New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday December 27

crossing quinnI hope your holiday season is going along merrily!

As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).



Quinn Jones is a formidable Coletti warlord. His mission is to capture Xenia and bring her back to Tanith to be mated with a warrior the Overlord has chosen. Problem is, Quinn finds himself falling for the beautiful Farin. Her unusual “psychic powers, combat training, and berserker abilities” make her the perfect mate for him. How does he convince Xenia and the Overlord that she’s meant to be his?

Xenia and her parents are relic hunters who just discovered the fabled home world of the Nabateans. She isn’t about to leave the greatest find of the century to hook up with some Coletti. Not happening. Ever. No matter how many threats the Overlord makes or that he’s sending his best hunter to apprehend her. Okay, she’ll admit she’s drawn to the handsome warlord and she loves the way Quinn’s heavily muscled body fills out his black battle suit, but the egotistical jerk is about to get his ass handed to him.

When the galaxy is threatened with annihilation, Xenia and Quinn join forces to stop the murderous Tai-Kok. Fate has brought them together and nothing will stand in the way of their victory or their love.


rescued by the cyborgRESCUED BY THE CYBORG (CY-CON 1) by Jessica Coulter Smith

Magnolia Baker has spent most of her life in space with her father. Despite the rowdy crew, she’s been sheltered… until pirates board them and kill everyone in sight. She hides, avoiding them at all cost and praying for a miracle. Then more men board the ship. When a sexy cyborg finds her hiding in the cargo hold, she has the strange urge to trust him.

Zelranian cyborg, Lathim, has only ever wanted one thing. A mate. When he boards a stolen ship and finds a frightened human female, his protective urges take over. He’s seen human females before, but not once has his body responded to one. Until now. One look at Maggie and all he can think is — Mine.

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lethal impactLETHAL IMPACT (SHATTERED STARS BOOK 2) by Viola Grace

Living as human prey beneath the earth, Fiona knew that anything would be better than the life that stretched ahead. The stars made an offer and she took it.

Used as a sexual trading card between the rich and powerful survivors of the lethal impact has left Fiona with an urge for change. She needs out and the offer from an alien race to be a bondservant until she paid out her transport and training is an offer she wants to take them up on.
Once on the education base she gets the help she needs to feel something again, and that training is going to come in useful when her test results come back and place her in an elite group of humans who can be of use to the Hmrain.
Aarak has just learned about the humans from his sibling, and as he was in the area, he decided to see if another human could be found with the high sensuality rating that his people needed to feed. He wasn’t thinking of his people, he was thinking of securing a long-term bond mate that would serve him as he needed it. He could never have anticipated the wounded woman with the heart of gold who brought up instincts he never knew he had.

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draekon abductionDRAEKON ABDUCTION (DRAGONS IN EXILE BOOK 4)  by Lili Zander and Lee Savino

How to fail as an intergalactic spy:
1. Crash spaceship on wrong planet.
2. Break leg.
3. Get abducted by rogue prisoners.
4. End up with two pairs of dragon-shifters claiming I’m their mate.

Here’s a report for the CIA: The aliens are freaking good kissers.

The mission was simple: Go to the Zorahn planet. Spy on the aliens.

One space ship crash later, we’re the ‘guests’ of a savage bunch of exiles. My cover as a bombshell bimbo is too good… because now four alien dragons are fighting over me.

They intend to court me until I choose between them. Secret mission or not, I’m gonna end up with two Draekon mates.



Dr. Vanessa Lopez feels alone in the fight. Cyborgs and machines have taken over
Earth, forcing her and other humans to hide in the isolated protected village of
Haven Brook. But when the alien weredragon King Karik Korinth arrives with a
proposal to help the humans defeat the cyborgs with his army, she is suspicious.
Where is this army he speaks of? He wants more from her. No, she won’t give in.

Karik is on a mission to save his race of Veruka from the Blackness plague. He’s only
interested in the humans for their medical knowledge. ..(much more…)


lily and the crownTHE LILY AND THE CROWN  by Roslyn Sinclair

Ariana “Ari” Geiker lives an isolated life on an imperial space station commanded by her father. The skilled, young botanist rarely leaves her living quarters, where she maintains an elaborate garden. When an imperious older woman is captured from a pirate ship and given to her as a slave, Ariana’s perfectly ordered life is thrown into chaos. Her nameless slave is watchful, intelligent, dangerous, and sexy, and seems to know an awful lot about tactics, star charts, and the dread, marauding pirate queen, Mir. What happens when the slave also reveals an expertise in seduction to her innocent mistress?

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chosen by stacyCHOSEN (CHOSEN SERIES BOOK 1) by Stacy Jones

One minute Lily is trying, and failing, to run her grandmother’s farm—her last remaining connection to her family. The next, she wakes to find herself in a cold, sterile cage surrounded by monsters, with no memory of how she got there. Accidentally abducted by alien poachers, unsure if she will live or die, she is dreading the worst. What she doesn’t expect is for her captors to dump her on an alien planet to fend for herself. Now, she must fight to survive the planet… or die trying.

Frrar, Tor, and Arruk have been searching endlessly for a mate to belong to, someone to finally accept them, but they are losing hope. The time of cleansing, when the great waters drown the land, draws near. They are on the verge of abandoning their search and fleeing the forest when they spot a strange, tiny, two-armed female. They are immediately drawn to her, fascinated by her differences, but they must act fast to save her life, and their own, from the coming flood.


bring me the deadBRING ME THE DEAD by Becky Black

VS Note: From October, has NO reviews on Amazon (at least not when I checked) but the Dear Author blog gave it a B-, sounded interesting so I thought I’d mention it here.

A million years, ago a galactic empire fell. That ancient empire is a source of many things. Wonder, knowledge, academic careers, and treasure. Treasure is what Beau Johnson seeks, tracking down artifacts for high-paying clients. Once a top student at the specialist institute for the study of the ancient empire, Beau rejected respectable archaeology and academia in favor of adventure.

Unlike his one-time rival Park Ki-tae, a brilliant student who became an enforcement agent tasked with keeping Imperial artifacts out of private collections. Beau thinks Ki-tae needs to loosen up, have more fun, and stop making it his life’s work to send Beau to jail. Ki-tae thinks Beau is a rogue and a criminal, and that it was a big mistake to sleep with him that one time…

When a client sends Beau after a legendary artifact that allows communication with the dead, Ki-tae pursues, sure that this time he’ll nail Beau. But circumstances force them to work together and deal with the feelings for each other they’ve both long denied. They have very different plans for the artifact they’re seeking–if it’s not a myth. Will they ever agree on their plans, or on anything else at all?

