Thoughts on the Art of the Book Blurb

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If you follow my blog, you know I do a weekly report on New Releases in my three favorite genres – scifi romance, fantasy romance and paranormal romance. I also scoop up a lot of new books that aren’t strictly in those three categories (urban fantasy, cozy paranormal mysteries etc.) and then I also add what I call ‘releases of note’, which may be hard scifi or other related genres that I find interesting and think maybe the readers perusing my list might be intrigued by.

I typically have 50-60 books each week. This is a curated list, by which I mean I don’t do any automated process and I certainly don’t cover every book released. I have my methods and my sources and I look at factors including but not limited to the covers, the reviews, the author’s past reviews, sometimes I read the “look Inside” feature to see how the author’s ‘voice’ is – I cover books in some areas I don’t personally read often, like dark romance and MPREG but which I do know the readers enjoy and would like to see…now, I don’t necessarily do all that up front checking for every book. I only have so much time and my primary priority is writing my own books! Gotta pay the rent and buy cat food for Jake the Cat…and I trust the quality of books by authors well known to me in those genres. But especially if an author is new-to-me, or has no reviews yet, or has a couple of iffy reviews…

But my main tool is the blurb the author or publisher has provided. This is the book listing’s description of who the main characters are, the challenges facing them, etc.

So today I have a little bit of a rant about book blurbs.

Woman Reading


To me, the main purpose is that after your professionally done cover intrigues a reader enough to click on the sales page, they’ll read the blurb and decide YES, they want to one-click this book and read it. Now I’m no authority on blurb writing. I used to have the wonderful Cathryn Cade do mine, when she was the Blurb Queen and since she stopped providing that service, I try to model my blurbs on what she did. I write M/F, so I briefly introduce the heroine, the hero and one paragraph usually about the challenge – escaping the evil alien scientists or solving the mysterious outbreak or defeating the interstellar crime syndicate. I may pose one of those “Can their love survive while escaping this disaster…?” type questions at the end. This approach seems to work for me.

When doing my new releases post I see everything from literally no blurb at all (what???! Yes, really, there are some out there) to a sentence or two, to the 3-4 quick paragraphs approach I use, to lengthy lengthy blurbs that try to give every plot point, to excerpts from the book standing in as blurb.

I kinda ruthlessly truncate the overly lengthy blurbs, frankly. I only want my already voluminous posts to be so long and OMG, just whet the reader’s interest, don’t tell try to tell them everything! (Reminder: This is all my opinion so your mileage may vary, as we authors say BUT I do see a ton of blurbs every week.) I do indicate there’s more blurb on the ebook seller page.

The ones that really puzzle me are typically on the later books in a series where the author blithely assumes anyone checking out their book must have read the entire series to this point and will know what is meant by something along the lines of “Frank and Sallie go to Weird Town to tell the wamluks the silver talzq is broken. Harry rides along.” Huh?

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(Shaking my head in sorrow for lost opportunities.) Okay, maybe your loyal readers will snap this up. Anyone seeing a mention of your series for the first time at around book #three to book #ad infinitum most likely won’t.  I don’t know about you but I always want new-to-me readers so I try to give an enticing blurb, and maybe (but not always) add a general paragraph about the series itself – here’s what I say about my Badari Warriors, for example:  Genetically engineered soldiers of the far future, the Badari were created by alien enemies to fight humans. But then the scientists kidnapped an entire human colony from the Sectors to use as subjects in twisted experiments…the Badari and the humans made common cause, rebelled and escaped the labs. Now they live side by side in a sanctuary valley protected by a powerful Artificial Intelligence, and wage unceasing war on the aliens. 

Sometimes, if I’m feeling extra helpful or I loved the cover or I really want a book in that genre to include, I’ll go searching for book 1 in the series and pull part of that blurb, where hopefully the author did explain the overarching concept of the series, and I’ll include that information properly labelled in my Wednesday listing along with the cryptic blurb for the latest book. But not always…it’s not really my job to sell your book.

I may also do this if the blurb really doesn’t explain the scifi or paranormal element of the plot but there’s more information in the blurb for an earlier book.  (And no, this post wasn’t inspired by the last authors I did this for – it’s been on my mind for a while!)

But what a missed opportunity to have the hundreds of people who kindly come and view my new releases report every week at least consider your series, all for the want of a little more information to intrigue them.

OK and if you’re on book #37 of a really well selling series, maybe you don’t need to bother with a blurb in any detail but how many of us enjoy that lovely state of being?

I’m not generally in favor of the excerpt approach either. For one thing, that’s what the ‘look inside’ features does to some extent, as far as allowing the reader to sample your style and the flavor of the story. For another thing, it’s often hard to know what to make of a random excerpt from a novel out of context. Personally I have a hard time relating to characters who just start ‘talking to me’ when I’m not invested even a little bit in the story yet.

And I certainly don’t think an excerpt should be your only blurb! If your characters have to carry the load of explaining who they are and the plot and everything else in an excerpt, maybe you have too much backstory and/or ‘telling’ in your novel?

Another thing to watch out for is having typos, misspellings or editing issues in your blurb. Sure we’re all human and mistakes do happen but wow, what a turnoff to a reader (speaking for myself) to see a blurb that commits multiple slips. I’m likely to pass on that one.

mermaid fairy-tale character


I do applaud authors who include a little extra information at the end, whether it’s a serious trigger warning (I’m not getting into the whole trigger warning debate here) or a clarification that the book is reverse harem, or a bully academy, or contains material suitable only for mature readers or has a cliffhanger ending…and some people have funny taglines about general information in the series (mermaids solving cozy murder mysteries and baking cupcakes in a town where it’s always summer solstice [which I just totally made up]).

After the cover, your blurb is your most important tool to get your book into the hands of the readers (or onto their ebook readers) so even if you loathe writing blurbs (and there are still people who write them for a fee out there by the way), be sure you have a nicely polished not-too-long, not-too-short piece of prose to make us highly intrigued and need to know more!

Readers – what do you think? What kind of blurbs work or don’t work for you? Any tips for authors, including me?

reede finalAnd here’s my latest, by the way:


Lt. Fallyn Damara was sent by the Sectors to investigate a strange transmission from an isolated planet and determine whether the residents of a vanished colony had been transported there by alien enemies. Fallyn’s ship crashes and she’s taken prisoner by the Khagrish scientists, to await her fate in the slate of horrifying experiments being conducted.

Reede, the second ranking enforcer in the Badari Warrior pack, volunteers to be recaptured by the Khagrish in an effort to locate and rescue Fallyn inside the deadly lab complex.

While a prisoner Reede discovers Fallyn is the woman destined to become his fated mate but the moment is bittersweet because Fallyn will be leaving their world at the first opportunity, to report back to the Sectors. He refuses to complete the mate bond, believing to do so will lead to nothing but lifelong misery for them both, separated by lightyears and interstellar politics.

For her part, Fallyn wants to shake up the rule-bound enforcer and persuade him to take a chance on love.

But first they have to escape the Khagrish.

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Award winning Badari Warriors SciFi Romance Series!

