate. Getting doused in clam chowder isn’t the worst thing that’s ever happened to Desmond while working in the cafeteria. It’s the blistering put-down spouted by the huge, gorgeous black man that makes him blush. After whipping off his soiled shirt, Desmond assures the male that he’ll …(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


I was done being an assassin when I was hired to find her. She was the beautiful wolf shifter that shook my world. Sparks flew from the moment I laid eyes on her. But I had to lie to get the job done. Jolene’s wolf shifter clan is after her life. She escaped them as a child but has no clue how much danger she’s in. Pretending to be just a guest at her bed and breakfast is one thing. Telling her I don’t love her is another. It was my job to capture her. Now I’ve made it my duty to protect her. Jolene’s enemies would have to defeat me to get to her. But will she think of me as the enemy once she finds out the truth?     AmazonKU


Howling Creek’s favorite local forest ranger is no ordinary human, but she still masquerades as one. Just because she was born a witch doesn’t exactly make Lexie all that powerful. After all, most witches have magic they can actually control, but Lexie’s powers have been broken for as long as she can remember. Her gifts only show up on their own terms—usually unannounced—at the most inconvenient of times. Things have gotten so bad that Lexie’s new familiar was compelled to take all her magic away. Temporarily, of course. Fortunately for Lexie, her day job doesn’t require much supernatural skill. Working at The Ancients Agency doing forest patrol means she just has to watch for signs that the resident shifters are misbehaving. Keeping the wolf packs and leopard pride under control is well above her pay grade. Which is honestly for the best considering that one of the wolf shifters just turned up dead. When Lexie’s supervisor tasks her with leading in the murder investigation, this would-be-witch finds herself face-to-face with Kellen Rich. As the Alpha of the Howlers Wolf Pack, he wants vengeance for his fallen pack member, and the crime is jeopardizing his attempts to forge a peace treaty with the rival wolf pack, the Dark Fangs. Irresistibly handsome but extremely aloof, Kellen gives Lexie a few leads and a lot of interesting feelings. But she can’t afford to worry about a crush when she’s working to get her magic back all while hunting a killer. As the most cursed member of the coven, does she have what it takes to administer justice and keep the wolves from going to war?    AmazonKU


VS Note: A re-release.

Brandi Best went on an adventure to discover the truth, and boy, did she discover more than she ever intended to…Apparently, she’s a mermaid. You heard me right. Not just a mother, a woman in her midlife, and a brand-new waitress at a bar, but a bonified mermaid with a tail. As much fun as it might sound to spend her days swimming around her small town, something dark is lurking under the surface of Cornellis Island. And that something is coming for her. With new friends by her side, humorous neighbors, and a few troublemaking animals, Brandi has her hands full. Discovering the secrets that cloud her past, no matter how dangerous, is her priority. And with friends like hers, they can’t get into that much trouble. Can they?      AmazonKU


Dragon shifter Andy spends his time in his Santa Fe home with his brothers, surfing the dark web for information about dragons and digitizing dragon histories. He’s not used to trouble of any kind, so when a stranger shows up who seems to be watching him, he’s more than a little freaked out. Dustin is used to doing recon on all sorts of creatures, especially dragons like him, in his quest to keep dragons safe. He and his twin brother both work for a mysterious billionaire who funds dragon conservation. So he thinks nothing of it when he’s sent to check out a dragon enclave in the high desert of New Mexico. Until he meets Andy, that is. Then he knows he’s found his mate. As Dustin and Andy struggle to find their own space yet give Andy’s brothers and moms respect, danger threatens to tear them apart. Can they keep their growing family safe, and find a way to be something new while honoring both of their traditions?     AmazonKU


Alice didn’t think much of Dax when she first met him. Now he’s helping her do a magical deep cleanse on a collection of dark objects, and they’re working well together. Mostly. Plus, he’s actually kind of sweet sometimes, not the rich playboy brat she thought he was at first. A look here, a kiss there, who knows what might happen? But then his obsession with a cursed violin invites trouble. The kind of trouble that moves in. In to Dax. Now Dax is possessed – sort of. A demon is after the violin’s original owner – maybe. And Alice? She’s just trying to keep everything from crashing down on them – including her own dark past.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


The Paradise Shifter Clan is facing extinction. Can their two leaders rebuild their hidden town? Desperate to find missing clan members, and hoping to diversify their genetics, Alpha Adam, with his best friend and enforcer, Nick, embark on their first mission to locate and bring home a missing man who they hope will finally help them set the Leoparo Clan on the road to survival. The only problem is, he’s dead. Instead, they find his spunky foster daughter, Nina, a plethora of half-completed suspense novels, and a shadowy, paramilitary force hot on her trail. Intent on honoring her foster dad’s memory, Nina intends to complete his work, but mysterious accidents follow her every move. Someone is intent on preventing her from continuing with her father’s work, even if it means ending her. Forced together in impossible circumstances, the trio finds themselves falling for each other. But, even though she’s attracted to the two gorgeous males, Nina can’t bring herself to give them her complete trust. Will they come together to figure out all the clues hidden deep in Nina’s history in time to save their Clan?

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


There’s more to being a gargoyle’s wife than just saying I do. While struggling to raise my little sister, I suddenly inherit a run-down B&B from a grandmother I didn’t know existed. The only condition to inherit is that I marry and live with my husband for a year. One problem. I’m not dating, and the only one I want to propose to is the gargoyle I’ve been crushing on for months. When I explain, Goreg offers a marriage of convenience with a quickie divorce at the end. He’s sweet and shy, and with his muscular frame and glorious wings, I’m kind of blown away by his offer even if he does occasionally turn to stone and lurk on the roof. I’ve got one year to convince Goreg we have a chance at forever. But then his brothers and wolf shifter best friend move in to help fix up the B&B, and it’s one cultural mishap after another. When the year is up, I’ll have to decide. Do I want to be single again or remain a gargoyle’s bride?     AmazonKU


Tanner – I started my restaurant after years of running a successful themed food truck in the city. A peanut butter and jelly restaurant needs to be in every town as far as I am concerned. I’ve been obsessed with the combination and all its shades since I was a boy. So I’ve moved to Oliver Creek, a small town where I thought my brand would be a hit. It is. My unique sandwich combinations have the good folks lining up. Sometimes when I’m alone at night I wish for an alpha to come home to, to hold me in his arms, but life hasn’t given me one. I already have a good life, Godric – My life is routine—set—scheduled and that’s the way I like it. I work in my home office, creating masterpieces of architecture for museums all around the world. I could travel full-time if not for my limitations. On an everyday trip to the organic market, I run into an omega. He’s tall and muscular, with a smile that has me melting instantly. But when our baskets crash into each other, I reel back. His is full of the one thing I’m deathly allergic to—nuts. Not all of them, but many, and I’ve been to the ER too often to take chances. Tanner’s work revolves around a business that makes me clutch my EpiPen tighter. I don’t know if I can have him. Being with Tanner may just kill me. But he’s my true mate. Fate truly has a strange sense of humor.      AmazonKU


She escaped his net, but now he’s caught her heart. Muri was resigned to being the tenth bride of the king of the merfolk—until he disappeared on land. Now she has mere days to find him among the treacherous fairies and dim-witted humans before the throne is forfeit and his menacing rival takes control of the merkingdom. Her first shimmering glimpse of a human in a boat is so captivating, his fishing net almost ensnares her. But once on shore, she discovers that the fairies are kind, and the humans intelligent. And the man who almost caught her—a fish-catcher named Jack—is utterly handsome. Muri needs to warn the mermaids that the merking won’t be returning—he’s lying drunk in the village park, unable to shift to merman form. But she hesitates to leave the village. Muri wants to learn more of this place where humans and fairies help each other, women and men are equals, and rulers are chosen by everyone. And she wants to spend more time with Jack. But the merking’s rival is coming for her. He’ll threaten the whole village to force her to return home. To keep Jack safe, she’ll have to leave him.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo     Author’s Universal Link


Today is the day the world ends. Fine, tomorrow is the day the world ends, but is that actually better? My name is Blaze Keyes, and I’m a seer. Since I was a kid, I’ve known that the world was going to end on my twenty-fifth birthday. But the day before the apocalypse, the most unexpected guy falls into my lap—or maybe I’d like to fall into his. Elethen is tall, handsome, a type of mage that disappeared from earth a century ago . . . and an elf. Also, he says he fell through a portal from another world, and I sort of believe him. If I can’t save earth, maybe I can at least get Elethen home safe. Or if we can get my infuriating brother to work with us, maybe we can save everyone on both of our worlds. Maybe the world dies tomorrow, but damn it, I’m not going out without a fight.   AmazonKU


Welcome to a world that is ours and yet not ours. Creatures from our myths, nightmares, and dreams have invaded us. Gargoyles, Jorōgumo, faerie, angel, medusa, and more. To most, they are invisible…Harrow is a Stitched soldier, enhanced to kill creatures and possessed by an incubus and a kraken. Love with a normal human girl is impossible…until he catches Viktoria breaking into his bookshop. For Viktoria, normal is a dirty word. Her childhood was peppered with demon cats, adoption, and pain. She’s afraid to dream of love, let alone climb into bed with a man and kiss. Before they can rest, breathe, and fling clothes aside, Harrow, Viktoria, her incubus, and her kraken will need to get past demonic possessions, demonic evictions, and the immortal at the center of a web of bridal abductions and murders.     AmazonKU


Francesca Flores’s The Witch and the Vampire is a queer Rapunzel retelling where a witch and a vampire who trust no one but themselves must journey together through a cursed forest with danger at every turn. Ava and Kaye used to be best friends. Until one night two years ago, vampires broke through the magical barrier protecting their town, and in the ensuing attack, Kaye’s mother was killed, and Ava was turned into a vampire. Since then, Ava has been trapped in her house. Her mother Eugenia needs her: Ava still has her witch powers, and Eugenia must take them in order to hide that she’s a vampire as well. Desperate to escape her confinement and stop her mother’s plans to destroy the town, Ava must break out, flee to the forest, and seek help from the vampires who live there. When there is another attack, she sees her opportunity and escapes. Kaye, now at the end of her training as a Flame witch, is ready to fulfill her duty of killing any vampires that threaten the town, including Ava. On the night that Ava escapes, Kaye follows her and convinces her to travel together into the forest, while secretly planning to turn her in. Ava agrees, hoping to rekindle their old friendship, and the romantic feelings she’d started to have for Kaye before that terrible night. But with monstrous trees that devour humans whole, vampires who attack from above, and Ava’s stepfather tracking her, the woods are full of danger. As they travel deeper into the forest, Kaye questions everything she thought she knew. The two are each other’s greatest threat—and also their only hope, if they want to make it through the forest unscathed.    Amazon      AB     Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: I have no idea what genres are represented here but I like anthologies  and also this was getting a lot of support over on BookTok. From the reviews, sounds like there might be some PNR.

Straighten Your Crown is the first anthology from The Romance Riot Discord, a group of (not only romance writers), who have come together to bring these 15 stories about strong females and strong friendships. This anthology is home to multiple different genres, multiple different styles, and multiple different heat levels. The one thing each of these stories does have in common is the idea of Queenhood. You’ll find a common Easter egg in each story, even though not a single one flows into the next!    AmazonKU

FOREVER BOUND by Jessica Dall

VS Note: From JAN 16.

Set among the rolling green Irish hills, Kelkerry Castle is something out of a dreamy fairy tale. For hotelier Bridget Marshall, however, it’s a dream come true…once she’s sorted out the mold, lead paint, and ancient plumbing. And she’ll prove to everyone in the nearby village of Shansally (pop. 119) that she’s not just another silly, dreamy-eyed American—including her curt (if utterly gorgeous) new neighbor, Liam O’Flannagain.
Only, this breathtaking castle has far more secrets than expensive repairs. While someone—or something—here desperately wants Bridget to give up and walk away, there’s another force tugging Bridget to stay. Because whenever she’s with Liam, the ancient past seems to come to life again, sweeping them along in a story they’re apparently destined to relive. Now, Liam and Bridget are caught up in a long-ago tale filled with love, danger, and betrayal. The past seems to be working its magic on both of them, pulling them into a love story they’re helpless to resist. And they’ll have to uncover the truth of what happened all those centuries ago before history—and tragedy—repeats itself.      AmazonKU


I thought Peter Pan was a myth and Neverland a fairytale. A story spun by my mother who had lost her mind a long time ago. But there was no denying the overwhelming shadow cast by Peter Pan when he was standing in my house. Pan took me captive to Neverland and I somehow found my place among him and the Lost Boys. I’ve never looked back. Now I’m entangled right alongside him in a war we can’t seem to escape. We thought we had defeated our enemies. We thought we could finally have our happily ever after. But there was one enemy we never saw coming. A fairy who has nothing to lose and everything to gain. The fairy with golden wings and a dark, twisted heart. She wants Neverland and she’ll stop at nothing to have it. Including destroying anyone who stands in her way, even her own flesh and blood. NOTE: The Fae Princes is a reimagining of Peter and Wendy. Characters have been aged up for this darker, grittier version.      AmazonKU


An edge-of-your-seat fantasy about a girl who will do anything to protect her sister—even if it means striking a dangerous bargain. Dark forces, forgotten magic, and a heart-stopping queer romance make this young adult novel a must-read. A scorned god. A mysterious acolyte. A forgetting drug. A dangerous forest. One girl caught between the freedom she always wanted and a sister she can’t bear to leave behind. Under the cover of the Night Forest, will Lucha be able to step into her own power…or will she be consumed by it? This gorgeous and fast-paced fantasy novel from acclaimed author Tehlor Kay Mejia is brimming with adventure, peril, romance, and family bonds—and asks what it means for a teen girl to become fully herself.     Amazon      AB     Apple Books     Kobo


Seventeen-year-old Gen may have rescued her beloved father from prison, but she hasn’t saved him yet. If she fails her end of a bargain with the Olympian Empresses, they will send him right back to his cell. To keep the Empresses happy, Gen must bring them the legendary golden apples of Hesperides and the monstrous Cerberus. But both are rumored to be in the neighboring Elysium Empire, which has a long history of war with Olympia. Making matters worse, Gen’s former enemy and newly designated heir to the isle of Arcadia Castor invites herself on the journey, hoping a golden apple could end Arcadia’s reliance on Illumium for storm vials. And Castor’s twin brother, Gen’s StormMaker boyfriend Pollux, has been pulling away from Gen due to troubles stemming from her mind magic. With Castor’s pirate-thief girlfriend and Pollux’s servant companion in tow, the unlikely team embarks on its voyage. But war is only an insult away in Elysium, and more than the Emperor has their eyes on Gen’s mission. The quest has caught the attention of one of Elysium’s Oracles, and trouble is sure to brew with Prophecy on the rise.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


Survival. Secrets. Shadows. Faery is more beautiful and otherworldly than Arawyn ever imagined, but there’s a growing darkness in this land of magic and monsters…After years of suffering under the cruel reign of brutal usurpers, what’s left of this realm is dark and twisted. Arawyn’s people and her land are hurting, but everything in her tells her she can save them if only she can tame her wild magic. Taking refuge in the ruins of her father’s Kingdom, she trains under the intense instruction of Dommik, her crazed ex-assassin. As her power blossoms, so do her feelings for the darkly psychotic man. Every time he looks at her, his eyes burn with heat, igniting an answering fire within her. But when Rathe is summoned to face the King along with Fear and Viper, she’s thrust into the wicked world of the Fae to face her enemies before she’s ready. Hidden in plain sight as Rathe’s slave, she’s left to traverse the intricacies of a Court she doesn’t understand. One misstep will endanger not just herself, but her men. Can she keep her identity a secret, or will the threats surrounding them force her to expose her power, spelling the end for them all?   AmazonKU


The deadly Werewolf Trials have begun. What chance does a werewolf who can’t shift have? Laelia’s life has taken a dramatic change, gone is her quiet life in the woods that she loved so dearly. With the discovery of her magic and mixed heritage, she’s having to compete in the werewolf trials with her life on the line. However, even the strongest of werewolves fall to the trials. With her friends and mate at her side, she has to learn how to survive what many don’t. As friendships start to turn into something more, Laelia’s life becomes more complicated than she ever could have imagined. What’s for certain is that she’s not going to be the same person coming out of this than when she started. Will she survive the trials with both her life and her heart intact?     AmazonKU


