New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday March 14

corsairs bedAs always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).



As a pirate, I tend to hang out with unsavory outcasts at the edges of the known universe. I’m used to running into thieves, assassins and fugitives. It shouldn’t surprise me to see a forbidden human female for sale in the tunnels of the space station, but I hate it. When I see she’s near death, I have to act.

I buy her.

She spits in my face.

It’s love at first sight.

At least, it’s love at first sight on my end. I know it can never be, though, because I’m an ugly beast of an alien to her. The enemy. If only she knew just how many laws I’d be willing to break for one taste of her lips.


chanceCHANCE (CYN CITY CYBORGS BOOK 1) by Pearl Foxx

A cyborg with a mysterious and dangerous past.
A naive girl fleeing the dying farmlands to forge her own future.

Chance has fought his entire life, first for survival in the streets of Cyn City and later for money and prestige in the underground Cyborg Fight League. His fists and cybernetic arm have solved almost every problem he’s ever faced, except for love. After losing the love of his life, he never thought he’d find someone again.

Verity left behind everything she knows to start a new future in Cyn City. But her Ecovangalit upbringing left her unprepared for the hard realities of life amongst the criminals and cyborgs. When a dangerous cyborg with a bad reputation proves to be the only person she can trust, can she lower her walls enough to let him in?

As Verity finds herself in debt to the wrong kind of man who will sell her body as fast as he will sell her soul, Chance is the only one who can clear her ledger, but only if he’ll fight in the Cyborg Underground Circuit again.

Is Chance strong enough to win the only fight that ever mattered?


the preyTHE PREY (BETANIA BREED BOOK 2) by Jenny Foster

I am a cyborg. Half human, half machine.
My creator optimized me until I was exactly what he wanted. I have turned into an elite bounty hunter. My orders are simple. Anyone who endangers the certain survival of the human race is my prey.
The word failure is not part of my vocabulary.
Compassion is nothing more than a phrase.
My mechanical heart does not recognize feelings.
Until an assignment leads me straight to Mara. My creator’s beautiful daughter.
To her, cyborgs are nothing more than henchmen who quietly take care of anything that humans shy away from. When my eyes catch hers, I feel an unexplainable connection. Mara awakens something in me that I can neither hunt, nor kill.
*She* becomes my prey.
The most impossible hunt of my life.


rescued by the cyborg cara bRESCUED BY THE CYBORG (CY OPS SCIFI ROMANCE) by Cara Bristol

VS Note: This is a re-release of Cara’s story from the Embrace the Romance: Pets in Space 2 anthology, which is no longer on sale.

A cyborg with haunted past, a woman with a clouded future…
Battered and broken, hostage and sole survivor Solia waits for death at the hands of vicious predatory aliens when Cy-Ops agent Guy Roarke disobeys orders, charges in, and rescues her. A former medic, he initiates emergency medical procedures before rushing her to Cybermed, in hopes of saving her wing so she can fly again. He’s taken with the delicate, brave Faria, but his best intentions result in unfortunate consequences that place her in greater jeopardy. Can he overcome the guilt of past mistakes in time to save her life?

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night of the zandiansNIGHT OF THE ZANDIANS (ZANDIAN BRIDES) by Renee Rose and Rebel West

The Zandians have taken back their planet. Now they need brides.
All human females have been assigned to mates. Yes, mates, multiple.
I’ve been given to three handsome males–cousins. Huge, purple and horned, they act like they want to eat me for breakfast.
After what I’ve been through with previous slave masters, I don’t know how I’ll survive this. But I have to. It’s adapt or be sent off-planet, which would mean my death, considering I’m wanted for murder.

My mates cannot find out I’m not able to reproduce. I need to keep my secret, figure out a way to survive, stay focused. But when the Zandian warriors claim me, they make me forget my past and scream with pleasure.
I can’t let myself fall for them.
If they learn my secret, I’ll lose more than my life.
I’ll lose my heart.


warrior mineWARRIOR MINE (DESTINATION LOST BOOK 3) by Missy Welsh

A routine mission from the Mars Colony to Earth ends in the five-man crew of the Swallowtail having been transported to the other side of the galaxy. Met with hostility, captured, and tortured simply for being Human, the three survivors hold little hope for their futures.

Charles Dunkirk is far away from the offices of Aviation Corporation now. Pressed into service as a sex slave on a space ship full of lion-like aliens, Charlie’s simply trying to stay sane. When he’s offered a chance at protection, there’s not much left he won’t do to survive.

Captain Makull Ihara has slowly discovered he chose to fight for the wrong side. Already looking to change his path, he receives further proof of the right course when fate hands him a Human mate. Their only choice now is to surrender.

Meanwhile, thousands of Humans are suffering throughout the galaxy and what Makull knows might be their only salvation. Will Makull and Charlie join forces to save them?

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oath forger book 3OATH FORGER (BOOK 3) by Nia Mars

Still faking being the Oath Forger. Yeah, I know. Stupid. You know what’s stupider? Falling for The Five.

The five hottest, most powerful rulers in the galaxy all want to be my first. Who am I choosing? I’m not stupid enough to spill that in a blurb!

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our dark stars

OUR DARK STARS by Audrey Gray and Krystal Wade

Princess Talia Starchaser has it all. Wealth. Status. Adoring citizens. But on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, she’s forced to publicly betray her best friend, a companion mock she’s had since birth, setting events into motion that lead to the destruction of the humans, and the princess floating through space, a remnant of a time when humans ruled over droids.

One hundred years later, half-mock captain Will Perrault and his ragtag crew discover a device floating in space. When a very human Talia emerges from its depths, Will suspects she’s the key to buying his way back into the regiment he once commanded against the last remaining rebel humans—and the ruling mock queen’s good graces.

Both Talia and Will would rather get space-tossed than trust one another, but with the queen’s forces chasing them across the galaxy and the fate of both worlds hanging in the balance, they’ll forge the unlikeliest of alliances to survive.



She won’t give up. He’ll never surrender. Will their need for each other overcome their determination?

Zver is on a rampage. A rival thane has kidnapped his son and sabotaged his work for the Dominion. But he won’t fail. He won’t fall. They call him Thanemonger for a reason. Not only will he retrieve his son, but he’ll seize the battleship he’s wanted for years and cement his superior status in the Dominion. Just as he executes his ruthless plan, an alluring human woman appears and changes everything.

Seph survived being abducted by aliens, and now she’s determined to get home to her young son. Her plan: find a spaceship, return to Earth. Simple, but then she meets the domineering Thanemonger. He offers her sanctuary, but only if she complies with his demands. Now Seph must find a way to fall in line without falling for the sexy alien who has sworn to see her safely home.


lost chaptersTHE LOST CHAPTERS (CLONE BOOK 3) by Paxton Summers

Iia Danner, a robotic bee keeper, is brilliant, beautiful and prey in a twisted game of monkey in the middle. Wanted because she holds the key to the demise of a society, she finds herself in rebel hands and on the wrong side of the law.

Life was great before she met Eli. Now she’s begun to question everything she knows. Is she really being hunted? Or is what she’s been told, what she sees, all an illusion to gain her cooperation? She can’t get over the feeling she’s being manipulated, but she’s grown to trust and care for the rebel leader and chooses to take his side. He wouldn’t lie to her, would he?

When a swarm or robotic bees attack, Iia must make a decision that will affect every man, woman and child on the island chain she lives on, and until she lands on an alien shore months later, she doesn’t question what she’s done. On what used to be the coast of California, hidden truths come to the surface and Iia realizes she hasn’t reached the end of her story.

No, her tale is just getting started, and if she’s going to fix what’s she’s done, she needs to figure out who is friend and who is foe.

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At 22, Commander Ellen Ryu is a little young to be “retired.” Yet she’s planned—and bled in—more battles than veterans twice her age. And, well, she didn’t exactly retire so much as desert. Betrayed by her superiors, turned into a science experiment, and nearly driven insane, Ellen seized the chance for freedom when a shadowy organization offered her a ship of her own and an elite, all-female crew. She’s got a new mission now: get revenge on the scientist who almost destroyed her. Nobody is going to get in her way this time. Especially not the merc who’s just shown up at her cargo hatch, looking to hitch a ride.

In the middle of an op gone wrong, cyborg mercenary Kael Sidassian gets stuck with a mission he can’t refuse: carry a capsule to safety, the contents of which would bring the galaxy down on his head if anyone knew what was inside. But he’s also got damaged hardware in his head and a plan to escape from the barbaric merc company that forcibly conscripted him over a decade ago. So when a humanitarian ship grants him passage, he thanks his lucky stars for a job that’ll solve all his problems at once. That is, if the attachment he’s forming to the ship’s commander—one that goes way beyond duty and loyalty—doesn’t get in the way.

As a new threat rises, the prodigy and the renegade discover far more in common than they ever thought possible. Now both their missions will have to wait, because if they aren’t audacious enough to work together, they’ll never survive what’s coming for them.



Nancy Fisher was an advocate of equal rights, both for humans and aliens. She was
disgusted by the news of hidden experimental labs all over Earth. Riots were rampant as
the tortured aliens were discovered. Nancy had to find a way to help the injured and stop
their planets from retaliating. She looked to her sister, Alexis, and Milisaria for aid.

Srath was a rebel warrior. He preferred the past king’s violent way of ruling over King
Siefer’s more intellectual views. There was not enough fighting to satisfy his needs. Srath
also followed the past king’s example of womanizing. One female was not enough to
satisfy his needs. He hoped to find war and women on the mission to Earth.

Humans and aliens were fighting among themselves over alien rights. Both sides were
divided and riots abounded all over the planet. Alien planets demanded that Earth change
its ways or it could be destroyed. The other species were tired of being treated as lesser
beings. The President of the United States was determined to keep peace among all
nations and planets. She allied herself with Milisaria.


barbarian bloodBARBARIAN BLOOD by Abella Ward

Tara Dawson is sick and tired of her life. Abused, sold and shattered, she is a human clone who knows nothing but slavery.

But her life is about to change when she meets a huge, demanding and sexy Klai wanderer. She knows the Klai cannot be trusted, but when he saves her life, she is soon forced to see the gorgeous guy through different eyes.

Rydel Deijeon is a space pirate, a proud and deadly Klai. When he finally returns home after years of travelling, he is in for a shock. His people are infected with a lethal virus, and he has to find an ancient scroll to save them.

Rydel doesn’t believe in stupid scrolls, but his beliefs are to be tested when his quest leads him to a woman with the scroll’s symbol on her wrist.

He instantly knows she is mate. So he does what he knows best: Take what he wants and bring her with him. But the road ahead is full of obstacles…

Can Rydel prove himself worthy of Tara’s love?
Can Tara learn to trust him?
Can they find the scroll that will save the Klai, and find love along the way?


alien healers babyALIEN HEALER’S BABY (WARRIORS OF THE LATHAR BOOK 4) by Mina Carter

Laarn, Lord Healer of the Lathar, is about to become something unique among his people. He’s about to become a father… of a little girl. The first female child born for a generation. He’s studied childbirth, he’s confident that he has everything planned.

Unfortunately, as any human woman could tell him, having a baby doesn’t always go to plan…

This short story is set in the WARRIORS OF THE LATHAR world and is not a stand alone. It should be read after PREGNANT BY THE ALIEN HEALER and is a little bite of life story for those who fell in love with the Lathar and their mates.

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soullessSOULLESS (DETYEN WARRIORS BOOK 1) by Starr Huntress and Kate Rudolph

A warrior without a soul…Raze NaFeen has sacrificed everything in service of his people. Otherwise cursed to die at thirty without a mate, Raze has taken drastic action, destroying his soul and killing his emotions to prolong his life. He feels nothing. No love, no hate, no fear. Until he meets Sierra.

A spy on a mission…Sierra Alvarez has a lot to live up to. As the daughter of a celebrated general, she’s expected to follow in his militaristic footsteps, except Sierra is no soldier. Her talents are best used for sneaking and subterfuge. When an off planet mission gets out of hand, she’ll need to use every skill she has and work with a mysterious, sexy warrior who awakens an unquenchable desire within her.

Two worlds collide…Raze and Sierra shouldn’t fit, but every minute spent together singes them with a chemistry too hot to ignore. They’ll need to fight pirates, their people, and the vast distances of space to find a way for two lost souls to become one whole. Can a man without a soul find his mate? And is that bond enough to heal wounds that run deep?

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korkhs brideKORJH’S BRIDE (INTERSTELLAR MATCHMAKING BOOK 1) by Clarissa Lake and TJ Quinn

Zara Maples wants to escape her lackluster life and find her soulmate, so she applies to the interstellar Narovian Matchmaking Service which finds people’s soulmates based on genetics. Korjh a Narovian cyborg retired from battle, once a full human, longs a family of his own like the one he lost as a boy in an alien invasion.

Retired to a backwater colony of Modonne where he can’t get a date because he is cyborg, he applies to the Matchmaking service to find his genetic complement, his soulmate, because unlike Narovian felines he cannot recognize his fated mate. After two years they find him a mate on that “dirt” planet recently that recently joined the Alliance.

Cyborgs are dangerous, aren’t they? Only an ignorant human from a planet called Earth (translated as dirt) would come across two sectors to Modonne to mate with a cyborg. But to her he seems warm and caring and so attractive as they correspond. Of course, it can’t be quite that easy. While Korjh can be sweet and considerate, he can also be scary and aggressive.
Was he the man of her dreams or nightmares?



The last place Ivie expects to be approached by a devastatingly handsome male is in a crowded, smoky cigar bar rarely frequented by vampires—yet here he stands. Silas is flirtatious, gallant, and, above all, mysterious. Ivie is anything but. A nurse at the healer’s clinic and the daughter of a biker, Ivie is accustomed to speaking her mind. So she does. Since aristocrats rarely pick up females of her class, Ivie asks Silas just what kind of game he thinks he’s playing.

Despite her guarded exterior, Ivie surrenders to the fierce desire she feels for Silas. And yet, just as their courtship is heating up, he reveals that it cannot last, for he is bound to return to the Old Country. Their bond only deepens as they make the most of their precious time together. But when she learns the truth, Ivie must find a saving grace—before all is lost.

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wolf lordTHE WOLF LORD (ARS NUMINA BOOK 3) by Ann Aguirre

Roguish. Reckless. Unreliable.
Raff Pineda has a certain reputation among the Animari. He’s the one to call if there’s a party starting, not the man to rely on when all hell breaks loose. Though he’s nominally the leader of the Pine Ridge pack, he defers to his second on the tough calls. Raff prefers to live fast and hard and keep his heart hidden, but a certain Eldritch princess won’t fall for his usual tricks, and their contract political marriage may be anything but convenient.