New Releases in #SciFi #Fantasy and Paranormal Romance for Wednesday September 4

first flyghtAs always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).



Vivian Kawabata can’t wait to claim her privileged destiny. But when the heir to the family agricultural empire finds her bank account empty while shopping for expensive shoes, she’s horrified to discover that her own brother has financially stabbed her in the back. To stand a chance of restoring her rightful place in the universe, the honest and rule-following Vivian may have to break a few intergalactic laws.

After securing an old ship from her aunt, Vivian takes on two new roles: a sexy heiress collecting eligible husbands and a hard-nosed captain rebuilding a lost fortune by any means necessary. Completely out of her depth, she’d be sunk without the help of a relationship broker, a handsome ex-boyfriend, a hacker with a heart of gold, and the other potential partners she meets along the way. With a business that runs the razor’s edge between trade and smuggling, can the former high-society socialite get the money she needs or will her brazen ambition lead to a deadly crash landing?

Amazon      Apple Books

ice planet honeymoon raahash and lizICE PLANET HONEYMOON: RAAHOSH AND LIZ by Ruby Dixon

Newly-mated (and grudge-holding) Liz wants nothing more than to be away from the tribe that’s exiled her man. Raahosh wants to prove to Liz that he can be a good mate, even if he’s ugly.
On a honeymoon, they can get to know each other better. Perfect, right?
This story is an extended epilogue for book 2 of Ice Planet Barbarians — Barbarian Alien — and is for readers who want a little more of their favorite couple. Don’t start here! Start with book one, Ice Planet Barbarians.



When mercenary and space trader Flynn Marks is approached by a woman in a seedy bar, he assumes she’s not just looking for a good time. He’s made enemies over the course of his life. With his family finally safe and settled, he’ll handle this latest threat on his own.

Cerena Phelps has been tasked with killing a man if she ever wants to see her teenage son again. While she’s no stranger to fights—being a woman bouncer is a tough job—she’s never killed a man. Her plan? Lure Flynn away from the bar, seduce him, and kill him when his guard is down. Not a hardship given her unexpected and intense sexual attraction for her target. When her attempt on Flynn’s life fails, they must learn to trust each other if they both hope to survive and rescue her son.


as the cog turnsAS THE COG TURNS (MECHA ORIGIN BOOK 2) by Eve Langlais

Wulff’s cogs are in a jam because of Ursy, his best friend’s little sister. Only she’s not so young and bratty anymore. And she’s got a nice set of gears.
However, Wulff has no intentions of stealing her upgrades. Nor is he interested in bedding her, even if she makes his parts steam. He really should stay away, and yet he enlists her aid in tracking down a treasure.
A mission that’s going fine until the kiss.
Now, he can’t help seeing her in a new light, but Ursy isn’t interested in a relationship, even as she invites him to her bed.
Problem is he wants more than just a temporary meshing of their parts. He won’t settle for anything less than her heart.

Amazon     Apple Books


Suspected of kidnapping. Broke. Dumped. Katie thought things couldn’t get any worse.
Then, she was abducted by aliens.

Sure, they were hot warrior aliens, and the space station she was taken to was the coolest place she’d ever seen. Holographic fantasy suites? Over-the-top weddings complete with over-the-top alien wedding planners? Katie knew the tabloids back home would pay a boatload for a scoop like the one she was sitting on. If only she could find a way off the station and tell everyone on Earth.
But first, there was a problem of the Drexian warrior she was supposed to marry. The one whose scars and nightmares scared her. The one she couldn’t fall for.
Zayn knew he didn’t deserve a tribute bride. Those were for heroic warriors, not for soldiers who’d been captured and tortured.
The human with fiery-red hair may stir something within him, but he knows she can’t be his. Not when he’s sure she’s been sent to spy on him. He needs to prove that he hasn’t been turned by the enemy and keep his distance from the human. No matter how much he wants to claim her.


cage jessie rose caseCAGE (GALACTIC CYBORG HEAT SERIES) by Jessie Rose Case

This is a Happily Ever After, Galactic Cyborg Heat Series, Hot Romantic Fiction Novel. Book 23. A tantalizing story of passions and desires, that brings two very different people together in a way they never thought possible.


prison moon lily graisonPRISON MOON – WARLORD’S MATE by Lily Graison

Aliens are real. So are Prison Planets. Marcy Duncan finds out the hard way when she’s abducted and dumped on one and told to run or die trying because the inhabitants of Prison Moon One only want one thing–her.
Captured and sent to the Arena, she soon becomes the property of a barbarian warlord everyone fears. He’s a golden-skinned devil wrapped in such a tempting package, her traitorous heart won’t look the other way, a move that might just get her killed when she realizes she’s just a pawn in a game with no winners. A game where she’s the bait.


worlds beyondWORLDS BEYOND (THE INDIGO REPORTS BOOK 3) by Tracey Cooper-Posey

VS note: Not romance but I love her ‘hard’ scifi too.

With the incomparable advantage of personal bridge forges and the elusive flying city, Demos, Bellona and her Ledanians have contained their rabid enemies, the Alliance, for more than a decade, preventing them from swallowing whole the hundreds of worlds who look to Bellona to preserve their freedom and peace.  If the Alliance’s relentless ambition to find a decisive advantage is realized, the delicate balance Bellona maintains would be destroyed, and the free worlds vulnerable.

Rumours emerge from the Alliance-annexed states of a new type of bridge forge which might just be the tool the Alliance needs to defeat her.

Amazon     Apple Books


She calls herself Lady Justice. And once she has chosen a man as her target, she turns herself into a tall blonde or a curvaceous redhead, makes herself as alluring and seductive as possible to them. Once they are in her grasp, they are powerless.

The first victim is wealthy businessman Nigel McEnroy. His company’s human resources department has already paid out settlements to a couple of his young victims—but they don’t know that his crimes go far beyond workplace harassment. Lady Justice knows. And in one shocking night of brutality, she makes him pay a much steeper price.

Now Eve Dallas and her husband, Roarke, are combing through the evidence of McEnroy’s secret life. His compulsive need to record his misdeeds provides them with a wide range of suspects, but the true identity of Lady Justice remains elusive. It’s a challenging case, made even more difficult by McEnroy’s widow, who reacts to the investigation with fury, denial, and threats. Meanwhile, Lady Justice’s criminal crusade is escalating rapidly, and if Eve can’t stop this vigilante, there’s no telling how much blood may be spilled.

Amazon      Apple Books

arcav kings obssessionARCAV KING’S OBSSESSION (ARCAV ALIEN INVASION BOOK 2) by Hope Hart

Just a few weeks ago, Harlow was living her life on Earth- locking up bad guys and drinking beers with her fellow cops after shift. She never wanted to be the Arcav King’s mate. Unfortunately, she was outplayed. Now, Harlow must learn how to rule over an alien species, while making room for her mate’s giant… ego. It turns out that alien contact has serious repercussions for humanity. When Harlow learns that the Grivath have a ship full of humans as slaves, she’ll do anything to save them… even if it means temporarily taking her role as the Arcav King’s mate.