For the past six years, Ronnie has worked selling merch for a perpetually touring band. Late nights, sweaty clubs, dingy motel rooms, endless roads-as rough as it’s been, there is no other way of life for this band of hungry succubi leaving bodies in their wake. Until she meets the enigmatic Helene. Helene is just as restless, just as lonely, and just as full of secrets. With Helene in tow, Ronnie and the band make their way across the Pacific Northwest, trying to outrun not only their mistakes, but the mysterious disease stalking the band, a disease that devours succubi from the inside out. The hunger is as endless as the road, but maybe Ronnie doesn’t always want to sleep alone.     Amazon


We’re no longer in the demon realm and clicking my heels together won’t get us home. One powerful thought somehow transported us away from a river of lava and into a land of icy winds and devastation. One powerful thought saved our lives. But a celebration is on hold while we focus on survival because there is no escape. Not unless the princes come for us. The trials are over. A monarch must be chosen. But if the princes don’t find us soon, there’ll be no one left to choose from.     AmazonKU


On Jenny Hartmann’s drive up the mountain to a friend’s cabin for a much-needed escape, her old car breaks down. Stranded on the snowy mountain, with no town or other cars in sight, she has no choice but to walk to find help. And of course, she soon falls on her butt and hurts her leg. While cursing the world for her crappy luck, a tall, sexy dragonman finds her and offers to help. Even though it means possibly being alone with a stranger for who knows how long—let alone what he’ll do—the dropping temperatures give her little choice. As soon as she accepts his help, he carries her to his little cabin and proceeds to take care of her. The dragon-shifter named Daniel Torres says little. But he doesn’t try to curb her ramblings or make her feel embarrassed about having little to no filter. In fact, she tells him things she’s kept from even her sister. And after they huddle together in the only bed to keep warm, things start to shift, and she wants things she can’t have. But a surprise from the dragon-shifters’ main enemy changes everything. And soon Jenny must decide if she wants a future with the dragonman, or will she have to flee to stay safe from his inner dragon?    AmazonKU


On the secluded continent of Edenvale, possessing magic is a death sentence. Those who have it are labelled Cursed, and by order of the king, they are Cleansed—a horrific event utilizing a hot, hungry pyre and an iron collar. Enemy to the king, a group known as the Cursed rebels defend their lands from his reach, creating an ongoing, bloodthirsty war. When Sage’s brother is conscripted for the war, she is forced to trade in her cozy, peaceful cottage life and join the Cursed rebels to get him back. Her mission seems straightforward, but Von, the leader of the Cursed rebels, comes riddled with dark secrets. With his otherworldly eyes, black as a starless night, and a taste for juicy thigh—ahem—red apples, Sage knows better than to get involved with a guy like him. But knowing and doing are two very different things. Together with the Cursed rebels and Von, the king of inky deals and sexy, stolen moments, Sage embarks on the quest of a lifetime. Little does she know that fate is at work and the gods are watching her every move.     AmazonKU


It took one day to strip an Archangel of everything he held dear.On the battlefield of Heaven, Uriel lost more than his left ear. He lost his Committeds and his will to live. Decades later, he’s drowning himself at the bottom of a bottle, with no escape in sight. He tried to end his misery, but death didn’t take. Resigned to suffering eternity alone with only the ghosts of the ones he lost as company, the last thing Uriel wants is a new love. It took one day for a hybrid to fall in love with a broken, lost Archangel.As the hybrid spawn of Lucifer, Jesse isn’t exactly popular with angels; carrying the face of a monster tends to have that effect. So, he keeps his head down and secretly prays for the day someone can see past his golden eyes to the soul inside—the soul desperate for the solace only surrender can provide. A grieving Archangel searching for hope and a reason to live. A hybrid yearning for a firm, loving hand, and a place to belong. Join Uriel and Jesse as they test the boundaries of love and the infinite limits of grace. Cuffs & Carnations is a spin-off story within the Fire & Brimstone universe. It can be read as a standalone but is best enjoyed after reading the completed Fire & Brimstone Scrolls series.      AmazonKU


Jolene – My life wasn’t perfect, but I didn’t have any real complaints — until something went horribly wrong and one of my potions blew up, killing my husband. Raising our son on my own hasn’t been easy. Grief and guilt keep getting in my way. But a certain biker keeps stopping by to lend a helping hand. Is it wrong I wish he’d do more than fix my porch steps? Alan – I knew Jolene was mine, even when she belonged to someone else. Now that she’s single, I might have a chance. I can’t rush this, though. Not after what she’s been through. Not till I’m sure she’s ready. I’ll take my time, build a friendship with her, then lay all my cards on the table. Only one problem. I didn’t count on traffickers hitting our little town. Everything’s gone sideways. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my new family safe, even if I have to get my hands dirty.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


On the run from Fae slavers, the best chance of survival is to submit to the Immortal Sorting. I’ll be claimed by an Orc in exchange for protection. The price? A life of servitude. But Commander Uther Bachbracht, fearsome warrior with a hidden tenderness only for me, wants more than a concubine; I’m the woman he chooses to be his wife. My lies may jeopardize our future, but I have no choice but to trust his honor, no chance to rest before enemies find me. Either I’ll live by my Orc blade, or die by it, and the Commander is willing to kill to protect what he has claimed.   AmazonKU


VS Note: OK gosh this blurb says it all LOL.

Clint never expected to find his mate. But he was wrong.     AmazonKU


Tip #1 for dealing with dragons: be prepared for anything 
My whole life, I thought dragons were majestic, wise, and fearsome creatures. Not to mention fictional. It’s been less than a year since that last belief was debunked. Dragons are real, they’re now living among us, and I’m the lucky realtor who gets to sell a house to their leader. I just have to impress his representative first. No problem—I’m a professional. Except the dragon rep turns out to be the guy I hooked up with last night, and he’s fast disproving everything I believed about dragons. Unless “wise” actually means “addicted to glitter” and “majestic” is a euphemism for “overgrown frat boy.”  Hagen might actually be the most annoying person I’ve ever met, yet I can’t resist going on a date with him. One thing’s for sure, someone needs to write me a how-to guide for dating a dragon… glitter not included.     AmazonKU


Emry Merlin should be living her best life as a wizard’s apprentice. Now that she no longer has to pretend to be her brother to study magic, she and Prince Arthur are closer than ever. Except King Uther has warned her to stay away from his son, and Emry’s magic is growing more unpredictable by the day. Meanwhile, Arthur’s prophesied future as the One True King is closing in. And as his wedding to Princess Guinevere draws nearer, he discovers she’s hiding a shocking secret. When Emry learns that the only hope to fix her increasingly dangerous magic is an eccentric Parisian alchemist, Arthur has his own reasons for accompanying her to French court, and for befriending an infamous crowd of young nobles. But it’s going to take a lot more than a depressed gargoyle, some obscenely tight trousers, and a deadly sports match to keep our young heroes from their destiny. Can these reluctant royals and wayward wizards set aside their drama and save their kingdom, or is Camelot doomed?     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


There is often trouble of a mythical sort in Bath. The booksellers who police the Old World keep a careful watch there, particularly on the entity that inhabits the ancient hot spring. This time trouble comes from the discovery of a sorcerous map, leading left-handed bookseller Merlin into great danger, requiring a desperate rescue attempt from his sister, the right-handed bookseller Vivien, and art student Susan Arkshaw, who is still struggling to deal with her own recently discovered magical heritage. The map takes the trio to a place separated from this world, maintained by deadly sorcery and guarded by monstrous living statues. But this is only the beginning. To unravel the secrets of a murderous Ancient Sovereign, the booksellers must investigate centuries of disappearances and deaths. If they do not stop her, she will soon kill again. And this time, her target is not an ordinary mortal.     Amazon      AB     Apple Books     Kobo


Tyler’s first priority is to protect his coven. Not because he’s the High Witch’s right-hand-man. Not because he was born a Dom. But because this is his home, and a protector is who he is. When a new person is fostered by the coven, Tyler is immediately suspicious. Roman is a sub, sure, but his old coven is bad news. They’re all convicted of practicing Chaos Magic, so…why isn’t Roman? Tyler is sure that Roman is up to no good. The sub refuses to integrate with the coven. Will avoid meals, barely leaves his room, doesn’t talk to anybody. There’s something wrong there, and Tyler won’t stop until he finds out what. Turns out, there’s a lot more to Roman than meets the eye—a dark past that’s left scars he can’t even imagine. In the end, Roman might not be someone Tyler has to defend against…but someone he needs to protect.     AmazonKU


Vampire hunter Anita Blake is no stranger to killing monsters. It’s part of her job as a Preternatural U.S. Marshal, after all. But even her experience isn’t enough to stop something that is bent on destroying everything—and everyone—she loves. Anita Blake is engaged to Jean-Claude, the new vampire king of America. Humans think she’s gone over to the side of the monsters. The vampires fear that their new king has fallen under the spell of the most powerful necromancer in a thousand years. In the midst of wedding preparations—including getting Edward, aka U.S. Marshal Ted Forrester, fitted as best man—Anita gets a call that the local police need her expertise at a brutal murder scene linked to a nationwide slaughter of vampires and humans, dubbed the Sunshine Murders. But there is more than just a murderer to catch: an ancient evil has arrived in St. Louis to challenge Jean-Claude for his crown, his life, Anita, and all they hold dear. Even with Jean-Claude’s new powers as king and Anita’s necromancy, it isn’t enough; they must embrace their triumvirate or allow primeval darkness to spread across the country, possessing first the vampires and then the humans. Evil will triumph unless Jean-Claude and Anita can prove that love conquers all.

Amazon      AB     Apple Books     Kobo


There are no gods. Only men. Betrayed by her closest allies, Empress Miko Ts’ai is thrust from ruler to pawn. But she won’t suffer the whims of men. A string of dangerous gambles could win Miko her empire for good, but to take back the throne, she must become everything her ancestors failed to be. Rah e’Torin leads a herd again. Now he seeks to honor a promise he made a lifetime ago—to safely bring his Swords home. Yet Rah’s loyalty to the past may be his ultimate undoing. Cassandra Marius is lost. Ensnared by memories that aren’t her own, Cass must decide who she really is, but the answer lies beyond one final confrontation with Leo Villius. And trapped in the heart of the Chiltaen army, Dishiva e’Jaroven is handed unexpected power. The dream of a new homeland is within her grasp—if she risks everything and trusts her former enemies.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


For as long as anyone can remember, those cursed with ebb-magic have been marked for death by the gods. Sayer has always known his fate: he was given seventy-two years of life before he must become a sacrifice. His sister was only promised ten. Now theBlood Hours are set to begin-twenty-eight nights of slaughter, where priests on the hunt compete with the brutal elements to claim the life of each ebber mage slated to die. Sayer is determined to save his sister by entering with her and making sure they survive to see dawn on the final day. But Sayer has done dark things to carve out a place in the Hours early, and a priestess with her own grief lurks in the winter-dark forest. Hungry for revenge and willing to do anything to hurt the man who murdered her brother, she kills his sister that very first night. With every future he dared hope for spattered in his sister’s blood, there is nothing keeping Sayer from becoming the monster ebbers are thought to be; wielders of an uncontrollable, deadly power. It’s only when he meets Ever-a girl with no fear of their magic and the knowledge to help him master it-that Sayer is given one last chance. If they can survive, there may be a way to save his sister. But Ever isn’t telling the whole truth, and when secrets shatter everything Sayer once believed about the gods and the Blood Hours, he must find his own way to save his loved ones-and maybe even himself.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


I’m a billionaire alpha lion with the roar to prove it. What happens when I finally meet my match? Victor is the CEO of a major athletic apparel company, and he didn’t get there by being a shrinking violet. His assistants keep running away because he’s so hard to work with. Everything changes when the temp agency sends Bobby. Bobby is as plucky, sassy, and stubborn as the goat he shifts into, and he’s not afraid to go toe-to-toe with Victor. What happens when that spicy attitude turns Victor on? Bobby is sassy omega executive assistant with the most. He has a hard time keeping a job, not because he isn’t the best at what he does, but because he never backs down from a fight. When he starts a new job working for Victor, the hot, filthy-rich CEO of an athletic company, the first thing he does is shoot off his mouth when Victor gets testy. To his surprise, Victor seems to like it. From there, they quickly grow from co-workers into friends, and they can’t deny the heat between them. What happens when they realize they’re fated? Has Victor finally met his match? Has Bobby finally found someone who can handle his sass? Can they come together to make a family?     AmazonKU


With all my priests by my side and my memories and powers returned, I am stronger than I have ever been, but what if it isn’t enough? As the Great Ennead awakens and my priests are dragged into the underworld without me, there’s no turning back now. War is waiting for us down below where Apophis plots to rise to the surface and flood the earth with the primordial waters we came from. Gods awaken, demons roam and the prophecy I was created to fulfil beckons. The gods tell me I must fulfil the prophecy and once again become the Eye of Ra, the bloodthirdty goddess Sekhmet. But I know what happened last tie, and even if I am strong enough to defeat Apophis, am I strong enough to return to who I am? Or will the bloodlust consume me forever?     AmazonKU

NEW MOON RISING (CHILDREN OF THE MOON BOOK ONE) by Cassandra Featherstone and Serenity Raine

Beware the Children of the Moon, for their power is beholden to no man. When we stepped into the Ascension circle, my sister and I expected to gain our magic so we could solve the mystery of her past. Our parents carried the knowledge of what happened to her family to their grave, and to our surprise, my sister isn’t a powerless witch—she’s a wolf. “This witch and this wolf are worthless—no mates or powers to speak of. They will remain in the lower echelon.” The High Mage’s declaration of our unworthiness means we may never have the resources to find out what happened to her pack. The Goddess intended for this night to change our lives–while we were being shamed in the circle, an unknown adversary came out of the shadows to leave an ominous threat in the ashes of our home. The sole survivor from the attack on our home was left with a message carved into his back: We are coming for you, Children of the Moon. No one knows what the warning means and after the High Mage’s decree, no one cares. Our only solution is to sink deeper into the seedy underbelly of Briarvale to investigate, even if it means letting everyone underestimate us. After all, what can one worthless witch and wolf do? Burn It. All. Down.     AmazonKU


The day I rode to the Rift with my brother the king, I never expected him to deliver me into the hands of our enemies. Desperate to stop the Deepnight from covering his kingdom in shadow, he’s pledged me as a blood slave to King Laurent, ruler of the vampire kingdom of Nor Doru. Survival means giving Laurent my vein and my body. And when his cruel and arrogant general, Varick, demands the same, I must obey.
But all is not as it seems in the vampire court. King Laurent has secrets, not the least of which is how much he enjoys his general’s company. Almost from the moment I enter the twilight world of the Deepnight, I learn my journey across the Rift was so much more than a barter. And it’s not just Laurent and Varick I need to be wary of. There are rumors of darkness stirring—of long-forgotten danger rising in the old elven lands. Something is stirring in me, too. As I unravel the secrets of the vampire court and discover my own hidden abilities, I must choose between love and survival. Trapped between two powerful men, will I become a pawn in the battle for power, or will I take control of my own fate? Author’s note: The Bitten and Bound Series must be read in order. Mind the cliff.     AmazonKU


Jericho, made of behemoth’s horn and feather, was born the mate of a demon lord, groomed and well-prepared for the mate that would claim him and settle the debts of the contract. Life hasn’t been all sunshine and roses, but he lives every day in wait for his happily ever after. But when his mate never comes, Jericho is forced to mask his scent and infiltrate Firstlight Industries under the nose of Lucifer himself to find what has happened to his mate. Malkiel Elend has been alone for longer than most demon kind have been alive. He is of the first, of the never born, of the endless. Malkiel, red of wing, whose fall was predicted in the breath of his creation, parted from his first love so long ago that he’s forgotten what love is like. Life has lost all flavor, but when the scent of eucalyptus and sweet summer beer tickles his senses, maybe being mated again wouldn’t be such a hardship?     AmazonKU


After a disappointing return from the basajaunak lands, it’s clear that Jessie and her crew need to form an alliance and fast! A massive battle is materializing, targeting Kingsley. Without more help, they’ll never be enough to save Austin’s brother from total annihilation. The good news is, gargoyle cairns are interested in meeting her. She’s the only living female gargoyle and a connection with her has the opportunity to improve their status. They’d just have to change their way of life to accommodate her, not an easy ask for a gruff, stubborn sort of creature. She has her back against the wall. She must try and wrangle her crew into some semblance of “normal” to entice even just one major cairn to her side. Something not totally impossible…except for the interference of a cairn’s Lead Enforcer. He isn’t just a gargoyle. Couldn’t be, not with his unnatural size, strength and glowing eyes. His origins are a mystery and his entire person is cloaked in danger. He might just hold their fate in his hands. Making an alliance was always going to be difficult, but now it might be nearly impossible, and not just because the crew has no idea what “normal” might look like. The clock is ticking.     AmazonKU


VS Note: An “expanded re-release”.