Ambitious. Elegant. Isolated.
Princess Thalia Talfayen may not have been raised by a witch in a tower, but she’s spent the last few decades locked up for a failed insurrection. Plotting and scheming come naturally to her; personal connections do not. Since she’s come this far in her unstoppable quest to claim the silver throne, she won’t hesitate to do whatever it takes to unite her people, even if that means giving herself to the big bad wolf.

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snows of windrovenTHE SNOWS OF WINDROVEN (UNCHARTED REALMS) by Jeffe Kennedy

VS note: I LOVE Jeffe’s Uncharted Realms stories. This is a re-release of a novella from a previous anthology. And despite the official blurb it is ALL about Lady Veronica. No, really. Well, ok, actually it’s NOT about her but she does appear and Jeffe grants her a wish I’ve had for a long time about what the entirely fictional character Lady V needs in her life LOL. Jeffe is one of my dearest friends in the author world – we go way back…OK, so here’s the actual story summary:

A new power is at work in the Twelve Kingdoms, unbalancing the fragile peace. For the High Queen and her sisters, it might mean a new alliance—or the end of the love of a lifetime…
As a howling blizzard batters the mountain keep of Windroven, Ami, Queen of Avonlidgh, and her unofficial consort Ash face their own storm. Their passion saved them from despair, but Ash knows a scarred, jumpy ex-convict isn’t the companion his queen needs. He’s been bracing himself for the end since their liaison began. When it finally comes, the shattering of his heart is almost a relief.
With a man haunted by nightmares and silent as stone, Ami knows only that Ash’s wounds are his own to hide or reveal. She can’t command trust. But just as they are moving apart, a vicious attack confines them together, snowbound and isolated with an ancient force awakening within Windroven itself. If they truly mean to break their bond, Ami and Ash must first burn through a midwinter that will test every instinct—and bring temptation all too near.

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hunters watch brigade initiationHUNTER’S WATCH BRIGADE: INITIATION by Paula Millhouse

Demigod Samantha Silverton, a full-time monster hunter in the Hunters’ Watch Brigade, is on a mission with her familiar, Max, to hunt down a scorned mermaid when she finds out she has bigger fish to fry. Her mother—a powerful witch—has been abducted. And the most likely villain is her mother’s enemy, Francesca Rosencratz.

Being a familiar to a sexy monster hunter has its perks, but Max wants more. He might look like a cat, but he’s also Sam’s best friend . . . and the man who loves her. But in order to defeat Francesca, he’ll have to shift into his human form, something he’s avoided. Because once he’s officially a shifter, he’ll have to join the Brigade. And that could take him away from Sam for good.

But Francesca’s becoming increasingly dangerous. She and a mysterious ally are working to take down the Brigade, and take over the paranormal community. Sam will have to dig deep if she’s going to save her mom. But Max will have to risk even more . . . to save Sam.

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VS Note: The cliffhanger warning is part of the author’s official blurb. I left it in bold print as she had it.

WARNING: CLIFFHANGER!!! This book has a MAJOR cliffhanger that is wrapped up in March in Atlantis! If you don’t like cliffhangers, wait till March in Atlantis and read both!!

Poseidon’s Warrior Jake spent years exploring the world and developing a cool, laid-back exterior to mask the turmoil of emotion he’s fighting so hard to control. But when he rescues what his boat-mates think is a mermaid (she’s a Sea Fae; mermaids don’t exist) and Poseidon himself hurls him into the middle of missions to protect humanity, Jake’s surfer-boy disguise won’t last for long.

And when he meets human-turned-falcon-shifter Savannah in the middle of a deadly hostage situation, the protective instincts–and perhaps the madness–that Jake has held bottled up for so long is about to explode.

Fighting his own instincts, his soul’s longing for his mate, and a dangerous group of human nationalists who want to destroy everything–and everyone–supernatural, Jake will have to discover what is most important to him. And he’ll have to do all of this–while falling in love– in FEBRUARY IN ATLANTIS.

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guardians bondGUARDIAN’S BOND (ANCIENT INK) by Rhenna Morgan

Priest Rahandras has lived with the darkness trapped inside himself for years. Betrayed by his own brother and forced to watch his clan’s brutal annihilation, the only thing Priest wants more than to escape the curse that haunts him—as both man and beast—is to rebuild.

Until the mate he’s longed for walks into his life with an elder from his past. She’s everything he’s wished for, and the key to the clan’s very survival.

Kateri Falsen is a woman of logic and facts. While Priest’s cat can sense her arousal, telling her they’re fated won’t be enough. He’ll have to show her his love: with his words, with his actions and with his body.

Protecting Kateri from the evil trapped inside him is paramount. But when lost clan members are systematically murdered, he’ll have to choose between exposing his mate to his black magic, or risking her as the next victim.

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source of magicTHE SOURCE OF MAGIC by Clare Solomon

When Elliot Rivers, a Homo Sapiens, becomes friends with Barve, a Nean (Neanderthal) on their first day at university he has no idea of the conflict and fury it will cause among the students and staff, as well as within his family. To make matters more difficult, Barve’s argumentative brother, Farlden, hates Elliot.

Elliot and Farlden both possess the rare gift of magic. The discovery that it becomes stronger when they combine their abilities creates a connection between them and, against their will, it draws them closer together, slowly changing animosity to something far more dangerous.

The Nean brothers are keeping an extraordinary secret, though, one that could shatter their complex relationships with Elliot and change all their lives.


autumns kissAUTUMN’S KISS by M K Eidem

VS note: Previously released in Trial by Flame.

Autumn thought she knew who she was then she discovered she was a rare type of dragon shifter called a Supreme Dragoon. Now she is heading to her new mate’s home world to meet more of their kind. Nerves were to be expected, but Autumn is about to get more than she bargained for.

Kirall always knew who he was, a Prime Dragoon, one of the strongest of his kind. He’d never doubted who he was or his place until he traveled to Earth and met her. Autumn descended from a line of Dragoon thought to have died out many millennia ago. Their mating changed all he’d been taught to believe.

Together they will face challenges neither of them expected. With their mating threatened and everything Kirall holds dear in jeopardy, it’s up to Autumn to show who really is the baddest Dragoon of them all.

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MacKay is the last of the de Bar siblings to be cursed by the evil witch, Hecuba. In an attempt to stop her, he breaks her magic mirror. But when a piece of it embeds into his chest, strange things begin to happen. Hecuba has banished him to an island with a wicked ruler, Lady Eira Koldottir, known as the Snow Queen. In this frozen land, because of the shard of dark magic stuck in his heart, MacKay sees all that is good as evil, and all that is evil looks good.

Eira has been betrayed one too many times in her life. After losing her family, she is not about to lose her castle and land as well. She prepares her army for the attack of a man who was once her betrothed. Vengeance and hatred fill her heart. Eira doesn’t want to be close to anyone. But once a stranger appears on her island she starts to change her mind. The meaner she is to MacKay, the more the man seems to like her. It makes her furious, but at the same time she finds herself intrigued by the handsome Sir MacKay de Bar.

It takes a cursed man to make Eira realize just how lonely she really is. Will her heart of ice melt with the attention and compliments coming from MacKay who is attracted to her dark side? Can love save them and fill the void of loneliness before dark magic dooms them both to lives they will someday regret?


dark wine at sunriseDARK WINE AT SUNRISE (A HILL VAMPIRE NOVEL BOOK 2) by Jenna Barwin

Research scientist Cerissa Patel has only one desire: to feel her lover’s fangs slip into her neck for the very first time. Once they become blood mates, no one can keep them apart.

But it’s never that easy.

Cerissa’s relationship with vampire Henry Bautista violates a centuries-old law, and the town council wants her banned from their secret community. If they have their way, she’ll be separated from Henry forever.

As if that isn’t enough, Henry is still in danger. The would-be assassin lies in a coma, and Cerissa is no closer to knowing who targeted Henry—or why.

To make matters worse, her own people forbid her from becoming a vampire’s mate. They aren’t sure what Henry’s bite will do to her and want her focused on her original mission: tracking down the vampires behind a ruthless movement to enslave mortals.

Against these odds, Cerissa must find a way to bond with the man who holds her heart, and do so without paying the ultimate price – the loss of her wings forever.


blade to the keepBLADE TO THE KEEP (GODDESS WITH A BLADE) by Lauren Dane

Canny and ferocious, with the power of an ancient Goddess in her belly, Rowan Summerwaite is the only person who can renegotiate the fragile Treaty between the Vampire Nation and the Hunter Corporation, the last line of defense for humanity. A meeting of this Joint Tribunal, as well as her new status as Liaison, sends Rowan straight to the last place on earth she wants to be, the childhood home she’d escaped so many years before—The First’s Keep.

Raised at the knee of The First—the oldest Vampire and leader of the Vampire Nation—honed into a weapon by the Hunter Corporation, wielding ancient knowledge from the Goddess within, Rowan must navigate bloodthirsty Vampires and Hunters alike. And she’s got to do it while managing a politically awkward but undeniably deepened romance with Scion Clive Stewart. Failure in her role as Liaison could mean all-out war, with humankind in the crosshairs. No pressure.

Walking the path between her two lives has already made Rowan a pariah. The choices she’ll have to make will mean she becomes something even more Other and as a result she may lose those last shreds of home she has left.

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sahariels awakeningSAHARIEL’S AWAKENING  (A SERIES OF ANGELS BOOK 4) by Joel Crofoot

Sahariel’s radiant skin was a beacon to all the demons in hell, so in effort to hide, he locked himself inside a coma, leaving his physical body in the care of his fellow fallen angel, Barakel. But even though they have been released from hell, his slumber continues. All of that changes when a young woman wanders into his dreamscaped sanctuary, but how did she find him?
Heather is a psychologist now residing with the angels since they rescued her from a demon attack, and she has been having nightmares about it until one night, in her dreams, a man with luminous skin saves her. She chalks it up to a dream until she discovers the man in a coma living in the back house. How could she have dreamt about someone she’s never met?



Join authors Cecilia Randell, Joely Sue Burkhart, Tabitha Barret, Serena Lindahl and C.A. Storm as they take you through tales of Irish love and folklore for St. Patrick’s day. There will be gods, immortals, gargoyles, creepy castles, ancient legends and, of course, a leprechaun or two.

Shamrocked is a collection of romantic, sexy, and funny stories that might leave you longing for your own trip to the magical Isle.


alpha unleashedALPHA UNLEASHED (GRIZZLIES GONE WILD) by Kathy Lyons

Alyssa Nelson doesn’t actually believe that Simon Gold is a shape-shifting grizzly bear—until she sees it firsthand. Aaaaand the award for Totally Surprising Changes goes to Simon Gold. But Alyssa doesn’t have time to deal with the fact that her ruggedly hot, long-time secret crush is a shifter . . . not when her brother has turned into one, too.

After ten months in bear form, Simon is struggling. He’s not ready to deal with anyone, let alone the bold and gorgeous Alyssa. Mine, whispers his bear. But all hell has broken loose in the Detroit shifter community, and it’s spreading to humans. Now Simon must face the darkest place of all: where bear and man become one. And the only way he can make it back to his humanity is by finding—and claiming—his mate.

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gold dragonGOLD DRAGON (HERITAGE OF POWER BOOK 5) by Lindsay Buroker

Now that Trip’s siblings are safely back in the capital, he would like it if life got back to normal. As normal as possible for a half-dragon army officer learning to use his magical powers when he isn’t busy piloting with Wolf Squadron.

But trouble keeps popping up, and the capital isn’t the safe haven Trip had hoped. More and more dragons are working together, with attacks growing frequent as they scheme to claim the country for themselves. Equally daunting, Rysha wants to introduce Trip to her parents, parents who want a proper nobleman for their daughter, not some odd commoner sired by a dragon.

If Trip is to have any chance of bringing peace to the country—and impressing Rysha’s parents—he’ll have to finally and fully embrace what he is and what he can do. Before time runs out.


bearly rescuedBEARLY RESCUED by Everleigh Clark

Isabella Werner – Wolf shifter. Princess. Vegetarian…Prisoner. She’s fighting for her life and her freedom.

Caleb Alexander – Bear shifter. Running from a haunted past…Undercover guard. His job is simple. Get the information so they can take down the assholes testing on shifters. There’s only one problem. His mate is one of the prisoners, and his bear is about to lose control…again.

Who rescues who?


voodoo knightsVOODOO KNIGHTS by Amanda Rose

Four dark and dangerous spirits haunt me.
They’re black magic manipulators, voodoo masters—and they say they’re here to be my teachers.
But can I really trust a man who turns into a cat? A motorcycle riding jerk with a bag of souls? How about his top hat wearing friend or the weirdo that lives in the tree in my backyard?

Don’t think so.

Then again, I might have little choice but to accept their help.

Somebody murdered my grandma and now that same somebody wants me dead, too.
These four guardians borrow their powers from mine:
Kriminal LaCoste. Samuel Baron. Sebastian GranBois. Zandor Red.
If I reject them, I’ll be left alone in a world of monsters, magic, and madness.

My destiny is within reach … as long as I don’t die before I get there.


snow and the seven huntsmenSNOW AND THE SEVEN HUNTSMEN by Zoe Blake and Alta Hensley

This is no fairytale…
They’ve been sent to break me.
Not one, but seven.
They plan to steal my beauty, my innocence.
Seven Hunters to track me down and claim me as theirs.
I try to run, but it is hopeless.
They have caught me.
I am their prey, their prize, to do with as they please.
But I will capture something far more precious… the Huntsmen’s hearts.


song of smoke and fireSONG OF SMOKE AND FIRE (SONG OF DRAGONFIRE BOOK 1) by Megan Linski

Fliss is a slave, and bound to fulfill the king’s every whim. When a local dragon demands payment, Fliss is offered by the king as a sacrifice. She has no choice in the matter.

Yet what the dragon wants is more than Fliss expects. A curse has been cast upon him by a beautiful enchantress, and only one pure of soul can end it. If Fliss breaks the curse upon him, he will grant her freedom.

But there’s a man behind the monster, and as Fliss unveils the mystery that surrounds the dragon’s hidden past, she finds herself falling in love— despite it being forbidden.

Amazon     iBooks

fire brideFIRE BRIDE (DRAKORYAN BRIDES BOOK 2) by Ava Sinclair

War is coming. After hundreds of years of sleep, the ShadowFell Dragons seeks revenge on the Drakoryans, the shifter race that drove them far from the Drakoryan Empire. And this time, the huge night dragons have their sights set on a prize they must not be allowed to claim. They covet the Drakoryan’s humanity, and seek the deep magic, and with it, the key to victory.

My mates seek to protect me from the awful reality, from what’s coming. They urge me to focus on running the household, on pleasing their insatiable sexual appetites. They tell me that war is of no concern for a woman.