Varian hunted his mate like any true Arcav warrior, but triumph is nowhere to be found. Harlow may be in his arms, but she may never choose to stay with him willingly. When trust turns to deception, will Varian knock down the defences around his heart? With war brewing and betrayal around every corner, can Harlow and Varian protect both their people? And will Harlow accept her destiny… as the Arcav King’s Obsession?


caveman aliens swordCAVEMAN ALIEN’S SWORD (CAVEMAN ALIENS BOOK 9) by Calista Skye

Ashlynn – A caveman is chasing me. He’s right behind me, crashing through the jungle. He’s huge, all muscles and fangs and turquoise stripes. His sword is the size of a helicopter blade, and the bulge in his pants is almost as big. He was supposed to be my bodyguard on this dinosaur-infested planet. I guess he changed his mind.
I know what cavemen on this woman-less planet like to do to Earth girls: abduct and impregnate.That’s not going to happen to me. So I run. Juri’ex – I don’t like that she runs from me. ..(more blurb on ebook seller page…)



All your life, you’ve studied hard and advanced your career. And then you get shipped off to some aliens. Yeah, you’d be pretty b#!chy too…It’s not like Daphne Moebius had any choice. As a member of the Interstellar Human Confederation, she has to go where she’s told. Even if that means helping a bunch of 7 foot tall, gorgeous, alpha aliens in their quest to rid the galaxy of evil.
Until something goes wrong and the entire ship Daphne’s traveling in gets destroyed.
Enter Duric.
The brash, alpha Vakutan warrior.
He’s got a chip on his shoulder and a hammer swinging between his legs.
Born to fight, bred to kill, he finds himself rescuing his greatest adversary yet.
A human woman.
Stranded together on a remote moon, the pair has to survive the worst of the Ataxian Coalition until help arrives. He’s saved her life. And now she’s going to save his soul.
They’ll have to work together to stay alive long enough to be rescued. And if love doesn’t make them see eye to eye…He’ll just lift her up to his eye level.


captured by the alien dragonCAPTURED BY THE ALIEN DRAGON (GALACTIC ALPHA’S CONQUEST BOOK 1) by Stella Cassy

Carissa – I’ve never known Earth. Or freedom. Both were taken from me when I was too young to remember. But I know exactly what the latest alien scumbags to buy me have in mind, the moment I hear the word “fertile.” Desperation’s the mother of invention, and one easily seduced guard later, I’m escaping to finally live on my own terms. To find my mom, my one connection to a planet I’ll probably never see. The only person who’s ever given a damn about me.  It’s all that keeps me going. The source of every last drop of energy I eke out of this miserable existence, when I have so many reasons to just give up and fade away. Like my crap luck. Reason infinity why I should just pop out the airlock of my stolen ship and say “Sayonara universe, PS you suck.” My first escape attempt that’s ever resulted in an actual escape, and I run smack into one of the most infamous dragon shapeshifters in the galaxy. ..(more blurb on ebook seller’s page…)


saved by the alien dragonSAVED BY THE ALIEN DRAGON (GALACTIC ALPHA’S CONQUEST BOOK 2) by Stella Cassy

She’s as disposable as the next slave…Inescapable violence and misery are part of life on the lousy rock that Pax slavers dumped her on. Natalie’s only hope for survival is to prove she’s irreplaceable to her owners. But when the planet comes under attack and her captors are killed, Natalie begins to dream of things she thought were impossible. Freedom. And the drakon commander who makes her burn.

He’s ready to show his commanders what he’s made ofDashel is the youngest co-commander in the Hielsrane fleet. He’s smart and ambitious, but struggling to shoulder the heavy expectations of his new position. When he finds Natalie, she burns with an inner strength as fiery as any drakon. Their bond is swift and hot, and with her at his side he can find his footing and his voice. But his youth is working against him, with some in the fleet just waiting for him to make a mistake. And when everything comes to a head, his inexperience might lead his crew and his woman to ruin.


last run j scottTHE LAST RUN by J Scott Coatsworth

VS Note: The romance may be hinted at, according to reviews, more of a scifi title. I like his writing style…

Sera is the last runner from Earth, bringing badly needed supplies to the Tharassas Colony across a twenty-five year gulf between the planets. Jas works on a hencha farm to make ends meet, harvesting berries from the semi-sentient plants. Neither one that knows their lives—and worlds—are about to change forever.


overlordOVERLORD (OUTCASTS BOOK 6) by Cyndi Friberg

Determined to bring meaningful change to her people, Lady Eza of the Sarronti seeks out the leader of the Outcasts and proposes a daring alliance. She expects to negotiate with a barbarian. Instead, Overlord Kage Razel awakens longings that have nothing to do with the rebellion. He intrigues and attracts her, making her ache for the consuming passion she has only experienced in his arms. Yet Kage also frightens Eza. She senses secrets in him, portions of his being he will not share with anyone. There is no doubt Eza wants him, but can she trust this mysterious stranger, or will he use his unique abilities to gain control over her world?


the found j e lorinTHE FOUND: SEQUEL TO THE FINDER by J E Lorin

More than two years after nearly dying at the hands of a serial killer, sort-of psychic August Goodson is living his best life. He has a great relationship with his dreamy cop boyfriend, Luke. He works for his twin brother, Finn, with whom he’s built a company. And he has the loving support of his long-time best friend, Cherry. When a high-profile murder occurs, however, and Luke is assigned to the case, August can’t seem to shake the feeling that history could be repeating itself. His ability got him in trouble once before. Will it happen again? And if it does, will he and the ones he love come out of it alive?


stolen and savedSTOLEN AND SAVED (SAVAGE WARRIORS BOOK 2) by Jude Gray

Stranded alone with an injured alien…When the alien ship holding me malfunctions, I’m thrown into a shuttle and expelled from the ship. I awaken to find myself on what looks like a toxic waste dump–miles of inhospitable, eerie land where the ground smokes, the hills are black and barren, and it’s unpleasantly cold. Soon I discover I’m not alone. There’s an alien on the awful island. A familiar alien.
He’s the one who bought me from my captors. He’s the one who paid extra because I’m a virgin. And he’s the one who put me aboard the shuttle and saved my life when the ship went down. I have a decision to make. Should I kill him as he lies injured and delirious, or should I nurse him back to health and hope he can save us both? When I begin to soften toward him, and worse, my body begins to respond to his, I can’t help but wonder–can a human woman fall in love with her alien abductor?


indarians ghostTHE INDARIAN’S GHOST by KC Morgan

My name is Keta. I’m an elite soldier for the interplanetary military, a G.H.O.S.T. operative. I’ve lived my whole life preferring solitude. I’m content to live my life without males trying to control me. Who needs love, I have my blasters, right?
But fate changes my lonely existence. Somehow I’ve ended up mated to an Indarian triad – a shapeshifting race of Alpha Males. Lucky me.
The Indarians are a patriarchal society, which goes against everything that I stand for. I refuse the triad and disappear, determined to continue to live my life on my terms, as a Ghost.
I immerse myself in my work and my newest assignment, may be my toughest one yet. Not only do I have to shut down a black market slave ring on Heruta, I also have to work with a team of Indarian triads. And guess what, they are mine.
Can I really let go of my solitary life and embrace my Indarian mates, or will I continue to Ghost them when all is said and done?


after the floodAFTER THE FLOOD: A NOVEL by Kassandra Montag

VS note: NOT a romance but a release of note this week.