Good Blanca is a high-profile lawyer with a brilliant legal mind. She’s everything her parents hoped she would be – impressive and successful. Bad Blanca is a beautiful mess. She dresses in fishnet tights, flirts with sexy werewolves, and just made the Hel Stars roller derby team. Oh, and she’s secretly a witch. Thorin is her opposite in every way. The happy-go-lucky flirt struggles with supernatural aggression he can’t quite control. His attraction to Blanca makes things even more complicated. When Blanca’s powerful client, a state senator, proposes new legislation restricting reproductive rights, the line separating the good and bad in her life becomes blurry. Derby is chaos, and soon everything goes off the rails. She has to decide, once and for all, how far she’ll go to defend her values and the people she loves.     AmazonKU


My what big… teeth you have. To grandmother’s house I go, though I want nothing to do with magic or my former life. Especially not after being kicked out of the Fairy Fine Arts Academy. But when I find a dangerous, heavily scarred wolf shifter in my grandma’s bedroom, the fragile human lifestyle I’ve built from scratch is suddenly at stake. Magic, chaos, and my past is charging at me like a raging ogre on pixie sticks. My grandma is nowhere to be found, and I’m being hunted. The big bad wolf is the only one I can trust to protect me until my grandmother resurfaces. Worst yet, I’m in heat. I’ve told the werewolf “no touchy,” but just my luck, he hasn’t been to obedience school. The longer we’re stuck together, the closer he is to killing me himself, or showing me just how really big and bad he is.     AmazonKU


Omega dragon shifter, Liam Moonscale, has known who his true-mate was since he was a teenager. His gift of the Omega Sight has complicated a lot of spaces in his life, and things are about to get a lot more complicated. When the Alpha of the new budding wolf pack, The New Hemlock Wolves, calls with a request for him to help solve the murder of a friend. Liam doesn’t hesitate to run to his true-mate’s side, but the troubles run deeper than either of them ever imagined. Alpha wolf shifter, Robert ‘Bobby’ Hemlock, is in for the most interesting times of his life, according to his parents, that still call him by his childhood nickname. The founding of his pack ran smoothly until he stumbled upon a dumped body in the woods surrounding Heartville, and everything changed. His long-time internet friend is his true-mate, and there is something in his woods picking off wanderers one by one. Balancing the pull of the true-mate magic and solving the mystery is going to take all of his concentration but just sitting next to Liam makes his thoughts feel like a deck of shuffled playing cards.      AmazonKU


Freedom wasn’t very far from the horizon when I was dragged back to the Kingdom of Solace and manhandled all the way through the giant, golden gates of the castle. Thrown to my knees in front of the King of the Angels, I was expecting forgiveness, but what I got was an ostracization. My beautiful wings were ripped from me mere seconds before I was damned to the Abaddon Kingdom. Torn between freedom and lust, a new form of punishment had me willing to give the King of the Demons more than just my soul. Sinful Discipline is a 6000 word short story. Please check authors website or the front of the book for content warnings.     AmazonKU


The Girl Who Sleeps in the Moon is an Odyssey as told through six stories intertwined throughout the three-part series. Book one follows the heroine Emilia in the 1950s, who appears to be an average young lady to all who look. However, she frequently experiences strange occurrences, leading her to believe she is a witch. When others begin to get injured around her, she becomes frantic to discover answers to what is going on and how to manage these powers within her. She is unsure if she is a good or bad witch, and slowly her life begins to fall apart. When Emilia discovered a book in her family library, she hoped it would provide her with answers, yet it appeared that the Fates had other intentions for her. Instead, this mysterious book raises more questions, making her desire to stay within the book and learn everything she can about the two people the story follows. The book brings Emilia to the past…(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)   AmazonKU


No escape. No defence. One chance. Who’ll make it out alive? Everyone knows that Demarn’s spellster tower is the safest place to be for those with magic. The site is shielded by mountains to west, by allies to the north, and their kingdom’s army in the south whilst the whole kingdom stretches between them and the magic-reviling people patrolling the sea to the east. And yet, the enemy has breached the gates. They’ve issued no demands. Only death. Fleeing the tower and the ultimate demise is the one choice left. There is but one way out and the enemy holds more power than anyone could possibly anticipate. For those trapped within, their whole world is about to crumble.     Amazon


I was born with the ability to move through time. Conceived 400 years ago but born in the present, I live my life between the two eras until one choice threatens to destroy the delicate balance. A life saved is a life that shouldn’t have existed. What changes will my decision to rescue the human boy have on both the past and the future? Can souls really connect across time? What if I’ve ruined everything?     AmazonKU

THE COVEN (COVEN OF BONES BOOK ONE) by Harper L Woods and Adelaide Forrest

VS Note: Cliffhanger.

Raised to be my father’s weapon against the Coven that took away his sister and his birthright, I would do anything to protect my younger brother from suffering the same fate. My duty forces me to the secret town of Crystal Hollow and the prestigious Hollow’s Grove University—where the best and brightest of my kind learn to practice their magic free from human judgment. There are no whispered words here. No condemnation for the blood that flows through my veins. The only animosity I face comes from the beautiful and infuriating Headmaster, Alaric Grayson Thorne, a man who despises me just as much as I loathe him and everything he stands for. But that doesn’t mean secrets don’t threaten to tear the school in two. No one talks about the bloody massacre that forced it to close decades prior, only the opportunity it can afford to those fortunate enough to attend. Because for the first time in fifty years, the Coven will open its wards to the Thirteen. Thirteen promising students destined to change the world. If the ghosts of Hollow’s Grove’s victims don’t kill them first.    AmazonKU


Minnie has high hopes for a relaxing weekend at a brand new, Jane Austen themed wellness retreat with her vampire beau and her paranormal co-workers from the tea room. A renovated manor house, stunning countryside, and farm fresh, chef-prepared cuisine —what could go wrong? But Minnie’s zen is zapped when a vampire hunter shows up with his sights set on her fanged bestie, a fellow attendee is found dead in her locked room, and the whole group is trapped inside, without power, by a torrential storm. When Minnie pieces together the clues and discovers the woman’s death was anything but natural, it’s up to the amateur sleuth to throw the vampire hunter off the trail, and catch the killer before they strike again. But with everyone keeping secrets —even her friends—this budding witch will have to summon all her mindfulness and magic to shine some light on the truth. Can she solve the whodunnit and keep her friends safe, or will the murderer strike in the dark, making Minnie their next target?   AmazonKU


It was supposed to be a quick trip to another pack’s territory. Just long enough to second his brother when Tobias faced the challenges that had been thrown his way when a poorly thought-out decision led to a series of chaotic and unfortunate events. Like everything else in his life, nothing turned out the way Lucien had planned. A confrontation in council chambers nearly costs him his tail and earns him a couple of bondmarks on his wrists. It’s scary, considering all the secrets he keeps. Good thing for him, his mates are hiding just as much as he is. Considered a prince of the north, Arctic wolf JD has spent years trying to make a difference, helping displaced and stolen wolves find their way back home. It sucks to discover…(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)   AmazonKU

UPON A LEGEND by Mary Ting

A prophecy foretold by the Council. A sword forged by the Ladies of the Lake. A child born from love and the hope of thousands. Seventeen-year-old Idrisa is a student from Dumont Orphan School. When the Emperor of Dumonia invites all citizens to a birthday gala for Prince Merrick, she attends and becomes entangled in a world beyond belief. At the party, Idrisa begins to hear strange voices that urge her to go to the lake. A student from school follows and tries to kill her, but in the fight for her survival, Idrisa gains possession of an eternal sword—gifted by the Ladies of the Lake. The Emperor demands it, but only Idrisa can wield the sword, so he imprisons her. Her only hope is Prince Merrick, but he is grieving the death of his mother and doesn’t care about anything happening around him. While held captive, Idrisa uncovers secrets that challenge everything she thought she knew about Dumonia. Enemies and allies emerge when they hear news of the sword, and she must unlock the mystery of the weapon before darkness descends on the empire forever.     AmazonKU


12 witch romance novellas by New York Times, USA Today, and other bestselling authors. Details on ebook seller’s page. Authors include Deanna Chase and Michelle M Pillow.

Amazon      Apple Books     Kobo


Breena has known Giles all her life—and has loved him for nearly as long. Linked by the ties of family and coven, Breena has had a lifetime to discover everything there is to know about him. His intelligence and specialization in crystals and gems are truly things to admire, but it’s how he smiles at her that really makes her cauldron bubble. Too bad he’s completely oblivious. Giles isn’t as oblivious as Breena thinks he is. A powerful witch, he’s spent most of his life hiding his true feelings from her, but he can’t ignore the fact that she’s hurting and plagued by the same nightmares that haunt him every night. So, getting her to move in with him so he can do just that seems like simple common sense. The hard part will be resisting the way Breena makes him feel. But evil has invaded their world, and it has the power to kill every witch in Salem. Breena has no time to wallow in what might have been and Giles desire to protect her is stronger than the power contained in his crystals . Together they must lift the curse of the blood moon before time runs out. If they can’t, the people Breena loves the most are all in danger. It will take every skill she’s honed as a witch to protect what’s hers and the man who cast a spell on her heart. Will they have time to kindle their love for each other, or will the clock run out at the hands of fate?

Amazon      AB      Apple Books      Kobo


The request sent to Ven is shocking, but the money is good and will help a lot of people. An omega and his feline alpha need her as an emotional support beta. Interesting job. Emotionally damaged to her core, Ven gets the request to become a calming influence for a traumatized omega. He has an alpha who has some of the feline characteristics that Ven had developed several years ago. After going over the contract, she agrees to their terms, and that is when things slip from her control. The island is warm, the omega is cuddly, and she sees so much of her own past trauma in his eyes. She comforts him, he comforts her, and the alpha spends time with both of them. She deals with hostile locals, attempts on her life, and a kidnapping that brings up the past. Her new partners have a job in front of them if they want to keep their cute little beta.

Amazon    NOTE: The author’s other books are on Apple Books and Kobo so perhaps this one will get there eventually.


THE HUMAN. When a trip into the forest to collect a rare mushroom goes horribly wrong, I find myself falling through a fairy portal and straight into the arms of the Unseelie Fae prince. The dangerously unhinged and handsome Unseelie Fae prince. What could be more horrible than that? He thinks I’m an assassin sent by the humans to kill him, not a biologist. Determined to kill me first, and rid himself of the human he has unwillingly grown obsessed with, yet also needing to entertain his people, the villain challenges me to three deadly trials. If I survive, I gain my freedom. But if not…The Fae. I’ve never felt anything but hate and loathing until my eyes found hers–the vile human assassin’s. She is a parasite that has mercilessly latched onto my mind and won’t let me free. My hand itches to be ungloved and feel her smooth skin, even though I would never. The Unseelie Fae royals would rather burn than touch a repulsive human. I fear that if I do not destroy the girl soon, she may be the only thing that’s capable of truly destroying me.     AmazonKU


A HEART DRIVEN BY VENGEANCE; A SOUL DEVOURED BY REGRET – After finally ending the Dark King’s perceived reign of terror, a heartbroken Raven must face the grief and guilt of becoming a murderer. Her best friend Kirsi might’ve helped her cope, except she has her own existential crisis learning to be a wraith. They find themselves stranded in the human lands with the Dark King’s cousin, Grey, and a new band of misfits desperately searching for a way back home. BUT HOME IS HARBORING NOTHING BUT RUINATION – In the wake of the Dark King’s demise, the coven leaders have the perfect opportunity to retrieve the Grimoires in their hunt for supremacy and power. But casting near two at once could unleash catastrophic horrors, and Raven’s life has already been shattered enough. Determined to preserve what’s left of their broken worlds, Raven and Kirsi race against time as they battle the remaining coven leaders to stop the Harrowing. And a shocking revelation from the other side might crash Raven’s world once and for all.      AmazonKU

HOOFBEATS by Val St Crowe and Jove Chambers

The centaur arrives in town and builds a truly ostentatious house, big enough to take up an entire city block, throwing around his money as if it’s a calling card into society. Miss Phoebe Llewellyn, daughter of the late Earl of Crisbane, knows high society sits high on a gated hill, and they aren’t admitting anyone. She knows, because she has been cast out. She is ruined, her virtue trampled long ago. The centaur may think to rise, but he is little more than an oddity, a tidbit of gossip. Society will never accept him. When she meets the centaur, he robs her of the ability to breathe. It’s the way he looks at her, the dark hunger in his eyes, the barely-contained desire there. No one has ever wanted her in that way. Savage, base yearning. Dangerous yearning. Terrifying yearning. When he asks for her hand in marriage, she can’t say she’s displeased. If she weren’t ruined, it would be out of the question. But she knows that she has no other prospects. So, marrying a new-money social climber and being lavished with his coin? She’s not dismissing it out of hand. Even if the bottom half of him is a horse. Even if she doesn’t see how one can… with that. Even if the way he seems to want her borders on bestial madness. This gaslamp fantasy monster romance is spicy, angsty, and dark. It’s got a fixation with horse analogies (mounting, breaking, training, etc.) If a reader will get her bridle in a twist about such things, she should beware.     AmazonKU


Tomorrow is as ugly as it is beautiful. I’ve suffered for six months at Violet’s hand. She’s been collecting my blood and keeping it in her dungeon. She demands to know where Lucius is, but there’s one problem: I’m not Talia and I have no idea where Lucius is. Things are changing. She’s assigned me a new guard, and as much as we don’t get along, we’re drawn to one another. Together we’re uncovering secrets that will help save the Rhythm, and hopefully our friends too. I’ll need all of my male gods—all our wishes and hearts. Break the bond. Find Lucius. Restore the Rhythm.     AmazonKU


Is it her destiny to love him? Or is it her destiny to die? Valtu Aminoff is no stranger to tragedy. Though many know him as the enigmatic vampire that inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Valtu’s complex life is far more horrific than any fiction could imagine. When you lose the love of your life over and over again, it can do more than break your heart—it can corrupt your soul. It’s up to his new lover to decide if Valtu’s damaged soul is even worth saving. But destiny isn’t done with Valtu yet. And tragedy is always around the corner.      AmazonKU


I ran from the men who were trying to kill me, only to find the man who would break my heart – I saw something that I wasn’t supposed to see – a high-powered man killing another. I ran for my life. When I thought that there was no place safe for me, I found a necklace that my grandfather had left me, along with a note. He had saved the life of a panther shifter in the war, and the shifter had promised him a favor. Grandpa’s note instructed me to go to the Jordan Ranch in Snow Haven and present the necklace that accompanied his note. Nate Jordan was not happy to see me appear on his doorstep. He was a loner who valued the quiet and seclusion of his ranch. However, he realized that he was honor bound to fulfill his grandfather’s promise and protect me from those who would see me dead. He didn’t believe me until the danger was on his doorstep. By then, I faced another danger – that of a broken heart. I had fallen in love with a panther shifter who had vowed never to love another woman after he was betrayed by his ex-fiancé.   AmazonKU


I’m being sold to my father’s biggest creditor to pay off his debts. Why the heck did I agree to such a thing? Because they promised to spare my sister, and I made a deathbed promise to my mom to always keep her safe. So, I’m resigned to my fate. As long as I get to spend one last weekend at my late Grandma Jo’s little mountain cabin—the place where I felt closer to my dreams than I’ll ever be again. Four days of peace and solitude, before my life is no longer mine. Then Jaxton Faulkner shows up. Raw, half-naked, eyes on fire. I’ve never seen him before, but he seems to be obsessed with me. He insists that we belong together. That he’ll protect me from everyone and everything. But when we get snowed in by the blizzard, and it’s just him and me in this cozy little cabin, will the truth send him running like hell— Or will he go full on grizzly, and destroy anything that stands in his way?     AmazonKU



March 15

March 8

March 1

February 22

February 15

“New” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  And I may mention ‘special items’.

