New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday August 16

temporary duty assignmentAs always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).


Samantha Gao is an elite Metro soldier, dedicated to the job and to her team. But following a devastating mission, Sam is handed a new temporary duty assignment. On paper, she’s supposed to babysit a Metro tech-inspector during a routine evaluation of Greenerhouse seed colony’s corporate sponsor. Sam expects to be on duty at all times, ready for whatever comes. But what she didn’t expect was to see him—Caleb—again.

Caleb Estes is an engineer at Greenerhouse and cannot believe his luck when his first love, Samantha Gao, walks into his lab—and back into his life. It’s enough to make him believe in second chances after all.

But Sam and Caleb’s reconciliation will have to wait when the routine bodyguard job goes sideways, and the future of the seed colony itself is at stake.

Amazon     iBooks


Drake Miller owed his two bosses a debt. To repay them, he agreed to train the newest bounty hunter. He thought a few days out in the field with the newbie would be a piece of cake. That was until he met the trainee: a pretty woman named Jinx with rainbow-colored hair. She was cute but not his type. Jinx was a walking accident waiting to happen. He should hand her off to someone else to deal with, but his pride refused to let a small slip of a woman bring him down. All he had to do was train her, set her out on her own, and walk away. How hard could it be?

Jane Jean “Jinx” Alexander started out as a troublesome teenager on the wrong path in life. Then she met two bounty hunters who helped her change her life for the better. Now she wanted to work for them as a bounty hunter in hopes of maybe helping someone else turn their lives around. The only obstacle in her way was Drake Miller, the well-built bounty hunter who was her trainer. He was gorgeous and sexy, but not her usual type. She was determined to stop him or anyone else from holding her back from her dreams. Jinx knew she could do this; all she had to do was ignore the sexy Drake and keep her eyes on her perps. How hard could that be?

Amazon     iBooks

new guyTHE NEW GUY (OFFICE ALIENS BOOK 2) by VC Lancaster

VS Note: Found by reader Merry.

Maggie works in Enquiries at DETI (The Department of Extra-Terrestrial Immigration) and they’re a little under-staffed. She’s confused but grateful when a handful of Teissian refugees fresh off the spaceship are allocated to her department. She is put in charge of training Ro, a charming, scaled alien with a sexy voice, cute dimples, and a lot of secrets.

She knows office romances are a bad idea, but she just can’t resist after spending every day sitting opposite him. As the two get closer, however, questions arise that threaten their relationship. Why does his friend seem to hate her so much? What is he hiding about his life on his home planet?

Can Maggie get Ro to open up before it’s too late? Or will his secrets overwhelm them both?



Gil Ra looked around trying to put on a good face and a bright smile.

This was supposed to be a second chance in life. But she couldn’t stop thinking about the past and what she had left behind.

Being abducted by aliens sounded so much like the title of a cheap sci-fi movie, and yet it had happened to her. That night, when she had decided she couldn’t take it any longer, the mocking, the loneliness and the feeling she had failed the only person that depended on her completely had become overwhelming, and that night she had decided to end it all.

She had left everything ready, no unfinished matters, no one to worry about her and surely no one to mourn her. And so, she had walked in the middle of the night, to the highest bridge she was able to find near the tiny room, she had been living in.



During her final flight exam to become the first female Falconer Elite, Jude Quincy crashes through a wormhole onto an unknown planet. Before she can catch her breath, a massive shape-shifting alien thunders onto her crash site in all his sexy, infuriating glory. He’s rude and bossy, but when a rival clan threatens Jude’s safety, the alien marries her in a hasty ceremony to save her life.

Gerrit never wanted a mate. He has enough on his mind after his father’s recent death and his new role as Alpha of Clan Vilka. Except Jude isn’t like anyone he has ever met, and the more time he spends with her, the more their fake marriage starts to feel real. Stranded in another clan’s territory, Gerrit must negotiate the turbulent political waters to get him and Jude out alive.

But when Gerrit is attacked, Jude will have to make a life or death decision between returning home or saving the husband she never wanted.


zorans babyTHE ZORAN’S BABY (BARBARIAN BRIDES) by Luna Hunter

Aria Winters is on a mission to rescue Grace, her little sister. The Nezdek came from the skies and took her, and she won’t rest until Grace is safe. Aria talks her way onto a Zoran ship set to explore a distant planet, but she didn’t expect to fall for the ship’s brooding, tall, imposing alien commander. She tries to resist the growly warrior, but he has his radiant eyes set on her. And what a Zoran wants, he takes…

Dost is a Zoran general. A deadly warrior. Seven feet of pure muscle. His mission is to find a new home for his kind, but when sees the curvy human, everything changes. He never thought he’d lust for a human, but he can’t deny what his body is telling him. She is his fated. His true mate.

She will be his.



VS Note: I like Ella Drake’s style. On my TBR List.

In the outer reaches, facing the imminent destruction of her ship, Captain Anna Voron accepts help from newly-discovered, space-faring phoenix shifters. Their leader awakens dark memories and makes trust impossible but she’s out of choices.

Piotr dom Raven lives for duty. And that duty has two goals: become a full phoenix with reincarnation abilities and win a decades-long war threatening to destroy their kind. The intriguing captain of a derelict ship changes everything. His phoenix wants her, but mating a human means permanent death and deserting his command.

The enemy of old has Anna in his sights and Piotr can’t stop the years in the diabolical plans set in motion. If Anna can face her past and Piotr can follow his phoenix instincts, they stand a chance to save the endangered crew. But will they find the key to survival in time?

