New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday November 22

Freefall_Team_Prism_Elsa_JadeAs always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).


VS Note: The rest of the novels in The Great Space Race Collection released this week (and are my first four entries here.). I also did an interview this week with the authors for USA Today Happy Ever After.


Scarred by life and scared by it, Amy Long finally found peace in quiet Sunset Falls, Montana…until a malfunctioning popcorn popper transports her across the universe.

She arrives accidentally—and nekkidly—on the honeymoon cruiser Blissed where the widely viewed and wildly entertaining Great Space Race is already in progress. Now if she ever wants to return to Earth, she has to pretend to be the famous intergalactic explorer who was supposed to be half of Team Prism, searching for the legendary Firestorm Queen’s Prism.

Can this unsuspecting Earther wrap her head around a universe of aliens and adventure? While she’s at it, maybe she’s gonna wrap her arms around the uptight but sexy drakling male who is her teammate.

Luc Amaveo of the Flamewalker Clan just needs a treasure. Any treasure, even the imaginary ones teased by the Great Space Race. ..(more)..

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flare_team_corona_JC_HayFLARE: TEAM CORONA by JC Hay

They could go all the way, if they don’t go straight to hell

All Kayana wants is respect. Jilted by her fiancée, turned out by her family, and rejected by her crew – esteem is in short supply. When she hears about the cash prize for winning the Great Space Race, she realizes it’s more than enough money to get her old life back. Or buy herself an asteroid someplace where she won’t care what people think.

Ax Turner just needs to hide, and the Race gives him the best opportunity to do so. In plain sight. Surely the thugs and criminals he’s ripped off won’t come after him while cameras are rolling on the galaxy’s most popular reality game show. And if they do, well, having a partner who’s able to fight and looks like a devil seems like a win.

They’re on the run –  from the past, from the lethal challenges of the Great Race, from their feelings, and straight into each other. They’ve got more than their share of problems, and those secrets could drive them apart, or be the key to winning the biggest prize of all: each other.

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orions_gate_sabine_priestleyORION’S GATE: TEAM GALAXY RIDERS by Sabine Priestley

The emotions evoked by the passionate alien empath could kill them both…

Trapped in another galaxy and forced into a deadly contest, Armond Nolde wants one thing: Win so he can return home and continue his life’s work as an Earth Protector creating portals.
His assigned partner, Vin, is large, passionate and overly talkative. She’s everything Armond is not. An Empath, Vin is fascinated by the emotionless albino. He’s easy on the eyes and cold as space—or so it seems.
Armond soon learns that Vin possesses an intelligence that rivals his own. When he is forced to connect with his psi to save Vin’s life, she discovers his deadly secret. More powerful than any psi before him, his control is slipping. Threatening to unleash a deadly force.
If they bond it could destroy them both.

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ceasefireCEASEFIRE: TEAM ORION NEBULA by Kayla Stonor

VS Note: These Qui books are HOT. This one is on my TBR for sure.

Qui are the enemy. Kill them all. Save the human genome! Sworn to destroy the shapeshifting alien warlords who invaded Earth, Ahnna Sokovik must now partner with her nemesis in a nightmare reality show, the GREAT SPACE RACE. To survive deadly challenges—entertainment for trillions of fans—Ahnna must befriend her adversary and pray he doesn’t murder her in her sleep.

Fanatic, terrorist, xenophobe maniac… Ahnna cannot be reasoned with! Tierc Marcel, a Qui-human half breed, is faced with an impossible task, live alongside Ahnna, the gorgeous femme fatale who nearly slit his throat. Bound by her suppression cuffs, Tierc cannot use his Qui strength to win the race and his freedom. He fights a losing battle against Ahnna’s prejudice, while the alluring assassin tempts him with her every move. Her pheromones scream for mating, and yet she defies their magnetic attraction.

She wants him dead. He wants her in bed.

If Ahnna would only set aside her enmity, she’d see the noble Qui considers Ahnna a finer prize than even freedom.

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VS Note: And now moving on from The Great Space Race – not sure when CJ Cade’s book in that series will release…other new releases for the week:

shattered earthSHATTERED EARTH by Jenny Schwartz

The scum of the galaxy are using Earth as a nuclear winter death camp. It outrages pirate captain Kohia Jekyll’s sense of justice. No one deserves to die agonizingly of radiation poisoning, especially not on the planet humanity had to evacuate seven generations ago. So Kohia intends to close the prison camp down.

She didn’t count on an infuriating shaman healer hitching a ride aboard her starship.

Nairo Bloodstone isn’t going to Earth to be a hero. He learned the hard way that when you’re a healer, doing your best for people is never enough. One miracle leads them to demand another and another. Heroes die exhausted and alone, and the galaxy continues with billions of people still clamoring for a miracle-worker to save them.

No, Nairo isn’t going to Earth to be a hero. He intends to change what it means to be human.


snowed in with the alien dragonSNOWED IN WITH THE ALIEN DRAGON by Starr Huntress and Sonia Nova

A Christmas without warmth…Rachel hates her life in Alaska. She hates the weather, but even more, she hates her job which requires her to stay in the sodden state even for the holidays! Instead of going to visit her family in sunny California, she will be spending the holidays alone in the cold north. But when she encounters an unconscious, golden alien on the way home from work – amidst a massive snowstorm to top it all off – it looks like the holidays might not end up as boring as she’d thought after all!