I do NOT cover every single new release in SFR/FantasyR/PNR. I never have. That would be an impossible task for any human! I assemble my list by hand every week based on various informal inputs, and I do curate the list to some extent…

Some authors aren’t in KU but still don’t list books with Apple or other platforms. This report is very time consuming to prepare so I’ve always had to limit myself and cannot go and look up every book on all the platforms. If an author gives me their other buy links, I include them here but generally I develop the post on my own, not from author-supplied information. I curate and prepare this post individually every week to help connect readers/books/authors and I have to be very careful not to give it so much time as an activity that I don’t write my own novels! Thanks for the feedback and happy reading!

I check and verify all the buy links at the time I create the post  but after that I’m not responsible.

Required Statement: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifiying purchases.

Required Statement: As an Apple Books Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


10+ SciFi Romance Books with Babies

Note: This post first appeared in the Roswell Daily Record…

In the past few years babies have become more common as characters in scifi romance novels. At least one author has been writing in this trope for quite a while and comes to my mind first when I link the concept of babies to SFR: Tasha Black. Her Stargazer Alien Brides series in 2019 had a breezy, adventurous tone, with space piracy, treasure hunting, romance and…babies, and the covers are adorable. The first book in the series, Tolstoy, really caught my imagination, but any book by Tasha is a fun read. In Cosmic Mate, book two of the Stargazer Alien Space Cruise Brides, the next series of the author’s to features a baby, the heroine finds herself pregnant after a wild night with an alien bodyguard. Complicating matters for the romance are the facts she’s an ambassador, she leaves the next morning and he doesn’t have the funds to go find her for a while. Readers enthused in their reviews about the strong female main character and how effectively she handles the book’s challenging moments.

The Alien Adoption Agency series was a logical next development for this author who seems to enjoy including babies in the plot mix. Noxx, the first book, sets the tone with a human woman accepting a contract to go into space to raise an alien baby. Many things aren’t as she expected, including the fact the baby has a dragon warrior bodyguard. There are twelve books in this series (so far anyway) and as one reviewer explains: “Generations before [the Invicta warriors] had annihilated the planet of peaceful people and now they are bringing them back through birthing pods and DNA they had, thankfully. Now these warriors were to guard these children and their new mothers.” Each book starts from the same point but of course goes in different directions on its way to a Happy Ever After ending. Tasha is skillful at introducing new plot developments in her various long running series.

The next two series with babies that she’s given us are the Alien Nanny Agency, which allows the author to bring in various alien occupations like architect, pilot, ‘ruler’ and CEO, and the associated romance tropes, and the Alien Surrogate Agency, of which the author says in a note: “This Science Fiction Romance contains fictional alien solutions to infertility and depictions of gestational carrying for aliens that are in no way based on human gestational carrier practices. Resolve, The National Infertility Association, is a non-profit resource for information, advocacy, and support and may be a helpful resource for anyone seeking support in their fertility journey.” The Midsummer Fertility Center in the series is run by an Artificial Intelligence named Oberon and readers seem to enjoy that aspect of the books very much, judging by the reviews. This is a difficult subject even when placed in an SFR environment and for the most part the reviews and reactions to the five books are extremely favorable.

Of course other SFR authors do write plots with babies, if not as prolifically. Honey Philipps’ Treasured by the Alien series features babies and somewhat older children as well, and the covers are absolutely endearing. The first book Mama and the Alien Warrior, written with co-author Bex McLynn, has led to eight books total in the series so far. Women and children are being kidnapped from Earth, then found and rescued by good hearted and hunky alien warriors who of course become captivated by the humans they’ve rescued. There are complications and adventures galore before the HEA is accomplished but the books are fun, satisfying reads.

One of the foundational classics in SFR is M. K. Eidem’s Grim, which is a personal favorite of mine and features an indomitable, widowed human woman Lisa and her children first being abducted by aliens and then of course being saved by Grim, the title character. Many events occur in the book and in the subsequent novels of the series but in 2022 the author released A Grim Baby (Tornians Book 8), in which Grim and Lisa have a child together. The book was on the short side, with a cliffhanger-y ending and supplied many unresolved plot developments that could lead to future novels but it was great to see Grim with his own baby. I hope there will be more stories set in the Tornian universe.

Cynthia Sax, who writes sizzling cyborgs, provided readers with The Cyborg’s Secret Baby, which has all sorts of angst and adventure before the fated mate lovers and their child are reunited for the HEA. Another favorite of mine.

Other authors with babies-on-board books include Luna Hunter, whose most popular book at the moment I’m writing this column is Baby for the Alien Warrior (Dohan Warriors Book One). She also has the Zoran Warriors series, in which a baby is important in every book. Ruby Dixon has written several “slice of life short stories” about Ice Planet Barbarian babies, as well as When She’s Pregnant (A Risdaverse Novella) and Angie’s Gladiator (IceHome Book 5), which is a favorite of mine, and several others. Aurelia Skye and Juno Wells have the Alien Baby Pact series ongoing, Celeste King has an upcoming Secret Babies for Dark Elves of Protheka  series featuring triplets, Athena Storm released Twins for the Alien Warrior and has done a number of nanny-themed SFR books…in short, babies can be found in many SFR novels if the reader is in the mood for themes relating to them. There were many others I had to leave out for lack of time and space.

I’ve even written one book with a baby, Badari Warrior’s Baby, in which the powerful enforcer of the pack and the human doctor Megan have their child, although not without challenges, as she’s kidnapped. This fated mates couple met in the second book of the series, Mateer, and a surprise pregnancy ensued. The Badari were genetically engineered by alien scientists and thought to be incapable of having children but when fated mates (and alien goddesses) are involved, all bets are off. I enjoyed writing this tale and my readers thought it was high time poor Megan had the baby. I did write six books in the series between the couple meeting and my circling back to them for the happy event.



What’s a Guy to Do? Weekend Writing Warriors

Here’s the link to the Weekend Writing Warriors central page, so you can visit all the participants sharing excerpts today…a fun way to sample new books and find new authors! (Also welcome to the Sunday Snippet visitors!)

I’m now taking snippets from  STAR CRUISE STAR SONG.

The excerpt: Addy ignored a message from Ryder in favor of preparing for her first day on the new job. Jumping ahead, she’s finished the day’s work and is in the employee break room with her assigned mentor, Barbra.

“What’s he doing here?” Barbra said suddenly, rising with a frown. “Passengers aren’t allowed on this level without special permission and certainly not unescorted.”

Addy turned in her seat and saw Ryder standing at the door of the small space. When he smiled she felt warm all over, almost the same happy sensation she’d had in the engine room but for a different reason.

“Here you are,” he said, advancing to their table, ignoring the glances from a few other crew members at a far table.

“Hi,” she said, tongue tied.

Barbra wasn’t so reticent. “Sir, passengers aren’t allowed down here. I’ll need to escort you to the gravlift immediately or else we’ll have to call Security.”

Not at all abashed, he transferred his attention from Addy. With enthusiasm so infectious Barbra blinked and seemed as if she might swoon, he said, “But the Ship told me I could find my friend Addy here. I had the Ship’s permission.”

Seeing her mentor was becoming a little upset and not wanting a scene or any trouble with her new co-workers, Addy rose, tossed the remnants of her midafternoon snack into the recycler and said, “I’ll escort you to the gravlift. She’s right—you’re not in the right place for a passenger.”

“Well you never answered my message so what’s a guy to do?” He stood aside with a grin, allowing her to precede him out of the break room.

VS: Former superstar rock singers are used to getting their own way, it seems…but the Ship did tell him where to find Addy…

Here’s the official blurb:

Addy Tryndall is a fresh graduate from a highly respected engineering college in the Sectors, on her way to a plum job on the Nebula Zephyr cruise ship. She knows she’ll be on probation but she’s determined to succeed and nothing is going to distract her.

Ryder McRhodes is a has-been interstellar rock star, on his way to reunite with his fellow band members to see if the lightning of mega success will strike twice for them. He isn’t sure he wants to be in the spotlight again and he hasn’t been able to write music since the band broke up.

Addy has secrets. Ryder needs a muse to unblock the creative flow…could her tightly guarded past be the answer  to his problem?  When the two are thrown together in an attempt to avoid the interstellar paparazzi he’s intrigued. She’s wary.

And someone is sabotaging systems on the Nebula Zephyr. Addy unwittingly finds herself in the middle of the situation while juggling her increasing attraction to Ryder and her challenges on the new  job. Can she trust him with her secret? Or will he break her heart?

The danger on board comes ever closer to Addy as the cruise continues…

Amazon      Apple Books      Kobo      NOOK      GooglePlay

Profiles in SciFi Romance Michelle Diener

Note: This post first appeared on the AMAZING STORIES MAGAZINE blog…

Veronica Scott for AMAZING STORIES: Welcome to my periodic series of author profiles. Today I’ve chosen Michelle Diener, who has written some amazing science fiction romance series, as well as fantasy. Her book Dark Horse (Class Five Book 1) is one of my all time favorite SFR novels and I reread it often and recommend it highly to readers looking for classic SFR. When I create Artificial Intelligences for any of my books, I always think back to Sazo, the AI in this book, who is such a distinct character. I was happy to have a chance to interview her and catch up on current events.

VS for ASM.: What was the first scifi romance book you ever read and what did you like about it? 

MD: My first science fiction romance was An Accidental Goddess by Linnea Sinclair. I had read many non-romance science fiction books up until then, with books by Iain M. Banks being a particular favorite, but I so enjoyed An Accidental Goddess for the humor, and the fun of the plot. Some science fiction can tend to be a bit dark and gloomy, but this was anything but that, and I loved it.

ASM.: So many people came to SFR from reading Ms. Sinclair! What was the first scifi romance book you wrote? 

MD: My first sci-fi romance book was Dark Horse in 2015, and the log line is: Secrets are all she has left . . . Rose may have been forced to leave her old life behind, but with the help of an extremely powerful ally she’s escaped her abductors. Now she’ll have to try to rein him in, or risk destroying her new future.

I took so long to write Dark Horse because it was my first in the sci-fi romance genre and I second-guessed myself over and over again. I was very happy when it was so well received and I still get emails from readers who tell me it is their favorite book.

ASM.: It’s definitely a story that stands the test of time and one of my go-to rereads. How do you go about world building? Do you do elaborate planning, keep a big file, use post its, wing it – what method works for you?

MD: I wing it. And by wing it, I mean I live in the world in my head sometimes for years before I write it, and then if I need to check something from a previous book while I’m writing a new book in the series, I just do a word search to find what I’m looking for. I do have an excellent memory, so that helps.

ASM.: I could definitely tell on the Verdant Strings series for example that you’d certainly immersed yourself in that world. It felt as if I’d stepped into an ongoing series instead of ‘just’ the first book, which was amazing. Do you also write other genres?

MD: I write fantasy and historical romance as well as SFR, and those two genres fit very well with sci-fi as they require similar world-building skills. As soon as you go back in time and place, or invent a new place, you need to orient your reader and immerse them in that world, so the historical and fantasy genres are just like sci-fi in that respect.

ASM.: Whats next for you?

MD: I am about to publish book 3 in my fantasy romance Rising Wave series. Fate’s Arrow is due out at the end of February. (Editor’s Note: The book has now been released.) I am planning another book in my Verdant String series this year, as well as a 1960s London-set mystery (with romance in it, of course), which I’ve been planning for more than six years, so I’m very excited about that.

ASM.: I for one will be happy to see a new story in the Verdant String world! Whats on your To Be Read List? 

MD: I am looking forward to reading the new Kate Daniels book that Ilona Andrews has said is coming out later this year. Can’t wait for that!

ASM.: Give us your short author bio and where you can be found on social media.

Michelle Diener is the award-winning author of historical, science fiction and fantasy romance. She lives in Australia with her husband and children.


Instagram: michelle_diener_author


Spoutible: @michellediener




ASM.: Here’s the latest book from this author, which continues a series I’ve really been enjoying. (Note: I was given an advance review copy.)


A dark force at work – Ava and Luc are asked to head north to Skäddar, a move necessary to save the alliance they have created with the mountainous country. Something terrible is killing Skäddar villagers and leaving messages behind with their bodies that the deaths will continue as long as the Skäddar are in alliance with the Rising Wave. If Ava and Luc can’t convince the Skäddar Collective to stand up for their new friendship in the face of the tragedy, they will lose a vital ally in the region.

A dark room to cage a prisoner – Massi is deep inside Grimwalt, successful in her mission to find Ava’s incarcerated friends, Tomas and Velda. But the two are not being held alone. Massi finds many others being kept with them, as well as a prisoner kept in darkness whose power shines so bright, Massi can’t imagine how the Speaker imprisoned him to begin with.

A dark cloud that needs to be dispelled – Duncan has been held far from his home on the Skäddar border, and he takes the chance of escape that Massi gives him with both hands. When he and Massi have to part ways, though—Massi to get Ava’s friends to safety, him to return to the forest he was ripped away from—he can’t deny his attraction to the fierce archer, or his reluctance to let her go.

But when he gets home, and finds the power of his domain is being used to commit terrible atrocities, he’ll need Massi’s help, and those of her friends, to rid Grimwalt of the blight that is trying to take hold.


LINKS TO OTHER PROFILES IN SFR INTERVIEWS (alphabetical by author first name):

Cynthia Sax

E G Manetti

Ruby Dixon

New Releases in #SciFi #Fantasy and Paranormal Romance for MARCH 15

I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking quite a few as I prepare these posts LOL). 

‘AB’ denotes audiobook and the Amazon buy link.

A quick word about covers. I don’t support the use of AI for cover creation as it currently stands. Copyright issues and other problems too lengthy to go into here. However, I’m not a cover artist or an expert on the use of computer drawing/art/AI programs so I have no way to tell if the covers on the new releases are AI or not. Therefore I’ll continue to show the covers each week unless something changes with the situation.