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renegade hopeRENEGADE HOPE (SHIFTING ALLIANCES BOOK 4) by Severine Wolfe

Renegades were considered traitors. But, were they?

Rylan had spent a lifetime hiding who he was, making sure he and his twin sister, Sensi, appeared to be just like everyone else on their homeworld. But, when he is betrayed and sold into slavery he vows he will find out who did it and why. After his rescue, he plots and he plans, and then he runs into his bond mate. The woman is a cipher to him, a blank slate that he cannot read.
Alana Myerson is angry. She is furious with short bursts of terror mixed in as she tries to cope with being on a foreign planet and not allowed to return to Earth. She bides her time learning the new languages that surround her in this new world, and she determines to do what no other linguist on Earth has done in a century, learn a brand-new language from the ground up. It is a new purpose. However, her determination to learn how language develops in telepathic races is stymied by refusal to learn the origins of their languages on their homeworlds.
Both are forced to face their destiny together and learn that just because you’ve left Earth doesn’t mean you’ve left politics behind.
Rylan and Alana learn that betrayal is not always betrayal, and sometimes you have to betray what you love to rid it of the rot at its center.

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dragon rebornDRAGON REBORN (DRAGON POINT BOOK 5) by Eve Langlais

I’m not crazy. I’m a dragoness.

Deka knows she’s the center of the universe, but sometimes even the almighty sun has to act when her main squeeze disappears. Samael might not yet recognize that they’re mates.

But he will.

She won’t give him a choice. First, though, she has to find him.

An ancient enemy has captured her stud. It is going to be super dangerous getting him back. Awesome because Deka thrives on risk—and will do anything for love.

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white hot rulers of the skyWHITE HOT (RULERS OF THE SKY BOOK 3) by Paula Quinn

Musician and heartthrob Jacob White doesn’t need the blood of Drakkon running through his veins to know he turns heads when he steps into a room. He’s crafted in long, lean muscle beneath alabaster skin and a mane of silky white, shoulder-length hair. He has it all, fame, fortune, and now, thanks to his blood being altered, he can soar through the sky, dance with the stars, and breathe fire. It’s all he’s ever wanted—until he awakens after his first night as Drakkon and looks into the eyes of a woman whose courage and determination truly change his life.

River Wray’s life on the small Isle of Harris has been plagued by memories brought upon her family by a dragon her father claims to have seen many years ago. Now, after another dragon has burned her farm and eaten her cattle she must rely on a gorgeous, mysterious dragon shifter to keep her and her family safe. Soon, his fiery touch and smoldering glances become all she can think about, until they’re no longer enough. But should she give her heart to an immortal, a man whose passionate kiss makes the stars sing? And even if she can, can love survive the Red Drakkon coming for revenge?



Eldon Blaise, magician and misfit, has arrived at Gwaed Lyn to turn Rosa’s life upside down. Not only is he claiming to be the lost son of Eli Vane and his human wife Deryn, Rosa’s ancestor, but that he also used to be none other than Merlin Wylt, the magician of legend who fought by King Arthur’s side.

The curse the Autumn Queen has placed over the Aos Si is breaking, but she isn’t prepared to go down without a fight, and releases the one person that brought the great Merlin to his knees…Nimue.

Her spirit broken from a lifetime imprisoned by the Autumn Queen, Nimue must convince the Vanes to trust her. She wants to be free of the Queen forever, but winning over Merlin is going to be no easy task. She broke his heart, and being together again will bring back a life of pain and passion that neither of them can fight.

To defeat the Autumn Queen and protect Gwaed Lyn, Merlin will have to stop running and become the powerful man he used to be…that includes having the fearless and formidable Nimue by his side.

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It’s Frostfair time in Ypres, but not everyone is looking forward to the winter holiday. Army captain Duncan Bardahlson has been dispatched to the tiny province of Wellen mere days before Frostfair to track down a legendary bandit known as the Redbird. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Duncan also has to deal with Roberta “Robin” Busse, the widowed countess of Wellen and his long-lost love.

When Duncan learns that Robin and her young son Charlie are in desperate straits, the hunt for the Redbird takes an unexpected turn. An overbearing tax collector, an impish priest, a very large pig, and a pair of bickering younger brothers all promise to make this holiday season a nightmare for Duncan — unless he can rekindle his romance with Robin.

And find the Redbird, of course. But Duncan isn’t called the Huntsman for nothing.


midwinter faeMIDWINTER FAE by Various

VS Note: I love their cover!

On the day of the shortened sun
A battle between two kings has begun.
The old year dies, and the Oak King rules
We celebrate with logs of Yule!
But the Holly King is defeated, not dead
To Caer Arianrhod he heads.
Until Midsummer, when they battle again
And the Holly King will once again reign…

This collection includes nineteen tales of faeries and magic at Midwinter.

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rescued by emeryRESCUED BY EMERY: DEEP RIVER SHIFTERS (BOOK 2) by Lisa Daniels

Months after the disastrous rafting trip, Cora still feels guilty about what happened, despite the fact everything turned out alright. When her brother comes home unexpectedly, she has the distraction she needs. Until he tricks her into an excursion that includes the one person she does not want to see – Ryland. Now her bubbly façade is threatening to crack, revealing just how much she has been through over the years.

Emery is accustomed to being called in when someone needs help. He has a knack for getting to the root of the problems, and he has a particular interest in Cora. It is obvious that she is hiding a much darker history behind that bright hair and bouncy personality.


treasure of the abyssTREASURE OF THE ABYSS (THE KRAKEN BOOK 1) by Tiffany Roberts

VS Note: I loved her Dustwalker and this sure sounds interesting, so I immediately one clicked.

Despite her longing for the sea, Macy has clung to the safety of land for half her life, devoting herself to her daily routine — until she agrees to go sailing with a childhood friend. Her fears come to fruition when a sudden storm capsizes their boat, rekindling her old terror. She awakens to a rescuer who is anything but human — and he refuses to let her go. Treated like a curiosity and a possession, she’s desperate to go home. Yet Macy is undeniably drawn to this strange creature. Can she give up her old life, her family and friends, to embrace this adventure…and Jax?