But I am no ordinary woman. I am a Fire Bride, and when I learn that human villages are coming under attack, the protectiveness of my mates threatens our bond. I was never supposed to return to the village, but not even an army of dragon lords can stop me from saving those I love.


fashionably foreverFASHIONABLY FOREVER AFTER by Robyn Peterman

…As much as I can’t see anyone playing me but me, I have far more important issues on my agenda—like finding the woman who stole my soul. Well, not exactly stole… I might have made the switch and taken hers, but the Siren, Elle Rinoa, has my soul nonetheless. ..Fate and I are on a crash course with destiny looking for the one woman who can change both of our lives—mine for the better—Fate’s for the worse. Never in my wildest imaginings did I think the Devil could have a happily ever after, but now I have hope….(much more and complete blurb will be found on the ebook seller’s page)…

Amazon     iBooks


Ava Amaris is a witch with no past. Not one that she can remember anyway.

She is cursed. For lifetimes, she’s walked the earth with no knowledge of where she came from or who she once was.

Despite the loss of her memories, Ava forges a life. She has a home, a career, and friends. Yet her heart remains shielded and cold. There is no room for love within her. Her relationships are short and casual, very rarely inspiring more than mild affection.

Until she meets Macgrath, the first man to crack the stone around her heart.

Ewan Macgrath is a vampire with no future. Not without Ava by his side…(more on the ebook seller’s page…)

Amazon      iBooks


One simple coin, thrown into a fountain.
A wish made from the heart.
Tides will turn.
Futures will change.
His wish – to escape a prison of his own making…
Her wish – to save her mother…
Destiny intervenes.
Two worlds collide.
To save himself, he must first save her.
If you only had one wish… would you use it to save the one you love?


breaker of chainsBREAKER OF CHAINS (SPECTR SERIES TWO BOOK 4) by Jordan L Hawk

Big changes are afoot at SPECTR. John Starkweather, once a hotshot field agent, is now benched. Instead of chasing down demons during Charleston’s biggest outbreak, he’s stuck interviewing exorcists about a previous case. But what at first seems like a busywork assignment takes a darker turn, as John begins to suspect the increase in possessions might not be coincidence, but part of an unseen conspiracy.

The vampire spirit Gray was made to hunt demons and drink their blood. He and his human host, Caleb Jansen, ought to be at the forefront of SPECTR’s field team. But their new partners refuse to let Gray use any of his abilities, let alone actually hunt and fight.

Fortunately, Caleb and Gray have allies outside of SPECTR: the only other living drakul, Drugoy and his host Yuri Azarov. Yuri and Dru live by no mortal’s rules, and they can show Caleb and Gray how to do the same…depending on how far they’re willing to go.

Because breaking the rules comes with a cost, and the price of Caleb and Gray’s freedom may be the life of the man they love.

Amazon     iBooks

soul of the witchSOUL OF THE WITCH  (WITCHES OF KEATING HOLLOW BOOK 1) by Deanna Chase

Welcome to Keating Hollow, the village full of love, magic, and cupcakes, and where nothing is more important than family.

At age eighteen, after a potion tragically backfired, Abby Townsend left Keating Hollow and her magic behind to find redemption. Ten years later, after being summoned by her family, she’s back. As soon as she drives into town, she’s already plotting her inevitable exit, but she can’t quite escape the pull of the tightly knit magical community or the soulful gaze of the one man she’s never forgotten. And when an eight-year old witch not only leads her back to her magic, but also steals her heart, Abby’s about to learn what it means to embrace the soul of a witch.

Amazon     iBooks

crown of bloodCROWN OF BLOOD by Keary Taylor

This is not the first time Logan has died. This is not the first time she has fallen in love with Cyrus. Logan is not even the first name she has been given.

Logan fell irreversibly in love with Cyrus, but she needs time to cope with the ramifications of his choice, one made thousands of years ago. She needs time alone to piece herself together. She has to face the woman who brought her into this immortal world. And the feeble attempt on Cyrus life doesn’t sit right with her. She wants answers—who tried to kill him and why?

Past sins are never easy to forgive, but as memories surface, staying away from Cyrus begins to feel impossible. There are a million reasons she’s fallen for him, over and over. Through everything, Cyrus has fought for her, death after death.

A love like this has never been seen before. And love has never been this complicated.

Amazon     iBooks


VS Note: Since we’re about a month away from the 106th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, thought I’d mention my award winning Wreck of the Nebula Dream, a scifi romance loosely inspired by the events of Titanic, but set in the far future aboard a luxury spaceliner.

_Titanic in space...._Amazon  Barnes & Noble  iBooks    Google Play   Kobo



March 7

February 28

February 21

February 14

February 7


My standard Notes and Caveats:

The term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday January 31

leviLOTS of good new books this week!

As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).

By the way, yes, sometimes I do truncate the book blurb, but if you click on the buy link you can read the rest of it on the ebook seller’s site.


LEVI (HELL SQUAD BOOK 15) by Anna Hackett

VS Note: Oh yeah, one-clicked. This is such a fun series – I devour them! She keeps the stories fresh, even with such a long running series.

Levi King has always lived rough. Raised by a biker dad, he fought for everything he had–including being president of the Iron Kings motorcycle club. But when the aliens invaded, he lost it all. Now he wades through the muck with his fellow berserkers, fighting to protect the last of the human survivors. He fights hard and parties harder, and follows no one’s rules but his own. But then he finds himself fascinated by a mouthy, auburn-haired mechanic who isn’t afraid to give him a piece of her mind.

Chrissy Hagan survived months of alien captivity and now she’s found a purpose at the Enclave–as mechanic in charge of the armored Hunter vehicles. She keeps her babies purring…and hates every scratch the soldiers put on them, especially when a certain arrogant, cocky, and annoying biker is responsible. Did she mention annoying? What about tattooed, man-bunned, and far too sexy? Chrissy and Levi do more than strike sparks of each other…they start full blown infernos, and she isn’t afraid to use her wrench on his hard head when required.

But then a vital mission requires Chrissy to step out of the safety of the Enclave, and sabotage and steal an alien vehicle. Working side by side, desire burns white-hot. Levi discovers he will give everything he’s got to keep Chrissy safe and claim her as his…if they both get through the deadly mission alive.


integrityINTEGRITY (TO BE SINCLAIR BOOK 12) by Eva Caye

These three novellas in the To Be Sinclair series cover the safety of the Imperial Family’s stargate scientists, the extent to which they owe obedience to their Emperor, and the influence the Imperials hold over the Royals.

Fearless: Prince Ricky has had few relationships due to his depression, but amazingly, he finds a lady who understands how to deal with it. Unfortunately, does his acceptance of death define his relationship with his mother, the director of the Stargate Institute?

Deliver Us from Evil: Prince Roman and Prince David are taken to task for their inability to commit to a lady. As stargate professionals, though, they must be extra careful in starting relationships. How do Roman and his cousin David come to an acceptance of their duties, and what happens when the Emperor provokes them beyond all reason?

Evolve with Resolve: Princess Kayla Pierson-Sinclair longs for a lover, as well as a future beyond her currently dull but important position as the Emperor’s social director. Just before the wedding of her long-time friend, Lady Elisha Wooldridge, Kayla meets Elisha’s brother, Lord Graham, whose autism has been given as the excuse for him to be cut out of the Wooldridge succession….(much more)…

Amazon     iBooks

operation phoenixOPERATION PHOENIX (NOVA FORCE BOOK 1) by Susan Hayes

Nova Force – an elite team of soldiers whose mission is to maintain the power balance between the galaxy’s governments and the formidable corporations. Their commander, Dax Rossi lives by one rule: mission first. That code holds until a new case and an old flame put his rule to the test.

Lieutenant Trinity West wants answers. Someone’s been stealing DNA from her top-secret research base, and she wants to know who, and how. Her investigation into the thefts is cut short by the arrival of Nova Force and Dax Rossi—the only man to ever break her heart.

Amazon     iBooks


Something in my brain broke the day I learned of the Karak.

It’s been two weeks since the Karak made first contact on earth, and the town of Elijah, Wyoming will never be the same. Now inundated with UFO hunters and conspiracy theorists, Leslie doesn’t know how she’s going to keep the peace as the town’s only police officer.

So in the end, she doesn’t.

But sneaking aboard Jerix’s spacecraft has widespread consequences Leslie could never have predicted. Jerix faces a devastating punishment for bringing back a live human to the Karak homeworld: three rounds of shifter-fighting in the Karak Sunken Pit!
As Jerix shifts from dragon to wolf to human in a desperate attempt to survive his sentence, Leslie’s affection quickly grows—fueled by the graceful, yet brutal, manner in which Jerix fights in the Pit. Will her Karak Warrior be able to stay alive for three bloody rounds?

And of course, the deeper question haunting Leslie: what will they do if he does survive?


kaylebKAYLEB (MATED TO THE ALIEN BOOK 6) by Starr Huntress and Kate Rudolph

Unmated Detyens die at thirty, so why is Kayleb NaMoren still alive?He came to Earth to find his mate, but on the eve of Kayleb’s birthday, he knows that time is up. Heartfelt goodbyes and one final night with his brother are all he has left… until he wakes up the next morning, alive and unmated. Or so he thinks.
An injury on his journey to Earth has left him with gaps in his memory, but he couldn’t ever forget his denya. Could he?

She’s escaped from pirates and is running out of time…Tessa Greely didn’t leave her position as a medic on a space ship willingly. Sure, she wanted a change of scenery after a disastrous relationship, but captured by pirates to be sold into slavery was not her idea of a fun vacation. There’s only one person she wants to see less than the pirates who are hunting her down: Kayleb NaMoren.
Only problem? He might be the only guy who can keep her alive.

A second chance at a first impression…He doesn’t remember her, but he’ll do anything to save her. She wants him gone, but she can’t run forever. Together, they just might find that they’re all each other need.

Amazon     iBooks

dungari riseDUNGARI RISE (ALIEN ALPHAS OF PILATHNA #1) by Nikki Landis

VS Note: From December

Synika has hidden from the dominant alien race that conquered Earth 100 years ago in search of fertile females. She’s a strong-willed and headstrong woman who knows what she wants and it isn’t belonging to some Dungari male and auctioned off at the annual Choosing. When she meets Tuvari and their worlds collide, Synika is forced to confront her prejudices and decide if the Dungari male is her friend, foe . . . or maybe more.

Tuvari helped establish the first colony on Earth and works with the Dungari Bureau of Human Affairs. He’s a soldier and a warrior with a reputation, determined to keep his race from extinction. Strong, charismatic, confident, and sexy as sin he’s used to getting his way and exactly what he wants . . . until he meets Synika. Tuvari has always believed his one true mate existed but could he dare to fall for a human?

Is it love, lust, or something more that draws the two together? In a world torn apart and ravaged by lies, can Tuvari and Synika move past the betrayal of a nation and find common ground?


cravedCRAVED (STAR BREED BOOK 5) by Elin Wynn

Geir: I run advance reconnaissance, collecting intel the Pack needs to execute our operations. In and out, hard and fast.And I don’t need help.So when a gorgeous woman saves my life, I’m knocked more than a bit off my game. That’s all it is. Not the shy smile I hunger to coax from her lips, not the sweet body she keeps hidden. Not the mysteries that haunt her eyes. And certainly not the bewitching scent that stirs me in ways no mission ever has. I crave her like nothing I’ve found before. Even if she’s the enemy, I’ll make her mine.

Valrea: He can’t save me.The secrets of the Compound are too tangled. The nightmares in my blood can never be erased.But his touch sends me reeling, thirsting for what I can’t have. What harm could one night do?



Wanted by the black market cartel, Lisa has come out of hiding to find her missing twin brother. She’s been implanted with top-secret biotechnology that has both the cartel and the corporation hot on her tail, and her only hope for escape is a sexy alien pirate with a grudge.

Yet one scorching kiss from this copper-skinned captain could lead to disaster…

Captain Qaiyaan’s species is doomed. The evil galactic corporation destroyed his home world, and with no females left, his fleet has turned to piracy and revenge. The last thing he expects to find on a derelict passenger ship is an alluring human female carrying a solution to his race’s salvation, and he definitely never expected the feisty ex-con to worm her way into his heart.

Together, they fight to stay out of both cartel and corporate hands, but when the biotechnology Lisa carries becomes unstable, she must make a drastic choice about her future.


wendigo uprisingWENDIGO UPRISING by Wendie Nordgren

In the post-apocalyptic Republic of Texas, orphaned Rozene York tries to make a life for herself on the surface, but it isn’t going as she had hoped. Desperate for something better, she answers a summons from her deceased grandfather’s executor and travels to Silver Springs only to find that her true inheritance is a secret legacy that has been passed on for generations involving her family land.

As the last of her line, Rozene is the only one who can save the six brothers who are cursed to endure forever and driven to feed on the living. They are Wendigoag, soul eaters, and without Rozene they will lose their centuries long battle against the demon who cursed them.

The Wendigoag are not the only ancient secret left exposed by a civilization left in ruins. When another war begins among the two-natured, Rozene is caught between the deadly territorial battles of werewolves and bear shifters.

However, another battle rages within Rozene’s heart between a sexy cowboy, an infuriating chief, and a cursed one who needs her as much as she needs him.



Four riders are hunting a fallen woman…
One that will seal this world’s fate.
And they’ll leave behind utter devastation in their wake.
…Pestilence, War, Famine, Death.
Harlow Morgan is lost in a dying world, desperate to find a reason to live.
She finds that reason in a filthy bathroom stall, with the rush of Nirvana in her veins, and the whisper of God in her ear.
A Calling she cannot shake.
Armed with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other, Harlow won’t wait for the Horsemen to find her.
She’s coming after them with the wrath of God on her side.
She’ll defeat them any way she can…body, mind, and soul.
All in the name of salvation.


dragon devotionDRAGON DEVOTION (CRIMSON DRAGONS BOOK 3) by Amelia Jade

Harlow Quinn Ryder only ever wanted to bring joy to kids. That’s why she spent her inheritance on a parade float company, hoping to recreate the magic for others she once felt as a child. An unfortunate accident with a giant hunky stranger may have just put her out of business though, ending her dream forever.

When newly awakened dragon shifter Vanek is told he has two weeks left to prove the worth of all dragons, time starts ticking. He needs to get out there, find his mate, and kill an Outsider. No easy task. Until he steps foot out of his building and right into the path of his mate. Literally.

One ruined float, cancelled contract, and makeup dinner date later, Vanek knows he’s found the one. But she’s used to the nomad life, and it’s more than just the call of the unknown that keeps her on the move. Can the fire-breathing dragon convince her to give love one final chance before the countdown expires, or will he be ripped away from her forever?