Amazon     iBooks

zuranZURAN (ALBATERRA MATES BOOK 6) by Ashley L Hunt

As a nurse, Phoebe has spent her career helping people. She knows it’s her calling and throws herself into tending to her patients heart and soul. In the city of Ka-lik’et, she is considered one of the best attendants amongst those in the human colony. When she loses the most important patient she’s ever had, though, a fuse is ignited that sends her spiraling into a course of events she never could have imagined.

Zuran is the Interplanetary Affairs Officer for the Albaterran kingdom of Dhal’at. He is also a reformed criminal, but he walked away from that life in pursuit of something better. When he meets the curvaceous and intelligent Phoebe, it’s in the midst of a crisis, and he realizes he has never met someone so genuinely good. He soon discovers walking the straight-and-narrow is not the only unexpected change in himself as he finds himself captivated by the compassionate, beautiful human.

Albaterra has been playing host to a colony of Novai for many months, but they are suddenly stricken with a mysterious disease neither A’li-uud nor humans have seen before. Suddenly, Zuran and Phoebe are thrown into the race against time to cure the disease before it kills the Novai colonists or spreads to the other beings who call Albaterra home. (more…)


rhavosRHAVOS (WARRIORS OF THE KARUVAR BOOK 3) by Alana Serra and Juno Wells

VS Note: I’ve enjoyed other books in this series! So this is on my TBR List.

Ren Alvarez doesn’t remember the last five years of her life. Taken hostage by an anti-alien terrorist organization and forced to write malicious code to target the Karuvar, she hasn’t been in control of her own destiny–or even her own mind–for a long time. When a massive, brutish, sexy-as-hell Karuvar warlord storms the base where she’s being held, she doesn’t know her salvation has arrived. After all, as far as he’s concerned, she’s the enemy. It doesn’t matter that he keeps saying she’s his mate.

As Conqueror, Rhavos has spent his life eliminating threats to the Karuvar and bringing other, lesser species to heel. A group of rebel humans should be an easy problem to solve, but when he finds his mate among them, Rhavos does the one thing he swore he’d never do: He hesitates.  (more…)


krayterKRAYTER (MATED TO THE ALIEN Book 5) by Kate Rudolph and Starr Huntress

When his brethren begin to discover human mates, Krayter knows his best chance at surviving the Denya Price is to journey to Earth and find the woman he’s been waiting for. Otherwise, he’ll waste away and die by the age of thirty like most other Detyens. But when his speeder crashes in a hostile human settlement, a mate is the last thing on his mind. Until he sees his salvation. (more…)

Abandoned. Neglected. In trouble. 

Penny will do anything to protect her two sisters, even if it means remaining in Highland Settlement, the anti-alien town that her father rules with an iron fist. But when an alien crash lands near her house, she knows that she can’t let her father’s men find him. Something about the intriguing blue man calls to her and she will not let him die.

A journey into something more. 

The pull of the alien stranger is so strong that Penny has only one choice: kiss him or go mad. Krayter will do anything to earn his mate’s trust and her love… (more…)


unseenUNSEEN by Lucy Felthouse

Medical scientist Rory is working in his top secret underground laboratory in Central London when a procedure has unexpected results. Far from curing his patient, a monkey called Arnold, of an unpleasant disease, he manages to turn the animal invisible! In his panic, Rory accidentally gets some of the serum he injected Arnold with into his own bloodstream, rendering himself invisible, too.

With disbelief and confusion filling his brain, Rory finds it impossible to think straight, much less to figure out what precisely happened, and what on earth he’s going to do about it. So, after stripping off his clothes—which remain visible and therefore would give him away—he heads out into the London night for a walk to try to clear his head…(more…)


fire in his embraceFIRE IN HIS EMBRACE (FIREBLOOD DRAGON BOOK 3) by Ruby Dixon

There’s only one way to tame a dragon.

Emma Arroyo knows this. She also knows that the big golden dragon captured by her brother’s biker gang is in trouble, and it’s all her fault. He followed her scent, and now his life is in danger.

She has to fix this, somehow. If she could talk to the dragon, they could form a plan to escape, both of them. But the dragon’s mind is wild and full of uncontrollable, killing rage. There’s no reasoning with him. There’s certainly no freeing him, not when he’s like this. But Emma can’t leave without him.

There’s only one way to solve this problem – a mating. When Emma approaches Zohr to claim him as hers, she realizes just what it means to be a dragon’s mate, and how much she’s in over her head…

And she learns how fiercely possessive a drakoni male can be.


rage to adoreRAGE TO ADORE (WARRIORS OF CHAOS BOOK 2) by Cara Lake

To realign The Balance and save the universe from destruction Tanith must form an intimate bond with a dangerous man who is her complete opposite.
Like Tanith, he is a warrior, but the similarity ends there. She holds the essence of Love and he of Hate. In a world where he has known only betrayal and violence, he fights to resist his burning attraction to this woman who offers him comfort. He knows if he surrenders, his heart will only be broken again, and this time it could cost him his life.
Slaves to destiny, two warriors must battle the dark forces threatening to consume love and compassion in a galaxy threatened by chaos. If they want to survive the darkness, they must negotiate the blurred lines between love and hate—together.


taming the lionTAMING THE LION (SHIFTER WARS Book 3) by Kerry Adrienne

For Marco, heir to the lions’ throne, seizing control of the Cave of Whispers from the bear clan is more than just a quest—it’s fulfilling the legacy of his breed. But the latest crusade has left Marco gravely wounded in enemy territory and in the hands of Alicia, healer for the bears. An irresistibly sensuous adversary, Alicia presents a serious problem. She carries the scent of a mate.