VS Note: I’ve been eagerly anticipating this one! A new SFR series from Anna is always exciting. Can’t wait to read this…

She was sent to forge an alliance with the deadly Oronis knights…and instead finds herself framed for abducting their queen. Xenoanthropologist Kennedy Black loves exploring new cultures with Space Corps. Everyone in her life has left her, so she happily fills the void with exciting adventures. When she’s assigned to escort the new ambassador to the planet Oron for an opulent ball, she’s thrilled to get an up-close look at the Oronis knights, and their culture of honor and duty to their knightqueen. But she never expected her reaction to cool, controlled Knightmaster Ashtin Caydor, head of the Oronis Knightforce. And she really didn’t expect a savage alien attack that leaves the knightqueen missing and Earth fingered as the culprit. Knightmaster Ashtin Caydor lives to protect his planet, his people, and his knightqueen. He came from nothing, and the code of knighthood is the cornerstone of his being. When Knightqueen Carys is abducted by their mortal enemies, the ferocious Gek’Dragar, he’s icily enraged, especially when he finds evidence that Earth, and the far too enticing Sub-Captain Kennedy Black, are involved. But Kennedy vows to clear Earth’s name by helping Ashtin and his knights find the queen. As she and Ashtin embark on a risky mission to a dangerous jungle planet, they’re forced to rely on each other, and their sizzling chemistry is soon undeniable. But love can’t be an option, not for a knight bound only to his duty and a woman whose heart already has too many scars.     AmazonKU


Kora – My nightmares didn’t prepare me for this. Abducted off the space station where I teach the standard galactic language, I’m imprisoned with two other women in a cold, dirty cell on an alien ship. We’re destined for something worse than death until a fierce, blue-haired alien male rescues us. We recover on his ship with his group of Heveian pirates. There, the attraction that formed when he first carried me in his arms grows into a force neither of us can deny. But something else has taken up residence on the ship. Something that will stop at nothing to destroy us all. Ryland – I was trained from my royal youth to fight. Even here, as a rogue raider in exile with my rebellious friends, it’s the role I play, until I hold Kora in my arms. She makes my fangs ache. She makes everything ache. My protective instincts roar as I vow to protect my mate against any who would harm her. But how can I protect her from an enemy so insidious that it can turn our crew against each other? I will keep Kora safe, even if it means the ultimate sacrifice.     AmazonKU


What do you do when the world ends and aliens kidnap your two best friends? I take matters into my own hands, set a trap and take one of the scary, horned males as my prisoner. He may be three times my size, built like a truck and half naked, but I’m the one holding the cattle prod in this relationship and I’m not afraid to make my captive suffer if it means saving my friends. But Dargo doesn’t seem intimidated by my threats, if anything, the whole situation is turning him on. He keeps propositioning me like we’re on a date and I don’t have him tied up. My plan is not working out like I hoped…and I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing.    Amazon    Apple Books     Kobo


Call me Sentinel. I lead the world’s foremost superhero team. But shhh, nobody knows. I do a pretty good job balancing my social and work life, even if that job is saving the planet. Of course that blows up in my face when a villain outs my secret identity on national television. Vanguard’s bad guys will not waste this opportunity to exact his revenge. Fixing this damage will require more coffee. Being a hero is dangerous. That’s why I broke off the relationship with my ex. Now he’s back demanding answers. I might be damn near invincible, but a thick hide won’t protect me from the hurt in his eyes. Does this mean he still cares? I should focus on saving Vanguard, but this daddy bear can’t shake the idea that we have unfinished business. Bernard, you should have stayed in bed. This is bad, even for a Monday.     AmazonKU


Unicorns are just as real as aliens. Despite achieving fame and fortune as a renowned unicorn tamer, Bruin has never found the one thing he craves: love. When a horrific accident puts him deep in debt, Bruin’s only chance of returning to his old life is aiding his scientist father. Sent to find out why the people on a primitive planet called Earth don’t believe in unicorns, all Bruin has to do is abduct a human. But he never expected that human to be his fated mate…All Tara’s ever wanted is to leave her small Scottish town and explore the world. Being kidnapped by a crazy guy with a fake unicorn wasn’t what she had in mind. Especially when the unicorn turns out to be real, and the crazily hot guy turns out to be an alien. Her abductor is offering a chance to explore the galaxy with his charming unicorn in tow. But to see the stars, she’d have to give up everything, including the walls around her heart.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: Blurb says there’s a space station involved…

A princess on the run…A month out from the assassination attempt on Mel, John brings his brother on as a possible man at arms. Charlie likes to tease and joke but his jibes don’t make Mel laugh. Charlie thinks she’s spoiled and using his brother. He calls her princess every chance he gets until…Princess Jabulile is sent by Mel’s Aunt Dot to get protection for herself and her orphaned niece Thembesa. From the moment the two step on Space Station Joplin, the violence and assassination attempts begin. Charlie stops joking around and starts taking it serious when he holds Jabu in his arms. He puts his body between her and death. Can he convince her to trust him or will he lose Jabu and Themba to those who want their queen’s crown?     AmazonKU


I arrive on Alia Terra tempted by the promise of fertile land and females. Filled with longing, I cannot rest until I find a sweet mate just for me. One who will warm my bed at night, one for whom I will build my fortune under the scorching sun. There is only one way to meet a perfect match: the Temple. I do the test and focus on building a prosperous ranch for the female who is destined for me. She will have the best of everything. The wait is long. Long enough to lose hope. And then, the letter comes. My mate is ready to be claimed, and I set out immediately. Nothing can stop me now. When I see her, my blood burns with desire, and the instinct to make her mine overshadows everything. She is precious, perfect, and too beautiful to be true. She is everything I could have dreamed of. I will never let her go. I will pamper, love, and caress her until every inch of her body belongs to me. No other male will drink from her nectar. No other will plunge deep into her sweet depths.  I will claim what’s mine.      AmazonKU


VS Note: Not a romance but a scifi release of note.

Nitara Desai has spent her life negotiating international agreements, easing points of conflict, and averting disasters. Worst-case scenarios belong in her nightmares, not the IEC’s daily reports. On a calm day, being a director at the International Energy Consortium only requires fixing CarbonCon translators for flustered Brazilian delegates. A thankless job, but the world is still drowning in CO2—there’s no choice but to keep treading. On a bad day, it’s not just the Brazilians acting up, but the Americans walking out, and now the Governor of Southern California insisting on a clandestine meeting. Then a text comes from Matti, her solid rock in the stormy seas: Guess what? We’re getting married! Suddenly, an earthquake is slow-rolling through her personal life as well. She waited too long: to tell Matti how she feels, to quit the unwinnable race to net zero, to grab hold of the things that make life worth living, not just trying to stay afloat. When the governor reveals an impossible technology that could save the planet, but it’s in the hands of a murderously ambitious man, it’s a catastrophe she can’t turn away from. And it’s almost enough to distract her from everything falling apart. Work first, always. And maybe that’s been the problem all along. Yet You Cry When It Hurts is the fourth of four tightly-connected hopepunk novels in a near-future climate-fiction series. It’s about our future, how the forces of greed are ever-present, how the fight for a just world never ends, and how it’s not strongmen who will save us but the bright cords of connection that hold the world together.    Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: Re-release. Author states “a version” of this story appeared in the Claimed Among the Stars anthology.

Can a runaway bride and an escaped alien prisoner find sanctuary together? Darla’s life changed forever the day the aliens invaded Earth. Her worthless father and shiftless brother have used the presence of the Yehrin as an excuse to keep her under their control. Their latest scheme? Marry her off to one of their equally disgusting cronies as part of a business arrangement. Desperate to get away, Darla turns to the Yehrin for help. When she’s offered a breeding contract on a planet far from Earth, she seizes the opportunity. But her escape goes terribly wrong when the spaceship taking her to her potential mate explodes – and she is stranded with a dangerous alien warrior. T’pak thought that his post on Earth would be a new beginning. Instead, his past follows him. Sent home in disgrace – and chains – he has little to look forward to except visits from the shy little human who stumbles across his holding place. When they are stranded on an unknown planet, his duty is clear: protect Darla from all danger, including his growing desire for her. But T’pak’s past and Darla’s future are on a collision course – and once again he will have to choose between his duty and his desire     AmazonKU


Cinders is a trans woman who’s looking for love but may have found more than she can handle when the aliens offer her the chance to change at a genetic level. Run Cinders! Run! is an SFR, romcom, fairytale retelling with lots of surprises and silliness. How many mates are too many?     AmazonKU


VS Note: Not a romance but a scifi release of note. I enjoyed the first book and have this one on my TBR List.

Summer has come to Niflheim. The lichens are growing, the six-winged bat-things are chirping, and much to his own surprise, Mickey Barnes is still alive—that last part thanks almost entirely to the fact that Commander Marshall believes that the colony’s creeper neighbors are holding an antimatter bomb, and that Mickey is the only one who’s keeping them from using it. Mickey’s just another colonist now. Instead of cleaning out the reactor core, he spends his time these days cleaning out the rabbit hutches. It’s not a bad life. It’s not going to last. It may be sunny now, but winter is coming. The antimatter that fuels the colony is running low, and Marshall wants his bomb back. If Mickey agrees to retrieve it, he’ll be giving up the only thing that’s kept his head off of the chopping block. If he refuses, he might doom the entire colony. Meanwhile, the creepers have their own worries, and they’re not going to surrender the bomb without getting something in return. Once again, Mickey finds the fate of two species resting in his hands. If something goes wrong this time, though, he won’t be coming back.

Amazon      AB      Apple Books      Kobo


EARTH, YEAR 2336 – Warrior Alita Silver has one chance to prove herself, and competing in the Virgin Hunt Games will show everyone on her planet she deserves the promotion that’s been held just out of reach. But this time, the rules of the games have changed. The virginal women have gone from being the hunted to being the hunters. And then she meets her competitors…Stetson Jamb remembers Alita from their last encounter—a little too well. Mostly, he remembers that she left him for dead and destroyed his life. Winning the games would not only earn him the credits he needs to rebuild his life, but would also satisfy his need for revenge. If only he didn’t want her so damn badly. Apparently, revenge isn’t the only dish tempting him…All’s fair in war and sex, and with the rules turned upside down, the lines between the pursued and the pursuer are quickly blurring. It’s not just a question of winning anymore. It’s a question of who lives, who dies, and who comes…last.     AmazonKU

ASSASSIN OF REALITY: A NOVEL by Marina & Sergey Dyachenko

VS Note: Not a romance but a scifi release of note. I thought the concepts sounded interesting.

In Vita Nostra, Sasha Samokhina, a third-year student at the Institute of Special Technologies, was in the middle of taking the final exam that would transform her into a part of the Great Speech. After defying her teachers’ expectations, Sasha emerges from the exam as Password, a unique and powerful part of speech. Accomplished and ready to embrace her new role, she soon learns her powers threaten the old world, and despite her hard work, Sasha is set to fail. However, Farit Kozhennikov, Sasha’s dark mentor, finds a way to bring her out of the oblivion and back to the Institute for his own selfish purposes. Subsequently, Sasha must correct her mistakes before she is allowed to graduate and is forced to do what few are asked and even less achieve: to succeed and reverberate—becoming a part of the Great Speech and being one of the special few who dictate reality. If she fails, she faces a fate far worse than death: the choice is hers. Years have passed around the Institute—and the numerous realities that have spread from Sasha’s first failure—but it is only her fourth year of learning what role she will play in shaping the world. Her teachers despise and fear her, her classmates distrust her, and a growing love—for a young pilot with no affiliation to the school—is fraught because a relationship means leverage, and Farit won’t hesitate to use it against her. Planes crash all the time. Which means Sasha needs to rewrite the world so that can’t happen…or fail for good.

Amazon      AB     Apple Books      Kobo


The enemy of my enemy is my friend…Or should I say lover? Humans are highly sought after on Urth – as prizes in this war. We are meant to be controlled. Something I’ve barely been able to escape. At least not until I met Jorvae. Suddenly being taken captive never sounded so good. Jorvae is the first one to stand up for me. And the first I let carry me away. He saves me from the beasts that are overrunning my planet. And the ones that give him his commands. He won’t let anything stand between us. Not even his valued position. And during our journey, he does something I don’t expect. He chooses me. Every time. He sees me in a way that no one else has. Not as labor. Not as entertainment. Not as a toy. But as a mate worthy of claiming.     AmazonKU


VS Note: Not a romance (romantic elements maybe) but a release of note. Merges scifi and fantasy elements.

Raven’s a thief who just swallowed a dragon. A small one, sure, but now his arms are growing scales, the local wildlife is acting up, and his snarky AI familiar is no help whatsoever. Raven’s best friend Aik is a guardsman carrying a torch for the thief. A pickpocket and a guard? Never going to happen. And Aik’s ex-fiancé Silya, an initiate priestess in the midst of a magical crisis, hates Raven with the heat of a thousand suns. This unlikely team must work together to face strange beasts, alien artifacts, and a world-altering threat. If they don’t figure out what to do soon, it might just be the end of everything. Things are about to get messy.

Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


The alien warlord triad has one obsession. Tame the planet. Put me on the throne… and sire their crown princes – Ra’al. Orr. Kriz. Three enormous beast of men who command a legion of Aurelians, the huge, marble-skinned aliens who exist to find their Fated Mate and tame her. They were built for war. Kings through conquest, they stamp down all resistance without mercy. They tell me they will build me a palace. It would only be a cage. But because I took up a rifle and defended the other servants when our planet was under attack, by the laws of their species, I am a free woman…Unless I trade myself willingly to them. Unless I sacrifice myself to save the life of another by dooming myself to captivity in the hands of the brutal warlords. But if I give myself to the three warlords who are kings of a conquered planet, I’ll lose more than just my freedom. They believe I am their Fated Mate, and if that is true, they will Bond me to them for eternity and never let me go. The dark link between a human woman and an Aurelian warrior changes you. It brings out all your darkest, deepest desires, and when I am alone in a room with the three huge men, I’m terrified by what they make me ache for.     AmazonKU


In a world where humans are treated as animals, I’m not surprised at my new job title. Pet. All I wanted was food. I wandered into the alien lord’s territory and got caught in a trap meant for a beast. His girls brought me home. They asked him if they could keep me as a pet. He agreed and my life was changed forever. I could escape at night. I could sneak away when they aren’t looking. I should. But I won’t. Ever. Why? Because I’d be running away from my family.     AmazonKU


A nightmare that ended in another one—captured by the alien invaders, transported across the universe, Spring awakens in a pod only to discover a new nightmare awaits her. What was worse than being captured and transported to a primitive alien world and dumped? All of the above and the discovery that you’d been dumped with primitive aliens from another world. And the place where you landed had man-eating everything.
The Hitants, Daek and Jedrek think Spring will make the perfect third for their Triad. When bartering for her with the head of her tribe doesn’t work, though, they just resort to a more direct approach. They steal her and make off with her.

Amazon     NOTE: Other books in this series are on Apple Books and Kobo so perhaps this one will be there in the future.

PURGATORY by Nicole Visconti

What would you do if the world plunged itself headfirst into a zombie apocalypse? Would you survive? Or would you wither away like everyone else did? I have no idea how, but I survived and let me tell you, it SUCKS! Being stuck on an endless road of disappointment, misery and loneliness can only be summed up in one word- Purgatory.
Well, that is until I meet them. Hawk, Cole and Jax. Three Marines who, against all odds, survive to take me in and show me the way to paradise.     AmazonKU


Being kidnapped to a galaxy one hundred million lightyears away from Earth is not how Cyra pictured her twenty-first birthday. And her abductor is a sarcastic, drunken wretch that tells her that her life on Earth was ploy to keep her safe for sixteen years until it was time to bring her home. Cyra is skeptical when she learns she is a part of a long foretold prophecy that she along with a king will save Eredet galaxy from mass extinction. As she navigates the secrets of her birth planet, Solis, she uncovers an invincible enemy and devastating curses that steal the energetic life force from her people, sending them to a painful, early grave. But when Cyra’s eye wanders to a man who she is not destined to be with, she must come to terms that love might not be in the cards for her if she has any hope of fulfilling her divine fate. And that is not something to be taken lightly. Because The Creator of the universe has died, and there is no one to hear their cries for help.   AmazonKU


Dillon Fortier must find a time travel watch and his bond partner to defeat the Association…I never expected to find her in a Metro back alley. My green-eyed girl is everything I thought she’d be from my dreams—beautiful, smart. Mysterious. But I never expected her to be a liar. Or the most unemotional woman I’ve ever met. She bonds with me because she has no choice but makes it clear she has other more important vows, ones she’d die for, ones that could jeopardize everything I’ve accomplished as a rebel leader. Who the hell is Liliana Carter, and why does she hide behind her gift of disguise? Liliana Carter needs to make one last sale to earn freedom… Being the apprentice to my grandfather, the grandmaster watchmaker, shouldn’t be dangerous. But I’m a gifted female. It’s illegal for me to work on watches, much less time travel watches for the Association. It’s a crime punishable by death, and I’m tired … (more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)       AmazonKU


VS Note: Not a romance. Book one in a new YA steampunk series.

Scotland, 1884. Amy Carter is eager to open a new chapter. An ostracized orphan celebrating her seventeenth birthday, the budding artist is delighted to leave her snobbish boarding school and return to her adoptive family of inventors and scientists. But her happy immersion in mechanical experiments and a trip to London turns to dismay when she discovers she’s been followed home by a stalker. As her godfather and his son rally to protect her with their inventions, Amy beseeches a lawyer to reveal her secret inheritance… but only receives a dire warning. And when her whirlwind journey through the marvels of France and Spain uncovers more mysterious clues, she fears the truth will only lead her deeper into peril. Can she unravel the deadly puzzle without getting ground up by the gears of intrigue?      AmazonKU

QUEEN HUNT: THE SOVEREIGN CODE by Heidi Catherine and Tamar Sloan

Protecting the Sovereign has never been more deadly – Time is running out. The Sovereign needs to be protected before the Green Zone can claim her for themselves. At the cost of everyone else. As the seeds of rebellion brew, impatience threads its way through the Dead Zone. Vulnerables are questioning the fairness of the life they’ve been born into. Soon, Echo and River find themselves in danger on both sides of the giant net that’s supposed to keep them safe. Where do you run when you have no place to call home? Who do you trust when nobody is who you thought they were? And is it really possible to save everyone?     AmazonKU


VS Note: From the blurb for book one: “While a hundred elite students partied on Zion Island during spring break, the rest of the world was ravaged by war. Now, two years later, the stories about Zion are dark and mysterious. Some say Zion is paradise, run by those same students. But the few who came back don’t talk about it at all.”