Jax the Wanderer is a hunter, an explorer, and an oddity among his kind. While other kraken are content near their dens, Jax is driven by a deep need to journey far and wide, discovering the unknown corners of the sea. Macy challenges everything he’s known; she is the most alluring creature he’s ever seen on his travels. He must possess her, though he knows it can only end in disaster. How much is he willing to forsake for the female he desires?


her vampire haremHER VAMPIRE HAREM by Savannah Skye

Starling Mitchell likes her quiet little life. Aside from the constant barrage of bad (like, really bad) blind dates, she has it all together. A fulfilling job, good friends and a sister she loves dearly. But when she’s attacked on her way home late one night, everything changes, and she topples into a world she never knew existed. A world of nightwalkers and lust. A world where a woman can command the love and attention of not just one toe-curlingly sexy guy, but four of them.
A world that is as seductive as it is deadly.


kings courageTHE KING’S COURAGE (NORTH POLE CITY TALES BOOK 6) by Charlie Cochet

With the wedding of Jack Frost and Rudy Rein Dear only three weeks away, everyone travels to Jack’s palace in Svalbard, Norway, where the happy couple will exchange vows beneath the northern lights. Festivities have been planned leading up to the wedding, and Dasher eagerly anticipates not just the fun, but staying under the same roof as the blustering winter spirit who’s caught his eye—the King of Frost, Jack’s father.

A long-ago tragedy has left Eirik fearing to ever love again. As the King of Frost, Eirik maintains his distance from everyone, especially the young Christmas elf who insists on intruding on Eirik’s solitude. But Dasher is determined to find a way to show the lonely king that his heart still beats and he shouldn’t fear allowing it to beat for another.

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Lance has finally gained his freedom to join his beloved king. It’s the depth of a northern winter, but his heart and his blood are warm with joy as he sets off to the fort of Din Guardi on the coast, where Arthur is locked in negotiation with the ancient powers of the realm – warlords who could help him defend the whole country against the Saxon invaders, if only he can unite them.

But Lance knows such unity may not be possible – or even for the ultimate good of the kingdom. And although his delight at being with Art is boundless, there are other, darker forces at work in the wild dune lands. A deep and delicate balance has been disturbed, and the fort is under siege by a creature out of legend, a monster that ravages villages and leaves a trail of bodies and burned fields in its wake.

The darkest nights of winter are approaching. Arthur, with unendurable weights to bear on shoulders too young for them, only has Lance to befriend him and shield him from the bitterness of battlefield experience and loss. As their bond grows, Lance must find a way to heal the breach between the old world and the new before it devours the man he loves.


zodiac shifters christmas kissesZODIAC SHIFTERS: CHRISTMAS KISSES by Various

A shifter’s mate is in the stars… but sometimes that rugged alpha hero or sassy heroine is waiting under the mistletoe for his or her one true love.

Christmas Kisses is a boxed set of ALL NEW short stories set in Zodiac Shifters, a collection of books with an astrological spin on love.

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origins elleORIGINS (SHIFTERS FOREVER WORLDS) by Elle Thorne

Many millennia ago, a group of Vikings raided a village. As fate would have it, this was the wrong village. It was home of the mighty witch Freyja.

Calder was one of these Vikings. He and his brother lead this band of large, tattooed men with their gruff ways. They’ve found that one of the villagers’ guests has a wealthy husband and can bring a healthy ransom. An amount of silver that will provide great wealth to these Viking fighters.

Brenna can’t tell her captors that she won’t be able to secure a single piece of silver. Holding her for ransom is pointless. When one of her captors decides that he wants her for a night’s pleasure, she’s stunned to discover that another saves her. A huge man with tattoos and wielding an ax comes to her defense. Now she’s beholden to him.

When Freyja returns to her village to find that the men have been slaughtered and the women and children have been taken havoc, she renders a punishment that lasts an eternity, and creates two new species that will roam the earth in perpetuity.
She also puts Brenna in a difficult decision of choosing love over duty.

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moon boundMOON BOUND (LaRue Book 4)  by Donna Grant

Enigmatic and strong-willed werewolf Kane LaRue realizes the benefits of doing things in a pack. But not this time. He feels responsible for the additional terror a Voodoo priestess has leveled on his family, and has vowed to stop at nothing to end her reign of terror. He almost had Delphine once, and this time, he’s promised himself that he will succeed in wiping her from the face of the earth—or die trying. But when her followers almost destroy him, Kane is forced to accept the help of a stunning and fiercely independent woman who makes Kane re-evaluate what’s important…and listen to his heart.

Elise is a survivor, but because of the tragic events of her past, she has chosen to live out her days in the bayou, helping the animals she loves and giving back as much as she can to the community that literally saved her life. When a gorgeous dog she tries to save turns out to be so much more, Elise is compelled to let someone in—and faces things about herself she isn’t entirely comfortable with. But the breathtakingly handsome shifter makes her feel things she hasn’t experienced in ages, and she soon realizes that she needs Kane’s help as much as he needs hers. Together, they are unstoppable, and if they’re lucky, they just might rid the world of the evil that has plagued New Orleans for much too long.



Annabelle Lee isn’t lonely during the holidays, how can she be when she’s already dead, and everyone knows ghosts definitely don’t get lonely. Eerie Thistlebottom, Blue Moon Bay’s adorable resident zombie, doesn’t agree and decides that this year her bestie in death will not be spending the holidays alone. So she writes up an advertisement. One human wanted. No money, no problem…must do well with spooks.

Dante Martin cannot believe that his beautiful, yet kind of silly, twin sister actually answered that ad. Being the dutiful brother he is he goes to help her move on only to discover that the mystery of the haunted shack high up on the hills of Blue Moon Bay does indeed come with a lovely ghost, a jealous ghost dog, and a secret that could threaten to rip apart their holiday magick forever.

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shoots and tattersSHOOTS AND TATTERS (BITTER ASHES BOOK 5) by Sara C Roethle

Now that Madeline knows her true origins, she must face the old gods’ judgment. She shouldn’t exist, and they know it. The world has been irreparably changed, and perhaps the Vaettir no longer have a place in it. Madeline thought that once she destroyed her rival she would be safe. Now she knows just how wrong she was.

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guardian undoneGUARDIAN UNDONE (STEALTH GUARDIANS BOOK 4) by Tina Folsom

Stealth Guardian warrior Logan Frazer is loyal to his race, but when he’s ordered to eliminate a psychic so she won’t fall into the hands of the demons and help them destroy mankind, he goes rogue and saves her instead.