Destiney was honored to be the new king’s wife. It was a privilege she hadn’t imagined
upon leaving Earth to marry an alien. However, King Siefer’s duties take him from her and
their infant son for long periods of time. A handsome, young colonist gives her all the
attention she craves. Should a queen find solace for her lonely heart?

King Siefer fears letting down the Milisarians who made him king. He devotes his time to
repairing the damage of the former ruler. His human bride is left behind far too often.
He loves her still, but can not reach a balance between his job and family.

While King Siefer is traveling across the universe, Destiney is feeling ignored. She finds
friendship and more with a returning colonist. He is not as he appears. There is trouble
brewing behind his handsome facade. Meanwhile, the other human wives are dying in
childbirth without explanation. It is up to the queen’s friend, Alexis, to find a way to save
them, including herself.


abductionABDUCTION by Lisa Lace

Bethany didn’t apply to be a mail-order bride.
All she wanted was someone devoted to her.
The slavers didn’t care.
She’d heard rumors about the aliens. They were supposed to be rough. Selfish. Big, strong, and mean.
Now one is consumed by Bethany and will do anything to claim her.



black moon risingBLACK MOON RISING by Frankie Rose

Jass has been the Construct’s creature for years. A sinister prince. A man of shadows and fear. People cower at his feet. They cater to his every dark desire. Who would dare defy the most dangerous man ever created?

No one…

Except for her.

Reza’s been on the run for seven years. She’s found peace on her hidden planet. Managed to build some semblance of a life for herself there. But when the man she fears most in all the galaxy finally learns of her location, she must face him in order to escape his wrath once and for all.

A sea of stars separates them, but even that won’t keep them apart.


apparent brightnessAPPARENT BRIGHTNESS (THE SECTOR FLEET BOOK 2) by Nicola Claire

Working as the Chief Engineer onboard the ESAS Chariot out of Europe, Commander Camille Rey expected her position to be somewhat challenging on occasion.

She did not expect to be fighting for her and her fellow crewmen’s lives immediately after take-off.

Teaming up with the very proper, and very English Captain Noah Vaughan to combat a desperate saboteur onboard their vessel, Camille discovers that not all the malfunctions the Chariot is experiencing are human-related.

Secrets and desires are exposed amongst the stars and plasma fire, but can the captain and the chief overcome their cultural differences?

And can any of them hope to survive the treacherous voyage to New Earth unscathed?


elixir of flightELIXIR OF FLIGHT (FLYER CHRONICLES BOOK 2) by Alina Popescu

When flyers Michael and Samandriel set out to find the elusive Ishtahr sanctuary, the truths they uncover about the origin of their race threaten the very foundation of the Intergalactic Alliance. If exposed, the alliance’s revered overseers might lose their rule over the galaxies and their ultimate military force, the flyers.

Desperate to protect Adam, his lover, Michael will go against anyone who threatens the human’s life….(more)…


chosen oneCHOSEN ONE: STRANGE WORLDS: BOOK 3 by Kim Knox

VS Note: I don’t normally cover re-releases but this one sounds HOT! (Which Kim writes so very well.) And is in the erotica categories so….

Ceta Lars doesn’t want to be chosen.

Chained to the dark perfection of the sovereign’s paladin, the chosen one is taken aboard her alien master’s vast, living ship.

And Ceta’s fear of this unknown is edged with her attraction to the mysterious paladin. For years, her brief glimpses of him have tantalised her, stolen into her dreams, filled her thoughts with…want.

But he’s the one man she can’t have. Not…legally.

Now Ceta must stand with the other candidates on the temple stones not knowing what the future holds as the paladin strides towards her.

She only knows one fact.

None of the chosen ever return.


a witchs touch seA WITCH’S TOUCH: A SEVEN KINGDOMS TALE 3 by S E Smith

VS Note: Always exciting to have a new SE Smith book!

Marina Fae never considered herself a powerful witch or dreamed that she would one day be a warrior fighting to save her people. Her life changes when the Sea Witch’s dark magic sweeps across the Isle of Magic, turning those who resist or cannot escape to stone. Finding refuge in the dense mountain forest, Marina fights to protect the children left behind by Magna’s wave of destruction.
Detective Mike Hallbrook’s search for two women who disappeared in Yachats State Park takes an unexpected turn. He soon finds himself on an unfamiliar beach after rescuing a woman being attacked by a creature straight out of a horror movie. Stunned by the wild tale she tells him and the evidence surrounding them, he soon learns that everything she says is true—magic does exist—and that he is no longer on Earth. Marina’s pleas for help are impossible for Mike to ignore, and he knows he will do whatever he can to help save her people.
Marina and Mike must work together to save the Isle of Magic. As the Sea Witch’s evil spreads, they know they cannot stop her alone. With the help of the Dragon King and the King of the Sea People, they will confront the Sea Witch once and for all. But, what happens when they discover a darker entity hidden beneath—an entity that can only be stopped by the person they are trying to kill?

Amazon     iBooks

january in atlantisJANUARY IN ATLANTIS (POSEIDON’S WARRIORS) by Alyssa Day

When Poseidon’s elite warriors gear up to train a new generation of fighters, they have no idea that Atlantean Queen Riley has secretly taken on a new role: Matchmaker. By the end of the year, she plans to find soul mates for all twelve of Atlantis’s fiercest warriors . . .. . whether they like it or not. 

Twelve all-new adventures in the hotly anticipated world of Poseidon’s Warriors, coming once a month from New York Times bestselling author Alyssa Day. These books are sexy, romantic, and wickedly addictive —welcome to 2018! And welcome to:

A Year in Atlantis

Warning: This book contains magic, Atlantis, matchmaking, Poseidon, pirates, a king and queen, sibling rivalry, hot hunky guys, unicorns, a secret baby, a black sheep, bad boys, warriors, paranormal romance, fantasy, shapeshifters, dragons, romance, kisses, and a happily ever after. Read at your own risk!

Amazon     iBooks

thanks fur last nightTHANKS FUR LAST NIGHT by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden Kate Baxter

Bearing His Sin: Cole should have killed Anja the moment he realized she was his mate. Instead, he let her live and now they’re on the hunt, chasing the morons who think they can force her to marry another man. Like hell. And while this shapeshifting bear might have his share of sins, he’s not going to let little things like murder and mayhem prevent him from having the woman meant to be the keeper of his heart.

Bought by the Bear: Josilyn Martinez just needed the money to help raise her nephew. That’s it. There’s no other reason she would take a job posing as a shifter’s mate so he can assure his grandmother he’s settled down. There’s no reason to stay at his place so they learn “more about each other.” And there’s definitely no good reason she should get involved with the hard, hot, and handsome shifter that’s hired her….(more)…

The Alpha and I: Devon Kincaid is happy with her new life in Lowman, Idaho. Her little bar on the outskirts of the tiny, isolated town is doing well, and she’s not even interested in finding a man. But when she finds a bleeding man—a hot, hard, handsome, naked bleeding man—in the snow one night, Devon brings him home to care for him. He’s definitely not like any man she’s ever met before, but what she doesn’t realize is that he’s not just a man…(more)…

Amazon     iBooks

drakons pastDRAKON’S PAST (BLOOD OF THE DRAKON BOOK 4) by N J Walters

Constance Owens has a gift for finding unique items in the most unlikely places, which comes in handy since she buys and sells artifacts and antiques for a living. When she purchases a set of four dragon statues, she has no idea just how unique they are, or that finding them will thrust her into a world of secret societies, men who think nothing of kidnapping and murder to get what they want, and dragon shifters.

Nic hasn’t survived for four thousand years by letting his guard down, and he doesn’t trust anyone except his drakon brothers. The loneliness haunting him has been getting worse since all his brothers have found their mates. And when he finds the woman his drakon recognizes instantly as his fated mate, he doubts he’ll ever have what his brothers have, because it seems she’s involved with the secret society of hunters who have been hunting and capturing his kind for hundreds of years.

Amazon     iBooks

emeralkd lilyTHE EMERALD LILY (VAMPIRE BLOOD BOOK 4) by Juliette Cross

When Princess Vilhelmina Dragomir is awakened from her hellish sleep with a blood kiss from a handsome stranger, she learns that much has changed while she’s been away. The armies of the Black Lily and the vampire Crown have amassed and are on the brink of war.

No romantic entanglements, no family. Mikhail Romanov, Captain of the Bloodguard, took a vow when he joined the Bloodguard. But he never planned for the gut-punching attraction he would feel for the untouchable princess. He must keep his focus, though. In order to avenge his family, it’s essential he help Mina claim her crown and keep his damn hands off of her.

But Mina sets her heart on the elusive captain, and keeping his focus on the great battle ahead becomes harder and harder. While they’re making plans, the evil King Dominik has been making some of his own. This time, he will show no mercy to the Princess.

Amazon     iBooks

lose you notHAVENWOOD FALLS: LOSE YOU NOT by Kristie Cook

With her past memories mostly restored, Michaela Petran begins to pick up the pieces and resettle into life in Havenwood Falls. But resuming where she left off with the man she loves and the plans they’d made is no simple matter. As sudden head of the family and leader of the moroi vampires, she faces an onslaught of unexpected obligations, making her feel like she has no choices in her own life. And even if she could have everything she wants, she can’t help but fear it’ll all be ripped away from her once again.

For five years, Xandru Roca ached for Michaela to return, but never believed it would actually happen. Now that he has a second chance with her, he’s afraid he’ll blow it by hanging on too tightly. But if he’s not careful, she might again vanish from his life.

As they try to bridge the chasm between them, family matters demand their attention, pulling them apart. After all, there’s still a strigoi curse, dictates of the supernatural Court, and dark magic wreaking havoc on their siblings. Family and love always come first, but while they try to save one, they risk losing the other.

Amazon     iBooks

krakens preyKRAKEN’S PREY by Echo Ishii

Pirate Aristad, Captain of the Night Witch, is always on the lookout for treasure. Knowing where his former captor, Black Death Joe, hid his loot makes it all the easier. An abandoned manor holds a secret stash, but Aristad knows it comes with a price — the treasure is guarded by a creature that is half man and half beast. It is the Kraken in one of his many forms.

Aristad can’t resist the Kraken’s pull — he gives into sexual cravings that only the Kraken can fulfill, but he knows once his first mate, Delacroix, discovers his secret, mutiny will follow. Has he made too many mistakes to return to the life he left behind, and follow Kraken into the sea?

Amazon     iBooks     B&N     Kobo     Changeling Press

hells bellHELL’S BELL (A LIZZIE GRACE NOVEL BOOK 2) by Keri Arthur

When the church bell tolls thrice in the middle of the night, evil this way comes…

Lizzie Grace and Belle Kent, her witch familiar, are living and working on the Faelan Werewolf Reservation—one that has banned the use of magic within its borders. Although they have their supporters—including ranger Aiden O’Connor, who once hated all things witch—Lizzie and Belle now face possible eviction.

But the Faelan Reservation is a place filled with wild magic which—when left unprotected—quickly becomes a draw to those who walk the darker paths…(more)….

Amazon     iBooks

baby im howling for youBABY I’M HOWLING FOR YOU (ALPHAVILLE) by Christine Warren

Renny Landry is a wolf on the run. Pursued by a shapeshifting stalker and his slobbering pack of killer coyotes, she is forced to flee her job as a librarian to find sanctuary in the wooded hills of Alpha, Washington. A well-secluded safe space for troubled shifters, Alpha is Renny’s last hope. But the first person she meets there is a gorgeous alpha male with fiery eyes, fierce tattoos, and one ferocious appetite—for her…

Mick Fischer thought he left his past behind when he moved to Alpha. But fate has a way of biting him in the tail when a female wolf shows up on his property. Wounded, desperate—and disarmingly hot—Renny brings out the snarling, protective alpha beast in Mick like no other woman he’s known. Can these two haunted, hunted wolves manage to mate for life…even as the deadliest past demons howl at their heels?

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The Goddess of Forgetfulness has spent seventy thousand years wishing for a man to remember her for more than five seconds. But when her wish is finally granted, she’s appalled. Távas is cocky, handsome, and seven feet of rude muscled man. He can’t possibly be her mate! But all signs are pointing to yes. Okay, at least a strong maybe.

Is this some sort of cosmic dating error? She darn well hopes so.

Determined to discover the truth, she agrees to one date. Just one! But the night is about to reveal that his real identity is crazier and more alluring than she ever imagined.

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VS Note: Not sure of the romance element but sounds good…

When Bix the Gatekeeper is summoned from exile a hundred and seventy years early by the goddess of the Norse Under World, the former Dark Ops agent knows there’s a catch. On the surface, the terms of the deal are simple. Someone attacked the pantheon’s ambassador to the Mid Worlds and left the ambassador in a coma. In exchange for early parole, Bix must identify the perpetrator and drag their soul to Hel.

It’d be a sweet contract, if not for the details. The ambassador is Bix’s ex-girlfriend, the lead suspect is the key witness from Bix’s trial, and the organization leading the official investigation is the same intelligence guild that disavowed Bix when a covert op went pear-shaped. Undeterred, Bix returns to her old stomping grounds …(more)…

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Karis Dunway’s instincts are screaming that there is a storm brewing around Two Claws Ranch. With the odds stacking against them, she and the Clan are in a race to save the ranch. A trail ride for a family of tourists could mean a turnaround for her people, but there is a new threat coming out of the woodwork, and they will have to work together to keep the ride on track. The only problem? She and Colt are having some serious issues with their inner bears. And the timing couldn’t be worse if they tried.

Colton Dorset has two goals in life. Make his mate, Karis, happy and keep her safe. But the deeper they ride into the wilderness, the more at risk she is. He’s tired of taking hits from every angle and he’s willing to risk going against his own Alpha to take matters into his own hands. Because one thing is for sure and for certain—the Peacemaker inside of him is dead, and now it’s time for the rise of the Warmaker.


love the seaLOVE THE SEA (SAVED BY PIRATES BOOK 2) by G Bailey

Cassandra’s life has never been simple because of her mark, but for a second she believed she had everything, she had her pirates. When she is kidnapped and ripped away from everything she loves, she has no choice but to fight to survive. Cassandra is taken to the King, and secrets she never could have expected come out.
When the King does something impossible and pain is all that is left, will her pirates be able to save her?
Will the Sea God, who whispers promises, be able to help her?


priestess awakenedPRIESTESS AWAKENED (GUARDIANS OF SKY AND SHADOW BOOK 1) by Lidaya Foxglove

My world isn’t safe. The northern gate lies open and monsters roam the land. Once, a fated priestess bound to her four guardians kept the gate sealed with magic, but there hasn’t been a priestess in over a century…or so I thought.