A little more than a century from now, our world has been utterly transformed. After years of slowly overtaking the continent, rising floodwaters have obliterated America’s great coastal cities and then its heartland, leaving nothing but an archipelago of mountaintop colonies surrounded by a deep expanse of open water.

Stubbornly independent Myra and her precocious seven-year-old daughter, Pearl, fish from their small boat, the Bird, visiting dry land only to trade for supplies and information in the few remaining outposts of civilization. For seven years, Myra has grieved the loss of her oldest daughter, Row, who was stolen by her father after a monstrous deluge overtook their home in Nebraska. Then, in a violent confrontation with a stranger, Myra suddenly discovers that Row was last seen in a far-off encampment near the Artic Circle. Throwing aside her usual caution, Myra and Pearl embark on a perilous voyage into the icy northern seas, hoping against hope that Row will still be there.

On their journey, Myra and Pearl join forces with a larger ship and Myra finds herself bonding with her fellow seekers who hope to build a safe haven together in this dangerous new world. But secrets, lust, and betrayals threaten their dream, and after their fortunes take a shocking—and bloody—turn, Myra can no longer ignore the question of whether saving Row is worth endangering Pearl and her fellow travelers.

Amazon     Apple Books

captains mate c w grayTHE CAPTAIN’S MATE (THE BLUE SOLACE BOOK 6) by C W Gray

Draif Ando started life as a slave on Vextonar. When he was fifteen, he met his best friend, Leti Ando, and life got a lot better. Now he’s a Charybdis Station captain and works closely with the Lord Admiral of the Station. He is a free man, finally has a purpose of his own, and has the the best lieutenant in the galaxy by his side. If he’s so content, why does he yearn for more, and why is he suddenly picturing children with his eyes and Lucas’ ears and tail?

Lucas Meluth knew that Draif was his life mate from the moment they met. He also knew that Draif was demisexual and wasn’t attracted to Lucas. Not at first. Now, Lucas notices the way Draif’s eyes follow him and the way Draif’s innocent touches are suddenly not so innocent. Has the time come for their friendship to turn into more?
Draif and Lucas may finally be figuring their relationship out, but their enemies are approaching and it’s time to protect Charybdis Station and rid the galaxy of Humans First, once and for all.


savage jenika snowSAVAGE (THE END 1) by Jenika Snow and Sam Crescent

The Virus.
 That’s what they called it, the lone thing that had the ability to wipe out mankind—the lone thing that did just that. Those who survived were immune, but death might have been a better outcome than the world they now lived in.
Sasha and her younger sister Lucy were trying to survive this new, desolate existence. They’re on their own, savaging this now ruined world. Those who survived might be friends but more than likely they’re enemies.
Then they learned about a safe community up north, and although they should try for it, fear keeps them rooted. But movement is life and staying in one place too long would mean death.

Then fate made that decision for them, one that forces their hand and makes them flee the new place they called home.
They have nothing else to lose, even if it turns out to be a dead end.
The road is a lonely place when it’s only two, and hunger is a nasty villain.  There’s violence and degradation. There’s anger and immoral needs.

And then there’s Malachi.
 He came into their lives at the perfect time, saving them, protecting them. And Sasha felt desire for the first time in her life…(more blurb on ebook seller page…)

Amazon     Apple Books

living cassie jamesTHE LIVING (THE THORNS OF ROSEWOOD BOOK 3) by Cassie James and Christine Kelsey

VS Note: A ‘bully academy RH book.’ Here’s part of the blurb from book 1, which explains the scifi element a bit (some light AI apparently):

Piper Hawthorne just walked through the front doors of Rosewood Academy. The problem? Piper Hawthorne was supposed to be dead. She was one of Rosewood Academy’s most beloved students until a post-prom accident took her life. Now, with the help of an eccentric tech entrepreneur, her parents have managed to bring her back. A version of her, anyway.

Blurb for Book 3:  She’s more than a replacement. The Thorns promised they would always save her, but some things are easier said than done. Sometimes we save ourselves. And sometimes, allies are closer than we think. Piper Hawthorne forever.


shared lia noxSHARED by Lia Nox

Arrested. Thrown through a wormhole in a janky pod. Crashed on an alien planet. Not my best day. Rescued by three smouldering hot men with broad chests and a strange, almost feline grace? Looking better. And they all look like they want to eat me up, in the very best way? Yes, please.  No shared language?  That’s a bit of a problem.  But as they defend me from the horrors of this strange new world, I wonder about the ruins I see around me.  What happened here? Where are they taking me? And when they pull me into their arms at night, why can’t I resist their heated touches?



Less than a month has passed since I was unexpectedly torn away from my ordinary life. From that moment on, our group has been plagued by one horrible event after another. Quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of always being the passive victim. When they involve the people closest to me… that’s where I draw the line.
This time they took someone from us, and hoping to pull off a gutsy rescue, I intend on giving The Program exactly what they want…Me.  Not only will I be leaving my four companions behind, but I’ll be fraternizing with the enemy. Rumor has it, we may have an unexpected ally, and I’m determined to figure out his modus operandi at any cost — especially if it means getting the intel and support we need.
The risk is huge. One thing is for sure though: if they think we’re expendable to their coveted “Program,” they’re in for a rude awakening.


to be taught if fortunateTO BE TAUGHT, IF FORTUNATE by Becky Chambers

VS note: Scifi not a romance but a release of note.

At the turn of the twenty-second century, scientists make a breakthrough in human spaceflight. Through a revolutionary method known as somaforming, astronauts can survive in hostile environments off Earth using synthetic biological supplementations. They can produce antifreeze in subzero temperatures, absorb radiation and convert it for food, and conveniently adjust to the pull of different gravitational forces. With the fragility of the body no longer a limiting factor, human beings are at last able to journey to neighboring exoplanets long known to harbor life.

A team of these explorers, Ariadne O’Neill and her three crewmates, are hard at work in a planetary system fifteen light-years from Sol, on a mission to ecologically survey four habitable worlds. But as Ariadne shifts through both form and time, the culture back on Earth has also been transformed. Faced with the possibility of returning to a planet that has forgotten those who have left, Ariadne begins to chronicle the story of the wonders and dangers of her mission, in the hope that someone back home might still be listening.

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durstinDURSTIN (CYBORG WARRIORS BOOK 6) by Immortal Angel

A king who’s just run out of time. A queen whose secrets could destroy him. King Durstin led the River people from Vierten into the underground caves to flee the Ardaks, not expecting a cave in to trap them there. Weeks later, they’re out of supplies, the water’s turning red, and his soldiers are slowly going mad. In one last effort to find a way out, he leads his team in a new direction and stumbles upon a golden keyhole.
When her husband disappears, Queen Kiersten knows exactly where that little keyhole leads. To get him back from the Cave of Knowledge, she’ll have to reveal the very truths that might drive him away from her forever.


dances with raptorsDANCES WITH RAPTORS (DINOVERSE BOOK 1) by Poppy Woods

65 Million years ago, Dinosaurs walked the Earth . . .People think that a meteor or some super volcano wiped them all out, or that aliens saved them like a holy arc coming from the sky. Some think that they had their time and were selected for extinction.
The thing is, fossils only show those that died. . .
Dinosaurs still walk among us, hidden in human form, bidding their time until they’re able to reveal who they are. Humans are always placed at the top of the food chain.
Nothing could be further from the truth. . .