A dragon paralyzed by cold…Captain Erro of Traag never thought to go down in a battle. Even less did he think to find his mate on the surface of the planet he crashes on! Trapped in the planet’s frozen wasteland, Erro can hardly function in the cold climate. He’s a dragon, for heaven’s sake! He needs some heat! And yet, despite the icy weather seeping into his bones, every time the strangely beautiful alien female smiles at him, his inner flame burns stronger than ever. She is his mate, there is no question about that.

Now, if only he could understand what the hell she was saying.

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valenceVALENCE (CONFLUENCE BOOK 4) by Janet Foehner Wells

VS Note: I really enjoyed the earlier books – this series is scifi with some romantic elements. Have not read book 3 or this one but since I enjoyed the first two, I’ll include this newest one.

Earth’s days are numbered.

Two very different women race to prepare for the battle to come. The future of Earth is in their hands.

One struggles to resurrect her ruined ship so she can navigate the politics at the galactic core in a desperate bid to recruit allies.

The other strives to master alien technology to supply the forces of Earth with the tools needed to defend themselves against the ravenous Swarm.

Between them, Jane and Zara offer humanity its best chance at survival, but the odds are stacked against them and their best may not be good enough.


chaos in kadoma wardCHAOS IN KADOMA WARD (THE HIKOBOSHI SERIES BOOK 2) by S J Pajonas

Forced into a new life on the planet Hikari, she has two objectives: find a job and get along with Rin, the man holding her life in his hands. But with her occupation missing from this planet and her enemies looking for her, she must intrude on the kindness of reluctant strangers to stay out of harm’s way. Rin’s ex-wife wants Yumi gone, and a judge threatens to deport her if he catches her loitering about town with no job. Her desire to bolt grows stronger daily.

But Rin won’t let her go. He’s fascinated with the stories she brings from home, stories that promise to save him from the madness they all live in, a meritocracy with low birth rates and malfunctioning androids. As they build a tenuous friendship, and something more, Yumi has to face her fears, her inadequacies, and her lack of control. A headstrong journalist, she’s pushing her luck on Hikari every day as the society turns bored, restless, and finally rebellious. War is coming, and Yumi and Rin are right in the middle of it.


space dragonSPACE DRAGON (BRIDES OF DRAXOS BOOK 2) by Scarlett Grove

MIT robotics student Freda Hayes is forced to abandon her research when the Archon Empire’s cyborgs attack earth. With her little sister Lottie, she takes refuge in a secluded cabin.

News that the dragon shifters of Draxos have defended the planet from the cyborgs leaves Lottie the Draxos’ biggest fan — and Freda skeptical. When Admiral Sysko D’Fray, leader of the Draxos army, lands right outside her cabin, she’s downright suspicious.

Sysko has been defending the galaxy from the Archon for decades. But he has another, even more, urgent battle to fight: the one to save his people from extinction. And human DNA, which includes a rare recessive gene making them compatible with Draxos, is the key to their survival.

Freda isn’t just any human; the curvy scientist is Sysko’s fated mate…(more)..


jevalJEVAL (REVANT WARRIORS) by Celeste Raye

Jeval has the Dark Gift, a gift so rare that he is the only one born in the universe who
has survived it. He’s determined to never mate with a creature capable of having childrenfor fear of passing that darkness on.

Margie’s a woman who grew up under the unfair class system that allowed her father to
sell her off to pay his debts. She’s determined to never be under the rule of a male again.
So why does she seem to keep ending up way too close to the Revant, Jeval?

The rebellion has grown to a point where it is war or nothing and Jeval knows that now is the time to use that gift, and when he’s given a mission that is sheer suicide, even with his abilities he knows he has to take it, even though it means leaving behind Margie, the human that holds his heart—and body.

Will Margie let him go it alone, even if it means her life?


dance of loveDANCE OF LOVE (CELESTIAL MATES BOOK 3) by C J Scarlett

Sarah is a dancer who never really got the nice end of things. She never believed in love, in a person saving her, or even getting out of her borderline slavery that she kept as a job. For Sarah, everything seemed to only go one way: to the shit. That’s how her life was, and that’s how it’s always been.

That is, until he showed up.

Landon is an alien, and a frequent customer of the club. When the gritty alpha alien meets the alluring Sarah, immediately sparks fly. They fall for one another, but of course, they don’t know what they’re getting into. With Sarah embroiled in a crime ring and Landon working one of the head aliens, both of them know for a fact that this is it, that they need to figure out what they want fast.

Not to mention, Landon is also a trust fund child looking for a future wife.

Will they manage to work this out? Or will it be too good to be real?


mastering their mateMASTERING THEIR MATE (THARAN WARRIOR MENAGE BOOK 4) by Kallista Dane

When Saige joined an all-female crew on the Luna, she never dreamed the ship would be hijacked by space pirates. Now she’s been sold as a Consort to the Rapture Dome, forced to entertain alien males from the farthest corners of the galaxy who work in the mines on the Girra Sola asteroid.