Drawn to this dominant master of his den, Alicia knows her allegiance has been compromised. His brooding sexuality is testing her defenses, but falling in love with Marco means falling in league with a rival shifter. And turning her back on the bears in a time of war is a lethal move.

Two breeds united by destiny could inspire a peaceful new future for their opposing clans—or ignite the fiercest battle yet and destroy all of Deep Creek forever.

Amazon     iBooks

citrineCITRINE (DATE-A-DRAGON) by Terry Bolryder

Citrine Vanderguard has searched tirelessly for his mate. And now, hundreds of miles later, he’s found her. She’s on the brink of mating someone she can’t possibly love, all for the sake of responsibility. So he does the only thing he can to win over the curvy, confident woman that makes the dragon inside him roar with approval: challenge the jerk that would be her mate to a fight for her hand.

Robbie can’t believe her eyes when Citrine, her former coworker in Seattle who she felt an irresistible attraction to, shows up on her doorstep out of nowhere. What’s more, he’s here to challenge her fiancé. But in spite of the audacious overture, the tall, muscular man with dark brown hair and amber eyes that are warm like a sunset still has the same effect on her body and heart.

As time ticks by leading up to the fight that will determine her destiny, subtle attraction blazes into pure fire. Though Citrine knows he’ll do anything for Robbie, she will have to make the ultimate choice between familial responsibility and personal happiness. And whispers of a big, bad wolf in the mountains of Robbie’s home may be more than just a fairy tale.



VS Note: From July, sounds NA, not sure how much romance…had good reviews, I think.

Claudia Matthews turns 18 tomorrow – as long as she can make it through the first day of classes at Oakley High School. It’s more than her inherent strangeness that keeps her from fitting in. Her ill-tempered service dog, Luca, isn’t winning her friends and her class schedule is even less welcoming, dropping her into the government- mandated, “The History of Witches.”
They are real; she’s been told. They are powerful, and evil – yet Claudia wants to know if that’s actually a universal truth. Are all witches really that bad?
When a mysterious gift appears, dark secrets are cast into the light, and the world as she knows it may change forever. Now armed with questions, Claudia will need to figure out if it’s truly worth finding the truth when textbooks don’t hold all the answers. Drawn into a world of hidden covens and regulated magic, she may learn more than she bargained for. Now Claudia has to fight the lure of power and a temptation much more passionate…or lose herself to both. The truth could set her free… or damn her forever.


carolina wolfCAROLINA WOLF by Sela Carson

All it takes is a spark of Grrrrl power to set the swamp on fire!

Debra Henry is living the meek librarian cliche, except for the teeny hint of magic in her blood. As the keeper of magical knowledge passed down from her ancestors, she’s content with her quiet existence in the tiny town of Culford, South Carolina. But a monstrous attack could reveal her secret and end her life.

Maddox Moreau was a happy lone wolf until the day he spotted pretty, bewitching Debra along the trails of the Congaree Swamp. When he saves her, his fate is bound up in hers, and they have to learn to work together in a hurry to defeat the spread of evil.

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abandonABANDON (HALFBLOOD CLUB BOOK 3) by Viola Grace

Graylin Treel is on a deadline. With only a few hours to go, she needs to put herself in the path of the dragon that she has chosen as a mate. The problem is, he thinks she is a pathetic human. When the glamour drops and their senses are aroused, can any structure of man take the heat of two dragons in the throes of passion?





Having grown up in a harem as the favourite, if not dutiful, daughter of the ruling Godling, Airsha knew what it was for a powerful man to have more than one wife. But for her to have more than one husband, when she would have preferred none at all, felt like just one more way her fate was being taken over by a vengeful goddess.
Rescued by four legendary airling trainers when she escapes the harem, Airsha finds herself drawn into an uprising that has rebels planning to replace the Godling with the Goddess’ Chosen One: Airsha herself.
But having hidden her magic to avoid being castrated, sneaked out of the harem dressed as her twin brother to learn to fight, refused to become her father’s human sacrifice, and broken society’s rules by falling in love with not just one unsuitable man but four, Airsha was never going to willingly follow the destiny someone else laid out for her. Not even if that someone was the Goddess of all Creation.



Curvy Crystal Martinez didn’t think anything could bring her back to rural Pinerock County, but if the family legend of a hidden treasure on her grandfather’s old farm is true, it could get her whole family out of debt. And she never suspected she’d want to stay, with her friends, her job, and her entire life back in the city. But that was before she met the red-hot rancher next door, with electric blue eyes and a body to die for. She doesn’t dare get attached (no matter what her betraying body thinks about his kisses) but she does need help if she’s going to find her family’s treasure before her time in Pinerock County runs out. It’s strictly a business arrangement … with a few fringe benefits … right?

Grizzly shifter Cody Hayes has watched his clan brothers find their mates, one by one. As the peacemaker in his rowdy clan, Cody has almost given up on finding love, until Crystal moves in next door. In one glance, Cody and his bear know this stubborn city girl with curves in all the right places is the mate they’ve been waiting for.