Archer Crone wears arrogance like a badge of honor, disguising acts of kindness like dirty secrets. But behind the cold mask is a man with a gentle heart that he hides from others. A beautiful heart that I stomped on. A heart that could’ve been mine, but I screwed it all up. I’m great at ruining things, but not so good at fighting my feelings for him. The ones that make it hard to breathe. That hurt. That burn me to the core at the memories of what we lost. He’s gotten too deep under my skin. And now that he pulled away, I’m craving him like I’m gasping for air. And just as I think I can get him back, Zion shows its ugly side. Envy, jealousy, revenge. Worse—predators lurking in the shadows. The Savages live in the darkness, waiting to drag someone to their pits of hell. And they might not let us have our happily ever after. But if the man I love is dragged to hell, I’m going there to get him back.     AmazonKU


Giselle Gailen, Human heiress to Gailen Genetics, loathes being controlled by anyone. After a hardcore bender gone wrong, Giselle’s father presents an ultimatum: Be a “Good Girl”, or find herself cut off for good. Zhorha, Hyenaic mercenary from the Dawnbreaker company, needs routine to get through toiling days and tormented nights. After the Dawnbreakers get offered a contract with future potential, Zhorha finds herself guarding a spoilt brat from herself. Set against each other from their first moment, can the two learn to live with each other? And what troubles lie ahead of them in the darkness of the Arcturus Station.     Amazon

*************************BRIEF BREAK BEFORE THE FANTASY/PNR BOOKS!***************************************

My backlist highlight this week is book two in the Haven Colony series, following a young doctor on her first assignment as the only doctor on the planet. I did a lot of research for this one and also drew on my own brushfire experiences)…The book can be read as a standalone.

COLONY ON FIRE by Veronica Scott

When she came to Haven Two Dr. Saffia Mandell expected to grimly do her five years of medical service as the colony’s only doctor, work off her medical school debt and leave. Then she’d fallen in love, handled an epidemic and become an accepted member of the community. Now, in her second year, she faces new challenges as the tinder dry planet heads into a fire season and a mysterious food allergy threatens the local restaurant’s reputation.

Chief Ranger Micah Navonn of the Calinurra never expected to fall in love with a human woman but Saffia was a special person who captured his heart and now means everything to him. Not all of his people are as enthusiastic about the situation and his efforts to handle the politics are getting complicated. Add to that an infestation by insects from another world, causing portions of the forest to die off and his plate is full.
When the jet stream shifts course and the fires rage, will the colonists and the Calinurra set aside their differences? With Saffia’s life hanging in the balance, can Micah arrive in time to save her and the colonists in jeopardy?

Life on Haven Two never lets up…

Amazon      Apple Books      Kobo     Nook     GooglePlay

******************************OKAY, THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ONWARD WE GO!**************************************************

VANCE: ROAR ONE by Sandra R Neeley

Kassidy was happy. She loved, and was loved, working side by side with her mate, building a life with little constraints, loving a male she was destined for — or so he said. Finding herself suddenly locked in an underground safe room with no way out was not at all what she saw in her future. Yet here she was, hidden away despite her objections, while her mate dealt with the threat to them both. His last words to her were, ‘When this door is opened, if he looks like me, you’re safe. If he doesn’t, shoot him. Shoot them all.’. Since her savior looks just like Jared, she didn’t shoot. He’s holding her in his arms, promising to keep her safe. He’s sharing her pain, telling her that he hurts for Jared, too. So, this is obviously what Jared had planned for her in the event of his demise. The only problem now is the male that steals her attention at every turn isn’t’ the one who saved her. But when he looks at her with that intensity in his eyes, her heart skips a beat, and makes her feel worse than she has yet. She’s supposed to be mourning her lost love, not hoping for a glimpse of the sexy CFO of the Pride. Vance was born with the kind of intelligence that’s intimidating to most. Recognized early on, his Alpha informed him that he’d be …(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)      AmazonKU


Magic runs strong in me, but power isn’t enough. Magic confers an unnatural beauty on everyone with talent. Everyone except me, that is. I’m a witch, to be sure. No doubt about my birthright. When I was young, Mother hid me away until I was old enough to hold a glamour to conceal my flaws. And hold it I did for many a long year until I grew sick of siphoning off that amount of magic on something stupid. I was a valued Coven member. Surely, they’d accept me. And my wolfie familiar. All witches have them, except most are cats or birds. Something small, manageable. Eh. Getting off track here. The unpleasant truth was the moment I sloughed my glamour, the council held an emergency meeting. The next day, I was out on the streets. They booted wolfie along with me. No more home. No more sisterhood. Hah. What a joke all those of years of bonhomie turned out to be. If I sound bitter, darned right I am. Bitter and moving forward. I’ll show them if it’s the last thing I do.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: A re-release with “bonus content”.

Being the infamous fairy tale ‘Jack’ isn’t as glamorous as it sounds. My entire life has been a series of memes—before they were even invented! My current ‘Jack’ title is companion to the Ice Queen—who spent the first couple of years singing that song—but my sentence here is almost over. I’m going to make a run for it to retire with my shaker of salt on an island in the Caribbean while I drink piña coladas. Before I leave, I realize my heart wasn’t as frozen as I thought and I have to save Queenie from her evil sister. We make a plan to escape together after the Yule celebration, but even that falls victim to my legendary bad luck. Enter two bumbling pirates who were playing Robin Hood, a monkey, and a sea voyage to our permanent hiding place…only to trip over a bottle on the beach that contains a mysterious map to a legendary graveyard filled with famous treasure the moment we arrive. My spill draws the attention of our pirate friends and two other local hotties who can’t resist damsels in distress. Insert eyeroll here. My girl and I didn’t ask to be conscripted on an adventure with two shifter pirates, a masseuse, a demi-god, and a merman who think we’re on the menu, but here we are. Maybe I should have taken the Ice Queen’s musical advice when I first arrived ?     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


When I entered this competition, I never thought there would be so much at stake. Not only is my poor little battered heart on the line, but so is my life. As the dreaded family visits continue, more devastating secrets are revealed. And one changes everything. I’m only just recovering from the shock when it’s time for another elimination, and this one proves to be the hardest of all. Broken and torn apart, I’m forced to move on to the worst part of this entire competition: introducing the remaining bachelors to my crazy family. This should go well…With only two bachelors left, my heart is hopelessly divided. How will I ever be able to choose the one? Author’s note: Savage Love is an ADULT dark paranormal romance with some dark themes, possessive males, and adult language. It was originally published on Kindle Vella as Hitched Live.     AmazonKU


As one of the oldest living vampires, Draco has seen a lot of history. He’s also extremely powerful. With that power comes an allure that draws younger supernaturals to him like flies, hoping for a taste of his… expertise. Draco wants none of that. He lives a quiet life as a magician at a casino in Vegas. It’s a fun gig for a retired vamp with no real responsibilities left to his name. Then Tate flies into his life. Now nothing is the same. Tate is a little hapless. He’s a little everything, actually. In fact, that pretty much sums up his personality. He’s a Little. At least, he was before some dude bit him in a nightclub and now Tate is stronger than ten men, can control minds, and turn into a bat. He has no clue how he’s doing any of that. No one taught him how to be a vampire. In fact, he doesn’t know how to survive. Without Draco’s help, he won’t. If it means Tate has to make a pest of himself to get Draco to notice him and teach him the how-tos of his new life, then so be it. Falling in love, that was just another one of Tate’s little mistakes, but it might be his best one yet.       AmazonKU


Only one thing will save me from eternal damnation. Fake marrying the demon. My world is the dungeons of Ti’lith. Not even death will protect me from the demons.
Until the demon prince Lamian sees me and offers me a deal. Freedom for my soul. For the cost of my love. He needs a human woman to look regal next to him. To regain favor with the King. I need salvation from my torment. It’s perfect. As long as it remains fake. But there’s a danger that will throw our whole plan in danger and banish both our souls to eternal fire. What is this danger? It’s if in the course of this fake marriage, we start to develop…real love.      AmazonKU


Someone wanted my powers…One moment Alice was having a vision of my powers being taken, and the next my world was thrown upside down. As much of a shock as it was for me to become karma in the first place, my magic was now a part of me. Like my soul. The thought of losing it was more than I could handle. And someone was bound and determined to take it from me. Any way they could. But with my big bear shifter by my side, and with the help of my witchy friends, I knew I could save my powers. Because as much good and bad karma as I’ve given to others, I thought I was destined for a little goodness myself. I just hoped the universe felt the same way.     AmazonKU


Some secrets won’t stay buried. Oscar Fox grew up suppressing his psychic gifts. Now he and his ghost-hunting team, including his boyfriend parapsychologist Nigel Taylor, travel to Oscar’s hometown in hopes of learning more about his legacy. A trail of family secrets lures them to an abandoned distillery, still haunted by the ghosts of Oscar’s ancestors. A curse lies upon his bloodline, and if the team can’t figure out how to stop it, he might be the next to die.

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What can you do, when a dark sun rises? Trapped in a labyrinth of tunnels beneath the mountains, Kiera and her friends find themselves in a fight for survival. But help comes in the most unlikely of places, and the beginnings of a new alliance are set tentatively into place. The sails are raised and the badlands are in reach. But the fates have several more adventures in store…In the sun-scorched deserts at the end of the world, the hunt continues for the dragon. The friends are pushed to the end of their limits, but appearances can be deceiving and Kiera finds herself faced with a fateful choice. A choice that could set the world aflame, and be the ruin of everyone. A choice that could shape the course of the realm for centuries to come. Be careful who you trust. Even the devil was once an angel.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


They say some people are favored by the gods. Others need to make their own luck. When Cora wandered out of the woods during a winter storm, she was on the brink of death. Lost in a strange land, with nothing but her unborn child, she threw herself at the mercy of the gods. But her story wasn’t finished just yet, and the fates had other plans. A kindly woman delivers the child safely and gives her the chance to start anew. The troubles of the past are safely buried, a shining future is within reach. When a handsome warrior in the king’s guard comes to town a few months later, the two begin to fall madly in love. But Cora has a deadly secret. And secrets have a way of coming to light. Every legend has to start somewhere…In a time when Vikings clashed against Romans, and whispers of magic held back the tides, a young woman staggered out of the forest and gave birth to a special child.     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


VS Note: A PNR short story prequel to an upcoming three book series.

The high fae are waging a war. After the witches murdered the king and the queen of the Unseelie Court, the Southern Lands were left without a rightful heir on the throne. The law states I cannot be crowned until I marry my Fates-blessed mate, but the Seer has been clear about what I’m to do. Wait. As a pretender king rules, the War of the Witches rages on, taking no prisoners as my kingdom withers away. The high faes’ days are numbered, but the Unseelie Court refuses to accept the danger we’re in. Instead, they drink fairy wine and dance their way to our demise. I cannot sit by and watch my people lose themselves to their own delusions of grandeur. Our enemy may wear finery and dance amongst the Unseelie Court. Who is involved in the plots to keep me from my throne and brand me a savage beyond repair? Will I ever find the mate the Fates have promised me? Or will I remain the Savage Prince, a cold and ruthless sword knowing nothing but bloodshed and ruin?



Sometimes love trots by when you least expect it. Human Omega Pacey loves working remotely. It allows him to travel the world while still making a living. But his traveling comes to a halt after an accident leaves him with severe hearing loss and acutely aware that being a digital nomad means not having someone there to hold his hand when things get rough. So it’s time to move into the cabin he inherited from his grandfather and grow some roots. Alpha unicorn shifter Sable grew up the son of a local lumberjack, swearing he would find a big city job and leave his small town behind. And he did—for a while. But the call to return home was just too strong. So when a position as an English professor at the community college opens up, he applies, ready to start his new life right back where he started. Sable loves his new job and home, but something is missing. That is until he sees a man about to get crushed by a rogue log. The guy is completely unaware despite the loud warnings. Instinctively, his unicorn rushes to save him, breaking the one sacred law of unicorns: Never be seen by a human.     AmazonKU


Having worked as a barmaid in Milthar for years, Lana never expected to be cursed by a customer’s tip … an ancient coin that imbeds itself into her palm. And it’s not just a coin, but proof of her hidden bloodline and massive inheritance. When a demon kidnaps her and takes her to his magical realm, it’s all she can do to stay alive with a target on her back so big that just about every inhabitant wants her for one reason or another. Including the handsome demon who, luckily, wants something other than the coin. Not knowing who she can trust with her life and her heart, Lana struggles to find a safe place where she can figure out what’s going on with the strange magic and find a way home. If she takes too long, she could lose not only her ancestors’ legacy but her life.   AmazonKU


Tiger shifter, Tiana Arias, has one job for the week. Behave. She can’t ruin her sister’s destination wedding at Hellscape Holidays Resort. They have fancy warlock in-laws to impress. Too bad Tiana isn’t known for behaving. Starting a feud with the groom’s brother two minutes into the trip was not a good idea. Making out with him wasn’t any better …Warlock Liam Morton wants his brother’s wedding to be perfect. Forget judgmental parents and old family wounds. Liam is set on protecting his brother as he has always done. But when he spots Tiana Arias, all bets are off. Never has Liam’s duty been so hard to fulfill. When the wedding plans collapse, it’s up to Tiana and Liam to save the day. The pair fight their attraction for the sake of their families. But when Lou and Portia play matchmaker, love checks into the resort. When the devil is your matchmaker, what can go wrong?    AmazonKU


If you make a deal with evil, be prepared for the consequences. When a metal dragon kidnaps Alice, Hatter gathers the troops and charges off to rescue her. If only things were so uncomplicated. In the Ivory Kingdom, they find upheaval of the worst kind and all heading to civil war spearheaded by a man known as the Bandersnatch. Turmoil and the terror of fighting against a giant wolf, the Bandersnatch is bad enough, but when the Ivory Queen’s secrets are exposed, Hatter and Alice face off in a battle of wills and points of view. How can Alice trust a woman who deceived them? Why can’t Hatter see the bigger picture? If they don’t reconcile their differences, more could be at risk than the Ivory Kingdom. More questions than answers bombard them in their quest for truth and freedom for all. Who is stealing children? What dark secret overshadows the Ivory Kingdom? Can they avoid the Bandersnatch’s clutches? And most important of all, who can they trust?     AmazonKU

RAVENSONG by Cayla Fay

Neve has spent lifetimes defending the mortal world against the legions of hell with her two sisters. Unfortunately for Neve, in this lifetime, she is the only one of the Morrigan—a triad of Irish war gods—still stuck in high school and still without her full power. She’s been counting down the days until her eighteenth birthday, when she finally gets to shed the pretenses of humanity and grow into her divine power. But then she meets Alexandria. And Alexandria is as determined to force Neve into some semblance of teenage normalcy as she is haunted by her own demons—both figurative and literal. As they grow closer, Neve decides that humanity—and, perhaps, love—isn’t so detestable after all. Which makes it all the more dangerous when she realizes that something in Hell wants Alexandria, and it’s be up to Neve and her sisters to save her before Alexandria’s past catches up to all of them.

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I signed my wife’s death warrant. An alpha without my beta, I’m a soldier with no moral compass. A savage beast with no chain. The king stole my wife. My mate. My beloved. I’ve killed for far less. Even as the curse has been broken, I’ve never felt such bloodlust. Such a driving need to paint the realm crimson. And before the first snow dusts the Shadow Lands, I will have his head on a f*cking spike.