The next matriarch has been chosen. . .Sage has never wanted anything other than the freedom to live her own life, but when she is chosen as the next Matriarch of her people, everything changes. Sent on a journey to pass the tests of her ancestors, Sage must find her place in this world even though she doesn’t know if she believes in the very spirits who chose her for the position.  As if her life isn’t complicated enough, she finds herself on the run with a pack of raptor shifters. Sage’s newfound allies are dangerous predators but the attraction she feels to them is undeniable.

With a new threat to the peninsula, Sage has her work cut out for her. No one said being the Matriarch would be easy. Can she make it back to her people with her body–and her heart–intact? Can she stop the traders who threaten her very way of life?  With Kishil, Talon, and Elu at her side, maybe she can.


witching bonesWITCHING BONES: AN ANTI-FAE ADVENTURE (WILD HUNT BOOK 8) by Yasmine Galenorn

When you dance with Death, you have to be willing to roll the bones…Raven Bonetalker, the Daughter of Bones, has her plate full. Not only is her neighbor still driving her nuts, but she’s in a new relationship with Kipa, the Lord of the Wolves, and neither one is ready for everything that entails. But life takes a sinister turn when a spirit begins siphoning off the life force of one of Kipa’s wolf shifters.

Gunnar, a member of the SuVahta—the pack of divine wolf shifters bound to the Lord of Wolves—is dying, and nobody can figure out why. Gunnar blames himself for the death of his beloved wife, and he believes she is haunting him.

When Kipa asks Raven to examine the shifter, she finds a far deadlier spirit latched on. And the only way Raven can help is to first agree to a deadly alliance with one of the ancient Ante-Fae—Arachna, the Web Weaver. But Arachna’s price is far steeper than Raven can afford to pay, and the fallout threatens to shake the very core of Raven’s life.

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dark illusionDARK ILLUSION (A CARPATHIAN NOVEL BOOK 33) by Christine Feehan

At any other time, Julija Brennan would find solace in the quiet of the Sierra Mountains, but now the mage is in the race of her life. Having broken free from her controlling family, Julija’s attempt to warn the Carpathians of the coming threat has failed and put a target on her back—and those who are hunting her are close behind.…

After centuries locked away in a monastery in the Carpathian Mountains, Isai Florea can’t believe he’s finally found his lifemate—the missing half of his soul. The second he sees Julija, his world blazes with color. But despite their explosive connection, Julija rebels against what she sees as Isai’s intent to control her and rejects the bond that would prevent him from becoming a monster.

As their unfulfilled bond continues to call to them both, Julija and Isai aim to complete the task that brought them together. They are used to facing danger alone, but now the mage and the ancient warrior must learn how to rely on each other in order to stop a plot that threatens all Carpathians.

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power of the witchPOWER OF THE WITCH (WITCHES OF KEATING HOLLOW BOOK 7) by Deanna Chase

Shannon Ansell didn’t mean to make a bet with Brian Knox. It sort of just happened. Now she’s agreed to date him for six weeks, the one man she knows she shouldn’t. Six dates in six weeks. She can do that and still keep her heart intact, right? Wrong. Because the only thing she can’t resist more than a good bet is Brian Knox.

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Ibby’s parents gave up everything for a chance at a better life. So, after a terrible accident leaves her alone in London, Ibby works her internship at the British Museum and goes to her classes to make them proud.

She hopes to one day bring her uncle, her only living relative, to the UK. Family is what matters. But, when Ibby finds a hidden artifact and encounters a mysterious stranger in the bowels of the museum, she learns that its her lineage, the very origins of her family, that will put everything at risk. That, and metal is starting to do some pretty bizarre things around Ibby.

A powerful artifact, a secret society, an ancient evil. Can Ibby embrace her destiny as Inconquo guardian before an ages-old demon is unleashed on London?



They pushed too far. The demented Hatter and all of his minions can test me all they like, but they just crossed a line. Alixx Stone. That’s my line. Screw with my life all you like but don’t threaten my men.

The problem is, even if I save my friends, it won’t be enough. There’s an entire Kingdom who have been hurt by one man’s selfishness. Elder Liddell’s dark secrets are endless and now he’s dragged me into his twisted past. My own flesh and blood did this.
And I’m starting to realize, I’m just as destructive as he is.


sword and penSWORD AND PEN (THE GREAT LIBRARY BOOK 5) by Rachel Caine

VS note: Not romance but a release of note.

The corrupt leadership of the Great Library has fallen. But with the Archivist plotting his return to power, and the Library under siege from outside empires and kingdoms, its future is uncertain. Jess Brightwell and his friends must come together as never before, to forge a new future for the Great Library…or see everything it stood for crumble.

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Scout Randall is settling in with the northern Lower Michigan branch of Spell’s Angels. She’s feeling bold, brash … and just a little bit flirty thanks to her burgeoning relationship with Gunner Stratton, a shifter whose father happens to serve as the chief of police in Hawthorne Hollow.
Things are going well … until they’re not.
A group of shifters who used to live in the area have returned and they’re up to something. Right from the start, Scout is suspicious but she can’t quite explain why. Then, when a local homeless man is found dead – with Scout’s name literally carved into him – she starts to believe that she’s being set up to take a fall.
Gunner is determined to help. His history with the shifters in question makes things difficult, though. On top of everything else, it becomes apparent that the dead guy’s ties to Scout run deep … like genetically deep. He’s related to her, and for a woman who was abandoned as a child, it’s a hard blow to absorb.
Gunner is determined to stick close as the warring wolves close ranks and start issuing threats. It’s going to take everybody working together to find the answers Scout desperately needs, including uncovering the secret of her past. When one of their own is taken, Scout has no choice but to put her full cache of magic on display.
It’s going to be a fight to the finish, rival gangs going at one another, and only one side will be victorious. Which one will it be?



A talent for tracking magic gets Anna Zhdanov sent to catch a thief. A scholar’s daughter sold as a bond servant, she has no desire to recover the Emperor’s jewel for herself. But a chance to earn her freedom has driven her to the untamed Eddalyon province, awash with warm breezes, lapping waves, and more danger than she could possibly guess.

Within days her cover as an indolent noblewoman is in question, and it’s clear there’s more to Anna’s task than she knows. Soon she’s the captive of the unpredictable pirate captain Andreas Koszenmarc, hunted by the Emperor’s guard, besieged by a brigand queen, and at odds with her only friend. She must trust someone if she is to survive. But when all that’s certain is that everyone is hiding something, it’s no simple thing to choose.