When a monster attacks me within the walls of my village, I am saved by Sir Forrest–the quiet, grouchy former soldier who came to Istim three years ago. Is there such a thing as a hottie hermit? That’s him.

Turns out, he’s been watching me. Waiting for my powers to awaken…for the day when I would be ready to belong to him.

I am the priestess.

And this is only the beginning. Sir Forrest is driven by his sacred mission to help me find my other three guardians–including two sexy shadow guardians, who might be monsters themselves–before the Emperor finds us.
To close the gate and save the world, my four guardians must claim me and the powers I hold in the Grand Quintet, a ritual that…well, let’s just say that any letters I write home will leave out a lot of details. I’ve always liked attention…but this might be pushing it.
nephilims journeyNEPHILIM’S JOURNEY: MOORE WORLD NOVEL 1 by D R Rosier

Jason Moore is a Nephilim. Half human, and half angel. He’s considered to be an abomination by some, and far too powerful and dangerous by even more. He’s trained, strong, and ready to enter the world and find his own place. But what kind of place, and will he find someone to share it with? He doesn’t really fit in anywhere, and although powerful and immune to aging, he could still be killed. He’d been warned of course, to never cross an angel, or even meet one if he could help it, most of them hunted his kind.

Portia is an angel. Immortal, ageless, and on this world with a mission and one task. Keep the secret of the supernatural races from humanity. She spends most of her time hunting down rogues that are too sloppy, and endanger the secret. In her spare time, she does what her passion and conscience moves her to do, and protects a small town of rogue supernatural beings with nowhere else to go. She wonders if she’ll ever find a mate, after a billion years, and ten thousand years on Earth, she highly doubts it.


In the Shadow World, he was the God of Death, and he was called many names. The monsters he hunted called him Anubis. Those who saw his face died. To Guardian Security, he was a number, a surgical weapon they wielded against monstrous evil. One woman called him Kaeden Lang. Anubis never meant her to be anything except an interlude, a moment of light in the darkness of his life, a one-time escape from the ever-present haze of death. He committed an unforgivable sin—he saw her again—and again—and again. She held back the shadows that threatened to consume him.

Sky Meyers made a grave mistake six years ago. She fell in love—only to have the man she knew as Kaeden Lang disappear. Now, his daughter needed him to save her life. …(more)…

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a well-meaning if somewhat clumsy vigilante called Wolfman. Nerdy comic book store owner by day, Winston Strong, thought all his dreams came true when he took on his heroic alter ego – Wolfman. That is until he saved a beautiful lioness from getting mugged and fell head over heels. Now, the wolf shifter just wants to spend as much time as he can with the goddess of a woman before she finds out the truth about the allergy prone, glasses wearing, reluctant momma’s boy underneath the thirty-pound costume.

Lion shifter and Supernatural Enforcer Agent, Avery spends her days investigating the kidnapping of a doctor while dodging her nutty sisters, and her nights dreaming of her masked savior. Disappointed by past boyfriends who couldn’t stand to be with a woman who could beat them in an arm wrestling match, could Wolfman be the man she and her inner beast have been searching for?

Can Winston get away from his smothering mother? Can Avery withstand the attacks of her crazy family? Can the two of them work out why people have been disappearing and find their own happy ever after?

heat donna grantHEAT (DARK KINGS BOOK 12) by Donna Grant

Nikolai is a dragon shapeshifter who knows well the meaning of loss. Orphaned and raised to be a Dragon King, he never accepts defeat. Now, Nikolai prefers his solitude. . .until a beautiful, irresistible woman calls upon him for help—and Nikolai’s whole world goes up in flames.

Ever since MI5 agent Esther woke to discover her mind taken over with magic, she feels like a stranger to herself. She looks to a notorious dragon, one who has the power to help her find her memory. But as she and Nikolai come closer to discovering what really happened to her, a dangerous passion ignites between them. Can this lone Dragon King help the woman he’s grown to love to uncover the truth about her past—or will a deep and fiery danger tear them both apart…

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stealth magic 401STEALTH MAGIC 401 (HELLKITTEN CHRONICLES)  by Viola Grace

Imara wants nothing more than to find a different course, but Stealth Magic gives her the credits she needs to stay on track and there aren’t any other options rearing their heads.

Stealth Magic is not what she thought it would be, and the idea of breaking into a home to rob an ancient artifact for her final exam was a little daunting. Luckily, Imara has friends who are going to help her through training, some old and some new.
Through some work with the XIA, she finds a tutor for her training, and a place to do it. Ritual Space offers her a welcome and the inhabitants set themselves to the monumental task of her training. The exam is getting closer and time is a factor.
Mr. E just likes chasing the enchanted bunnies of Ritual Space.
SFR Galaxy AwardVS NOTE: The 2017 SFR Galaxy Awards are being announced today. I was so proud to have my first scifi romance WRECK OF THE NEBULA DREAM, be an inaugural recipient, back when the awards started in 2012! Really encouraged me to continue writing SFR. Congratulations to all this year’s honorees!
_Titanic in space...._

January 24

January 17

January 10

January 3

December 27


My standard Notes and Caveats:

The term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

I don’t ordinarily list re-releases…

Also, I may include only the beginning of the book blurb…(you can always read the entire blurb at your favorite ebook seller.)

New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday January 3

crashed on an ice worldHappy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2018! Including many new books to read…

As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).



VS Note: I love this series – well, I love all her series actually! One clicked.

Elana Korra loves her security job as a medic on the convoy ship, the Sky Nomad…except for the fact that she’s in love with her boss. Rynan is tough, loyal, and protective, and she knows he will never cross the line with her despite her deepest fantasies. But one scorching kiss sets up a smoldering tension, and as they head off into uncharted space on a treasure hunt to find an invaluable old Earth treasure, Elana knows it is time to make a change–get Ry to admit how he feels about her or leave. But a deadly attack leaves Ry and Elana on a damaged, out-of-control ship hurtling toward an unforgiving ice world.

Rynan Phoenix lives for his job of keeping the Phoenix Deep-Space Convoy safe. The nightmare of his childhood has taught him to steer well clear of romantic relationships, and he’s forced himself to ignore Elana’s compact body and gorgeous face. But when they find themselves stranded on an ice world with passengers to protect and space pirates hunting them down, Ry is forced to confront just how he feels about the most important woman in his life.

Ry and Elana will need all of their training in order to keep themselves alive. As they find hints to the old Earth treasure, their desire turns hotter and deeper…but then they discover that far more dangerous things call this ice planet home.


abduct my heartABDUCT MY HEART (LOST SOULS SERIES BOOK 1) by Alexa Winters

Ruby Collins was only trying to make it through the day…She certainly hadn’t planned on getting abducted by a sinister alien race and forced into a fight-to-the-death match. But defeating the beast is just the beginning of her problems. It turns out she has a soul mate in desperate need of her help.

Drake is on the run…Consumed by revenge for so long, he wasn’t expecting a soul mate. Can he choose between vengeance and love, or can he find a way to have both?


beg for mercyBEG FOR MERCY (FATE’S VULTURES) by Jami Gray

The world didn’t end in fire and explosions, instead it collapsed slowly, like falling dominoes, an intensifying panic of disease, food shortages, wild weather and collapsing economies, until what remains of humanity battles for survival in a harsh new reality.

An assassin by trade, a loner by nature, Mercy is sent to infiltrate the Cartels and unmask the identity of their new silent partner. Instead, she discovers a darker plan threatening to crumble the entire Southwest and ends up with a hefty bounty on her head. Still, she’s determined to stop the impending attack at any cost, even if it means partnering up with a member of the notorious Fate’s Vultures.

After enduring a brutal, blood-soaked lesson on the savagery of civilisation’s scavengers, Havoc is well acquainted with the consequences of battling predators. But as a member of the nomadic band of arbitrators known as Fate’s Vultures, he’s determined to cement the necessary alliances to oust the biggest threat looming on the horizon. When an enigmatic woman crosses his path, her secrets and troubling loyalty light the fuse on an unexpected craving and his insatiable curiosity.

In order to trap a common foe and derail an impending threat, Havoc and Mercy must turn the tables to hunt a predator. Can an assassin and a mercenary find their balance on the thin line of loyalty, or will it snap under the weight of their wary hearts?

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raid jenny sRAID (KIDNAPPED BRIDES BOOK 1) by Jenny Schwartz

No Nomad can ignore a summons from the Oracle. Their culture demands that they submit to a raiding party to find and mate their one true love.

Imprisoned and mistreated by the infamous information broker Fagan, Alexa Maven lives a life that makes the thought of love a painful lie. If she dared to dream, she’d wish for freedom and anonymity; to be alone forever.

Mikal Fforde is a captain in the United Space Marine Corps. Love is a distraction he definitely doesn’t need right now. He’s a tough fighter, a survivor, and he can’t afford the vulnerability that love brings.

But the Oracle has spoken, and two mismatched strangers are about to find their unlikely perfect match – if they survive Fagan!


wicked waysWICKED WAYS (HORSE CLAN CHRONICLES 1)  by Clarissa Lake

VS Note: The author says it’s very steamy. Listed in erotica. 

Wicked Ways is based on the Aledan Series novel Oltarin: The Horse Clans Colony by Christine Myers. Wicked Ways is set on Oltarin, 300 years prior to the events portrayed in Oltarin. The preface and introduction are written by Christine Myers

Darwick “Wick” McKell is looking for revenge for the murder of his brother Camron by Vargan Rode. He slips into the Lake Clans village of Diamond Bay but Vargan is nowhere to be found. Wick finds Vargan’s betrothed Lora Sandgren and decides to kill her instead. However his instant attraction to her quickly changes to lust for her instead of revenge…(more)…


dragon lords hopeDRAGON LORD’S HOPE (DRAGONS OF MARS BOOK 4) by Juno Wells and Leslie Chase

Gillian Willis isn’t having an easy time running an ice farm at the Martian north pole. Her father’s missing, the bank is breathing down her neck, and now dragons are attacking! If it wasn’t for one gorgeous dragon shifter who puts himself between her and harm, she’d be in real trouble.

He’s the sexiest man she’s ever met, and the bravest. That’s the good news. The bad news is that he claims to own the land her family’s farm is built on. Even though he nearly got himself killed saving her from the other dragons, Gillian isn’t sure she can trust him. But does she have a choice?

Zardan, Dragon Lord of Herendar, has nothing left to live for. All his lands, his family, everything he knew and loved was buried a thousand years ago when the Dragon Empire fell. It’s almost too much to bear – until Gillian drags him off the ice and he realizes that she is his mate.

It should be impossible, it defies his understanding, but it’s true. The feisty human female is his and he won’t allow any harm to come to her. Will that be enough to rekindle the fire in his heart? Can he convince Gillian that they belong together? Or will the gulf between human and dragon shifter be too large for any sacrifice to bridge?


sold to the alien kingSOLD TO THE ALIEN KING (ALIEN AUCTION HOUSE BOOK 1) by Starr Huntress and Zara Zenia

Betty is a nerd, but trying to break out of her shell. She is studying astronomy, and is fascinated by possible life beyond the galaxy.

Barsork is an alien alpha shifter king but is against the idea of abducting humans, put forth by his brother.

But when Barsork takes Betty from Earth, Betty is repulsed by what his kind are doing. Selling humans off at an auction house is too much for her to take in, and she wants to get back home. Barsork tells her he will help her as he takes a liking to her and doesn’t want her sold off.

Barsork will need to first gain Betty’s trust. It won’t be easy, especially considering he was the one who tricked her and took her away in the first place.

Will Betty get back to Earth? Or will Barsork succumb to his brother’s demands and change his mind?


dangerous promiseDANGEROUS PROMISE by Megan Hart

Nina Bronson used to be all human — until the experimental surgeries and internal technology that saved her life and enhanced her as a soldier also forced her to leave the army for private service. Now she and her peers are facing slow, painful deaths unless their technology is upgraded, and the one man keeping those upgrades illegal and unavailable is an obnoxious billionaire. A man too gorgeous for his own good.

A man she’s supposed to guard with her life.

Ewan Donahue is the public voice speaking out against the enhancement procedures of injured soldiers. But when his lobbying leads to death threats, he needs someone to protect him around the clock. He doesn’t want to rely on an enhanced soldier—Nina’s tech goes against everything he stands for. But he really doesn’t want her to be beautiful like she is. Doesn’t want her to suffer like she will.

Doesn’t want to succumb to the searing desire he feels for her.

As a series of attacks on his life send them to a remote cabin, their close proximity brings them together in ways they never imagined. They know they must prevent the need simmering between them, resist each other at all costs. But when tensions are high and danger is close, passion burns hottest of all.

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barricadeBARRICADE by Lindsey Black

The Barricade is all that separates the Northern Russian Empire from what remains of the world’s plague-decimated population. Snaking 8921 kilometres across Eurasia, the Barricade is crafted from the New World’s nanotechnologies. Breathing, thinking, constantly regenerating, it sustains those charged with defending its districts from those desperate to find refuge in the north.

Atop the battlements of District 666, Sasha Stepanova and his team ruthlessly suppress heavy insurgencies, but at a cost. With the loss of one of his men, Sasha feels isolated and adrift. The bitter snows are a harbinger of winter’s early arrival and the town on his southern perimeter is swelling with foreboding shadows.

Transferred from a black operations testing facility, Jett Ioane is not the replacement Sasha is expecting. He’s short, sheltered and untested in battle—a poor replacement for the friend Sasha has lost. But Sasha finds him impossibly alluring. A lifetime of alienation and scrutiny has hardened Jett to the friendship and camaraderie necessary for survival. Struggling to find his feet while Sasha sweeps them out from under him, Jett hesitates to entrust the team with his truth.

Will Jett’s secrets be the key to their salvation, or annihilation?



Dr. Zina Smith is fearless. She has been on her own on a horrifying prison planet for
longer than she can count. Her survival depends on staying out of sight, but one mistake
lands her under the oppressive claim of a cruel-spirited alien. When another Raither
suddenly intervenes, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to the sexy alien, confused by
her desires.

Commander Rax Veda is powerful and wise, and has been given the task of rescuing his
fellow Raithers from the prison planet. The son of the Emperor, Keldon Marcsu, is his
primary concern, so when he finds that the Raither is safe, and has found a female to claim,he is relieved. That is, until he finds himself experiencing an unexpected desire to claim the human for himself.

When Zina is abducted right out from in front of him, Rax has to make a choice. Zina technically belongs to Keldon Marcsu, and this act is grounds for war. Is he willing to fight for his love, to the death, and reform his planet?


dragon bloodDRAGON BLOOD (A NOVEL OF THE LUPI)  by Eileen Wilks

VS note: I always enjoyed this series. This is book #14, so you might want to start at the beginning if you haven’t been reading along. I kind of lost track of the series a few books ago, so now I need to catch up!