Winter Collins doesn’t know that she’s a psychic and that the terrible nightmares she experiences are actually visions, until demons come knocking at her door. Fortunately, a brave immortal warrior saves her, and an instant, electric connection forms between the beautiful psychic and the man convinced she’s more valuable alive than dead.

On the run for their lives, Logan and Winter must not only evade the demons, but the Stealth Guardians bent on eliminating her. A desperate race against time begins as Logan draws on all his resources—including his connection to the vampires and witches of Scanguards—to save the woman he’s falling in love with.

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I just finished writing the sequel to AYDARR in my new Badari Warriors series. I’m very excited to say the sequel is MATEER, which I plan to release in late January so if you haven’t had a chance to pick up Aydarr’s story, here’s a gentle reminder LOL!

Buy Links: Amazon      B&N  Google   Kobo     iBooks

canva ad kissing couple



December 20

December 13

December 6

November 29

November 22

November 15


My standard Notes and Caveats:

The term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

I don’t ordinarily list re-releases…

Also, I may include only the beginning of the book blurb…

New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday November 1

lady of the nileAs always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).

I usually start with the scifi romance – and we’ll get there in a moment – but I have a new release in my paranormal Gods of Egypt series so if you’ll allow me a moment to squee, here it is! (More Fantasy and Paranormal Romances after the SciFi Romances…)


Tuya, a high ranking lady-in-waiting at Pharaoh’s court, lives a life of luxury, pageantry and boredom. Khian, a brave and honorable officer from the provinces temporarily re-assigned to Thebes, catches her eye at a gold of valor ceremony. As the pair are thrown together by circumstances, she finds herself unaccountably attracted to this man so unlike the haughty nobles she’s used to. But a life with Khian would mean leaving the court and giving up all that she’s worked so hard to attain. As she goes about her duties, Tuya struggles with her heart’s desires.

When Tuya is lured into a dangerous part of Thebes by her disgraced half-brother and kidnapped by unknown enemies of Egypt, Khian becomes her only hope. Pharaoh assigns him to bring the lady home.

Aided by the gods, Khian races into the desert on the trail of the elusive kidnappers, hoping to find Tuya before it’s too late. Neither of them has any idea of the dark forces arrayed against them, nor the obstacles to be faced. An ancient evil from the long gone past wants to claim Tuya for its own purposes and won’t relinquish her easily.

Can Khian find her in time? Will he and his uncanny allies be able to prevent her death? And if the couple escapes and reaches safety, what of their fledgling romance?

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VS Note: OOH have I been waiting for this one! One clicked immediately. Might disappear for the day and read LOL.

Rescued by gladiators on the alien world of Carthago, Mia is working to find other abducted humans who are still lost. But someone else also needs her help–the untamed alien who’s saved her twice. Rescued from vicious fight rings he’s fought in since he was a child, Vek is prone to losing control in aggressive fits of rage…and Mia discovers that she is the only who can calm him. As she finds herself drawn to the man beneath the beast, she knows that with his enhanced senses, Vek can help her find her friends.

For years, all Vek’ker has known is death, darkness, and killing. Despite his newfound freedom, he is struggling to control his rages and withdrawal from the drugs his captors used on him. Only one scent soothes him, one voice calms him, and one woman is his light in the dark. Vek will do anything to protect Mia and make her happy…including vowing to find her friends.

With the gladiators from the House of Galen, Vek and Mia follow mysterious clues into a dangerous part of the desert on the trail of the missing humans. They are drawn closer together but as they enter the deadly Illusion Mountains, they have no idea of the dangers lying in wait for them, or how far they will both be pushed to their limits in order to survive.


baby soldiers in spaceBABY SOLDIERS IN SPACE (PURPLE PEOPLE BOOK 2) by Rena Marks

Helian Six has it made. Their own planet, lifemates, and kids. Not bad for a species who were born in vats—to emerge full grown with designated careers dependent upon specifically implanted personality traits.

What used to be friendly competition has turned into jealousy, and everyone is scrambling to be accepted onto their planet to live the good life. Now, the Helian Six crew, with their updated promotions, can afford to be picky.

However, a personal request from the Supreme Commander has all but ordered acceptance of a new breed of female. ..(more)…

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Many centuries ago, the planet Chaetdor was destroyed and the survivors of that planet set out on a mission to find themselves a new home. Earth was never part of the plan; a primitive world with little technology and a sun that was harmful to the Chaetdorian body. When there was a fault with the ship they had no choice but to land on the foreign planet and hope that they could fix the problem quickly so they could continue on their journey. But that didnit happen….(more)…


neogeishaNEOGEISHA (PHOENIX RISING BOOK 2) by Alexandra Christian

Macijah “Cage” St. John’ didn’t want the spy life anymore. He would have been thrilled to spend every morning lying in the field behind Phoe’s home in smalltown Louisiana watching the clouds roll by. But his Miss Addison wanted to spread her wings, literally. So Cage accepted a mission that teamed him up with his lady love. If only he had trusted her…(more)…

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royal protectorROYAL PROTECTOR  (CELESTIAL MATES BOOK 8) by Marla Therron

VS Note: From September, a find from reader Merry.

Terrorised by a ruthless regime and defeated in a long and brutal war with the alpha warriors of Zodia, Earth must rebuild itself and begin a new era of peace. For sexy, curvy nurse Kayla, this is easier said than done.

Worn down by the fighting and facing an uncertain future, she fears she’ll never be happy again. That all changes though, after she meets the sexy and powerful Alien Prince Leos…(more)…


canva burokeralt

VS Note: I didn’t know that Lindsay Buroker had set up a Kindle World for her fabulous Fallen Empire series universe but here are three new entries in the KW:




Imperial Cyborg Cole and Alliance Pilot Brisa, have evaded the cruel mobster in their hellish prison. Now what? With the help of two other inmates, they might just manage an escape. That is unless the Alliance has anything to say about it!  Amazon

taken alien enslavedTAKEN (ALIEN ENSLAVED BOOK 5) by Kaitlyn O’Connor

VS Note: I did notice the only review so far was 2 stars (which of course is just one reader’s opinion) so as always sample before you buy.