Tharan twins Keir and Khaun are on an undercover mission on Girra Sola and they need information from the little human. But they’ve been warned that getting close to the pheromones of a female from Earth will stir their gyron, awakening a powerful need to dominate her and claim her as their Mate…(more)…


endlessENDLESS (DRAGON WARS BOOK 5) by Rebecca Royce

August Owens came home from the Dragon Wars a changed Wolf. He isn’t done with the war—not until every Dragon left on the planet is dead. But when one nearly kills him and he wakes up to the face of his mate everything will change.

Clarissa Knox is a damaged Wolf. Even she can’t believe the poor choices she’s made and she has no idea how to get out of the mess she’s made for herself. But when she finds her mate, who was reported dead during the war, she will fight with everything she has to give them both a future.

The war might be over—but the battle for their future is just beginning.

Amazon     ibooks

bound by lightBOUND BY LIGHT (CAULD ANE SERIES BOOK 7) by Piper Davenport

Thane Allen is the biggest movie star on the planet. He has money, status, and the ability to make people do what he tells them to with just a word. But he’s without his mate and is losing hope that he will ever find her.

Sydney Warren has lost both her parents and makes a daring choice to move to London to live with her cousin. A chance encounter puts her in the path of what she considers nothing more than a fantasy, until that fantasy pursues her.

Will Thane be able to convince her he’s genuine?

When a threat no one saw coming threatens Sydney’s life, will Thane be able to save her?

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Sam of Wilds faced the Dark wizard Myrin and lived to tell the tale. Granted, the battle left him scarred, but things could be a hell of a lot worse.

It’s not until he reunites with Morgan of Shadows and Randall that he realizes just how much worse things could be.

Because the scars have meaning and hint at Myrin’s true plans for Sam and the Kingdom of Verania.

With time running out, Sam and his band of merry misfits—the unicorn Gary, the half-giant Tiggy, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart, and the dragon known as Kevin—must travel to the snowy mountains in the North and the heart of the Dark Woods to convince the remaining dragons to stand against Myrin. Along the way, Sam learns secrets of the past that will forever change the course of the future.

A reckoning is coming for Sam of Wilds, and there is nothing he can do to stop it.

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not his vampireNOT HIS VAMPIRE (NOT THIS SERIES BOOK 3) by Annie Nicholas

Magic is real. Shifters exist. Trixie Russell know this. Everyone does. But no one told her about the monster lurking in the basement of the dragon’s castle. Not until it was too late.

Victor Petrov is ancient, and vampires his age should not lose control of their hunger. And yet, thanks to the dragon who chained him in a dungeon to protect the citizens of New Port, that’s exactly his problem. Then in walks a human female with cotton candy hair who smells like sunshine incarnate, her pulse a melody in his parched ears, and the fragile thread of his control snaps.

Like it or not, Trixie is now tied to Viktor’s, and he seems short a few marbles. She plans on making his eternity a misery until he reveals they have an enemy in common. Trixie is totally on board with helping him escape so she could get her revenge. After that, she’s done. They’re over. She wouldn’t be his vampire.

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eversongEVERSONG (THE KINDRED BOOK 1) by Donna Grant

To live in the light, they hunt in the dark…

Unparalleled in beauty and daring, Leoma has been raised with a single-minded focus—to wipe out corrupt witches. But when her new target leads her to a discovery that unveils a graver plan from the Coven, she doesn’t hesitate to follow. Yet, she’s not the only one on the hunt. And the sexy, infuriating man who crosses her path could prove to be a distraction—something she’s never encountered before.

Honor and family mean everything to Braith. When his life is turned upside down by the murder of his ward and heir without cause or reason, he has no choice but to turn to vengeance. Until a stunning, dangerous woman continues to thwart his efforts at every turn. Now, he must battle not only his need for revenge but his desire for the female, as well.


beneath the skinBENEATH THE SKIN (DE LA VEGA CATS) by Lauren Dane

Mia Porter came home to Boston to recover, but her military reflexes kick in when a fellow jaguar is gunned down only inches away. Getting the handsome stranger to safety and removing the bullets is the easy part…discovering she’s saved a member of the very family hers has been at war with for half a century makes things tricky.

Nor is she pleased her cat finds his to be quite an attractive specimen.

Gibson de La Vega, Bringer of Justice, enforces his Alpha’s law and defends de La Vega territory against all. But even he’s not immune to silver bullets. That Gibson feels the same burning desire for Mia only complicates matters.

Negotiating an end to an epic familial feud is nothing compared to the violence sparked by the attack on Gibson. As heat and need build between them, Mia and Gibson will fight together to protect their families from a danger far closer to home than anyone expects.

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blood and tempestBLOOD AND TEMPEST (THE EMPIRE OF STORMS BOOK 3) by Jon Skovron

Still reeling from the events at Dawn’s Light, Hope struggles to understand what it means to be a warrior who has vowed to never again take up a sword.
Red is enjoying his new role as imperial spy. Perhaps a bit too much. But his loyalties will be tested when his employer, Lady Hempist, relents and assigns him the one task he’s been begging for all along: recruiting Hope and Brigga Lin to help rid the empire of biomancery once and for all.
Fate brought them together; it will tear their empire apart.

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ten lows a leapingTEN LOWS A LEAPING: AN IMP WORLD STORY by Debra Dunbar

Beatrix has to work on Christmas Day.

There are no holiday’s off for a Guardian Angel tasked with ensuring demons don’t crossover from the Gates to Hel, even when you’ve got PTSD and are subject to panic attacks from that time last year when a psychotic demon slaughtered two angels in front of you, destroyed the mall where the Gate to Hel was located, and left you pinned to the rubble with a steel beam through your wings.