When a mission to rescue five children stolen by an Old One falls apart under the assault of a demon prince, Lily wakes up in a strange reality—and is immediately taken captive by the dragon spawn who rule there. Jumping worlds has fractured her party, and Cynna is her only companion.

Although the clock is ticking, time works differently, and Lily has miraculously gained a week. That means seven days to free herself, find Rule and the others, rescue the children, and make it home alive. All before the dragon spawn holding her hostage trade her to the Old One. It would almost be doable if this weren’t Lóng Jia—also known as Dragonhome: the birthplace of dragons.

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to seize a wayward spiritTO SEIZE A WAYWARD SPIRIT (DJINN HAVEN) by R L Naquin

Sometimes monsters like to pretend to be humans dressing up as monsters…After a major goof turned their last mission into chaos, Hidden Government chaser Kam and her friends must hunt and recapture a crapton of souls. Seventeen, to be precise. But by the time they chase down the first one—a goblin en route back home to Oklahoma—a banshee ups and gets assassinated, leaving their progress at exactly negative one.

The connection between Kam’s goblin and her banshee? A cosplay club, natch. Because sometimes monsters like to pretend to be humans dressing up as monsters.

As the body count rises and the Hidden cosplayers point fingers at each other, it’s up to Kam and her team to stop the insanity. One costumed faction has a secret they’re not sharing—even with each other—and if the bad seed isn’t found soon, the others are likely to be murdered…or worse.

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damons enchantressDAMON’S ENCHANTRESS (CARDINAL WITCHES BOOK 3) by Alyssa Day

When lion shifter and FBI Paranormal Ops Division agent Damon Jones gets sent to Garden City, Ohio, to investigate a garden witch family’s ties to an international drug smuggler, he’s not happy about it. After all, garden witches are fragile and delicate, and he’s more of the lion in the china shop type.

But then he meets fire mage Lily Cardinal, and from the first moment her parrots tell him to “Get to the Chopper” he knows his life will never be the same…

Lily Cardinal is done with interesting men. The last one she dated turned out to be an infamous criminal with control-freak, sociopathic tendencies. She had to set his house on fire — literally — to escape.

Now deliciously sexy and Very Special Agent Damon Jones is moving into her house, and she can’t do anything to stop him. The problem is…she’s not sure she even wants to try.

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crimson illusionCRIMSON ILLUSION by Rae B Lake

VS Note: Apparently about vampires.

Kate – I should have known, I was told not to trust the Palaens, but still I did. Now even after the broken bones and the bruises have healed, I am still left in pieces. No matter how hard I try to erase him from my memory, my heart always reminds me of one fact. I am in love with a killer.

Lucas – She is gone…just gone. Right when I thought maybe we would start a life together, she leaves me, or at least I hope she did. There was so much blood, and explanations why. I need to find her, even if its just to let her go.

Crimson Illusion is part 2 of the 7 Kingdoms Novels, Join Kate and Lucas as they find out just how much havoc the Phantoms can do to the Wolfe and Fields families. Will they be able to move past what happened in New Hampshire and fight this new demon together or will they have to admit defeat.



Years of bad luck have made Logan Pierce a little bitter, but it all goes from bad to worse the night she witnesses two immortal beings rip a man’s head off with their bare hands.

Her life is wrecked overnight by a single man—Cyrus, who seems to think she’s someone important in his bloody world. But they won’t know the truth until she’s dead, and he’s very anxious to help her get there.

But Logan isn’t going down without a fight. She makes him a deal. She will die, but first he must spend a month getting to know her, a month to change his mind. What she doesn’t expect is a month filled with displays of incredible wealth, spontaneous trips across the country, and unbelievable acts of immortal power. And as Logan spends her last days with Cyrus, she stops seeing the monster and begins to see a lonely, broken man she can’t walk away from. If she isn’t careful, it won’t just be her life she loses at the end of the month, but her heart as well.

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wild card rachel vincentWILD CARD (WILDCATS BOOK 3) by Rachel Vincent

Kaci Dillon is a man-eater.

She’s grown up on the fringes of shifter society, hearing the whispers. One desperate act as a starving, terrified child has made her the first tabby in history with no romantic prospects. But whatever. Eighteen is too young to get married anyway. Still, when she stumbles upon an opportunity to get away for a few days, who could blame her for seizing it?

Justus Alexander is screwed.

Confined to the South-Central territory, awaiting trial for crimes he committed as a traumatized, newly infected stray, Justus has discovered that the tribunal already intends to vote for the death penalty. He has no choice but to run. Too young to touch the trust fund that could finance his escape, he’s betting on a big win at the poker tables—until Kaci, his secret crush, catches him sneaking out and demands that he take her with him to Las Vegas…

After a wild night she can’t remember, Kaci wakes up with a ring on her finger, next to a young billionaire who can’t access his fortune until he turns twenty-five—or ties the knot. If she can keep her hands off her hot, charismatic new groom, she can have their unconsummated marriage annulled. But can she really abandon Justus to his death sentence, just to undo her own mistake?


called by the vampire 7CALLED BY THE VAMPIRE PART 7 by V Vaughn

Maggie was supposed to be dead. But Sebastian stepped in at the last minute to change her life forever, and now Maggie has to face instincts and handle evils she never wanted. Sebastian thought he was saving her, but the reality may be that he’s thrust her into a world she feels is worse than hell.

Lyndsey publicly steps into her role as a Princess and discovers it’s no fairy tale. She’s faced with a challenge that defies all the rules she used to know. In an instant, her moral compass has to change because her first act as Princess sets the course for centuries as the future Queen of the O’Kelly kingdom.

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heart on fireHEART ON FIRE (THE KINGMAKER CHRONICLES BOOK 3) by Amanda Bouchet

Without Griffin—and apparently a few meddling Gods—to push me along, I’d still be telling fortunes at the circus, lying about my past, ignoring my future, and living as far away from my tyrant mother as humanly possible.

True understanding thuds into place. Hope isn’t just an abstract concept; it’s me. Flesh and blood me. Griffin knew it all along. Probably everyone did. I’m an idea in human form.

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Ella Redmond is sweet, innocent, and completely off limits.
She belongs to a different world. One that I’ll never be a part of.
I’m a Hunter – Ash Hunter. I’m everything her grandmother warned her about. I’m fierce. Dominant. A beast of a man.
But there are far more dangerous animals than me.
Jared Wolfe lurks in the shadows. And I know what he wants. The same thing I do – to devour her.
I may not be the Prince Charming she’s been waiting for, but I will protect her. And in the end, she will be mine.


elizabeth and call of dragonsELIZABETH AND THE CALL OF DRAGONS (Reverse Harem Fated Alpha Book 2) by Ava Mason

Elizabeth is finally safe, tucked away in the lair of her four dragon protectors. Now, she must learn to cope with the grief of losing her parents, her home, and the Southeastern White Tooth Pack, including a wolf her heart still yearns for.

Her four dragon protectors might keep their distance while she mourns, but they make it clear they desire her completely. Body, heart and soul. Despite her grief and the guilt clawing at her heart, Elizabeth’s feelings for the four men grow. She can see the future they are offering her. A fresh start… with them.

But a new challenge arises when the Shifter Authority forbids their relationship. The Authority claims wolves can’t mate with dragons, and certainly can’t conceive dragon babies.

Refusing to give Elizabeth up, each man is prepared to fight any battle to keep her and to prove that she’s their fated mate. ..(more)..


ivorys familiarsIVORY’S FAMILIARS by Montana Ash

Ronan, Vaughn, and Seth are witches’ familiars – sharing their souls with the black panther. The three of them are predators, born to be companion and protector to their witches. Over the generations, their coven’s numbers have dwindled to the brink of extinction. With no witch left to serve, they now work as bodyguards. None of them are prepared for the powerful connection they have with their newest client. She isn’t a witch – they sense no magic in her. But could she be something else entirely? Something none of them believed was even possible? Their mate.

Ivory is used to taking care of herself – she’s been alone for a long time. But when gifts from a secret admirer take a sinister turn, she admits she may need a little help. She isn’t counting on a trio of sexy men showing up on her doorstep after hiring private security. And she definitely isn’t expecting the instantaneous attraction she has to not just one, but all three of them. Her instincts urge her to trust, even as her head warns her to be cautious. For one tiny slip could expose her for what she truly is; a witch.

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freeing his mateFREEING HIS MATE by Nancy Corrigan

I swore I’d never rejoin Shifter Affairs. I was done with the bureaucracy and the rules that stopped me from exacting my own brand of justice. Then a promise to solve a cold murder pulls me right back in.

I shouldn’t complain. The case leads me to a skittish female who triggers every primitive instinct I possess. We click. Instantly. Just like it’s supposed to be between true mates.

The only problem? Mya’s already taken. She’s also already a mother. And she’s pregnant again.

I’m too late.

I should walk away. Getting involved with Mya could cost me my head. My instincts won’t let me. Mya’s in trouble, forced into an abusive relationship for the babies she can conceive.

Not any longer. My true mate has a choice, even if the law says she doesn’t. And if it takes my death to free Mya, so be it.

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pulsePULSE by Danielle Koste

VS Note: Evidently this was a much enjoyed Wattpad story.

Rowan Platts is addicted to success.

When she’s presented with the chance to work on a top secret project fronted by her idol, renowned virologist Dr. Margot Miller, Rowan signs her life away without second thought. The realization she’s gotten in over her head comes only after the subject of their study is revealed: a boy with a bad attitude and an uninhibited taste for human blood.

He’s a medical anomaly. Having the ability to crush metal with his bare hands and hear a heartbeat from across the room, it would make Rowan’s career if she was the one to discover what made him so unusual.

Easier said than done, with a subject who prefers snapping necks over answering questions.

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forgotten bookTHE FORGOTTEN BOOK by Mechthild Glaser

VS Note: Teen and YA but sounded interesting. Translated from the German.

Emma is used to things going her way. Her father is headmaster of her prestigious boarding school, her friends take her advice as gospel, and she’s convinced that a relationship with her long-time crush is on the horizon.

As it turns out, Emma hasn’t seen anything yet. When she finds an old book in an abandoned library, things really start going Emma’s way: anything she writes in the book comes true.

But the power of the book is not without consequences, and Emma soon realizes that she isn’t the only one who knows about it. Someone is determined to take it from her—and they’ll stop at nothing to succeed.

A new boy in school—the arrogant, aloof, and irritatingly handsome Darcy de Winter—becomes Emma’s unlikely ally as secrets are revealed and danger creeps ever closer.

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something to howl aboutSOMETHING TO HOWL ABOUT (AN ALPHAVILLE STORY) by Christine Warren

Dr. Annie Cryer has been called many things: Genius. Child prodigy. Scientific wonder.

Wolf Shifter.

Banished from her pack years ago, Annie’s lone wolf wandering has brought her to Alpha, Washington, home to all shifters who don’t quite fit in in the “normal” shifter word. Now Annie has the chance to go back home…if only she can make good on a favor her alpha owes the mayor of “Alphaville.” But it’s not much of a favor when you’re helping the hottest shifter in town…

Grizzly shifter Jonas Browning has a clan in trouble. They haven’t had a child born in over a hundred years…and their clan faces going completely extinct. Genetic scientist Anne Cryer has been sent to help save them. But what Jonas doesn’t count on is being irresistibly drawn to the small wolf shifter, and his bear isn’t about to let her go.

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all the worlds an undead stageALL THE WORLD’S AN UNDEAD STAGE (OFFBEAT CRIMES BOOK 6) by Angel Martinez

Carrington Loveless III, skim-blood vampire and senior officer of Philly’s paranormal police department, has long suspected that someone’s targeting his squad. The increasingly bizarre and dangerous entities invading their city can’t be a coincidence. So when a walking corpse spouting Oscar Wilde attacks one of his officers, Carrington’s determined to uncover the evil mind behind it all.



dont cosplay with my heartDON’T COSPLAY WITH MY HEART by Cecil Castellucci

VS Note: OK, teen and maybe not even a romance but who can resist that title?

When Edan Kupferman dresses up like her favorite character, Gargantua, she feels tall and powerful. That’s important right now, because her family is a mess, her best friend is gone for the summer, her crush is confusing, and Edan’s feeling small and not sure which end is up. When Edan’s cosplaying, she can be angry, loud, and not the good girl everyone thinks she is. And when she’s at conventions, she feels like she’s found her own Team Tomorrow. But when her personal life starts to spiral out of control, Edan has to figure out whether she needs a sidekick, or if she has the strength to be the hero of her own story.

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elizabeths wolfELIZABETH’S WOLF (A NOVEL OF THE BREEDS)  by Lora Leigh

VS Note: Normally I don’t cover re-releases here but this is my all time favorite of the Breeds’ series and I decided to buy this revised version to compare it to my original favorite. I know she’s also planning to (finally) release a new book in September with Cassie’s mate revealed after all these years of the series going on…

Special-Forces solider Dash has all but given up his will to live until an innocent letter from a little girl brings him back to life. Cassie writes to him every week, strengthening his resolve to recover from the devastating loss of his unit. But when the letters suddenly stop arriving, Dash instinctively knows Cassie and her mother are in critical danger.

Elizabeth and her daughter are on the run from a dark and bloody past that refuses to let them go. The stakes are too high for her to fall for this dangerous man who’s just walked into her life, but now more than ever she needs help.

Saving his mate and her daughter calls Dash’s beast to the forefront and transforms the lone wolf into an alpha protector—he becomes Elizabeth’s wolf.

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A snippet from AYDARR, my most recent release, which I’m proud to say is holding steady on the Amazon SFR Hot New releases list! Thanks, everyone, for the support!!!

As this snippet begins, Jill is speaking…

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canva quote



December 27

December 20

December 13

December 6

November 29


My standard Notes and Caveats:

The term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

I don’t ordinarily list re-releases…

Also, I may include only the beginning of the book blurb…

New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday December 6

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00068]As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).


I HAVE A NEW RELEASE! AND IT’S THE START OF A NEW SERIES! OK, sorry to shout LOL, but I’m excited.

AYDARR (A BADARI WARRIORS SCIFI ROMANCE NOVEL): Sectors New Allies Series Book 1 by Veronica Scott

Jill Garrison, a maintenance tech at the Sectors Amarcae 7 colony, goes to sleep one night as usual only to wake up in her nightgown stranded in the middle of a forest on an unknown world. There’s no time to think as she’s stalked by carnivorous predators and rescued by genetically engineered warriors calling themselves the Badari. Turns out they and she, along with her whole colony, are now prisoners of the Khagrish, a ruthless race of alien scientists. Working for enemies of the Sectors, the Khagrish have created the Badari to be super soldiers.