Cara had only planned to take her co-worker’s Great Dane, Duke, for a quick walk before bed. What occurred next happened so fast she didn’t have time to fully grasp it, or even kiss her butt goodbye!
She woke up cold, naked, and staring into the fierce face of a giant, yellow-skinned barbarian on a world not just light years removed from Earth in space, but removed in time, as well.
When modern day Earth women meet uncivilized barbarians—The Hirachi warrior, Niles, didn’t know what hit him, but he knows what he wants—Cara—and what he won’t allow is his second, Kaen, walking off with his prize!


lincolnLINCOLN (THE EMBER QUEST BOOK 3) by Arcadia Shield

Lincoln Ember is a lover and a fighter. Driven by a determined need never to be hurt again, he fights with his brothers, and a growing band of resistance fighters, to figure out just who in the hell the State are, and how to stop them in their merciless rule. As an ace sniper and former Marine, he’s known for never missing a target. And when he’s on a mission to infiltrate and bring down a dragon hybrid trafficking ring, he won’t stop until the hybrids are safe. But he has a problem. A fiery, jaded, spiky redhead type of problem. And she’s fighting right alongside him.

Former slave of the State, talented dragon hybrid Anastasia Firestar, is adjusting to life in the underground bunker the Ember brothers run. Plagued with disturbing memories of her time forced to work for the State in order to protect her sister, she has her own vengeance mission and powerful internal demons to battle…(more)…



VS Note: I did notice that on previous books there were a number of reviews citing lack of editing and grammar errors; no Look Inside offered on this one (at least not when I was on the page earlier).

Planet Earth was invaded by an alien race, the Taucets.
Humans fought back, especially with their cyborgs, warriors conceived to fight tirelessly against their alien enemies. Unfortunately, humans decided cyborgs should be considered machines enslaved to their masters and forgotten they were mostly humans.
In no time this new race was struggling to free themselves from human’s yoke this is the story of Khajal, a fugitive cyborg.



When disasters strike, who can she trust? Her own villagers that she has known all her life? Or the human she has just known but came to love? Yash never cared for the males in her village—hell, she only cared about protecting her village. Then, they came. Humans. And her world was turned upside down.

By a tall, sexy human soldier. Maximus always followed the rules. Well, almost always, but it is hard to resist a beautiful creature when she throws her sexually charged self into him. Now he would do anything to protect her…and please her.

There is just one…big…problem. An ancient prophecy is set in motion and Max must work with Yash to figure out who the prophecy child could be.


name among the starsA NAME AMONG THE STARS by Mark Henwick

Offer no weakness; suffer no wound.

When Zara narrowly escapes with her life from her home world, she hopes that she’s found safety on the planet Kernow. But the sinister conspiracy that murdered her family has spread. Zara must risk her own life to help expose the plot, or another world will fall, and people she’s come to love will die.



sunsingerSUNSINGER (CY’REN RISING BOOK 3 ) by Robyn Bachar

The sole survivor of the Sunsinger massacre, Lord Degalen Fairren spends his days reading tales of the family he never knew. When a rival house threatens to enslave Cyprena, Galen is forced to pull his nose out of his books and enter into an alliance with House Morningstar, and a dangerous mission to save his world.

The covert assassin. Lady Andelynn Harrow isn’t House Morningstar’s eldest or prettiest daughter, but she is the deadliest. After her father’s murder, Andee must defend her new house and mate—the shy, reluctant Galen—but every battle risks revealing her terrible secret.

The escaped slave. Malcolm gets his first taste of freedom when the Cy’ren recruit him to locate the cure to a deadly virus—and feels the burn of desire for Galen, the lord he can never have, and for Andee, who awakens memories of a long-lost first love.

The danger they face fuels the heat between them, but with Cyprena’s fate hanging in the balance, the race to find the cure could come with devastating costs.


rift frequencyTHE RIFT FREQUENCY by Amy S Foster

She didn’t mean to, but…

Teenage super-solider Ryn Whittaker started an uprising.

For three years Ryn was stationed at The Battle Ground Rift site—one of the fourteen mysterious and unpredictable tears in the fabric of the universe that serve as doorways to alternate Earths—and then she met Ezra Massad.

Falling in love and becoming a rebel Citadel wasn’t part of Ryn’s life plan, but with Ezra there asking all the right questions, they began to decode what’s really going on with the Allied Rift Coalition, and what they discovered was enough to start a civil war…(more)…

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neroNERO  by Luna Hunter

It was supposed to be a routine flight. Circle Earth and be back home in time for dinner. Easy peasy for astronaut Victoria Snow.

Until Nero Octavius shows up. The powerful alien warrior boards her ship, and from that point on nothing will ever be the same again. With his smoldering eyes and rippling muscles, the headstrong alien is hard to resist, try as Victoria might.

Nero is a wanted man, harboring a dark secret. Everyone he gets close to is in permanent danger. He won’t allow anyone into his life… but he makes an exception for the curvy human female. She awakens something inside him, a power greater than he knew existed…

Will it be the end for them both?



Niva returned to Kladuu for the Alpha of Clan Vilka, but when he took another mate, her heart shattered. To pick up the pieces, she travels to the Draqons’ hive with their menacing, gruff leader. But behind his black eyes lies the one man who may be able to put her pieces back together.

Years ago, Zayd lost his Queen in a battle that left him scarred and full of self-loathing. But when a beautiful young human comes to live at his hive high in the snow-capped mountains on Kladuu, his heart begins to thaw. Flying in his Draqon form has always been about harnessing his rage, but with Niva on his back, he finds a freedom he never felt, even with his Queen.

When Kladuu is threatened, Zayd must face his fear over Niva’s safety and accept her as his rider and new Queen, or it might mean the end of the planet they both call home.



Olivia’s life wasn’t exactly going as she’d planned. And being kidnapped by aliens was the last thing she needed.

Her alien captors are vicious and cruel. Only one man, or alien, can save her.

Korzak is willing to do anything to find his mate. He’s climbed the icy peaks of Mount Kavkor, just to discover her identity. Now he’s raced across the galaxies, only to find that she’s been abducted.

Will Korzak be able to get to Olivia, his fated mate, in time? He’s a skilled and ferocious warrior, but her abductors are no easy match.

And what’s going to happen even if he can save her? Olivia isn’t exactly open to the idea of a fated mate, and she certainly wasn’t expecting that her next lover would be a massive alien from another world.