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Her future has already been decided. If the prophecies are to be believed, that is. Terra, leader of the Earth Fae, is at her happiest when wandering sky clad through the misty forests of Ireland. While she knows it is almost impossible to resist the Fates, Terra hopes there is another way. A way that doesn’t require her to claim a man that is meant to be her fated mate. The problem is…the prophecies hadn’t mentioned that he would also be her sworn enemy. Her people are troubled, and their unhappy rumblings shake the Earth and threaten the future of Ireland. Torn, Terra must decide if answering her heart’s song will save her people but in doing so, destroy her only chance for happiness.   AmazonKU


Georgiana believed she’d marry Henry since the day she understood what it meant. But when he goes away to war, she watched that dream slip away. After two years away, Henry returns to find Georgiana engaged, and that winning her back might not be as easy as he first thought. Can the two otter shifters find a way back to one another?

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If there’s one thing Michaela is good at, it’s messing up potions and causing magical hiccups in the process. And now she needs to make one or her friend will stay a slave to her curse. Determined to get it right, she enlists the help of Owen, the best potion-brewing warlock at Obscure Academy. As the sparks start to fly, the two discover they have more than just potion brewing skills in common.

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THE FALL LINE by Kelly Wacker

Jordan Burroughs is the artist-in-residence at a college in the Deep South where she paints endangered aquatic lilies growing in the rocky shoals of the nearby river. While waiting for the rare flowers to bloom, she meets Maddie Grendel, the attractive and single English professor, and Tammi Palmer-Maxfield, heir to a fortune and wife of a greedy entrepreneur, who invite Jordan to paint on Tammy’s vast estate. The town is quaint, the professor charming, but strange occurrences at the college’s historic guesthouse challenge Jordan’s rational perspective. A mischievous gin-drinking ghost more than complicates her budding romance with Maddie. When a storm tears through town, the river and the special ecosystem it supports are threatened by toxic waste. Swept unexpectedly into conflict to protect the river at any cost, Jordan must make some dangerous decisions.    Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo


As Saber and Caro struggle to understand their relationship, secrets are revealed and bonds tested. With the demons and Savages closing in, the Alliance must come together to defeat their enemies, but not all will survive. Who will remain standing at the end of the battle?

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Valentine’s Day. A day for love. For Romance. For being left at the altar. What started off as a whirlwind romance ended with me alone, sobbing, desperate. I can’t stomach the idea of cake; all I need is to get hammered, and in more ways than one. Unfortunately, the church is all out of wine and eligible men, leaving me to crawl back to Euphoria, the bar where I had the most unforgettable night two Valentine’s Days ago. I don’t need much, just a no-strings-attached fling to get the taste of my failed wedding out of my mouth. What should have been a quick hit-it-and-quit-it threatens to turn into forever. I’ve already escaped one I do, now, with his vampire’s bite, will I be stuck with a one-night-stand from hell or will this be the happily ever after I’ve dreamed of?

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Rejected by my fated mate. Humiliated in front of my pack. Forced to be a lone wolf. I didn’t ask for this. The Fae didn’t ask to be targeted. But now they are. I’m a target now too. I need protection. I find it with unlikely allies. Earl, the stepbrother, I love to hate. Aaron, the sexy cowboy, with the right words. A mysterious stranger who wants to destroy us all. If they win, we all lose. If they lose, there will be hell to pay. Only one of us can win, but who will it be?     AmazonKU

PACK OF HER OWN by Elena Abbott

Natalie Donovan jumps at a friend’s offer to stay in the family cabin for a month—she desperately needs the chance to get away from, and get over, her messy breakup. She doesn’t count on the owner of the local diner making her heart pound and her body desperate to be touched. Wren Carne is a lone wolf. As an Alpha shifter, she has no pack and maintains her territory without causing drama, just the way she likes it. When she checks on the girl staying in a local cabin, she’s not expecting her wolf to identify the human as her One True Mate. As fallout from their pasts encroaches upon the sleepy town of Terabend, Wren must decide if she wants a pack of her own, while Natalie worries that her secret—she’s transgender—might be too much for Wren.   AmazonKU


Catalina – He violated me. Don Rodrigo took my family’s business, home, and titles, but he will never own me. I’m on the run. He’s threatened to expose my secret. My last hope is to intercept the ship carrying my dowry before our match is permanent. Trusting pirates to give me a fair share is foolish but not as much as staying on the same island as my attacker…Chub – The letter from our arch-nemesis was written in feminine calligraphy but our nutmeg Captain Teeth didn’t notice. Blimey that because the author of the letter is my lady love. I’d bet my last doubloon. If only she didn’t shrink away from my touch… Killing every scoundrel who dared to hurt her isn’t helping…but it cools the rage I hold inside. Can Chub teach Catalina to assemble her shattered fragments into the strong woman she wants to be or is she too broken to believe in herself? Will she accept a pirate’s promise of true love or was the Mortar & Pestle’s message too late for lonely Chub to claim his lady love?      AmazonKU


Sea Hunter: On the turbulent high seas, an archeologist must protect a historic shipwreck from treasure hunters—not fall for one. Zahra Corbyn. I’m a Sea Hunter. As an underwater archeologist and professor of antiquities, it is my duty to stop treasure hunters and looters from raiding Sea Wraith. But fate is a funny thing. Now I find myself working with Jack Alexander, a treasure hunter, to protect history from a known looter. Did my heart’s desire change? Captain Jack Alexander. I’ve been told women on a ship are unlucky, but this one has the two pieces of the map I need to finally claim Sea Wraith. Now I find myself in a deal that makes me one-third partner with her and a known scoundrel. Can the two unlikely allies work together while safeguarding their hearts against the power of the Mortar and Pestle?     AmazonKU


Four sexy-as-sin vampires. Four chances at love and a real future. An opportunity to lose control and take back the power. Alexia knew her life as a blood demon wasn’t ever going to be her own, but she never expected her paired vampire to lock her up and keep her from actually living. Finally free of the cruelty of her previous benefactor, she’s been paired once more—this time to the four sinfully delicious vampire leaders of the Paris covenant. Can she let go of her past and the fear of being trapped again long enough to trust that the four brothers-in-arms are her future?     Amazon     Apple Books     Kobo

IN TROY’S COMPANY by Forrest Greene

Captain Troy is the commander of Troy’s Company and the best mercenary commander in the Four Quadrants of the Cities. On occasion he would find a mercenary unlucky enough to have been lost to slavery and buy him. He might sleep with the man, but would allow him to earn his freedom and a place in the Company if he wanted it. On this occasion, Markus is that slave. On a day of unforeseen catastrophe, everything he valued was taken from him — his home, his position, and his freedom. Now astray in a part of the world he’s never seen before, he struggles to find his feet and understand his attraction to Captain Troy. Soon he realizes he now has everything he desires. In Troy’s Company he finds the life he always wanted and the love he never dreamed he needed. Then, one day, a man Markus hasn’t seen for five years brings his past back to life. Will he choose his duty or his love?     Amazon     Kobo


Alone. Even surrounded by my devoted wolves, I feel alone and forsaken. The legends of my clan say that an Alpha without a mate will wither in time, and weakness will infect him until a stronger wolf will challenge and dethrone him. I cannot allow that to happen. I’ve searched for my mate far and wide, and when I couldn’t find her among my species, I turned to the walled cities of the humans. They are filled with fair, fertile females, but none of them smells or feels like my mate. There is one last thing I can try. The Temple. Can a simple draw of blood match me to my fated mate? I don’t believe it. Until I see her. She is beautiful, fierce… She is untamable. Her scent tells me all I need to know. She is mine.      AmazonKU


Welcome to London, where the roaring twenties are filled with fangs and freaks. When Irene is kidnapped by a gang of monsters, she is shoved straight into a world of magic and murder. A Mothman. An Unseelie. A Demonic Plague Doctor. The Freaks are a terrifying group ready to wreak havoc on the world that destroyed their humanity. But as these creatures drag Irene into the dark— they crave her soul, mind, and The longer these four are together, the faster they fall into a terrifying type of love. Will the demons take the wings from their caged dove, or will they set her free before their world devours her?     AmazonKU


Welcome to the Society of Shifters, where every person you meet has an animalistic secret. Enter a world of unusual shifters, steamy romance, and laugh-out-loud characters who embody the personalities of their shifted forms. Warning: These novels contain drool-worthy heroes, a variety of different shifters, and scenes that will have you questioning your ability to control your poker face in public. We strongly suggest you intake liquid at your own risk while reading these books, as we understand snorting with laughter while drinking anything can have disastrous effects. Our goal is to have you ROFL. A clean floor, but of course, we won’t judge your decisions.     AmazonKU


Cursed with immortality, John Zebedee has resigned himself to spending the rest of eternity alone. Then he discovers an escaped captive in his barn — the immortal heir to the Elven throne. Ethriel captures John’s heart, and gives him hope for the first time in a very long time. But Ethriel’s captors are hunting for him, and the rest of eternity may be closer than it seems.

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All I wanted was to keep my head above water. To survive long enough to hit my eighteenth birthday so I could escape the nightmare that my homelife had become. But all of that was turned upside down the moment they showed up. The best friend from my past. The surly brooder. The kind-hearted nerd. The king of campus. The dark one. They say they’re here to give me a fresh start in a place where I’m safe, warm, and cared for. And I can’t deny the pull I feel to all five of them. The buzz that lights beneath my skin when they touch me. And for the first time, I feel like I might belong. But not everything is as it seems. These guys have secrets. Ones that will rip my world wide open. But when a dark evil begins stalking us, we’re all in for the fight of our lives.   AmazonKU


Lucy is a human. Boring. Normal. She has no idea that the supernatural world exists outside of fairy tales and myth. But when a demon attacks her in her home, she learns that the monsters from myth are real. She is taken in by a shadow organization, known as the Guardian Elite, a demon slaying organization almost as old as civilization itself. When it becomes apparent that her demon problem won’t be easily solved, she is put under the protection of one of the organization’s strongest members. Sebastian is an angel/demon hybrid. An Abomination. An outcast. For thousands of years, he has warred with his dual natures. Desperately trying to maintain the balance within himself. Killing demons was the only thing that gave him purpose. Even when the world turned their backs on him, he stood between humanity and the demons that would corrupt them. Until Lucy. She’s a job. A distraction. Even as he attempts to keep her at arm’s length, he finds himself drawn to her. His demon half wants to possess her. His angel half craves her heart. But there’s a powerful demon on the loose, one that will stop at nothing to capture her. Will he be able to stop the demon? Or will Lucy provide too much of a distraction?

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A FUN AND FEARLESS ANTHOLOGY OF FEMINIST TALES, to celebrate Virago’s 50th birthday. Featuring NEW AND ORIGINAL STORIES by Margaret AtwoodSusie BoytEleanor CrewesEmma DonoghueStella DuffyLinda GrantClaire KohdaCN LesterKirsty LoganCaroline O’DonoghueChibundu OnuzoHelen OyeymiRachel SeiffertKamila Shamsie and Ali Smith – introduced by Sandi Toksvig. DRAGON. TYGRESS. SHE-DEVIL. HUSSY. SIREN. WENCH. HARRIDAN. MUCKRAKER.  SPITFIRE. VITUPERATOR. CHURAIL. TERMAGANT. FURY. WARRIOR. VIRAGO. For centuries past, and all across the world, there are words that have defined and decried us. Words that raise our hackles, fire up our blood; words that tell a story. In this blazing cauldron of a book, fifteen bestselling, award-winning writers have taken up their pens and reclaimed these words, creating an entertaining and irresistible collection of feminist tales for our time.     Amazon      AB     Apple Books     Kobo


A demon’s fortune can turn at the drop of a dime. Tobal has secrets, but doesn’t every demon? Of course, his secret is a big one since he’s the prince of Hell’s secret brother, but he doesn’t mean any harm. He never thought he’d have a chance at getting to know Berith, or that he’d ever see his foster brother again, yet here he is, living in a palace and spending time with both of them. He just wishes people would stop trying to use him to kill Berith. Lon knows Tobal is hiding something, but he isn’t sure what. He’s convinced it has to do with the many attacks on the prince and his family, and as head of security, it hits him hard. He has to do something, even though Berith doesn’t believe Tobal is involved. And even though Lon finds Tobal sexy and adorable, he doesn’t want to believe he could do something like this. When Tobal meets a shady guy in an even shadier tavern, Lon knows he was right, but when he corners Tobal, he finds out what his secret is. Tobal is involved in the attacks, but not in the way Lon thought. No, Berith’s enemies are bigger and stronger, and it’s Lon’s job to take them on and defeat them.

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As a descendant of the Chinese god of medicine, ignored middle child Elle was destined to be a doctor. Instead, she is underemployed as a mediocre magical calligrapher at the fairy temp agency. Nevertheless, she challenges herself by covertly outfitting Luc, her client and crush, with high-powered glyphs. Half-elf Luc, the agency’s top security expert, has his own secret: he’s responsible for a curse laid from an old assignment. To heal them, he’ll need to perform his job duties with unrelenting excellence and earn time off from his tyrannical boss. When Elle saves Luc’s life, they begin a dangerous collaboration, but their chemistry blooms. Happiness, for once, is an option for them both. But Elle is loyal to her family, and Luc is bound by his true name. To win freedom from duty, they must make unexpected sacrifices.

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A bounty hunter. A secret past. A disguised demon. I’m no stranger to the supernatural world. In Ravenholde, vampires, shifters, and demons are just as common as criminals, but infinitely more power hungry. So when my grandfather asks me to hunt down a phoenix terrorizing the town, I suspect his motives are less than trustworthy. Cursed as the only tri-bred, I agree to a one-and-done deal with my succubus family member. But my errant bounty turns out to be connected to a much darker plot with more demons about to escape the underworld. I am forced to face the shadow council, the humiliation of my past, and a sexy warlock that resurrects feelings I buried with my husband. Do I embrace my demonic heritage to save a town that rejected me, or burn in the hell of phoenix fire?     AmazonKU


A siren with death in her song – A con artist with dark magic at his fingers –  And a heist only they can pull off… if they don’t betray each other first. Lira has until the blood moon to escape her mother’s cruel siren troupe. Attempting to flee, she gets mixed up with a handsome stranger set on a dangerous mission to reclaim stolen magic. A heist that pays enough gold to disappear with. As their group of magical misfits tumbles through unexpected obstacles, Lira is pushed deeper into a mystical world she wants no part of. A realm filled with wrathful fairy courts and dangerous creatures. But when attraction builds and twists are unveiled, Lira isn’t sure where she belongs anymore.   AmazonKU


My power is seeing the darkness inside people, but can I learn how to use it to reveal our worst enemy? This war is seriously getting on my nerves. It seems like every day there’s a new obstacle to overcome, but hopefully, it’s bringing us closer to the end of it all. But then what? Living with the sexy vampire Geoffrey has me feeling all kinds of new things. On the surface, he’s kind and attentive, but underneath is a darker energy that intrigues me. I’ve always been drawn to what can’t be seen. I guess you could call it a gift, at least that’s what my aunt told me and my twin Jack. When that gift shows up in a new way, a traitor is revealed, and Geoffrey and I become closer than ever. Now I’m learning how to be independent from my twin, how to love someone, and how to harness the power that’s been unleashed within me before our time runs out and the enemy wins. Piece of cake.   AmazonKU


Shamrocks, rainbows, pots of gold, and … one irate leprechaun. Spring has sprung, and I’m finally getting out of town with my monster-hunting boyfriend. However, our cozy little rental cabin in the woods turns out to have a serious problem—an angry leprechaun infestation. Before we can get back to our romantic rendezvous, we have to prove we didn’t steal a magic hat. Piece of cake, right?     AmazonKU


A human, a minotaur, and the contract that binds them. The Unsuspecting Woman – 
My friends surprise me with a haunted house tour to get over the ghost of my last relationship. Bring on the eerie sounds and special effects. Except magic is real. So is the labyrinth realm below the haunted house. And the demon who tricked me into a match with a minotaur. Now, I’m stuck in another dimension until I can find a way out of this supernatural deal. The Minotaur King – My labyrinth is dying. For my kingdom to survive, I must convince my fated mate to invoke the most ancient of magics—the carnal kind. Too bad my mate’s a human who didn’t know monsters existed until she saw me. Will their match lead to happily ever after? Or will this beauty reject her beast?   AmazonKU


VS Note: I HAVE to read this one! One clicked. I love time loop stories.