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lord of the last heartbeatLORD OF THE LAST HEARTBEAT (THE SACRED DARK BOOK 1) by May Peterson

Stop me. Please. Three words scrawled in bloodred wine. A note furtively passed into the hand of a handsome stranger. Only death can free Mio from his mother’s political schemes. He’s put his trust in the enigmatic Rhodry—an immortal moon soul with the power of the bear spirit—to put an end to it all.
But Rhodry cannot bring himself to kill Mio, whose spellbinding voice has the power to expose secrets from the darkest recesses of the heart and mind. Nor can he deny his attraction to the fair young sorcerer. So he spirits Mio away to his home, the only place he can keep him safe—if the curse that besieges the estate doesn’t destroy them both first.
In a world teeming with mages, ghosts and dark secrets, love blooms between the unlikely pair. But if they are to be strong enough to overcome the evil that draws ever nearer, Mio and Rhodry must first accept a happiness neither ever expected to find.

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royal bearROYAL BEAR (P.O.L.A.R BOOK 5) by Candace Ayers

In the search for her missing brother, Free-spirited Grace finds some firsts
friends, family, a home, and a hot shifter who captures her heart.  To claim Grace as his mate,  Konstantin must not only renounce his title and shun his duties, he must betray his friends. Being a Royal Bear is a royal b*tch.


hidden ivy asherTHE HIDDEN (SHADOWED WINGS BOOK 1) by Ivy Asher

I am a latent wolf shifter. Or so I thought. Then life as I knew it changed in a flash—or more accurately, an electrocution. I’ve woken up in a strange place, surrounded by strange people who hate me. They’re in the middle of a war, and I look like I belong on the wrong side of it.

If that’s not enough to qualify as a really bad day, I now have wings and a strange animal to figure out, because it turns out that there’s not a damn latent thing about me. If I want to live, I have to prove that I’m not the spy I’m accused of being. ..(more blurb on ebook seller page…)



Since the day Jiana Falco was forced to join the paranormal agency Night Stars, she’s been planning her escape. She uses her bodyguard’s split-second of distraction to vanish into the shadows, and burns the last bridge by saving Quillan Hardis.

But now, locked in Quillan’s muscular arms, pinned by his calculating amber gaze, his invisibility talent shielding them both, she’s in even deeper trouble. If that’s possible.

Quillan didn’t get to Universe Corps’ highest echelons by being a fool. The rare shadow manipulator in his grip is too easy a prize to be anything but a setup. A pretty lure he should send back to Night Stars. Instead, he holds on—and in changing her fate, he seals his own.

Under a secret order to unlock her untapped power—by any means necessary—Quillan takes Jiana on the run with only a precog’s vague direction, and a spark of desire that blooms into something warm and genuine. But her fear of being clawed back into Night Stars’ control could drive Jiana so deep into the shadows nothing will get her out. Not even the light of Quillan’s love.

But her fear of Night Stars could drives Jiana so deep into the shadows nothing can lead her out. Not even the light of Quillan’s love.


social aid and pleasureSOCIAL AID AND PLEASURE by Shai August

VS note: Listed in Erotica

She’d missed her chance with him and regretted her decision every day since. Now three years later, she was going back to redo her hasty decision. One Mardi Gras, one shifter and two lives changed forever.


lady of weedsLADY OF WEEDS by W R Gingell

Beware the gift left too close to the sea…Cold, isolated, and almost a thing of the sea herself, Carys keeps the seashore. It’s a simple calling: Collect the seaweed along the rocky shore every day before the selkies come out to play, or pay the consequences. She knows the workings of the laws between the sea and the shore, and she collects payment from the sea itself. Issues of King and country barely touch that moving, foamy border: Only saltwater, selkies, and seaweed exist by the rocky shore. Every day is the same for Carys; a cold continuity of service.

Then a boy washes up in one of Cary’s tide-pools: Injured, amnesiac, and bearing with him a token of her past without the memories to accompany it. Now she will need to keep him safe from enemies both at land and at sea; but the land is a mystery to her, and as for the sea—no one knows better than Carys that a single slip of the foot means death by the rocky shore. Or that for every gift given by the selkies, there must be payment in one form or another.

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dragon defiantDRAGON DEFIANT (THE COVERT DRAGONS BOOK 5) by Viola Grace

Born nameless in a tank, they try and make her into a weapon, but she chooses defiance.
Eltrinia sounds like a good name, and Lem comes naturally. After falling through the sky during a lightning storm, Eltrinia is free of the tube that they grew her in, and while she doesn’t yet know her name, she knows that she needs to get in touch with society.
A fisherman and his wife take her in, and a shore patrolman offers to take her to safety, but minimal contact with him tells her all she needs to know. The valley wants her back, she is expensive, and they have scouts looking everywhere for her. Her captor thinks he is in charge, but that is when he meets the lightning.
After that, things get a little blurry.

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haunted by prideHAUNTED BY PRIDE (GESA’S MENAGERIE BOOK 8) by Kaye Draper

Just when Gesa thought her pride was complete…Halstad has vanished in the night, and the mage guild is denying any knowledge of his whereabouts. It would seem the mage doesn’t want to be part of the pride…but Gesa’s gryphon senses are tingling. Something smells like lies. To top it all off, the guild is refusing to sell mage contracts to anyone near Derek White. Even once Gesa finds her mage, she might not be able to keep him.

Pirates, sirens, and demon besties are the least of Gesa’s worries as she sets off to find Halstad. The gryphon hates lies, but this time it’s Gesa keeping a secret from her pride. One that will change their lives.

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killians hopeKILLIAN’S HOPE (ALPHA PROTECTORS BOOK 4) by Elyzabeth M Valey

Hope is a precious thing. Hope is all Alpha Protector Killian has. Hope for more time with his mate. Hope for a better future in which they can be together freely. When they’re both assigned to the same undercover mission in Spain, Killian seizes the opportunity as a chance to spend more time with Prudence. Unfortunately, she doesn’t share his point of view, but hope is the last thing he’ll lose. It’s not greed if it’s for the greater good.

Prudence loves Killian above all else, but her mission in life is to serve the Virtues and keep the balance between good and evil. Being appointed leader of the Spell Casters in the dangerous mission to defeat the Sin Lords is her chance to prove to her superiors that she can be the next High Priestess. The only problem is resisting Killian.

With years of pent up love and frustration tugging at them, will they be able to avoid succumbing to their forbidden mating? And what will happen when the evil which they were sent to destroy threatens to tear them apart forever?

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unkindest tideTHE UNKINDEST TIDE (OCTOBER DAYE BOOK 13) by Seanan McGuire

VS note: Not a romance but many people love this series.

Hundreds of years ago, the Selkies made a deal with the sea witch: they would have the sea for as long as she allowed it, and when the time came, she would call in all their debts at once. Many people assumed that day would never come. Those people were wrong.

When the Luidaeg–October “Toby” Daye’s oldest and most dangerous ally–tells her the time has come for the Selkies to fulfill their side of the bargain, and that Toby must be a part of the process, Toby can’t refuse. Literally. The Selkies aren’t the only ones in debt to the Luidaeg, and Toby has to pay what she owes like anyone else. They will travel to the fabled Duchy of Ships and call a convocation of the Selkies, telling them to come and meet the Luidaeg’s price…or face the consequences.