Cecelia has always rolled with life’s punches. Growing up in a broken home? Check. Cancer? Check. Getting rescued from a human trafficking ring by massive, horned alien warriors and getting transported to their planet? Triple check. But when her cancer returns, light years away from Earth, Cecelia knows that she needs her rescuers’ help—except that help comes in the form a sexy, pierced, ruthless warrior who thinks she’s his…

Ambassador Rixavox, one of the fiercest war generals on Luxiria, is no stranger to the carnal delights of females. Many, many females. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he could settle for just one…but that’s before his animalistic Instinct awakens for Cecelia, recognizing her for who she truly is: his fated mate.

As they journey to his territory in the harsh northern lands of Luxiria, his female tempts him to madness, fueling his own wicked desires, even when it is forbidden to touch her or claim her the way he craves. In his care, they must resist the mating call that runs between them…or risk everything.

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Seafaring prince Dilys Merimydion has been invited to court the three magical princesses of Summerlea. To eradicate the pirates threatening Calberna and to secure the power of the Sea Throne, Dilys vows to return home with a fierce warrior-queen as his bride. But politics has nothing to do with unexpected temptation.

She didn’t dare wed him…

A weathermage like her sisters, Gabriella Coruscate’s gentleness exemplifies the qualities of her season name, Summer. Yet her quiet poise conceals dangerous powers she cannot begin to wield. Better to live without excitement, she reasons, than risk her heart and lose control—until an irresistible Sealord jolts her awake with a thunderclap of raw desire.

Until evil threatens everything they hold dear…

When pirates kidnap Summer and her sisters, Dilys begins a desperate quest to save the woman he loves. Only by combining his command of the seas with the unleashed fury of Summer’s formidable gifts can they defeat their brutal enemies and claim the most priceless victory of all: true love.

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VS Note: Sounds SO good!

The Master of the Wild Hunt – In a single cataclysm of magic shattering a centuries-old bond of servitude, the Unseelie Queen of Forest Park loses her fiercest huntsman. Now Hunter is free to abscond with half her court and the Wild Hunt is his to command. Yet between the Queen’s deadly incursions and a mysterious sickness spreading through his followers, Hunter’s rebellion is doomed unless he turns to an even deadlier poison–mortal iron, and hands capable of shaping it.

The Mistress of Cold Iron – Dove Paisley ekes out a living as a modern-day blacksmith and office cleaner. Accidentally swept up in the Wild Hunt, Dove finds herself prisoner in a plague-stricken fae mound and forced to confront Hunter, the harsh, forbidding King in the East. Dove must drive the hardest bargain of her life: her freedom in exchange for forging the weapons that can turn the tide in a supernatural war.

But fae bargains twist on those who make them. The Master of the Hunt may have met his match, and if he isn’t careful he’ll be bound to a human woman by more than her iron sorcery. Together, the fae huntsman and the mortal blacksmith must break the Queen’s malevolent enchantments before she binds them all forever in Death’s cold hands.

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queen of thornsQUEEN OF THORNS (TALES OF THE BLACK COURT BOOK 5) by Jessica Aspen

When Sleeping Beauty is really the Evil Queen, what prince would dare to wake her?

Ardan is desperate. If he doesn’t return soon with the head of the Black Queen he’ll lose everything…including his life. But finding the elusive faery queen is proving difficult. And time is running out.
Waking from her magical sleep, the only thing Aeval remembers is her name. But soon she realizes—even a little knowledge is dangerous. So she becomes Thorn and sets off with the man whose mission is to kill the Black Queen.
When Ardan finds out that Thorn might be the queen he’s sworn to slay, will falling in love be enough to stop him from killing? Or will Thorn take up the mantle of dark power and again become the Queen of the Black Court?

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book of the hiddenBOOK OF THE HIDDEN by Jeri Westerson

To get a fresh start away from a bad relationship, Kylie Strange moves across the country to open a shop in a seemingly quiet town in rural Maine. During renovations on Strange Herbs & Teas, she discovers a peculiar and ancient codex, The Booke of the Hidden, bricked into the wall. Every small town has its legends and unusual histories, and this artifact sends Kylie right into the center of Moody Bog’s biggest secret.

While puzzling over the tome’s oddly blank pages, Kylie gets an unexpected visitor—Erasmus Dark, an inscrutable stranger who claims to be a demon, knows she has the book, and warns her that she has opened a portal to the netherworld. Kylie brushes off this nonsense, until a series of bizarre murders put her, the newcomer, at the center. With the help of the demon and a coven of witches she befriends while dodging the handsome but sharp-eyed sheriff, Kylie hunts for a killer—that might not be human.

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Grab these thirteen new, exclusive dragon-shifter paranormal romances from NYT, USA Today and other bestselling authors!





Happy to be back in Seattle, Shea Bennet wants nothing more than to forget about the enigmatic warlock who saved her from a fate worse than death. But his topaz eyes haunt her, and his wicked scent makes her crave something she will never be able to have, something more than his blood — his touch. Though she feels his presence everywhere she goes, she is taken off guard when he suddenly appears as she is hunting, and Shea finds the tables have turned, and it is she who is the prey.

A warlock determined to break the curse.

Ever since he let her leave, Jesse Moss finds he is the one possessed — with the memory of a vampire he felt compelled to protect for reasons he can’t explain. ..(more)…

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air witch's dragonTHE AIR WITCH’S DRAGON (DRAGONS OF WUSHIN BOOK 1) by Severine Wolfe

When Ryluth personally invited Sofia to visit his world with an eye towards staying, he had no idea what to expect, but he had felt so much relief when he saw her step through the portal.
Sofia had known that she didn’t fit on either world she’d been on, but she was reluctant to leave the familiar and her friends, but she takes the chance to visit Wushin. She wants to explore and discover new things and forget her wretched past on the Demonworld and the only way she can do that is by leaving everything she knows behind.
The two of them take a huge leap of faith and try to break the curse the Dragons have labored under for so long. Meanwhile, someone would rather they didn’t.
Ryluth not only has to deal with his reaction to Sofia, but the fact that his Dragons want the women she’s brought with her. They have never surrendered their honor under the curse, but the moment six females step out of a portal, it’s a very near thing. Everyone wants a mate, but doesn’t want her to die. So, they must work together to solve the curse.