Seventeen-year-old Anaïs just wants tonight to end. As an outsider at the kingdom’s glittering anniversary ball, she has no desire to rub shoulders with the nation’s most eligible (and pompous) bachelors—especially not the notoriously roguish Prince Leo. But at the stroke of midnight, an explosion rips through the palace, killing everyone in its path. Including her. The last thing Anaïs sees is fire, smoke, chaos . . . and then she wakes up in her bedroom, hours before the ball. No one else remembers the deadly attack or believes her warnings of disaster. Not even when it happens again. And again. And again. If she’s going to escape this nightmarish time loop, Anaïs must take control of her own fate and stop the attack before it happens. But the court’s gilded surface belies a rotten core, full of restless nobles grabbing at power, discontented commoners itching for revolution, and even royals who secretly dream of taking the throne. It’s up to Anaïs to untangle these knots of deadly deceptions . . . if she can survive past midnight.    Amazon      AB     Apple Books     Kobo

THE MEMORY EATER by Rebecca Mahoney

For generations, a monster called the Memory Eater has lived in the caves of Whistler Beach, Maine, surviving off the unhappy memories of those who want to forget. And for generations, the Harlows have been in charge of keeping her locked up—and keeping her fed. After her grandmother dies, seventeen-year-old Alana Harlow inherits the family business. But there’s something Alana doesn’t know: the strange gaps in her memory aren’t from an accident. Her memories have been taken—eaten. And with them, she’s lost the knowledge of how to keep the monster contained. Now the Memory Eater is loose. Alana’s mistake could cost Whistler Beach everything—unless she can figure out how to retrieve her memories and recapture the monster. But as Alana delves deeper into her family’s magic and the history of her town, she discovers a shocking secret at the center of the Harlow family business and learns that tampering with memories always comes at a price.

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Edric is hoping to find someone who accepts him for who he is…he ends up meeting the two. Alpha skunk shifter Edric had his life planned out for him since birth. Edric would mate the alpha’s omega son and become next in line for the position. It’s not what he longs to do, but it is his destiny, or so he thinks. Everything falls apart when his scent doesn’t appear on his twenty-fifth birthday. Rejected by his surfeit for being broken and unfit, he has no choice but to leave and begin a new life. Alpha Tibetan fox shifter Dakota loves to travel and, when he sees a vlogger who traveled across the county and up to Alaska, it sounds like the best idea ever. And maybe it would’ve been if some jerk didn’t run his bike off the road, destroying it and giving him a foot injury even his beast can’t repair. Omega Wolf shifter Leif transfers to Animals SD after he begins dreaming of the ocean. He has no idea why he’s called there, but it feels right. One night at the beach, he scents the reason why. If only his fated mates were as excited to meet him as he is about them.     AmazonKU


Go back in time, to an early Riga adventure…Riga’s engaged to the man of her dreams. But as the big day approaches, a cold case in an Irish pub is unearthing insecurities about her magic and upcoming marriage. Will this middle-aged metaphysical detective get cold feet? And when a Celtic fairy gets involved, she must navigate between the demands of justice here and from the Otherworld. Riga’s going to have to dig deep into her bag of tricks to crack this case. But can she adapt before it’s too late? This Riga Hayworth novella takes place between the events in The Shamanic Detective and The Infernal Detective.

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When gazing into a mirror, what do cats see? Perhaps a hidden land, a bit of wisdom forgotten, or a wish for a different future with their human counterparts. Join twelve bestselling, award-winning, and up-and-coming authors as they explore tales of cats peering into mirrors through supernatural, fantastical, and paranormal worlds. These authors explore the relationships of mothers and daughters, family life, friendships, and marriages strengthened or disrupted by the powers of cats and a looking glass. Ghosts, gangsters, dreamwalkers, vampires, and whisper ones are supporting casts to these amazing tales of what cats and humans can see and accomplish within a mirror.    Amazon


Fifteen thousand years ago, the Fae realms crumbled. A decade ago, Noble Protector Drekkoril D’Vaire of the Light Fae woke after spending many millennia in a dreamless sleep. Upon waking, he discovered his people no longer exist. A goddess revered by the Fae had changed them into elves and sprites with no memory of the past. Thanks to a wonderful, supportive family, Drekkoril healed from the ordeal. Now he wants to find the other half of his soul. Valiant Defender Daravius of the Dark Fae wanders from place to place, trying to put food in the bellies of his tiny family. With little knowledge of any language still spoken and no resources, Daravius’s existence is meager. Each night, he uses a spell to travel to the destroyed realm that once carved deep scars into his soul; night after night, he must relive the horror. Although Daravius wants more for his loved ones, he is lost. Expert trackers locate Daravius and his family, and they bring the trio to D’Vaire for sanctuary. Within minutes of their arrival, Daravius and Drekkoril learn they are mates. Drekkoril rejoices and yearns for a future together, but Daravius is terrified and desperate to avoid uniting their souls. Only Fate knows which man will get his wish.   AmazonKU


VS Note: See author’s note at the end of the blurb, reworked re-release…

I dream of a time where I was warm, safe, and loved. But my waking reality is starkly different. Anxiety plagues me and spirits haunt the shadows. No matter how fast I run, I can’t seem to escape my past. The only solace and steady force in my life is my best friend, Finn. And now… there’s a ghost haunting me. And I’m not certain if it wants help or if it wants to kill me. There’s only one person who can understand: Finn’s brother, Damen. However, in reaching out, I’m betraying Finn and setting things into motion that cannot be undone. But nobody ever said that doing the right thing was easy. The Garden of Eternal Flowers is a re-envisioning of my Grimm Cases series. Eternal Flowers has taken my original vision of Bianca’s story and transformed it into something new and beautiful. Some chapters are similar, and some dialogue is the same, as The Grimm Cases, Origins, but overall, about 75% of the book has been entirely revisioned with new plot points, mystery, and interpersonal relationships. Also, unlike Origins (originally a Wattpad release), there is now a clear beginning, climax, and conclusion in each individual novel, which allows them to be read alone or as part of the ongoing series.

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ORC HARD PLAY HARD by Alana Khan and Azure Sky

In her search for a mate, Agra takes matters into her own hands at a meeting of the clans. She organizes an auction of her suitors. She doesn’t just inspect their teeth. She arranges a bawdy thrusting contest. Pergu is captivated at first sight and doesn’t hesitate to offer his biggest chunk of gold for the chance to win her affection. Finding the orc of her dreams has never been so easy… or so sexy.     AmazonKU


Artis Duncan needs a freaking break. A year ago she opened the front door to find her husband’s secret family, leaving her a single mother to three children. Now a year later, she loses her job just as suddenly. Luckily a saving grace comes in the form of a mysterious job offer. It’s across the country but has a salary and benefits to die for. Artis has no choice, she has to pack up her family and move. After showing up to a destroyed house she is beginning to doubt her choice in taking this job. The CSB Corp was supposed to have it all taken care of before she got there. Instead it looks like it was the venue for a year long frat party. Conri Jennings is pissed.He put his trust in his younger brothers to clean the last house for the new human hires, and they have blown off the job completely. When he arrives to take care of the situation he discovers the last person he expected to meet. His fated mate. She’s beautiful, curvy, and vicious as hell. Unfortunately Artis has no idea why his company has brought her all the way here. Nor does she know anything about her powerful magical heritage, or his other form.     AmazonKU

RHYME OF LOSS (JACK AND GIL 2) by Emily Carrington

Jack is falling apart, but no one seems to notice. He’s transforming into an animal with the ability to rend flesh and kill with little thought, and there’s no one but Gil who can save him. But as Jack withdraws into himself, the tide of war rises. Jack must find a way to regain his strength and determination or SearchLight will fall. And he is convinced he must do it alone. Gil has resolved never to leave Jack, but that’s hard when his beloved smells of another man and he keeps pulling away. Convinced he’s been replaced, Gil tries to play mean games, but his love for Jack trumps pettiness. Will change destroy them?

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Mitzy Moon hopes for a normal day running errands. And this time, she’s determined to get her grandmother’s couture properly cleaned. But her day gets stuck in a spin cycle when she encounters crime-scene tape at the dry cleaner’s and a puzzling murder. With her only way into the case through an undercover stint in the women’s wrestling league, Mitzy charges ahead with little help from her mentor, Ghost-ma, or her entitled feline. But if the bell rings before she corners the suspect, more lives could end up on the ropes. Can Mitzy hold a murderer down for the count, or will she be taken out in a lethal smackdown?     AmazonKU


Sasha…My life changed forever the day I was attacked. I barely survived. If not for my brother, I wouldn’t have. Learning that my mate had died in an accident the same day made me pray for death. Revenge gave me purpose until there was no more blood to spill. It was a miracle that saved me. One I vowed to hide away and protect with my life. Until an old friend says he has information on my mate’s death. Rowan…I remember the explosion, the fire, and the darkness that sucked me away from it all. Then I woke to unbearable pain and damage even my wolf couldn’t heal. Fire is a brutal enemy, but it wasn’t what destroyed me. No, destruction came with news my mate had been attacked and killed. I didn’t believe it. Refused to even entertain the possibility. Now, I won’t rest until I find her and put those responsible for separating us six feet under.

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VS Note: Re-releases. 

Love is always a gamble, but when you bargain with a demon the deck’s stacked in his favor. Demon’s Bargain (Embracing the Demon 1): Ella is desperate. A vicious dragon stalks her people. The only man strong enough to defeat it is Vaz, the half-demon outcast — banished long ago for his tainted blood. Ella soon learns just how potent a demon’s touch can be. Living with a Demon (Embracing the Demon 2): When Nate answered a personals ad, he wasn’t looking for romance. But now he knows Pierce is the man for him… even when he finds out Pierce is something more than human. Playing Games (Embracing the Demon 3): Nate adores his demon lover, Pierce. But lately, Pierce has been distant and preoccupied, and it’s driving Nate crazy. Awakening Pierce’s possessive instincts is a dangerous game to play… but to Nate, the danger just makes it more tempting. Escaping Darkside (Embracing the Demon 4): After he’s killed in a hit and run accident, Christian wakes up in Darkside — the demon-infested world between life and death. If he can reach door back to Earth, Christian will have a second chance at life. But going back will mean leaving Seth behind forever… and Christian is falling in love with his demon.

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Jacob always felt like the weak link in his family. His two older brothers were stronger and faster, better, and given lead over their two best squadrons of guards. It might not irk so much if he managed to be the leader of the third ranked squadron, but that position belongs to Mason, a friend rather than family member. It irks more when his baby sister Katya is involved, taking over the Alpha Group, pushing him down to lead the Echo rather than just the Delta group he usually commands. He doesn’t complain about it though, not when their sister was missing for nineteen years. She can’t help being more naturally inclined to it any more than he can help being the third son. While following the trail of two unknown shifters, believed to be part of the snatchers grabbing up unmated girls, he discovers a new scent he has to follow…(MUCH more blurb on ebook seller’s page)    AmazonKU


Life is looking pretty good for Madeline Bennet. She can finally see the magic to unlock the thresholds to Aparia, and her love life is more stable than it’s ever been.
Sure, she and her favorite Griffon don’t get a lot of quality time together. Also true, several shadow dragons are determined to destroy the human world. On top of that, there’s a tiny glitch in the link that even Teagan didn’t expect when he worked his Vulture magic on her and Rafe. But all that becomes inconsequential when someone steps forward with the power to not only challenge Madeline’s birthright, but threaten the safety of people on both sides of the thresholds. The time has come for Madeline to choose a path. Will the Obsidian Queen claim her crown, opening the thresholds once and for all? Or will she quietly send the shadow creatures back to Aparia and live the Royal Guild-approved life she’s always dreamed of? Madeline is up against her greatest challenge, and only one thing is certain: she’ll meet it head-on, in high heels and a skirt, with her knights and hairless cat by her side.     AmazonKU


Two hundred years ago, the balance in the Kingdom of Magic was destroyed when King Baran, the Elemental Monarch, killed the other kings and queens and declared himself the sole ruler. Since then, all other forms of magic have been persecuted, banished, and treated as less than the Elemental Witches. It’s been prophesied that I will be the one to restore the balance and make the Kingdom safe for all witches and Magical Creatures. I hoped I could work with Prince Archer on this goal. I hoped he would be open to the idea of restoring the four monarchs. I was wrong. If there’s any chance of restoring the balance, we must go to war against a sophisticated military and a king who has a devastatingly destructive form of magic. Our army is assembled, but getting everyone to cooperate despite centuries of mistrust is a feat in itself. And I fear it will take every bit of magic, strategy, and teamwork we can muster to emerge from this battle alive.   AmazonKU


Once upon a time there was – A charming prince. Two wickedly cruel step brothers. And a pair of magical glass slippers. But this isn’t the story you know. Because in my story, love comes at a price. And when it comes time for that price to be paid, I find out that the prince, as well as my step brothers, all want a piece. A piece of me.   AmazonKU



March 8

March 1

February 22

February 15

February 8

“New” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  And I may mention ‘special items’.

I do NOT cover every single new release in SFR/FantasyR/PNR. I never have. That would be an impossible task for any human! I assemble my list by hand every week based on various informal inputs, and I do curate the list to some extent…

Some authors aren’t in KU but still don’t list books with Apple or other platforms. This report is very time consuming to prepare so I’ve always had to limit myself and cannot go and look up every book on all the platforms. If an author gives me their other buy links, I include them here but generally I develop the post on my own, not from author-supplied information. I curate and prepare this post individually every week to help connect readers/books/authors and I have to be very careful not to give it so much time as an activity that I don’t write my own novels! Thanks for the feedback and happy reading!

I check and verify all the buy links at the time I create the post  but after that I’m not responsible.

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Required Statement: As an Apple Books Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Hit the Ground Running Weekend Writing Warriors

Here’s the link to the Weekend Writing Warriors central page, so you can visit all the participants sharing excerpts today…a fun way to sample new books and find new authors! (Also welcome to the Sunday Snippet visitors!)

I’m now taking snippets from my newly released novel STAR CRUISE STAR SONG.

The excerpt – We’re back to Addy, who is settling into her new quarters on the Nebula Zephyr. Addy is still unaware of Ryder’s identity as a former rock star and thinks he’s just a nice guy she helped get aboard the shuttle to the ship after some trouble at the spaceport.

“You have messages in your queue,” the ship announced unexpectedly.

“Anything I have to deal with? Anything from the Chief?” she asked.

“No. One is the standard welcome to the ship from the captain, one is a reminder of various crew guidelines for general comportment and one is a personal message from passenger Ryder McRhodes.”

Briefly Addy considered listening to the one from Ryder but it was all simply too much. What could he want to say anyway except thanks again? She preferred to keep her encounter with him as a nice memory. “Can you bring up the technical manuals for the engine nacelles?” she asked as she moved to the couch. “I want to go over them again, including any revisions, before my meeting with the Chief tomorrow.”

As the complicated schematics and accompanying text popped into view in the middle of her living room, Maeve said, “The chief doesn’t customarily give new employees a pop quiz on my specifications. Not on the first day anyway.”

Fidgeting from impatience, Addy said, “I want to hit the ground running though.”

Here’s the official blurb:

Addy Tryndall is a fresh graduate from a highly respected engineering college in the Sectors, on her way to a plum job on the Nebula Zephyr cruise ship. She knows she’ll be on probation but she’s determined to succeed and nothing is going to distract her.

Ryder McRhodes is a has-been interstellar rock star, on his way to reunite with his fellow band members to see if the lightning of mega success will strike twice for them. He isn’t sure he wants to be in the spotlight again and he hasn’t been able to write music since the band broke up.

Addy has secrets. Ryder needs a muse to unblock the creative flow…could her tightly guarded past be the answer  to his problem?  When the two are thrown together in an attempt to avoid the interstellar paparazzi he’s intrigued. She’s wary.

And someone is sabotaging systems on the Nebula Zephyr. Addy unwittingly finds herself in the middle of the situation while juggling her increasing attraction to Ryder and her challenges on the new  job. Can she trust him with her secret? Or will he break her heart?

The danger on board comes ever closer to Addy as the cruise continues…

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