Of course, nothing is that simple. When Dianda Lorden’s brother appears to arrest Dianda for treason against the Undersea, when a Selkie woman is stripped of her skin and then murdered, when everything is falling apart, that’s when Toby will have to answer the real question of the hour. Is she going to sink? Or is she going to swim?

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lady rogueTHE LADY ROGUE by Jenn Bennett

Traveling with her treasure-hunting father has always been a dream for Theodora. She’s read every book in his library, has an impressive knowledge of the world’s most sought-after relics, and has all the ambition in the world. What she doesn’t have is her father’s permission. That honor goes to her father’s nineteen-year-old protégé—and once-upon-a-time love of Theodora’s life—Huck Gallagher, while Theodora is left to sit alone in her hotel in Istanbul.

Until Huck arrives from an expedition without her father and enlists Theodora’s help in rescuing him. Armed with her father’s travel journal, the reluctant duo learns that her father had been digging up information on a legendary and magical ring that once belonged to Vlad the Impaler—more widely known as Dracula—and that it just might be the key to finding him.

Journeying into Romania, Theodora and Huck embark on a captivating adventure through Gothic villages and dark castles in the misty Carpathian Mountains to recover the notorious ring. But they aren’t the only ones who are searching for it. A secretive and dangerous occult society with a powerful link to Vlad the Impaler himself is hunting for it, too. And they will go to any lengths—including murder—to possess it.

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rapunzel untamedRAPUNZEL UNTAMED (CURSE OF THE FAIRY TALES BOOK 1) by Erin Bedford

In the city of Neo New York, mages rule the world. People like Eva, the non-magical kind, mean nothing. The only destiny waiting for her will be to serve the mages for the rest of her days.

Except Eva isn’t like other humans. Locked in a tower for a crime she doesn’t even remember, Eva is saved by none other than some of Neo New York’s most prestigious mages, and they won’t let anyone take their new toy away from them.

When Eva’s memories make a reappearance, she realizes she might be a little bit more than just a nuisance. Now, Eva must dodge jealous ex-lovers and ambitious council members, all while keeping her past a secret. Whoever said fairy tales had happy endings hasn’t walked a minute in Eva’s shoes.


fire dragons brideFIRE DRAGON’S BRIDE (HIGH HOUSE DRACONIS BOOK 1) by Riley Storm

All Olivia Lawton needs to do is buy a property for a new client, and she’s on her way to the biggest payday of her life. It should be easy—after all, she’s the top real-estate agent in Plymouth Falls. But when the same gorgeous stranger that’s been flirting with her all night turns out to have bought it first, she decides it’s game on. Now, all she needs to do is find a way to convince him to sell…

Aaric Drakon is the first dragon to be awakened after a century of deep sleep. Unsure why he’s chosen, he’s desperate to help awaken more of his kin. If he wants to do that, though, Aaric needs a mate. In an effort to find her, he sets himself a mission to open an Outreach Center for his family, in hopes of getting to know the new generation of humans he will protect, but also to find her. And he’s not going to be distracted by anyone, not even by a feisty real-estate agent who’ll try anything to buy his land.

At first it’s nothing but a challenge for Olivia. She will have this property and the big payout coming her way. The only problem is, Olivia’s new partner is proving less than understanding in a terrifying way. When things escalate to a new level, her only hope is to go to Aaric and tell him everything. But it turns out she’s been swept up in a conflict centuries in the making, and that’s just what his enemies intended.


repeat offenceREPEAT OFFENCE by Jackie Keswick

VS Note: From August.

It should have ended with their deaths.
But dying in a wash of blood was just the beginning.
Sentenced to eternal life for sacrificing themselves in battle, warriors Taz and Hiro must take turns living as human and Guardian on opposing sides of the veil with only a chance to catch a glance of each other in the moment of death.
Until an attack forces Taz and Hiro to make a choice. Should they cling to what little solace they’ve carved out for themselves? Or should they sacrifice their lives to save countless others and risk the wrath of the Judges for a second time?

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heir of the fae linseyHEIR OF THE FAE (THE DRAGON’S GIFT: DARK FAE BOOK 2) by Linsey Hall

VS note: From August.

My fated mate is the Seelie Fae king. He’s powerful, dangerous, and sexy as hell. Except, I don’t want a fated mate. Especially since he thinks I’m a lying snake. Turns out I’m Unseelie, and our courts are at war.

When my new Unseelie magic goes haywire and I nearly destroy my city, I can’t fix it alone. The only person with strong enough magic is the king. Which means I have to beg my mate for help. I’d rather chew off my own leg, but that won’t save Magic’s Bend.

As we work to save my city from falling into the center of the earth, the danger is greater than we’d realized. To find answers, we must risk a visit to the homeland that rejected me—the Unseelie Court. There, I must master my magic, or all is lost. In a place fraught with death and danger, we have only each other. And I don’t know if that will be enough.


infinity chronicles book 4INFINITY CHRONICLES BOOK 4 by Albany Walker

Turns out, I’m still in for a few surprises. I may have found my mom, or rather she found me, but I still have questions only she can answer. Now, getting her to cooperate has presented new challenges. She’s still ruled by fear. Hellbent on keeping my Infinity safe, we take a few chances. Chances, that might just backfire, but there’s noway I’m letting anyone control my future any longer. Determining what Leon is truly capable of is the only way to get rid of him. Forever. Strength isn’t an issue, the bond with my Infinity is stronger than ever. Now it’s our turn to hunt the hunter.


witch pleaseWITCH PLEASE (NOT YOUR BASIC WITCH BOOK 1) by A J Macey and Jarica James

Aris Calisto, newest student at Aether Academy of Crystal Magic and Witchcraft not only stands out with her quirky outfits and bubblegum pink hair but also draws attention by being what’s considered the lowest of the low in the Akasha society- a Mixta.

When mysterious things start happening, including unexpected bindings, things going missing, and being claimed by a not-so-traditional familiar, Aris realizes she’s in over her cotton candy-colored head. Enter in the five guys who have been magically roped into Aris’s rodeo…(more blurb on ebook seller page…)


alpha geek zekeALPHA GEEK: ZEKE by Milly Taiden

Lioness and personal security to the stars, Alexa Milan doesn’t do romance. But when she meets her latest job, she’s unsure how to proceed. The sexy geeky scientist is making her girl parts tingle and her heart do flip flops. How’s she supposed to focus on shooting the bad guys when it takes all her concentration to stop herself from tearing tall, pale and geeky’s clothes off and riding him on his lab table?

Zeke Tristone has always hated being the weak guy. Family genetics cursed him, but a near-death experience allowed him to change his future. Now he’s big, strong and alpha. He also has the biggest hard-on for Alexa. Getting her naked is at the top of his to-do list, along with finding clothes that fit.

Running from the bad guys almost gets Zeke killed, but Alexa and four needles to his neck keep him alive. Now he’s got more than big muscles to worry about. The dangerous animals inside him want her more than their next meal, but he’s holding back. He needs to ensure her safety from others…and himself.


dark windDARK WIND (THE NEW ANCIENTS BOOK 1) by Crista Crown

Sage Wilkins had no idea he had secret super powers until he lost his temper and almost blew down his family home. After a week on the run with this curse spiraling out of control, he’s started to wonder if it wouldn’t be safer if he didn’t exist.