Even though she’s falling for both Cody and the rural beauty of her family’s old farm, Crystal is determined to make her time in Pinerock County short. As the search for her family’s lost treasure brings them together, Cody must show this commitment-shy city girl that Pinerock County is where she belongs—or risk losing the only treasure that matters to him!


foxling soldatiTHE FOXLING SOLDATI (SOLDATI HEARTS BOOK 2) by Charlie Cochet

Foxling Toka has served the Soldati king for centuries, and now he attends to the kingdom’s cherished Soldati prince. It’s a position of honor, and as Toka helps the once-human prince adapt to their magical realm, he finds joy in their friendship. He also grows bolder in his encounters with Rayner, Soldati warrior and the king’s second. But the laws are clear: servants and Soldati are not permitted to mate. It doesn’t matter that Toka lost his heart to the dashing cad long ago.

Rayner never imagined he would fall in love with a servant, but the clever and beautiful foxling has ensnared him, and he resents the regulations keeping them apart. When an arrogant and spiteful king visits from a neighboring realm, Rayner is in danger of losing everything. But Soldati warriors don’t surrender, and he intends to fight all the harder to keep Toka where he belongs—in Rayner’s arms.

Amazon     iBooks

her billionaire lionHER BILLIONAIRE LION: ZODIAC SHIFTERS: LEO by Dominique Eastwick

When Kalista’s father suffers a stroke just hours before making an important payment on a loan, she rushes to Greece to make amends before the billionaire tycoon swoops in to take the family business. She is convinced if she gives him the check in person, all will be fine and she can return to help her father on his long road to recovery. She did not anticipate Leonidas Karatasos.

This is not the first time Mr. Vidal has missed a payment, but it would be the last. Leonidas would let no one take advantage of him or his family, but when he steps off the boat on his family’s island, his mate is waiting for him check in hand. Kalista Vidal is everything he wanted and nothing he expected.

With the moon rising into the reign of Leo, Leonidas has one month to woo and bond with Kalista, or he must wait until the next Leo cycle. But with the world’s prides convening on the island for the month, he must deal with dangers his mate could never imagine. All the while figuring out how to let his lion out of the bag.


pretty kittenPRETTY KITTEN by May Sage

Out of every kind of paranormal out there, shifters are incontestably the least frightening; until now.
It’s a closely guarded secret that some shifters are born with the ability to change ordinary human beings, and there are plenty of dangerous Alphas would kill to keep it under wrap.

A few months ago, Daunte’s biggest problem was hiding his attraction to the human woman he doesn’t want to destroy; now that she’s turned, those who don’t want her dead want to lock her in a lab, and worse yet, get their hands on the shifter who did it to her.
His newborn nephew.


ritualsRITUALS: THE CAINSVILLE SERIES by Kelley Armstrong

VS note: Not familiar with this series, not sure there’s romance…but the books seems to get good reviews.

When Olivia Taylor-Jones found out she was not actually the adopted child of a privileged Chicago family but of a notorious pair of convicted serial killers, her life exploded. Running from the fall-out, she found a refuge in the secluded but oddly welcoming town of Cainsville, Illinois, but she couldn’t resist trying to dig out the truth about her birth parents’ crimes. She began working with Gabriel Walsh, a fiendishly successful criminal lawyer who also had links to the town; their investigation soon revealed Celtic mysteries at work in Cainsville, and also entangled Olivia in a tense love triangle with the calculating Gabriel and her charming biker boyfriend, Ricky. Worse, troubling visions revealed to Olivia that the three of them were reenacting an ancient drama pitting the elders of Cainsville against the mysterious Huntsmen with Olivia as the prize.

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VS Note: Not a romance but has been much awaited by many readers.

The Moon will soon return. Whether this heralds the destruction of humankind or something worse will depend on two women.
Essun has inherited the power of Alabaster Tenring. With it, she hopes to find her daughter Nassun and forge a world in which every orogene child can grow up safe.
For Nassun, her mother’s mastery of the Obelisk Gate comes too late. She has seen the evil of the world, and accepted what her mother will not admit: that sometimes what is corrupt cannot be cleansed, only destroyed.
PISA2 coverDOWNLOAD A FREE SAMPLER OF THE FIRST CHAPTERS OF ALL 12 STORIES IN PETS IN SPACE: EMBRACE THE ROMANCE while you wait for our October 10th release date! (I wrote a rock star romance…)
VS Note: We’re also going to make this anthology available in print. Pre-orders for the paperback at Amazon and the ebook everywhere…
10% of pre-orders as well as all first month sales goes to Hero Dogs, Inc. charity, which provides service dogs to veterans.


August 9

August 2

July 26

July 19

July 12

July 5


My standard Notes and Caveats:

It’s a mix of the genres in no particular order. Also the term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

(NOTE: If the author provides me with buy links I insert those; otherwise I default to Amazon and iBooks. Pricing and availability are current as of the day I prepare the post – things can change fast in the ebook world LOL.)

Also, I often include only the beginning of the book blurb…

New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday July 5th

indianaAs always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).


Nikki Fortune has a secret. Her friends think she’s at Maxwell’s Family Resort to teach drama and take endless tennis lessons. But her real purpose forces her to dig deeper into the network that runs the resort than she ever imagined. If only the distractingly handsome alien, Indiana, weren’t there she might be able to keep her eye on the ball.