The only way Beatrix is managing to get through each day is the little gifts someone keeps leaving for her. The countdown to Christmas is on, there’s no telling what gift her Secret Santa will leave when the number reaches one.

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warrior foreverWARRIOR FOREVER by Amber Bardan

The most likely conclusion to my current predicament is psychosis.
Much more likely than actual alien abduction.
Significantly more likely than impending forced nuptials with a giant primitive alien whose society never evolved a sense of humor.
But life in a horny space-barbarian’s cave isn’t all bad…
Did I mention he vibrates?


stranger magicsSTRANGER MAGICS by Ash Fitzsimmons

VS: I liked the book’s description, not sure if there’s romance…

All Colin Leffee wants is to be left alone: to run his used bookstore in peace, and to quietly drink himself to sleep every night in an attempt to drown out the memories of eight-hundred-plus years of existence.

Unfortunately, when a sullen teenage changeling is flung out of Faerie and onto his doorstep, the long-suffering, wayward son of Titania knows his dreams of solitude are dust. Colin—or Lord Coileán, as he is known to the Faerie court—must track down Meggy, the love of his life, and figure out how her child ended up in Titania’s clutches to begin with.

But with family, it’s never simple. He finds Meggy, only to see her yanked into Faerie—and the doors between the realms slammed and locked behind her. Now, it’s not just her life at stake . . . but the fate of magic itself.

Always the loner, Colin reluctantly joins forces with an intensely stubborn wizard, a young priest-in-training who fancies himself a knight, and his half brother Robin (the last most definitely not by choice) on a quest to reopen the doors and restore the balance between the realms. And with exiled queen Mab plotting in the shadows to take Titania’s throne, and the wizards of the governing Arcanum hiding their own agenda, Colin can’t be sure whom to trust—or whether he’ll live long enough to see the mission through.

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stoneSTONE by Linda Mooney

Garenth had been awakened to retrieve an ancient artifact that was crucial to his well-being. He had few memories of what his life had been like when he had been a man. What memories that were left were filled with blood and excruciating pain.

That part of him was over now. The talisman had been taken from its sacred burial place, and it had to be returned as quickly as possible. It was up to him to follow through with his mission so he could return to another thousand years of sleep.

Brielle Van de Camp knew an extraordinary find when she saw it. The small clay figure was the key to a potentially earth‑shattering revelation about a previously unknown time in man’s ancestry. She would bet her life on it.

Unfortunately, others had gotten wind of the talisman, and they were equally determined to claim its promise for themselves. If Brielle wasn’t willing to part with the figurine, they had no compunction about prying it from her dead fingers.

They never counted on having to face the guardian of the statuette, who turned out to be more than a creature of mythology.

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trial by flameTRIAL BY FLAME by M K Eidem and Michelle Howard

VS Note: Always exciting to have a new book from MK and Michelle!

Autumn thought she knew who she was then she discovered she was a rare type of dragon shifter called a Supreme Dragoon. Now she is heading to her new mate’s home world to meet more of their kind. Nerves were to be expected, but Autumn is about to get more than she bargained for.

Kirall always knew who he was, a Prime Dragoon, one of the strongest of his kind. He’d never doubted who he was or his place until he traveled to Earth and met her. Autumn descended from a line of Dragoon thought to have died out many millennia ago. Their mating changed all he’d been taught to believe.

Together they will face challenges neither of them expected. With their mating threatened and everything Kirall holds dear in jeopardy, it’s up to Autumn to show who really is the baddest Dragoon of them all.

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Irish warrior, Desmond O’Quinlan has never surrendered his heart to any woman. He has no wish to have his soul tortured by love. Yet, the moment he locks gazes with Ailsa, his fate is destined for an adventure he never fathomed. He may have battled alongside a Dragon Knight, but his greatest challenge will come from within his own heart.

Ailsa MacDuff, a warrior among her clan, has no desire to have a man chain her to a life of obedience. However, that is before she meets Desmond. The temptation to allow this warrior inside her heart is a risk she dares to take, but one that could lead to a future of emptiness and sorrow.

When betrayal looms from within, the battleground of love is no match for these two warriors. Can the power of a Highland full moon be strong enough to unite or destroy them?

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maid of ice shonaMAID OF ICE (BLOOD & SILVER) by Shona Husk

For Finlay Ryder, danger means playing a racecar driver on a daytime soap. That is, until he’s forced to reckon with his true identity as an Albah, a magical ancient race, by one of his own kind. Someone wants him dead. And worse, an ancient vampire is on the prowl, drawing blood left and right. Now, Finlay has no choice but to hunt enemies with unspeakable powers—or risk being hunted himself . . .

Ice skater Alina Nyx is using her broken wrist as an excuse for a career change. And when she falls for handsome Finlay, Albah drama feels like her new full-time job. Learning about magic and vampires is exciting, until her life is threatened. Now, as she begins to uncover her own mysterious powers, she must combine forces with Finlay to eradicate their foes for good, or all Albah will suffer.

