Weekend Writing Warriors Steal a Chariot in DANCER OF THE NILE

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Staying with my latest release, Dancer of the Nile, which takes us back to Ancient Egypt. This follows last week’s snippet where Nima warned Kamin not to eat the stew. Avoiding spoilers, I’ve moved ahead a little, skipped a bit,  as they’re trying to make their getaway from the enemy. A little creative editing to stay within the eight sentence rule. The story blurb is below the photo.

                She’d already gotten one horse hitched to a chariot. Kamin set the sword and shield in the vehicle and grabbed the halter of another horse. “Where did you learn to harness teams?”

                Nima was following the line now, loosening the straps holding the animals to the tether and flapping her arms in an attempt to make them shy and bolt. She frowned over her shoulder at him. “My family travels by oxcart – I figured ox, horse, four legs, not much difference.” Impatiently, she shoved at a horse nibbling her sleeve. “These damn animals won’t move.”

???????????????????????????????(The above action figures adorn my desk sometimes when I’m writing…)

I  love and appreciate your comments and feedback every week! Go here  to find all the other Weekend Writing Warriors and read  an amazing variety of  terrific excerpts…

Egypt, 1500 BCE

Nima’s beauty and skill as a dancer leads an infatuated enemy to kidnap her after destroying an Egyptian border town. However, she’s not the only hostage in the enemy camp: Kamin, an Egyptian soldier on a secret mission for Pharaoh, has been taken as well. Working together to escape, the two of them embark on a desperate quest across the desert to carry word of the enemy’s invasion plans to Pharaoh’s people.

As they flee for their lives, these two strangers thrown together by misfortune have to trust in each other to survive.  Nima suspects Kamin is more than the simple soldier he seems, but she finds it hard to resist the effect he has on her heart.  Kamin has a duty to his Pharaoh to see his mission completed, but this clever and courageous dancer is claiming more of his loyalty and love by the moment. Kamin starts to worry, if it comes to a choice between saving Egypt or saving Nima’s life…what will he do?

Aided by the Egyptian god Horus and the Snake Goddess Renenutet, beset by the enemy’s black magic, can Nima and Kamin evade the enemy and reach the safety of the Nile in time to foil the planned attack?

Can there ever be a happy future together for the humble dancer and the brave Egyptian soldier who is so much more than he seems?

DANCER OF THE NILE, an Amazon Best Seller, is AVAILABLE on Amazon   Barnes & Noble   All Romance eBooks iTunes   Smashwords

32 comments on “Weekend Writing Warriors Steal a Chariot in DANCER OF THE NILE

  1. Hee! I love your action figures! What great inspiration. And it’s obviously working like a charm because this excerpt is fab! 🙂

  2. Thanks for all the comments! I thought it might be time for something a little lighter in tone than the last two snippets so I’m glad my action figures and my choice of snippet are working for you all today. Nima is one very resilient and resourceful lady, if I do say so myself. I had fun writing her!

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