Indiana has a lot on his mind, not the least of which is figuring out Nikki Fortune. Why does she disappear every Sunday morning? What’s on that laptop she always carries? Why would someone who obviously hates tennis keep taking lessons? And why, gods, why, is she so blindingly stunningly, achingly sexy?
When Indy stumbles onto some answers the two realize they must work together if they want to uncover the truth. But the only way to do that is to trust each other.

And someone still has a secret.

Amazon     iBooks

ayrieAYRIE: AN AUXEM NOVEL by Lisa Lace

I just traveled halfway across the galaxy to meet my new husband.
With no women left on Auxem, the aliens turned to Earth for their brides.
But nothing’s happened the way I imagined.

He hardly speaks to me. I know he’s never had a woman around before, but why is he acting like a complete jerk?
Ayrie’s used to getting what he wants, but underneath his confident, chiseled exterior, he’s hiding a big secret.
Now we’re stranded together on a remote planet.



The war might be over, but there’s still skirmishes to be fought.

Ambassador for the Ru’Edan Jod S’van Er is on a mission. Find Olivia Sur Banden, the daughter of deceased Ru’Edan rogue Crick Sur Banden. Only when she’s been found and swears fealty to the new Alliance can the last vestiges of the disaffected be controlled.

Olivia knows the danger—it’s why she ran away—but when Jod and her half brother Chowd come looking, she’s not willing to lose her freedom. However, with rogues hunting for her, and wanting to use her for their cause, she must accept their assistance. But whether she can accept the intriguing connection between them is yet to be seen.

One last battle could make or break the fragile understanding between Jod and Olivia.

Amazon     iBooks

contingency planCONTINGENCY PLAN (THE GALACTIC COLD WAR) by Robyn Bachar

No home, no family and only faded memories of the life she lost. After the rebellion destroyed New Hong Kong and left Jiang Chen with a brain injury, she found a new place to belong aboard the Mombasa as its pilot. But after discovering she poses a danger to ship and crew, Jiang leaves, not wanting to risk causing them more harm.

Security chief Ryder Kalani blames himself for the mission failures plaguing the Mombasa—his sole duty is to protect his crew. Having lost his right arm in the rebellion and now fit with a prosthetic, he’s unsure whether he’s still the capable fighter he once was. The only thing he knows for certain is that Lieutenant Jiang Chen needs his help.

Jiang doesn’t trust herself anymore, but Ryder does. They’re on the hunt for the Soviets’ new weapon, and Jiang’s forgotten past could lead them straight to it. Ryder just needs to get Jiang to trust in herself—and in him—before the weapon deploys.

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mate of the beastMATE OF THE BEAST by Sonia Nova and Starr Huntress

After years of working for the Alien Immigration Office on Earth, Alyssa has finally been sent on her first assignment in space. But what’s supposed to be a nice little peace mission soon turns into a nightmare. One where pirates might abduct her at any moment and she’s assigned a lethally scary – but oh, so sexy – bodyguard!

It doesn’t help that the body he’s supposed to guard always heats up in his presence… 

Xarq has had it with bodyguarding jobs. In fact, he wasn’t supposed to have them anymore. But one last job gets between him and his future military career, and he gets a tiny Earth female to protect. To top it all off, she is on her first mission in space, and his bodyguarding assignment turns more into a babysitting duty. Just perfect. But somehow, her oddly pleasant scent lures him in and he can’t seem to get enough of her…

And that’s dangerous. He needs to focus on his job. Because that’s exactly when the pirates attack.



VS Note: Not a fan of the cover art.

When my human mate was auctioned, she was sold to a savage lot of aliens.
I rescued her body from her tormentors.
But her mind…
She is hurt.
She’s afraid I will abandon her; but I’ve been waiting all my life for my mate.
I am not going to walk away. I’m going to help her heal.
And I will help her fight for us.


slipspace harbingerSLIPSPACE HARBINGER by P C Haring

VS Note: From May. not sure there’s any romance but this was reviewed by the Whiskey With My Book blog.

A fringe colony world has gone dark, and Captain Cody Amado and the crew of the ISPA’s newest battle cruiser, Mjöllnir, must respond and investigate.

No one is prepared for the destruction that awaits them.

Agendas collide as the bonds of duty, loyalty, and family are tested, and the major governments position themselves to prepare for what is to come next.

With interstellar tensions rising, the crew of the Mjöllnir race to discover the connection between the colony’s destruction, an alien society so reclusive it has only been rumored about, and an enemy that disappeared a decade prior.

Is this merely an isolated incident, or is this a harbinger of much darker things still to come?


her alien captainHER ALIEN CAPTAIN (NAROVIAN MATES SERIES BOOK 3) by Clarissa Lake

Kidnapped by aliens who sell her into sex slavery to a hideously ugly alien of another species, Jenna Harper is sure her life is over. Enter freighter Captain Farzeke Be’Kal maneuvered by Alliance to rescue Jenna and five other women stolen from Earth. After the Alliance agent he transports to Se’Nar buys all the women from the auction, Captain Be’Kal and Jenna Harper are chagrined to learn they are biological fated mates for life.

Neither one feels ready to make that life time commitment, but it’s already too late.

Once Jenna is exposed to his pheomones she must have sex with the feline humanoid or risk death in a matter of days. Is she now doomed to sexual slavery of another kind?


cyborgs captiveCYBORG’S CAPTIVE by Vixa Moon

To avoid an all out war, the leader of the cyborgs travels to Earth on a stolen ship. There, he kidnaps a powerful Earth Senator’s daughter. He’s going to take her back to the cyborg mining colony, Mina Dos. She’s his hostage, his complete prisoner.