Aydarr, the Badari alpha, isn’t sure he can trust Jill but his attraction to her is undeniable. He impulsively claims her as his mate to prevent her death at the hands of the Khagrish.

Can he continue to protect her from the experiments already underway? Will his claiming her put his pack in jeopardy from their alien masters?

As Jill searches for a way to rescue her fellow humans and get them all to safety, she finds herself falling for Aydarr, despite the secrets he’s keeping. She has a few of her own.

The situation becomes dire when Aydarr and his pack are sent offplanet on a mission, leaving Jill unprotected, prey for the senior scientist. Can she escape the experiments he has in mind for her? Will she be able to thwart the Khagrish plans and liberate humans and Badari alike? How will she and Aydarr reunite?

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heart sightHEART SIGHT (A CELTA NOVEL) by Robin D Owens

VS Note: OMG, I LOVE her Celta novels. They are not like anything else…lots of cool aspects, including the ‘fams’ – animal companions. Did an instant one click on this one.

Muin “Vinni” T’Vine has been the prophet of Celta since he was six years old. A unique and lonely child, his strong psi power made most people wary of him. But now that he’s older, he’s ready to marry and protect the girl he’s known was his HeartMate for years.

Avellana isn’t as fragile as Vinni believes…nor as compliant. She fights to be considered Vinni’s equal and a strong member of her Family and community. Both of them have kept Avellana’s main power secret for over a decade.

But rumors of her strange psi talent are spreading, and Vinni is experiencing premonitions of danger to Avellana—even from the highest people of the land. When the whispers become threats, Vinni and Avellana must discover and defeat their secret enemies before they can finally claim happiness together.

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Ahab is a mLa’an artificial intelligence embedded in the starship, Orion.

The campaign for AIs to be recognized as full citizens of Galaxy Proper is within reach of its extraordinary goal. The only thing that could stop it now is if an AI did something foolish…like take a space station hostage to save eight orphaned children.

And this is the letter to Santa that starts it all:

Dear Santa

I don’t know if your reindeers work in space. ..(more)…


rescuing prince charmingRESCUING PRINCE CHARMING by Ed Hoornaert

VS Note: I’ve been enjoying the snippets that Ed has been sharing from this on the Weekend Writing Warrior blog hop.

She’s no heroine. He’s no Prince Charming.

Dusty Johnson, a self-styled ordinary, everyday woman, responds with extraordinary heroism to saboteurs trying to bomb Earth’s first starship. She wants only to return to anonymity, but her moment of courage propels her ever deeper into danger that tears the scabs off her dark past—and thrusts her into the arms of the unattainable man of her dreams.

Reese Eaglesbrood, an alien prince, yearns to restore his tattered reputation by guiding the starship project to completion, but his fascination with the shy heroine threatens to undermine his fragile authority. Shunning Dusty is necessary, yet unthinkable—and when the saboteurs strike again, she may be his only ally against Earth’s greatest enemies.


going greenGOING GREEN (VIALEA BOOK 2) by Celia Kyle and Erin Tate

Rhea is leaving Earth and nothing will stop her. Not her controlling governor father, her asshole ex-fiancé, or the Department of Population who want to impregnate her. Which is why she contacts the one organization out of their reach—Celestial Mates. A questionnaire and blood sample later and Rhea is matched to a hunky, deliciously tempting, and alluring alien.

Erudan—once known as Teon, brother to the High Warlord of Vialea—did not register with Celestial Mates. Or rather, he’d never submitted his application. Yet a curvaceous, dark haired, green eyed human stands before him and demands they mate. Immediately. He lost his honor long ago and doesn’t deserve a female like the seductive Rhea, but that does not stop the wanting.

Unfortunately, others from Earth want her returned and Erudan is happy to show them the error of their ways. No one challenges a Vian warrior… and lives.

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blade revantBLADE (REVANT WARRIORS)  by Celeste Raye

Blade’s a rebel, an outlaw and a man who can kill swiftly and silently. He has no intention of living, because he has no reason to, and when the Revant brothers come to him with a pact to finally begin open warfare against the Federation, Blade eagerly agrees. He doesn’t plan on rescuing a beautiful woman sold into slavery. He doesn’t plan on falling in love.

But plans go awry and when war starts, love might be the only thing that is worth dying,
and living for.


stolen skyTHE STOLEN SKY (SPLIT CITY BOOK 2) by Heather Hansen

Arden and Dade are running for their lives from a city on fire; they’re wounded, desperate, and shadowed by two families who want them dead. But it’s Dade’s debt to a devious crime lord that plunges them further into danger—especially with their mining planet in chaos…

The ruling Solizen have grown more calculating, while the Undercity population remains trapped in the darkness below. With the supply of life-saving VitD wiped out, the rebellion is ready to erupt at any moment.

Now, Arden and Dade reluctantly join a new team on a hazardous operation to infiltrate the Solizen’s most protected facility. Caught up in the uncertainty of shifting allegiances and suspicious allies, their relationship will be put to the test. But to carry out their dangerous mission, the teens must rely on their love more than ever—will it be enough to keep them alive?



Dr. Mila Voss has lost the rest of her group…but that’s nothing new. She is used to
ridiculous things happening to her. So it’s hardly surprising when she is dumped on a
dangerous prison planet full of the cruelest monsters in the galaxy. Mila is rescued by a
pair of sexy alien brothers; which might not have been so bad…except the eldest claims
her, when it is actually his burly, intelligent brother who catches her eye…

Lazan Kylad is strong, independent, and brave. While separated from his crew, he takes
on a monster single handedly to save a human female. from mortal danger. When his
brother stakes his claim first, the tables turn, and Lazan’s temptations suddenly become
akin to adultery. A punishable offense.

Things go from bad to worse when Mila finds herself pregnant with Lazan’s child. She
knows Lazan’s life is at stake, and to save the life of the man she loves, she hides her
pregnancy. She may be able to hide her love for him, but her pregnancy is a different


hiddenHIDDEN (WARRIORS OF HIR BOOK 4) by Willow Danes

Her family’s fortune can buy Tara Douglas anything—except more time. Determined to make peace with her fate, she’s come to the house her great-grandfather built in the Smoky Mountains to spend the time she has left in peace. But for once Tara becomes the healer when she finds wreckage of an otherworldly vessel, and a badly injured man whose glowing eyes see right into her soul . . .

When Ki’san volunteered to journey to Earth he never imagined he would find himself dying there. A physician from a vanishing race, he knows his people’s law allows only a chosen few to hunt the females of this planet as mates. Ki’san’s mere presence on Tara’s world endangers them both but the crash that leaves him clinging to life also brings him a female like none he could have imagined, one he cannot help but love.


jabariJABARI (THE BROKEN BOOK 2) by Serena Simpson

Brandi thought her life was over the day the doctor told her she was dying; nothing mattered now. That’s when she met Jabari. He walked into her life taking care of her and treating her like a queen. Before she knew it, they were running from a creature that he called a firebird. Now there was no telling what would happen, but she was going to hold on with both hands and enjoy the ride.

Jabari was never supposed to meet his mate, but if he did; she shouldn’t die before him. All bets were off because Brandi was dying, and he was too broken to save her. That meant all he could do was show her the world while they were together because one day he would wake up too broken to move again.

When the firebird attacked, Jabari realized that someone was targeting Brandi. Now he had two clear orders. One, protect and love his mate until she took her final breath. Two, kill whoever was after her and take his last breath. Love was never meant to be forever… or was it?



The Earth’s days are numbered, and aliens are looting the planet.

Faro is a Drakeborne Knight, a product of dragon and human DNA. He came to Earth on a mission to save his people and Faro thought he’d return to Iradia as a conquering hero, but then he meets Amy. Inexplicably, he’s drawn to her. Faro fears he inherited more than enhanced abilities. Dragons have fierce, unbreakable bonds with their mates. And now, Faro is torn between love and loyalty.

Since her father’s untimely death, Amy has been grief stricken, and every day is a struggle, until she meets Faro, a stranger staying at her inn. He’s not like other men, and eventually, she discovers Faro is an empath from another world. He lifts her burdens, brings her joy, but the secrets he’s keeping threaten to tear them apart.

Can Amy forgive him? And will they save both their planets? 


undoneUNDONE (UNKNOWN TRILOGY BOOK 3) by Wendy Higgins

Amber Tate never dreamed their heart-wrenching escape from the enemy’s attack would lead them to the most beautiful place she’s ever seen, marred by one ugly fact; it’s under enemy control. Like everywhere else in the world, Elmendorf military base in Alaska has been captured, and it’s time to take it back—all of it—one base, one city at a time. After losing so much, Amber clings to the only precious person she has left, and vows to sacrifice everything to help save the Earth.

Remy Haines is a lover, not a fighter, so when she finds herself in enemy territory, expected to feign allegiance while gathering intel for the rebel cause, she’s never been more out of her element. Tensions only increase when her feelings for Jacob “Tater” Tate won’t go away, and the enemy’s leader takes an interest in her. She’s torn between what her heart wants, and what she knows she should do. As for what her body needs…well, it’s always had a mind of its own.

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romulusROMULUS (COSMIC CHAMPIONS) by Luna Hunter

Romulus has the body of a Greek God…
The rough, domineering hands of a brute…
And the dirty mind of an animal.
He’s everything I hate.
So why do I crave him?





James never imagined he’d be fighting inter-galactic wars. Not long ago, he was only a nerd with a monster crush on his co-worker. All he wants now is to lead a peaceful life with his family.

No such luck.

An old foe has returned with a vengeance, and he won’t stop until he has destroyed everything that James and Miriam love; everything that’s most precious to them.

The Baumans will have to fight for their family, their friends, and for Earth, but the price for freedom might just be too high.


year oneYEAR ONE: CHRONICLES OF THE ONE, YEAR 1 by Nora Roberts

VS Note: I one clicked this one, always fascinated by apocalyptic novels.

It began on New Year’s Eve.

The sickness came on suddenly, and spread quickly. The fear spread even faster. Within weeks, everything people counted on began to fail them. The electrical grid sputtered; law and government collapsed—and more than half of the world’s population was decimated.

Where there had been order, there was now chaos. And as the power of science and technology receded, magick rose up in its place. Some of it is good, like the witchcraft worked by Lana Bingham, practicing in the loft apartment she shares with her lover, Max. Some of it is unimaginably evil, and it can lurk anywhere, around a corner, in fetid tunnels beneath the river—or in the ones you know and love the most.

As word spreads that neither the immune nor the gifted are safe from the authorities who patrol the ravaged streets, and with nothing left to count on but each other, Lana and Max make their way out of a wrecked New York City. At the same time, other travelers are heading west too, into a new frontier. Chuck, a tech genius trying to hack his way through a world gone offline. Arlys, a journalist who has lost her audience but uses pen and paper to record the truth. Fred, her young colleague, possessed of burgeoning abilities and an optimism that seems out of place in this bleak landscape. And Rachel and Jonah, a resourceful doctor and a paramedic who fend off despair with their determination to keep a young mother and three infants in their care alive.

In a world of survivors where every stranger encountered could be either a savage or a savior, none of them knows exactly where they are heading, or why. But a purpose awaits them that will shape their lives and the lives of all those who remain.

The end has come. The beginning comes next.

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christmas in atlantisCHRISTMAS IN ATLANTIS with a bonus annotated copy of THE GIFT OF THE MAGI : A POSEIDON WARRIORS PARANORMAL ROMANCE by Alyssa Day

The Gift of the Magi…in Atlantis – A tortured warrior…Warrior-turned-pirate Dare is the black sheep of all Atlantis. He enraged Poseidon, the sea god, so much that Dare had to forfeit his ship and the water spirit who inhabits it. For Dare, being denied the ocean is worse than death…until he comes home to a woman who drowns him in waves of hunger more powerful than the sea. But black sheep and scoundrels can never deserve love, even during the magic of the first Christmas in Atlantis.

An artist who sees the world through song…After the accident that killed her parents and blinded her, Lyric discovered she had a special gift—that of song sight. She now sees the world in her own unique way, and her paintings are full of light and magic. When the Atlantean warrior she’s fallen in love with takes her to his home in Atlantis, she finds a rare magical artifact that could change her world forever. Or it could deliver to Dare the thing he most desires.

Atlantis’s first Christmas is coming…It’s the season of miracles in Atlantis. A chance to make wishes come true. And when Lyric tells her new Atlantean friends O Henry’s story of The Gift of the Magi, the world—and Lyric and Dare—may never be the same.

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With the wedding only days away, the Ministry is thrown into turmoil when another murder is committed by a shape-shifter. But this time the newspapers make the connection to werewolves – and the Ministry. Suddenly the attention is focused on Lichfield Towers and its residents as the police investigate and parliament wants to shut the organization down.

It could spell the end of everything Charlie has come to love.

As the authorities close in and ministry secrets are exposed, past allies can no longer be trusted. Can Charlie save her home, her loved ones, and herself? Or will she lose Lincoln and her friends forever?

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For Evette Francois, falling in love is the end of the world—literally. A witch from a long and distinguished line, Evee wields power that comes at a devastating price. If she ever loves a human, all of humanity will suffer. Resisting the temptations of men has never been terribly difficult—until she meets Lucien Hyland. One member of a cabal devoted to preventing a race of interdimensional monsters from ruling the universe. Lucien is the most exquisite creature Evee has ever seen. If she succumbs to passion, death and chaos will follow. But she may not be strong enough to fight her desire.

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wicked vampireTHE WICKED VAMPIRE by Kate Baxter

Sasha Ivanov was born to be wild. A vampire party girl, she stalks the L.A. clubs at night. Dancing. Drinking. Indulging her darkest appetites. Never sated, she’s always looking for more: more danger, more excitement, more blood. But when she enters a supernatural fight club—and is tethered to her mortal enemy—Sasha realizes she’s playing the most dangerous game of all…

Ewan Brún was born to kill vampires. A powerful berserker and unbeaten champion, he doesn’t need a weapon to be deadly. He is the weapon. But when his soul becomes captive to the most beautiful vampire he’s ever seen, he is all but powerless. He cannot resist Sasha—and cannot fight his desires. Is their love strong enough to defeat the gathering forces of darkness that threatens to destroy them both?

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Acair of Ceangail, still dodging his reputation as a notorious black mage, has undertaken the ultimate quest: ridding the world of a mysterious, terrible dark magic while using no magic of his own. But he never bargained for three maddening complications: attempting to safeguard his beautiful but horse-obsessed companion, Léirsinn; trying not to slay a profoundly irritating prince of Neroche; and slipping in and out of places he knows will spell his doom if he’s caught.

Léirsinn of Sàraichte simply wants to do what needs to be done—find the makers of various spells and rescue her grandfather. But walking side by side with Acair brings a terrible revelation about the magic she needs, and what its price will exact from her soul.