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lure of oblivionLURE OF OBLIVION (MERCURY PACK BOOK 3) by Suzanne Wright

Gwen Miller may be a human, but she has no problem taking a stand against her own kind. She’s going to testify against the teenage boy she saw viciously assault a lone shifter female—and no amount of pressure from the boy’s wealthy family will make her back down. But when the harassment turns violent, help comes in the form of a lean, toned wolf with winter-gray eyes.

As a guest at Gwen’s inn, shifter enforcer Zander Devlin can’t help but notice that the fierce and leggy brunette is in serious trouble. Since she’s putting herself at risk for one of his kind, keeping her safe is the least he can do. That’s not the only reason Zander wants her close. He desires her, even as the wolf inside him backs away from her. But his feral instincts are hard to keep down, and as they take shape, they’re harder for Gwen to resist. Then again, embracing them could be the only thing that could save her life.


alphabetALPHA BET by Milly Taiden

Nerd Queen, Aliya Grey, has been picked on her entire life for being different. She is done with shifter society. When the chance comes to leave the pack, she jumps for joy. But she didn’t expect that during the exchange of power ceremony, the super-hot and totally lickable, incoming Alpha would tell her he wants her. That doesn’t happen to Ali. Nope. Never.

Marcus and his wolf know Aliya is the one. Giving up his playboy lifestyle attests to how badly he wants her. Ali might be a half-breed, but that doesn’t matter. No way is he letting her leave. A little stalking, a bit of seduction and a whole lot of time together will get her to change her mind. He’s confident.

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as romancing her. Ali’s done with the pack from hell and no matter how sexy Marcus is, she’s out of there. But first she needs to see him naked. He’s so big and strong and that grin…but she’s not staying. It takes an attack on Ali’s life for Marcus to see his pack has big issues he needs to fix or lose Ali for good.



Gloria Munson thinks she’s about to have the worst Christmas of all time when her car breaks down during a blizzard in rural Pinerock County. But then she’s rescued by a very special bear shifter clan who invite her to share their rural ranch Christmas …

With no family to welcome him for the holidays, Deputy Jaron Holbrook is invited out to the ranch for Christmas by his boss, Sheriff Axl Tanner. Jaron knows that every woman on the ranch is already mated, so it comes as a total shock when Jaron and his bear recognize their fated mate in the Pinerock clan’s Christmas houseguest!

With five mated couples to play matchmaker, what could possibly go wrong?



Brundar is fighting a losing battle. Calypso is slowly chipping away his icy armor from the outside, while his need for her is melting it from the inside.
He can’t allow it to happen. Calypso is a human with none of the Dormant indicators. There is no way he can keep her for more than a few weeks.



beautyv and mountain manBEAUTY AND THE MOUNTAIN MAN by Frankie Love

The moment I saw her she woke something buried deep inside of me. A wild need.
A desperate desire. She’s stranded and alone, needing shelter from the storm.
And I’ll do more than keep her warm. I’ll make her mine. Some say there’s no such thing as happily ever after. But that changes tonight. I will show her I’m more than a mountain man. 
I am her beast.



snow leopards christmasA SNOW LEOPARD’S CHRISTMAS (GLACIER LEOPARDS BOOK 6) by Zoe Chant

Lillian Lowell has a problem. She’s newly mated to the Glacier leopards’ pack leader, snow leopard shifter Cal Westland, which makes her the…she’s not sure what. Den mother? Whatever her job title is, she wants to live up to it, so she’s throwing the best Christmas party she can plan. But she’s two months pregnant, and suddenly even the simplest tasks seem impossible. She needs help–but she doesn’t want to admit it. And for some reason, Cal is making himself scarce.

Alethia Landin has a different problem. She wants to have a merry Christmas, and enjoy the time with her pack–but she can barely look at Lillian right now, because all she’s wanted for over a year is a baby, and it’s not happening. Every month with no good news brings her and her mate, Grey, down further into the dumps. She’s not proud of how jealous she is of Lillian, but it’s hard to overcome. Will this ruin Christmas?

Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy. Can the Glacier pack come together and help each other through their problems? Does someone really mean it when they say they don’t want a present? How many Pinterest decorations is too many? And will someone get a baby for Christmas?


mate for the christmas dragonA MATE FOR THE CHRISTMAS DRAGON by Zoe Chant

Jasper is a dragon on a mission. If he doesn’t find his mate by his twenty-fifth birthday, he’ll lose his ability to shift, and be stuck as either a human or a dragon forever. Luckily, his birthday is on Christmas Day. What woman could resist the spark of romance during the most wonderful time of the year?

Most wonderful time of the year? Curvy Abigail learned long ago what a lie that is. She hates the fake snow, the cheesy carols, the hordes of shoppers that save their Christmas cheer for everyone except shop workers—and most of all, she hates going home to her empty apartment on Christmas Eve.

Jasper knows Abigail’s the one for him the moment he sees her. But can the Christmas dragon win his mate’s heart, when Christmas is the one thing she hates the most?


VS Note: I don’t usually mention re-releases but this one was a bit intriguing, partly because it originally came out in 1992 – I wonder how much revising she’s had to do?!!! It does seem to end on a cliffhanger, per the reviews.

betrayedBETRAYED (HIDDEN WORLDS BOOK 1)  by Bethany Burke

Originally published in 1992, this sci-fi classic has not been available for twenty-five years. Before there was an Internet, before there was Amazon, Bethany Burke had penned Hidden Worlds, the original kink classic. It’s been expanded into a three book trilogy, available to modern readers for the very first time!