Tensions between Earth and Mina Dos have never been higher. After the appearance of a mysterious comet, the cyborgs have begun to awaken. They are not longer satisfied with being slaves to the humans.

But on the trip back to Mina Dos, 98XF5 and the senator’s daughter, Felia, encounter dangers they never could have imagined.

But the greatest danger? The feelings that are growing between them.

She’s supposed to be his prisoner, not his lover. Should she fear him or love him?

Maybe she can help him discover his own humanity, pieces of his broken past that have been buried beneath his circuitry.


orphans in the blackORPHANS IN THE BLACK: A SPACE OPERA ANTHOLOGY by Various including Lindsay Buroker

VS Note: NOT romance but who can resist a good space opera short story?

We’re all Orphans in the Black …

Strap yourself in for nineteen thrilling short stories of space pirates, time travelers, aliens, AI, and more! Meet determined heroes forging their own path through the universe, men and women who won’t go down without a fight.

Be transported to fantastical new worlds by award winning and bestselling authors…


heroine worshipHEROINE WORSHIP (HEROINE COMPLEX) by Sarah Kuhn

VS Note: Not sure how much romance there is but sounds like a lot of superheroine goodness with humor.

Once upon a time, Aveda Jupiter (aka Annie Chang) was demon-infested San Francisco’s most beloved superheroine, a beacon of hope and strength and really awesome outfits. But all that changed the day she agreed to share the spotlight with her best friend and former assistant Evie Tanaka—who’s now a badass, fire-wielding superheroine in her own right.  They were supposed to be a dynamic duo, but more and more, Aveda finds herself shoved into the sidekick role. Where, it must be said, she is not at all comfortable.

It doesn’t help that Aveda’s finally being forced to deal with fallout from her diva behavior—and the fact that she’s been a less than stellar friend to Evie. Or that Scott Cameron—the man Aveda’s loved for nearly a decade—is suddenly giving her the cold shoulder after what seemed to be some promising steps toward friendship…

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pack ebon redPACK EBON RED (SEVEN MATES OF ZARA BOOK 1) by C M Stunich

I am wolf; I am human; I am neither; I am both.
I am werewolf.

And I have seven Alpha Males as my mates.
All mine to kiss and hold and touch, seven handsome men for my bed.
My boys represent the biggest packs in North America.
But I am the Alpha Female and I rule them all.

One day, the packs might force me to choose…

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turned by a tigerTURNED BY A TIGER (ETERNAL MATES BOOK 12) by Felicity Heaton

On the verge of bleeding out and hunted by his merciless torturers, Talon has no choice but to seek sanctuary at Underworld, a nightclub run by a jaguar shifter liable to kill him on sight for being a tiger shifter male. What he finds in the old warehouse isn’t the grim shadow of Death though but an angel of mercy, one who offers him salvation and revenge—one who happens to be his fated mate.

Tending bar at Underworld is never dull when you’re a mortal surrounded by immortals, but when a gorgeous tiger shifter covered in blood stumbles into the club, and set’s fire to her boss’s temper, Sherry’s entire world is in danger of being turned on its head. Something about the mysterious warrior has her stepping in to save him, something that ignites her heart and stirs her soul, and no matter how fiercely she fights it, she can’t hold herself back.

When Talon reveals the name of his captors, and his plan to head back in to save his friends, will Sherry be brave enough to embrace the feelings he stirs in her and step deeper into the world of immortals? And will Talon be strong enough to resist the lure of Sherry to protect his family’s secret or will he risk everything to claim his eternal mate?

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Searc Macleod is an immortal vampire special operative with Paranormal Security and Intelligence’s “Fang Gang.” He’s fought for the side of good for nearly a century. But it turns out; his past is never far behind him. When his sire summons him, demanding Searc protect the master vampire’s only daughter–a woman Searc has lusted after since she became of age–he knows things can only end badly. He can barely resist the temptation of Jessie Buchanan as it is. Finding out she’s been subjected to testing at the hands of madmen, sets his demon on edge, and ignites his hunger for her. He’ll do whatever it takes to protect her and the precious cargo she’s carrying.

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marriage clawsMARRIAGE CLAWS by Page Cuccaro

There are two things Kate Affetto will do anything to protect: the younger brother she’s raised ever since their father walked out, and the small diner she’s managed to start from nothing in New York City. Things might not always be easy, but at least she gets to call all the shots and follow her own heart. That is until Jack Pensione, irritatingly gorgeous billionaire playboy and CEO/heir to the family empire shows up at her diner with an ultimatum: find $3 million to purchase the space, or vacate so it can be turned into condos.

But Kate isn’t going down without a fight. So when Jack offers a third option—marry him, and he’ll gift her the space—she agrees, knowing it’ll save the life she’s built for herself and her brother, and that the marriage will be over practically before it’s begun. After all, it’s not as if she actually likes Jack, or as if he’s actually attracted her at all… Little does she know he’s also a werewolf, that he’s vying to be the alpha of his pack, and that her problems are just getting started.

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rangerRANGER (RISE OF THE PRIDE BOOK 5) by Teresa Hissong

When Hope Alexander arrives at the Shaw pride, on the verge of death and scarred from her old pride, Ranger’s panther demands he become her personal protector.
Hope isn’t your typical female panther. She was raised to defend herself and those she loves. Teaming up with the dark-haired Guardian, Hope becomes a teacher to the females, giving them confidence to defend themselves in a time of need.