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trouble with twelfth graveTHE TROUBLE WITH TWELFTH GRAVE by Darynda Jones

Ever since Reyes Farrow escaped from a hell dimension in which Charley Davidson accidentally trapped him, the son of Satan has been brimstone-bent on destroying the world his heavenly Brother created. His volatile tendencies have put Charley in a bit of a pickle. But that’s not the only briny vegetable on her plate. While trying to domesticate the feral being that used to be her husband, she also has to deal with her everyday life of annoying all manner of beings—some corporeal, some not so much—as she struggles to right the wrongs of society. Only this time she’s not uncovering a murder. This time she’s covering one up.

Add to that her new occupation of keeping a startup PI venture—the indomitable mystery-solving team of Amber Kowalski and Quentin Rutherford—out of trouble and dealing with the Vatican’s inquiries into her beloved daughter, and Charley is on the brink of throwing in the towel and becoming a professional shopper. Or possibly a live mannequin. But when someone starts attacking humans who are sensitive to the supernatural world, Charley knows it’s time to let loose her razor sharp claws. Then again, her number one suspect is the dark entity she’s loved for centuries. So the question becomes: Can she tame the unruly beast before it destroys everything she’s worked so hard to protect?

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Dracula, Quasimodo, Dr. Jekyll…they are the monsters that stalk your nightmares. Haunting the pages of books for centuries, they are the embodiment of all that emerges from the shadows when you close your eyes. They are the deformed, the hated and the incomprehensible, fated to walk in the darkness alone forever.

Or are they?

From twelve amazing authors, come twelve new tales, stories that go beyond the blighted surface to see into the heart of the beast. They are stories of acceptance and redemption, love and passion… and chance encounters that forge the love of a lifetime.

Stop running. Stop hiding. See past the monster. Look into the face of fear and you might just find the soul of a man.


once upon a princessONCE UPON A PRINCESS, HEART OF STONE by Deborah A Bailey

In the ruins of a country destroyed by a curse. Princess Leesa goes looking for a way to help her people. Desperate to find an item of value to trade for supplies, she trespasses into an abandoned palace.

There, she finds more than she bargained for when she encounters a lonely Gargoyle who offers to provide her with everything she needs, for a price.

If she’s willing to pay it, she may find the love she’s been looking for. Or she may lose it, forever.

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searedSEARED (THE RETURN OF THE ELVES BOOK 4) by Bethany Adams

After more than three hundred years on Earth, Prince Ralan has finally returned to Moranaia. But with his wicked brother Kien on the loose, the homecoming is a short one. A dire vision sends Ralan back to Earth to save his soulbonded from his dark brother. The problem? Ralan’s Sight grows more erratic by the moment even as danger closes in on every side.

A woman far from home – Ever since a failed alliance ruined her family, Cora has lived on Earth. Far from discontent, her days are spent running her clothing shop and helping newly arrived fae adapt to mundane life. Then a golden-eyed prince strides into her store, trouble stalking his heels. Big trouble.

A fate foretold –  Ralan’s Sight might be broken, but one thing remains clear—stopping Kien will mean Ralan’s death. So how could the Gods choose now to introduce his soulbonded? As Ralan and Cora search for Kien, their relationship grows stronger. Unfortunately, so does the threat. Now Ralan must choose between his own life and the fate of all their worlds.

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VS Note: From September

Sometimes, the magic knows just what you need!

Daughter of a Celtic Goddess and a Viking Berserker, Ylva has the power to spare. She is beautiful and gentle, fierce when it is needed. She controls both the magic and the rage that runs through her body. But, beware of her icy blue eyes.

Asger, Berserker blood course through his veins. Chosen to be a guardian, because of his ferociousness in battle, loyalty, and heart. Who knew she would claim it all. But is he strong enough to stand withstand her rage.


lady of thornsLADY OF THORNS by Nicola M Cameron

Love was never supposed to be part of the deal…

Lady Amelie de Clerq’s prickly demeanor and earth mage abilities have earned her the nickname “Lady of Thorns,” keeping potential suitors at bay and making her the butt of the nobility’s jokes. Determined to attract a husband who will love her for herself rather than her fortune, she decides to embark on a journey of sensual self-discovery.

Alain LaPorte, wily lawyer and toast of the capital’s social set, has been summoned to Lierdhe to oversee business negotiations with a neighboring earl. When Amelie asks Alain to tutor her in the bedroom arts, he agrees to introduce the virgin mage to pleasure. But lessons in lovemaking soon turn into a matter of the heart, forcing both Amelie and Alain to confront their fears about intimacy, loyalty, and love.

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haunting magicHAUNTING MAGIC by Neely Powell

Fiona Burns, a witch who sees dead people, meets Hollywood producer Bailey Powers, who sees her as the next cable star—and a fake. Even so, she’s tempted by the dynamic producer in more ways than one. But she has a big distraction—a vicious curse on her family coven.

The ghosts of New Mourne warn of the return of the Woman in White, a vengeful spirit who claims the life of a Connelly witch from every generation. During the battle, Fiona unwittingly fuels the demonic forces, and black magic brings death and heartbreak to her family.

Initially a skeptic, Bailey is soon caught up in her supernatural battle with forces of evil. He’s also beginning to think Fiona can help him escape his haunting past.

With magic and mayhem at war and survival on the line, the Witches of New Mourne face a new challenge from their ancient foe. They discover that not all dark deeds are borne of the Woman but a demon who is bent on gaining the Woman’s powers for his own. Will another generation fall? Or does the curse end here?

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escape the seaESCAPE THE SEA by G Bailey

Seven towns. Seven seas. The seven council. The seven words every person lives by.

The sea is lost, pirates are death.

Cassandra should have been killed at birth, like all the other children who have powers like her. The changed ones. The ones who started the war, lost the seas and killed millions with their gifts.

Lucky for Cassandra, her father is on the council. One of the seven rulers of her large town and has kept her hidden her entire life.hen she is seen for the first time, she has no choice but to run and the only place she can go is to the sea. To the pirates and a certain death.