Four hundred years in the future, life on Earth is perfect. The genders are equal. War is non-existent. Everything is clean, safe, and wonderful, due to one cause: In the early years of the twenty-second century, over 90% of the Earth’s population was relocated by force to colony planets spread over the galaxy.

Jen Marin has a gift for languages. When she’s slotted at the last minute into an off-Earth expedition to study the linguistics of a colony planet, she never questions the assignment. It’s a perfect opportunity to get an advantage over her fellow academics on Earth. She, along with her companion Christy, also never questions a recreational trip to an isolated area of the planet’s surface, that is until they go back to the space craft – and it’s gone.

As impossible as it seems, they’ve been abandoned. But why? And to what? Jen’s new reality is a world where her body is not her own, filled with heavy handed warriors, cruel Matrons whose sole purpose is “training” young women for their marriages, a prince who wants Jen for his own, and mysteries that seemingly have no answer.

It has to be a mistake, right? …(much more)…



VS Note: Going to mention my own newest scifi romance release once more:

If you’ve been waiting for a badass female space mercenary, here she is!

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canva fortune crystal ball



November 15

November 8

November 1

October 25

October 18

October 11

October 4


My standard Notes and Caveats:

The term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

I don’t ordinarily list re-releases…

(NOTE: If the author provides me with buy links I insert those; otherwise I default to Amazon and iBooks. Pricing and availability are current as of the day I prepare the post – things can change fast in the ebook world LOL.)

Also, I often include only the beginning of the book blurb…

New Releases in #SciFi and #Fantasy Romance for Wednesday July 19

calling the changeAs always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts LOL).


VS Note: She’s one of my favorite authors and I really enjoyed the first book in this series, so I had Book 2 on pre-order.

He rescued her despite impossible odds—Garek has rescued Taya and the rest of his village from the sky raiders, but their return home doesn’t bring easier times. The sky raiders aren’t simply going to go away—they still need the shadow ore they came for, and they want the ships Garek stole from them back. But they aren’t the only threat . . .

First she was in danger from the aliens who abducted her, now she’s in danger from her own people—Taya’s been rescued, but she isn’t home a week before she’s taken again, this time by men who walked the walls with Garek. They’ve taken her as a consolation prize of sorts, having failed to get hold of Garek himself. They think Taya’s value to the people they’re working for is her relationship to Garek, but they are wrong . . .

Garek and Taya never gave up on each other before, even when the distance between them was impossibly far, and they aren’t giving up on each other now. As Garek searches for her, and Taya engineers her escape, they discover the motivations behind the new attacks on them are darker than the endless reaches of space they’ve just escaped from.


surrenderedSURRENDERED (BRIDES OF THE KINDRED BOOK 20) by Evangeline Anderson

VS Note: HOT. (Fans self). Ummm, yeah, I read this 🙂

Commander Thornex is a Hybrid–half Kindred and half Pyro–a much feared people who have the ability to unleash horrific maelstroms of flame whenever they are angered. All his life Thorn has struggled to control the destructive power within him. A horrible accident in his past made him swear to never unleash the fire again and for many years, he has kept himself under tight control. During his many undercover missions as a spy for the Kindred, his iron will has never wavered.
That is until he allows himself to be sold as a slave on Yonnie Six…

Mistress Neh’sanna is the most renowned trainer of male body-slaves in all of Yonnie Six. The denizens of the female-ruled society revere her effortless control and the way she is able to make any male bend to her will. But though Neh’sa takes pride in her work, she is lonely. She trains male slaves for the use of other mistresses but has never found one of her own that she could truly let down her guard around. Then she buys Thorn and begins to have feelings for him no Mistress ought to have for her slave…

The emotion between them grows intense but when circumstances spin out of control and Thorn is forced to reverse their positions and take the role of Dom, will Neh’sa ever forgive him?

Amazon     iBooks

crash land on kuraiCRASH LAND ON KURAI (THE HIKOBOSHI SERIES BOOK 1) by S J Pajonas

VS Note: Review says ‘hint of romance’. Plot sounds interesting, liked the tone of the sample – intriguing. One clicked.

Yumi Minamoto has the shortest fuse on the ship. She’s just whipped a bully and been confined to quarters, but she’s not staying there. A disgraced journalist trying to clear her name, her job is to document the mission to the Hikoboshi system, and she’s determined to get it right, despite all the trouble she causes. But when unknown vessels fire on their ship, and Yumi’s life pod crash lands on a dying moon, she’s separated from her family and friends, and her mission falls to pieces. Now she must navigate the unfamiliar and deadly terrain, deal with a society she doesn’t understand, and try to stay alive until rescue comes… if it ever does.


storm surgeSTORM SURGE (CYBORG SHIFTERS BOOK 2) by Naomi Lucas

Everybody feared the man with the metal band over his mouth.

Stryker was part of an elite group of Cyborgs genetically enhanced with inhuman DNA. He was known as the Creeper, the quiet, the man with half a face. His fate was his own and his freedom hard-earned, having nothing to live for but the hunt and his perfect record. Until he received a distress call that changed his bleak existence.

“Please, oh god, please. Is anybody out there? This is Norah Lee, a scientist of Earth. I-I don’t know what to do. I think everybody…everyone is dead. Please if you hear this, please help us.