It doesn’t take long before Ranger and Hope realize that they are destined to be together, but Hope refuses the Guardian’s touch for fear of her old alpha and what he could do to Ranger if she is found. Ranger will risk his life to leave the pride in search of the one who harmed his mate.

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ancient heatANCIENT HEAT (THE FOLLOWERS BOOK 1) by Kira Shayde

Nicole Abramson gains more than razor-sharp claws and a taste for raw meat. With a latent telekinetic talent, she’s a weapon to be used in a millennia-long war, but will she serve or resist? Fighting for her life, Nicole rails against the thief who stole her ordinary and safe life, even as she seeks comfort from the woman’s intended mate, the gorgeous Sander Evans.

Although drawn to her outspokenness, Sander keeps Nicole at bay while he defends his clan. Werelions and humans don’t mix, yet he can’t deny the passion igniting between them, particularly with her body in heat. As the danger around them amplifies, they’ll need more than courage and strength to fight for their newfound attraction—and their lives.

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VS Note: Another Wiskey With My Book blog find…apparently there’s only a wisp of romance though.

Winter 1888. At an asylum in the English countryside, a man suspected of being Jack the Ripper kills an orderly and flees into the rain-soaked night. His distraught keepers summon the Lady Vivienne Cumberland—who’s interviewed their patient and isn’t sure he’s a man at all. An enigmatic woman who guards her own secrets closely, Lady Vivienne knows a creature from the shadowlands when she sees one. And he’s the most dangerous she’s ever encountered.

As Jack rampages through London, this time targeting rare book collectors, Lady Vivienne begins to suspect what he’s looking for. And if he finds it, the doors to the underworld will be thrown wide open…

Across the Atlantic, an archaeologist is brutally murdered after a Christmas Eve gala at the American Museum of Natural History. Certain peculiar aspects of the crime attract the interest of the Society for Psychical Research and its newest investigator, Harrison Fearing Pell. Is Dr. Julius Sabelline’s death related to his recent dig in Alexandria? Or is the motive something darker?

As Harry uncovers troubling connections to a serial murder case she’d believed was definitively solved, two mysteries converge amid the grit and glamor of Gilded Age New York. Harry and Lady Vivienne must join forces to stop an ancient evil. The key is something called the Thirteenth Gate. But where is it? And more importantly, who will find it first?

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calm before the stormCALM BEFORE THE STORM (WARRIORS OF CHAOS BOOK 1) by Cara Lake

In a world on the brink of chaos, only two people can balance opposing forces and restore order to the universe. To do so, the two must forge an intimate bond. Unfortunately, they’re complete opposites who are unaware of their powers—and of the consequences if they fail to unite.
A lawyer with good reason to abhor violence, Irina is wary of her new client, a famous boxer accused of murder. As a street orphan, Tyr learned to fight for survival and trust no one. Despite their differences, the two find themselves irresistibly drawn to each other.
With secret forces working both for and against their alliance, Tyr and Irina find themselves on a journey fraught with danger, betrayal and overwhelming desire. Ultimately the fate of billions rests in the hands and hearts of two lost souls who must overcome their fears and learn to trust each other.


dragonians witchTHE DRAGONIAN’S WITCH (THE FIRST WITCH BOOK 1) by  Meg Xuemei X

I am Freyja, the First Witch. I was born with a cruel curse: anyone I touch with my bare skin will die an agonizing death. That is, until a formidable, drop-dead gorgeous Dragonian prince invades my forest home.

The prince’s lust burns hot and bright for me, yet he resists, wanting his destined witch more. The oracle promises the witch will be his true queen and bring him the greatest kingdom on Earth. Knowing he’s the only man who can touch me, I crave his scorching caress. But I’ve sworn never to reveal that I am the witch. Not until he chooses me above her.

When the mating frenzy drives both of us to the brink of insanity, someone has to give, but it won’t be me.



Cautious after a lifetime of disappointments, Eva is mistrustful of Bhathian’s professed feelings of love. She accepts him as a lover and a confidant but not as a life partner.
Jackson suspects that Tessa is his true love mate, but unless she can overcome her traumatic past, he might never find out.
Carol gets an offer she can’t refuse—a chance to prove that there is more to her than meets the eye. Robert believes she’s about to commit a deadly mistake, but when he tries to dissuade her, she asks him to leave. This time for good.




Molly is shocked to find that her family is on the receiving end of a business deal gone wrong. Her father, who has sacrificed everything for his family, could lose everything.
But a solution comes in an unlikely package; one Molly can’t refuse.
As a mail order bride, she is able to save her father and her brother, but when she meets the brooding, spoiled rich wolf shifter who has claimed her, she wonders if it will be possible to save herself.
Greyson is cocky, selfish, and doesn’t think twice about saying hurtful, careless things, but there is something about him that tells Molly that there’s more to him than there seems to be. But when she begins to fall for Greyson, the harsh reality sets in. He may never change. But she is stuck with him.

Will Molly ever be able to be anything but an inconvenience to this startlingly sexy man, or did she make the biggest mistake of her life in agreeing to become his mail order bride?


dragon of passionTHE DRAGON OF PASSION (DRAGON FEVER BOOK 1) by Serena Rose

Elisa Townes had always heard stories about WereDragons flying around Manhattan but she never expected to experience a dragon at first hand. However, this soon became a reality when she discovered an injured dragon on the roof terrace of her skyscraper penthouse.