At least that is what she thinks. When she meets six handsome pirates and they take her on board their ship, she learns about a whole new world. If only she can protect her heart when they all desire to own it.


relentlessRELENTLESS by D B Reynolds

It’s been months since the powerful French vampire Mathilde used Raphael’s arrogance against him and nearly succeeded in taking his life. His fury has grown stronger with every day since, fed by new bloody incursions onto North American soil by the Europeans, while vampire politicking has forced him to wait. But no longer. Someone has attacked his home, killing vampires, threatening Cyn. They’ve taken it one step too far, and Raphael’s tired of waiting. His enemies are about to discover that revenge can taste damn good when it’s hot, too.


ghost in a bottleGHOST IN A BOTTLE by Lia Davis and Kerry Adrienne

Ophelia Hunt travels to her family’s ancestral home in Savannah, Georgia, to help her beloved grandmother get her affairs in order. To destress, she spends the day shopping, ending up at an antique store near the river. A hand-blown glass jar, shoved behind other trinkets and baubles, catches her eye. Unable to shake the strong feeling she’s meant to have the old jar, she buys it and sets it on her grandmother’s mantel.

As All Hallow’s Eve approaches, strange things begin to happen. Objects move on their own, doors open and slam closed, and a man’s whispers call out in the darkness. Are Gram’s old stories of family curses and ghosts real, or is Ophelia cracking under the stress of dealing with her grandmother’s finances and last wishes?

Anatoli La Croix has spent the last century cursed to exist in spirit form, locked inside a glass jar. When the beautiful and magickal Ophelia purchases the jar, he discovers he’s able to escape his confinement for short periods. For the first time in a century, he has hope. Could the beautiful witch be the one to break his curse? Or will she provoke the evil spirit that imprisoned him and bring dark magick’s wrath down on them both?

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arctic burnARCTIC BURN (62 DEGREES NORTH BOOK 1) by Amy Ruttan

He’d been burned once by her love…

Bryant Quill left the airforce after his tour of duty. He came north to work for his old airforce buddy as a bush pilot in Yellowknife and to find the one who got away. The one who not only left a mark on his soul, but on his skin.

Lexie Nevue has learned to hide. Growing up as a strong telekinetic, she was shamed into keeping her abilities secret, but it’s not so much the telekinesis that bothers her, but the fact that when she feels any strong emotion her world literally burns down. After hurting the only man she ever loved, she fled back to her roots in northern Canada.

She’s hiding from Bryant, from the Lotus Circle and now she’s hiding from a terrorist organization that wants to use her telekinetic abilities to recover something deep beneath the permafrost. Something that can bring about the end of the world.

When Bryant is contacted by Mike D’Antoni of the mysterious Phoenix Agency, his mission is clear, to save the world he has to risk being burned again.



Charlotte Fenchurch knows that, which is why she’s not that surprised when a very special book of magic falls into her hands at the library where she works. As a fledgling witch, owning her own grimoire is a dream come true. But there’s something…mysterious about the book she just can’t figure out.

Leopard shifter Walker Black knows what’s odd about the book. It’s full of black magic and so dangerous that it could destroy the world. Good thing the Fraternal Order of Light has sent him to Everlasting to recover it and put it into safe storage. If he has to, he’ll even take the witch who owns it into custody.

That is until he meets Charlotte and realizes she’s not out to watch the world burn. She’s sweet and kind and wonderful. Suddenly protecting her is all he wants to do. Well, that and kiss her some more. But dark forces seem determined to get their hands on the book, making Charlotte their target, and Walker worries that he won’t be able to protect her from them – or the organization he works for.

Can Walker and Charlotte survive the onslaught of danger? Or is that just witchful thinking?

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Ivy Beckett ‘s gift feels more like a curse. She can hear things happening in distant locations, which is how she knows the very instant her family is killed by servants of the Darkness. Furious, she joins the fight to save the world – but the losses are mounting up. She thinks only a miracle can save them—but she doesn’t expect the miracle to come in the form of a handsome gargoyle.

Baen is a fearsome Guardian, but when he awakes, even his surprised by war that is going on. But what’s even more distracting is beautiful Ivy. Driven by passion, she’s ready to charge head-first into battle. But Baen’s primal instincts to protect what’s his rise within him, and Ivy is dangerously attracted to him. Can she and her gargoyle warrior save the world…and fall in love?

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Andrew Stewart was having a bad morning.  His girlfriend, the love of his life, dumped him, he has a hangover, and then some people attack him.  Bad morning really doesn’t do it justice.

He’s just a college student, with no idea what’s going on, or that magic and the supernatural is real, and very deadly.  He’s been targeted by his father’s enemies.  Enemies which he had no idea even existed.

He doesn’t even know his father’s name, or what he truly is, but he’d better figure it out quick.  He’s a hidden heir, a warlock, a Moore warlock, and someone wants him dead.


shades if memorySHADES OF MEMORY (THE DIAMOND CITY MAGIC NOVELS) by Diana Pharaoh Francis

Riley’s lost the last damned thing she’s willing to lose. She’s declaring war and prisoners are optional.

After escaping the FBI, Riley and her family have become fugitives, and not just from the law. Every bad guy on the planet wants a piece of Riley. Gregg has been kidnapped. Worse than that, Price’s newly discovered magic is dangerously out of control, and her own is trying to kill her. She has little time to worry about any of that before all hell breaks loose in Diamond City, and she finds herself smack dab in the crossfire.

With the clock ticking down, Riley gathers her friends and family to execute a Hail Mary plan that will pit them against seven of the most dangerous thugs in Diamond City, a serial killer, Riley’s psychopath father, and a mysterious billionaire with plans of his own. If she succeeds, she makes herself an even bigger target. If she fails, everybody she cares about dies.

But the shadows hold danger even Riley will never see coming.

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siren's songSIREN’S SONG (BEWITCHING BEDLAM BOOK 3) by Yasmine Galenorn

When the fog rolls in from the sea, sometimes ghosts from the past follow it…

Sandy’s under attack. First, she’s almost mowed down at the supermarket, then her new shore-front burger stand is destroyed on its grand opening day. But when she’s found in a coma, the danger heats up. As she falls into a coma, parts of her dreaming world escape into reality. Now, Maddy, Aegis, and Max must find the cure for the mysterious disease Sandy is suffering from, before she’s permanently trapped in the realm of dreams.

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VS Note: Over at Here Be Magic we’re doing a giveaway.

Here Be Magic giveaway

And if you enjoy paranormal romance set in ancient Egypt, I do have 6 other books in the connected series, which can be read in any order.

canva all 7 books corrected



October 25

October 18

October 11

October 4

September 27

September 20

September 13


My standard Notes and Caveats:

The term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

(NOTE: If the author provides me with buy links I insert those; otherwise I default to Amazon and iBooks. Pricing and availability are current as of the day I prepare the post – things can change fast in the ebook world LOL.)

Also, I often include only the beginning of the book blurb…