I can hear them outside. They’re coming.

I don’t want to die.”


clone me a loverCLONE ME A LOVER by Rosalie Redd

Human clone Angelo Thirteen craves something illicit—to fall in love. When a tenacious female Altonian retrieves his escape pod from the rubble of a shipwreck, he may just get his chance. Drawn to her determined spirit and mesmerizing golden eyes, he must pierce the battle thickened walls surrounding her heart to uncover what he covets most.

Elle cares about two things in the universe—her ship and her brother. When her sibling is imprisoned on a savage ice world nothing will derail her from her recovery mission, that is, until she rescues a sexy human clone from the icy coldness of space. Falling for his tender, sensuous nature wasn’t part of her plan and now she must choose between saving her brother from Alta’s prison or risking her heart.

Amazon     iBooks

dustwalkerDUSTWALKER by Tiffany Roberts

A SYNTH SEARCHING FOR PURPOSE…Walk. Scavenge. Destroy. Trade. A simple cycle that’s suited Ronin for one hundred and eighty-five years. With no clear grasp of his programming, the barren wasteland known as The Dust offers him purpose, a place where his armored undercasing, amped-up processors, and advanced optics can be put to use. The ramshackle towns on the edges of the waste serve merely as resupply stations between increasingly long treks. But one night — one human woman — makes him question everything.

A WOMAN WHO BRINGS HIM TO LIFE…Lara Brooks struggles to survive under the strict rules imposed by the bots in Cheyenne. With her sister missing, she’s been on her own for weeks, and fears the worst. Her only hope comes from Ronin, a bot she catches spying on her. He promises to provide for Lara and search for her sister. All she has to do is dance. It should be easy; she’s done it before. But the longer she spends with Ronin, the harder it is to see him as just another bot.

A SANCTUARY HIDING DARK SECRETS…In a city where humans are relegated to live in squalor, Ronin discovers a threat greater than any in the Dust — Warlord, Cheyenne’s tyrannical leader. When Ronin ignores the rules, he unwittingly puts Lara in danger. Warlord is as intolerant of disrespect as he is of mankind.


the daragh deceptionTHE DARAGH DECEPTION (CONCLAVE WORLDS BOOK 1) by Kenley Davidson

VS Note: Sounds intriguing. On my TBR List.

A corporate colony world on the outskirts of explored space, Daragh is the perfect place for a woman on the run to hide from her terrifying past. All Emma wants is to do her job and be left alone, but before she can disappear into her new life, she attracts the attention and the suspicions of brusque, handsome corporate soldier Devan Rybeck.

Devan is convinced Emma is hiding something, but finds himself increasingly driven to protect the fragile-looking newcomer from the harsh realities of a colony world. Her distracting presence complicates his mission and his feelings, until a vicious attack reveals that neither Emma nor Daragh are all they pretend to be.

Emma’s subsequent flight into the dangerous and unpredictable wilds of Daragh proves just how much steel she’s hiding beneath her quiet exterior, and just how far she’s willing to go to protect her secrets. But Daragh has secrets of its own, and Devan must race against time to bring Emma home before her staggering discoveries trigger a Conclave war.

If he fails, there will be no escape from the coming darkness, either for himself or the woman he would die to protect.


conquering his mateCONQUERING HIS MATE (MATES OF ZATARI BOOK 2) by Claire Conrad

VS Note: From June

Though he was born a prince, distaste for his father’s warmongering drove Hunter to abandon his birthright. Finding a mate has been the least of his concerns, but when his investigation of his sister’s disappearance brings him into contact with one of the most renowned warriors of the Zatari, a woman as fierce as she is beautiful, Hunter knows instantly that she is destined to belong to him. Taming her will not be easy, but he will enjoy every moment of it…

After her closest friend was taken captive and Mira set out to track her down and bring her home, the last thing she expected was to be claimed as a mate by not just any man, but a Delti prince on a mission of his own. Yet from the moment Mira sets eyes on Hunter, she cannot help longing for him to strip her bare, spank her until she submits, and then teach her to surrender completely to a warrior’s hard, dominant lovemaking. But even if he can master her body, will this enemy of her people truly be able to conquer Mira’s heart?

Amazon     iBooks

arabella and the battle of venusARABELLA AND THE BATTLE OF VENUS by David D Levine

Arabella’s wedding plans to marry Captain Singh of the Honorable Mars Trading Company are interrupted when her fiancé is captured by the French and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp on swampy Venus. Now, Arabella must find passage to an enemy-controlled planet in the middle of a war, bribe or fight her way past vicious guards, and rescue her Captain.

To do this she must enlist the help of the dashing privateer, Daniel Fox of the Touchstone and build her own clockwork navigational automaton in order to get to Venus before the dread French general, Joseph Fouché, the Executioner of Lyon.

Once on Venus, Arabella, Singh, and Fox soon discover that Napoleon has designed a secret weapon, one that could subjugate the entire galaxy if they can’t discover a way to stop Fouché, and the entire French army, from completing their emperor’s mandate.

Amazon     iBooks

spellbinderSPELLBINDER (MOON SHADOW BOOK 2) by Thea Harrison

Kidnapped while on tour, musician Sidonie Martel is transported to the mystical land of Avalon. A human without magical ability, she is completely vulnerable to the deadly forces surrounding her.