Taking the dragon inside to heal him, she was amazed to see the dragon shift into a handsome hunk of a man called Nash Gavin. It was clear that Nash was cocky in more ways than one and Elisa found him hard to resist.
With a naked WereDragon on her bed and no one else around, Elisa realized that her day was about to take an unexpected twist.



panicked premonitionA PANICKED PREMONITION (PSYCHIC EYE MYSTERY)  by Victoria Laurie

Professional psychic and FBI consultant Abby Cooper has used her inner visions to get her out of many a scrape—and solve many a crime—but she’s about to face a murder scene that will put all her powers to the test. Abby’s husband Dutch has a side business providing security and building panic rooms for wealthy clients. One morning, one of Dutch’s partners, Dave, goes missing on his way to meet a client. Abby’s intuition tells her something terrible has happened to him.

Then two of Dutch’s clients are found brutally murdered…inside their brand new panic room, and most of the evidence points to Dave as the killer.  With the authorities racing to find and arrest him, Abby’s got to use all her intuitive prowess to get to Dave first, discover the real killer, and save her husband’s business. This is one case where Abby is positive there’s far more to this mystery than meets her inner eye.

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harem of wolvesHAREM OF WOLVES (STAIRWAY TO HAREM BOOK 2) by Emma Dawn

As a skydiving instructor with a black belt in karate, Cassie Denver would never have thought facing down a couple big dogs would be a problem.

But great big wolves, that turn into even larger, sexier than sin men, all who want a taste of her body? Now she has a rather delicious problem.

Surrounded by seven of the big bad wolves who all want a shot at being her Alpha in and out of her bedroom, she must choose between them if she is going to save any of them.

One night of mind blowing sex, and soul shattering pleasure with each of them.

A simple problem, with a simple solution.

Except Cassie wants every single one of those wolves on her very own leash, begging for more.


drakons plunderDRAKON’S PLUNDER (BLOOD OF THE DRAKON) by N J Walters

Life is not going well for archaeologist Sam Bellamy. She’s stuck in the middle of the ocean on a salvage boat with people who want her dead. It wasn’t her gift for being able to sense objects of power that got her here, rather her need to make a secret society called the Knights of the Dragon pay for killing her mentor. Sam doesn’t believe in dragons, but the Knights do, and if she can get one of the sacred artifacts they’re searching for away from them, she’ll consider it payback.

Ezra Easton is content to run his marine salvage company and live alone on his private island. He may be a four-thousand-year-old water drakon, but he’s civilized enough to know just because he pulls an injured woman from the ocean, doesn’t mean he gets to keep her…

When she wakes up, she has a few tall tales to share, and it seems the Knights are after her. But this drakon won’t give up his treasure.

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royal enchantmentROYAL ENCHANTMENT by Sharon Ashwood

Guinevere’s marriage to Arthur was a political partnership, never a romance. Merlin knows that the king’s court, newly restored at a medieval theme park, will only be complete if Arthur has his lady. Little did anyone suspect that once Guinevere gets a taste of twenty-first-century freedoms that this ancient queen would lose interest in belonging to any man—even a royal one.

It takes a dragon, and some passionate nights spent in each other’s arms, to lure her back to her husband’s side. Arthur is willing to accept Gwen’s help in protecting the new Camelot from a fae menace, but the bigger challenge will be wooing back Guinevere for a second chance at love.

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the way you biteTHE WAY YOU BITE by Zoe Forward

When King Werewolf shows up in veterinarian Vee Scarpa’s ER, she’s livid. Her father, North American head honcho vampire, has threatened a chilling or else if she “ accidentally” helped a wolf again, especially since they’re at war. But she’s tempted by the sexy wolf. And his deadly blood calls to her in a way that should set off warning bells…

A promise to his brother in arms obliges Lexan Dimitrov to rescue the aristocrat vampire before her family discovers her secret—a secret Vee herself isn’t even aware of. What he didn’t expect was to find her sexy-as-hell. He’s not into vamps, yet the inescapable heat building between them is a delicious temptation guaranteed to end in total disaster.

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wicked kissWICKED KISS by Rebecca Zanetti

Working as an informant for the DEA, Victoria Monzelle is used to living on the edge. But she’s not a big fan of getting kidnapped. And definitely not by a bunch of bad boy witches with fancy-colored fire to shoot at people. So when Adam Dunne shows up and claims to be a witch enforcer, she’s not going to put her life in his hands based on his word, no matter how smooth and smart and beautifully Irish his words sound. But on the run from a tribunal of witches, she isn’t going to make it far . . .

Before she knows it, Adam’s word is all that stands between her and execution. Sophisticated, just-gotta-ruffle-him Adam has vowed to make her his one eternal mate, wild and unpredictable as she is—to save her from a sentence of certain death. But Tori isn’t interested in being anyone’s pity date. And if they think she’s unpredictable now, they should see what’s coming next.

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VS Note: And I have my award winning scifi romance MISSION TO MAHJUNDAR on sale in July for $.99!

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canva 99cent sale


June 28

June 21

June 14

June 7

May 31

May 24th


My standard Notes and Caveats:

It’s a mix of the genres in no particular order. Also the term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

(NOTE: If the author provides me with buy links I insert those; otherwise I default to Amazon and iBooks. Pricing and availability are current as of the day I prepare the post – things can change fast in the ebook world LOL.)

Also, I often include only the beginning of the book blurb…