Gideon Ward thought having a secret super power was great when he was a kid. Now, it’s just kind of one of those things. But even an amazing gift seems pointless when there’s no villain to fight, no evil to undo. The most he uses it for is to reduce inflammation in his furry clients at the vet clinic. He can’t help but wonder if he’ll ever be accepted as more than the strange kid that Caspar and Theo adopted ten years ago.

It’s random chance when Gideon is the one to help rescue Sage… or is it? When one of your dads can see the future, you never really know. Someone has to teach Sage to control his power, and that someone turns out to be Gideon. But Sage isn’t the only one who has something to learn. Before Gideon can find acceptance in his community, he has to learn to accept himself first, and to find joy in the magic that already exists inside him.


president bearPRESIDENT BEAR (BEARS WITH POWER BOOK 2) by Phoenix Storm

The most powerful man in the world….. And also a BEAR! When Brenna Hudson applied for a job working for future president Dylan Turner she had a totally different job in mind. She thought she might be a secretary. But President Turner wanted a WIFE.
With the public not keen on voting for their first ever Werebear president, Dylan knew he had to look and act as normal as possible. And so having a human wife would help hugely with that.
But could real love with a delicious Werebear ever develop from such an arrangement? And could being with such a rich and powerful man attract some sort of danger into her life?Brenna was soon going to find out and what would happen next would be very interesting indeed.


art of deathART OF DEATH (LYCHGATE BOOK 1) by Bob Appavu 

Starving artist Riley Burke refuses to be dependent on his rich older boyfriend—hence his second job as a nude model at the local art school.  When the famous artist Coliaro requests him for a private modeling session, he jumps at the chance to earn some real cash.

But then Westwood, a mysterious stranger, warns him to steer clear—it’s said Coliaro is undead. That his worshippers perform rituals to fill him with life energy. That every time he paints a male nude, the painting transforms to depict a gruesome murder. And that shortly after, a young man turns up dead.

Riley dismisses the rumors—until they start to play out before his eyes. When he becomes a target, Westwood comes to his aid. But Westwood is secretive and dangerous himself… which just makes him more attractive to Riley. Riley is in over his head, and even his tenuous alliance with Westwood might not save him.

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zodiac academyZODIAC ACADEMY 2: RUTHLESS FAE (SUPERNATURAL BULLIES AND BEASTS) by Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti

The Celestial Heirs think the stars are on their side. But they don’t know what’s coming. We have to be smart. Fighting them one on one isn’t an option so we have to be stealthy. Remaining under the radar won’t be easy, but if we pull it off, they’ll never suspect our involvement when their lives start falling apart. Besides, they’ve already taken us to the brink of hell, what more can they really do?


harp of kingsTHE HARP OF KINGS (WARRIOR BARDS BOOK 1) by Juliet Marrillier

VS note: Not a romance, although some reviewers seem to think a romance might evolve over the series to come. A release of note.

Eighteen-year-old Liobhan is a powerful singer and an expert whistle player. Her brother has a voice to melt the hardest heart, and is a rare talent on the harp. But Liobhan’s burning ambition is to join the elite warrior band on Swan Island. She and her brother train there to compete for places, and find themselves joining a mission while still candidates. Their unusual blend of skills makes them ideal for this particular job, which requires going undercover as traveling minstrels. For Swan Island trains both warriors and spies.

Their mission: to find and retrieve a precious harp, an ancient symbol of kingship, which has gone missing. If the instrument is not played at the upcoming coronation, the candidate will not be accepted and the kingdom will be thrown into disarray. Faced with plotting courtiers and tight-lipped druids, an insightful storyteller, and a boorish Crown Prince, Liobhan soon realizes an Otherworld power may be meddling in the affairs of the kingdom. When ambition clashes with conscience, Liobhan must make a bold decision—and the consequences may break her heart.

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serpent and doveSERPENT AND DOVE by Shelby Mahurin

Two years ago, Louise le Blanc fled her coven and took shelter in the city of Cesarine, forsaking all magic and living off whatever she could steal. There, witches like Lou are hunted. They are feared. And they are burned.

As a huntsman of the Church, Reid Diggory has lived his life by one principle: Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. But when Lou pulls a wicked stunt, the two are forced into an impossible situation—marriage.

Lou, unable to ignore her growing feelings, yet powerless to change what she is, must make a choice. And love makes fools of us all.

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magic fury meg xuemeixHALF BLOOD ACADEMY 3: MAGIC FURY by Meg Xuemei X

I’m not what everyone thinks I am.                                            

If they discover my hidden origin, both the gods and demons will hunt me to the ends of the universe. But I don’t carry my dark secret alone. The sea demigod, my sworn enemy, now carries it with me and leaves a trail of dead bodies behind to keep me–and my secret–safe.  Then the God of War returns to the Academy. Obsessed with my uniqueness, he steals me from his son’s bed to make me warm his.  So war breaks out between the war god and my demigods. If we survive the brutal battle, my mates will soon learn the truth about me is dirtier than reality.


Ellen’s first London Season was a disappointment. She fears she’ll never meet a man who will see her for more than her fortune or ability to provide an heir.

Landscape architect Michael Addington thinks his grandfather is mental but never dreams the old man will try to set Twickenham Manor on fire. In Michael’s struggle to stop the act of arson, a young woman appears out of nowhere. Flames and fae magic engulf them both, the first burning them badly and the second transporting them back to 1851.

Ellen and Michael find they must rely on each other through the painful recovery. Day by day, their attraction grows. But Michael is riddled with guilt. If she discovers his dark secret, he could lose her forever . . . he’s the one who set her on fire.



reede finalIn case you missed my new scifi romance release last week: 


Lt. Fallyn Damara was sent by the Sectors to investigate a strange transmission from an isolated planet and determine whether the residents of a vanished colony had been transported there by alien enemies. Fallyn’s ship crashes and she’s taken prisoner by the Khagrish scientists, to await her fate in the slate of horrifying experiments being conducted.

Reede, the second ranking enforcer in the Badari Warrior pack, volunteers to be recaptured by the Khagrish in an effort to locate and rescue Fallyn inside the deadly lab complex.

While a prisoner Reede discovers Fallyn is the woman destined to become his fated mate but the moment is bittersweet because Fallyn will be leaving their world at the first opportunity, to report back to the Sectors. He refuses to complete the mate bond, believing to do so will lead to nothing but lifelong misery for them both, separated by lightyears and interstellar politics.

For her part, Fallyn wants to shake up the rule-bound enforcer and persuade him to take a chance on love.

But first they have to escape the Khagrish.

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August 28

August 21

August 14

August  7

The term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  And I may mention ‘special items’.

I do NOT cover every single new release in SFR/FantasyR/PNR. I never have. That would be an impossible task for any human! I assemble my list by hand every week based on various informal inputs, and I do curate the list to some extent…

I check and verify all the buy links at the time I create the post  but after that I’m not responsible.