SciFi Encounter with Murder, Myth and New Orleans

HEAFor my column on the USA Today/Happily Ever After blog this week, I’ve done interviews with three different authors about three very different novels.

First was Sheryl Nantus with “In the Black (Tales From the Edge)”, which has a wonderful “Firefly” vibe but is its own story, with murder and science fiction and romance all blended to keep you turning the pages. It’s the beginning of a series, Sheryl says, which makes me very happy.

Second was Laura Kaye with the final book in her “Anemoi Series”, wrapping up the stories of the Four Winds in “East of Ecstasy.” I LOVED this series, really enjoyed how she took minor members of the Greek pantheon and built a very modern and enthralling series around them and the women they love. Fortunately Laura writes many good books and has other series happening…

big easyThird was Mur Lafferty and  “Ghost Train to New Orleans (The Shambling Guides)”. I’m going to New Orleans next week for the RT Booklovers Conference (if you’ll be there too, look me up at the Giant Indie Book Signing, ok?) and I have to say, I halfway wish I was going to the NOLA  that Mur’s created. Either that or I’m going to be looking over my shoulder the whole time, wondering if I saw a glimpse of her ghosts, vampires, zombies and Others out of the corner of my eye. Not as much romance in that one but the story kept me so engrossed. I was happy. I’ve been a BIG fan of New Orleans ever since I saw the movie “The Big Easy”, with a very sexy Dennis Quaid and his Cajun accent (which I’ve been informed since might not have been all that accurate but wow, it sounded good to ME).

And to close, one of my all time favorite songs about New Orleans!

So breeze on over to the column for the interviews and the book details and Laissez les bons temps rouler, as they say in NOLA!