Together, Acair and Léirsinn face danger they never could have imagined, culminating in choices that will alter them and the history of the Nine Kingdoms forever.

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seductionSEDUCTION (CURSE OF THE GODS BOOK 3) by Jaymin Eve and Jane Washington

Willa has never been a particularly useful dweller: she isn’t very good at chores, she isn’t very good at worshipping, she isn’t very good at not having opinions, and she isn’t very good with rules—but none of that matters anymore.
The rules are changing.
The dwellers are trying to make their own way in the world, and Willa can’t seem to help getting tangled up in their plans.
Luckily, she has the Abcurse brothers to help her out—until she doesn’t, and suddenly she’s alone again in a world on the brink of chaos. With the Abcurses gone, she’ll have to rely on her wits, and her sister Emmy, to stay under the radar and survive.
Because someone wants her dead.

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demon ashDEMON ASH (RESURRECTION CHRONICLES BOOK 3 by M J Haag and Becca Vincenza

The world is nothing like Mya remembers. While in Ernisi, cities have been bombed and burned in an attempt to stop the hellhounds and the plague. The survivors are doing everything they can to win back their world from the hell that was unleashed with the first quake.

With Drav’s help, Mya reunites with her family, but they are far from safe. Marauders, hellhounds, and the infected are doing their best to destroy what’s left of the world, and it’s up to Mya and Drav to save it.

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Since the day he stopped aging, Aiden has struggled against the darkness trying to claim him. He no longer denies he’s fighting a losing battle, he’s just hoping someone kills him before he gives in to the savage nature dwelling within him. Just when he believes he’ll lose the battle, he encounters Maggie, and for the first time in years, he has hope for his future.

Having grown up without a stable home, Maggie enjoys the security she’s worked hard to attain. Everything changes the night Aiden ends up in her ambulance. Now, not only does Maggie stand to lose everything she’s achieved, she’s beginning to think the mother she considered insane might not be.

With everything she knows torn away, Maggie realizes the more she loses, the more she might gain if she gives her trust to Aiden. However, when circumstances force them apart, Aiden is unsure if Maggie will be enough to bring him back from the darkness ravaging his soul.

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a fashionably dead diaryA FASHIONABLY DEAD DIARY by Robyn Peterman

Getting blackmailed sucks. Getting blackmailed by Satan into ghost writing his autobiography/romance really sucks—hard.

But I’m not a weenie or a welsher. I’m a semi-materialistic, Prada lovin’ Vampyre-Demon with a bad attitude and a serious lack of cheating skills. If I were a good cheater, I wouldn’t be in this heinous position. I lost and now I have to pay. However, the price might deplete the wavering amount of sanity I have left…

So I’m turning to you, Dear Diary, to pour out my inappropriate feelings and murderous inclinations toward a family member who shall remain nameless. Who in the Hell am I kidding? I’m gonna name that butthole over and over on these secret pages. It’s Satan or Lucifer or the Lord of Darkness or the Dark Angel—or, as I like to call him, Uncle F%#ker.

That’s why I have chosen you, Dear Diary. You don’t have a mouth as far as I know and if you do, I’ll remove it—violently. Please keep that in mind as I tell you all my secrets. I’ve dealt with talking books and walls and they’re a real pain in the ass. So if you turn out to be one of those, we’ll have a problem.

Sit back. Relax and get ready for a Hellish ride.   xoxo Astrid

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blood and ashesBLOOD AND ASHES by Marilyn Peake

With blood and magic, civilization rises from the ash.

Worlds are falling apart in two realms: human and faerie. After the factories close and her father dies of alcoholism, Kaelin helps her family survive by foraging for food. Her world is thrown into chaos as she comes to realize she has incredible power as both blood and hedge witch. When a handsome stranger enters her life, it’s clear that he’s not from her neck of the woods. Although he and his family appear perfect in so many ways, they desperately need her help.

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temptations of christmas futureTEMPTATIONS OF CHRISTMAS FUTURE by Lexi Post

Thanks to his shock tactics and pessimistic attitude, Scottish spirit guide Malcolm MacLachlan’s job is on the line. What else did they expect from a former Glasgow Watchman? For his final assignment, he chooses his partner based on the probability of success, and Joy Collingwood is the very best. That he can prove to her the future isn’t all puppies and marshmallows is an added bonus.

Joy is thrilled to help Malcolm, but their different methods threaten the success of their collaboration. If they can’t find some common ground, they’ll fail. What she doesn’t expect is that their common ground will be her bed and her deepest secret will be revealed.

Yet her secrets are nothing compared to Malcolm’s and their revelation could jeopardize everything…including her heart.

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wolf hungerWOLF HUNGER (SWAT BOOK 7) by Paige Tyler

When SWAT Officer Max Lowry meets Lana Mason, he falls fast and hard. He’s positive she’s The One. And Max’s favorite part? Lana’s a wolf shifter too, so they can skip the awkward reveal and head straight to the happily ever after. There’s just one problem: Lana doesn’t know that she’s a werewolf.

To make matters worse, hunters with intent to kill have tracked Lana to Dallas. Max has to figure out how to keep Lana safe, show her who and what she really is—and just how much she means to him.

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dragons huntTHE DRAGON’S HUNT by Jane Kindred

By day, Leo Stršm works as an assistant in a tattoo parlor. By night… Well, he isn’t quite sure what happens at night. He just knows that it’s best if he restrains himself.

Ink is more than just superficial decoration to Rhea Carlisle. Her ability to read her clients’ souls in their tattoos gives her work its special magic—and it allows her to see that there’s more to Leo than his brilliant blue eyes.

The passion that kindles between them might be Leo’s salvation. Or it might be the end of the world.


lead dragonLEAD DRAGON (DRAGON GUARD OF DRAKKARIS) by Terry Bolryder

Lead, captain of an elite team of powerful dragons, is about to embark on the most difficult mission he’s ever undertaken: trying not to fall in love with the cute, curvy woman he saved and is now tasked with protecting. But how is he supposed to do that when everything inside the honor-obsessed dragon roars “mate” whenever he sees her?

Brittany is just a regular human. She never expected to be kidnapped by wolves or for six ridiculously hot dragon shifters to rescue her. But there’s one dragon, with bright golden eyes, dark hair and the composure of a warrior that she can’t seem to stop thinking about. Especially while she’s living in a mansion with him and his sexy friends.

As the sexual tension between them rises like dragon flame, Lead and Brittany will have to navigate the blurred lines of duty and integrity in a world that is only getting more confusing with each passing day. And with a sinister new evil on the horizon, Lead may need to reconsider what honor really means if he wants to protect his mate.


three trialsTHREE TRIALS (THE DARK SIDE BOOK 2) by Kristy Cunning

So, I’ve checked off some life goals and added a few new ones to my list.
Goal #5: Get out of hell’s belly without letting my ungrateful charges die.
Goal #6: Get a new name that’s more badass.
Goal #7: Stop wasting my breath on lectures and start annoying the quad hell squad every time they annoy me. Fight fire with fire. Ha! Another hell pun.
Goal 8: Find out who the hell killed me.
I’ll add more. I don’t want to overwhelm myself before I even finish checking off my old goals. But seriously, I really do need a more badass name, considering how much I have to keep saving my damsels in distress.
I probably shouldn’t call them damsels, since they’re a little murderous and all.
Maybe I should add seeing a hell-certified psychologist to my list of goals.



Christmas is here but the Winchester witches aren’t exactly teeming with good cheer.
Well, they are, but it’s not the sort of Christmas cheer Aunt Tillie wants waiting for her under this year’s tree.
When Aunt Tillie finds out her great-nieces want to separate for Christmas Day – forgoing the family’s annual tradition – she decides to teach them a little lesson. Of course, since she’s Aunt Tillie, her dose of retribution comes in the form of her favorite holiday Christmas stories.
For Bay and Landon, that means they’re shoved into A Witchmas Carol, one of Aunt Tillie’s favorite tales. That should mean hugs and happiness, right? Yeah, try toil and trouble instead.
Bay and Landon have to work their way through memories of the past, guilt over the present and absolute terror when facing their future if they expect to come out the other side. To escape, they have to figure out exactly what Aunt Tillie wants … and she’s got a few tricks up her sleeve.
So, it’s that time of the year. Things are about to get merry … and maybe a little messy … for the Winchesters. There’s no better time to hitch a ride on the mayhem sleigh.



Sarcastic. Short-tempered. Definitely not sparkly. Paramedic and firefighter Hugh Argent is no one’s idea of a unicorn, and he’s careful to keep it that way. His life depends on hiding his secrets…and on never meeting his true mate.

Outcast. Unwanted. Untouchable. Wyvern shifter Ivy has been shunned her whole life due to her uncontrollably venomous skin. Now finally there’s someone who can touch her…and he doesn’t want anything to do with her.

No matter how much Ivy craves to be touched at last, there’s one thing that can make her give up her only chance at love—a cure for her terminally ill younger sister. So Ivy offers Hugh a deal: Heal her sister, and she’ll get out of his life forever.

The more Hugh gets to know Ivy, the more he longs to claim this brave, fierce, infuriating woman. But a unicorn can only take a mate at a terrible cost…

More than hearts are at stake.

And every secret is about to be revealed at last.


snow leopards christmas surpriseTHE SNOW LEOPARD’S CHRISTMAS SURPRISE by Emilia Hartley

Ellie was just looking for a normal holiday. She had planned to spend it with her family. Her mother, father and her baby boy, Casper. When Nolan showed up, things took a turn for the worst. She couldn’t believe him. Why would he return after all these years? She didn’t need him then, and she doesn’t need him now. Though, she had to admit. Casper and Nolan seemed to get along together really well.



her winter wolvesHER WINTER WOLVES by Milly Taiden and Marianne Morea

This very modern take on the tale of Snow White isn’t for the faint of heart.

Grace Snow is a marketing genius and the heir to Snow Industries, a cosmetics conglomerate. Looking to bring the company into the 21st century isn’t as simple as she wishes. Not with her stepmother making every move a tug-of-war. Grace’s new app, Mirror-Mirror, can rebrand them as fresh and new for a younger generation. That’s only if she can keep her stepmother and her vindictiveness away from her plans. Good luck with that!

Wolf shifter, Adam Hunt, has been the company’s Head of Security since Grace was a teen. Hired to look after Gracie’s well-being, he’s crossed the evil stepmother one too many times and now she’s blackmailing him to do her bidding. What she doesn’t know is he’s the Omega of his pack, and together he and their Alpha, Zach Cassidy, will protect and defend Grace even at the cost of their own lives.

Grace is their mate. The one destined to complete their Triad. She has no idea that she’s about to become part of the sexiest relationship of her life. Jealousy and greed push her stepmother to get rid of Grace. Gracie might not be ready for what’s coming her way—not the two sexiest men she’ll ever want or the poison conjured by her stepmother, but she knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to fight.


fury of denialFURY OF DENIAL by Coreene Callahan

He’s an antisocial dragon shifter with a serious sweet tooth. She’s a pastry chef who won’t give him any sugar.

Blinded in an ambush, dragon warrior Wallaig has spent half a century in the dark with one thing on his mind—vengeance. When the rogue faction responsible returns to Scotland and targets a human female, he saves her life, determined to exact his revenge—even if it means using her as bait.

Smart-mouthed Amantha Leblanc is pastry chef with dreams of opening her own shop. The money is in the bank. Her mission is clear. The plan goes to hell the second Wallaig breaks into her apartment and she defends herself with a rolling pin. With a rogue pack of dragons circling, she is forced to rely on a man she doesn’t like—but isn’t able to resist.


bear with meBEAR WITH ME by  Everleigh Clark

Bo Alexander has his hands full as temporary alpha of his little clan in Bear Paw River.
But then she shows up.
A gorgeous, curvy—human—single mother with a shifter son in tow. Between the kid’s bodily function jokes and the mating heat sizzling from Jane, Bo doesn’t know which way is up. But he knows she’s hiding something. And he’s just the man to help her.

Jane has been running with Liam for too long now. She’s exhausted, scared, waiting for the day Seth finds her and drags them back to his pack. But Bear Paw River promises sanctuary…and love? No, she doesn’t have the freedom to open her heart. Besides, love is deadly.

It’s time for Bo to bear-up and save this woman and cub. But can he let her go when the danger has passed? Humans and grizzly shifters aren’t meant to be. Right?
Then again, crazier things have happened. Look at his sister. She married a wolf.


endless chaseENDLESS CHASE (DALAKIS PASSION BOOK 5) by N J Walters

Since the night her parents were brutally murdered, Katya Markova has been driven by a dark quest for vengeance. When her search for the killers leads her to the heart of Transylvania and the ancestral home of the Dalakis, she hopes to finally take her revenge and put her horrific memories and the souls of her parents to rest. Then she meets the mesmerizing Chase Deveraux, and his intensely passionate touch threatens to weaken her resolve as she surrenders to his sensual promise.

With his life in disarray, Chase has retreated to the remote castle of the Dalakis clan to sort things out in isolation, but instead is inexplicably drawn to the mysterious Katya. Instantly spellbound by her tough warrior exterior and compelling beauty, Chase finds that Katya captivates him like no other woman has before—until he learns of her dark intent and is torn between his own needs and those of his family.

Because Katya is enmeshed in a world of lies and deceptions, and has brought that world to the Dalakis doorstep. As their unquenchable passion spirals to incredible sensual heights, Chase and Katya will be forced to make a choice, one that could destroy the Dalakis clan for all time or unite the desperate young lovers for eternity.

Amazon     iBooks

flame in the darkFLAME IN THE DARK (A SOULWOOD NOVEL) by Faith Hunter

VS Notes: Seems as if this has romantic elements rather than romance but I haven’t read the series.

Nell Ingram has always known she was different. Since she was a child, she’s been able to feel and channel ancient powers from deep within the earth. When she met Jane Yellowrock, her entire life changed, and she was recruited into PsyLED—the Homeland Security division that polices paranormals. But now her newly formed unit is about to take on its toughest case yet.

A powerful senator barely survives an assassination attempt that leaves many others dead—and the house he was visiting burns to the ground. Invisible to security cameras, the assassin literally disappears, and Nell’s team is called in. As they track a killer they know is more—or less—than human, they unravel a web of dark intrigue and malevolent motives that tests them to their limits and beyond.

Amazon     iBooks



November 29

November 22

November 15

November 8

November 1

October 25

October 18


My standard Notes and Caveats:

The term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

I don’t ordinarily list re-releases…

(NOTE: If the author provides me with buy links I insert those; otherwise I default to Amazon and iBooks. Pricing and availability are current as of the day I prepare the post – things can change fast in the ebook world LOL.)

Also, I often include only the beginning of the book blurb…