When she defies her captors and refuses to share her music, an act of violent cruelty leaves her broken, her ability to play silenced, maybe forever. Her only hope is a whisper in the dark, gentle hands that offer healing, and a man who refuses to show her his face yet who offers advice she dare not ignore.

One of the most feared and powerful sorcerers in history, Morgan le Fae serves a Queen he despises, Isabeau of the Light Court. Once a famous bard and an advisor to kings, Morgan has been enslaved to Isabeau for hundreds of years, acting as enforcer and the commander of her deadly Hounds.

Sidonie’s music touches Morgan in places he had abandoned centuries ago, and her fiery spirit resurrects feelings he had believed long dead. For Sidonie, trapped in captivity, passion offers a comfort she cannot resist.

But Isabeau holds Morgan bound in magical chains that only Death can break. And in the court of a cruel, jealous Queen, the only thing that burns hotter than love is revenge.

Amazon     iBooks


Drago, King of the Isle of Dragons, is the last of the magnificent dragons of the Seven Kingdoms. Bitter and alone, he abandons the emptiness of his realm and retreats to the caverns beneath the palace. In the form of his dragon, he remains hidden from the world, protecting the Dragon’s Heart, the last legacy of his people – until he is disturbed by a most unlikely thief.
Carly Tate’s trip to Yachats State Park takes an unexpected turn when she is caught in a sudden storm. Seeking shelter, she stumbles through a magical doorway into a cavern filled with treasure! Yet, as incredible as the piles of glittering gold and jewels are, her gaze is transfixed by the slumbering form of a magnificent dragon.
Carly’s appearance begins a series of events that will not only change Drago’s life, but will affect all of the Seven Kingdoms. Can a centuries old dragon protect his most valuable treasure, or will the evil that destroyed his race take Carly from him as well?

Amazon      iBooks

sumage solutionTHE SUMAGE SOLUTION (SAN ANDREAS SHIFTERS #1) by G L Carriger

NYT bestseller Gail Carriger, writing as G. L. Carriger, presents an offbeat gay romance in which a sexy werewolf with a white knight complex meets a bad boy mage with an attitude problem. Sparks (and other things) fly.

Max fails everything – magic, relationships, life. So he works for DURPS (the DMV for supernatural creatures) as a sumage, cleaning up other mages’ messes. The job sucks and he’s in no mood to cope with redneck biker werewolves. Unfortunately, there’s something oddly appealing about the huge, muscled Beta visiting his office for processing.

Bryan AKA Biff (yeah, he knows) is gay but he’s not out. There’s a good chance Max might be reason enough to leave the closet, if he can only get the man to go on a date. Everyone knows werewolves hate mages, but Bryan is determined to prove everyone wrong, even the mage in question.

Amazon     iBooks

alphas of summerALPHAS OF SUMMER by Various

“The hottest collection of 13 shifter novellas you’ll ever own.
Wolves, leopard, bears, dragons, humans, mutants, and plenty of ALPH MALES, Oh my!
Turn up your AC and break out the ice baths. Summer just got a whole lot hotter with this collection of 13 hot alpha shifter novellas.”

Amazon     iBooks



the rising eileenTHE RISING (DARK FAE HOLLOW BOOK 3) by Eileen Cruz Coleman

Twenty-one-year-old fae, Isabel, is kidnapped and tortured by a half-vampire, half-fae hybrid who is part of an army raised with one goal: the enslavement and killing of all good fae and humans. During her captivity, she vows not only to escape but also to lead a rebellion against the dark army.

But when her rebellion is ambushed, she is recaptured and imprisoned until she can be brought to the treacherous Hollow Council for trial and punishment.

Isabel is sure she is going to die, until Adriel, the hybrid soldier assigned to her charge, helps her escape. Now, on the run with Adriel at her side, Isabel must stay alive long enough to reach a secret camp of hybrids who wish to stay hidden and somehow convince them to join her rebellion.

To restore peace and light to Crimson Hollow, Isabel will risk everything…including her life.



Morgan Tenpenny has retreated from her painful, magical past, choosing to live quietly as a guardian of one of the gates between worlds. But her sister Gwen is married to a lord of the High Court of Faerie—and when Gwen asks her to protect her nieces, it’s time for Morgan to emerge from her seclusion. The gates to Faerie have inexplicably closed, and no one knows why, not even Falcon, the fae Morgan finds trapped on her side of the gate.

As a devastating illness that only affects magic users starts to sweep through the country, Falcon tells Morgan of a way to reach her nieces in Faerie through a mysterious place called Strangehold—if Morgan can trust that Falcon is all that he seems. But with the Queen of Faerie increasingly defensive of her borders, even their combined powers may not be enough to win them through.

With relations between fae and human falling apart and a deadly illness threatening all of her old colleagues, Morgan finds that her past isn’t as dead as she’d thought. She must navigate the threats in time to save her nieces—and just maybe the world.


one true mate 6ONE TRUE MATE 6: BEAR’S REDEMPTION by Lisa Ladew

Bruin has never fit in with his kind because the bears hate him for something he can’t control. The wolves like him OK, but now that his wolf bff is mated, Bruin prepares for more lonely days and nights… until he meets a female so ‘purrfect’, the sight of her breaks him. But is she already taken by another?

Willow turned twenty-five this year and waits patiently for an angel to come and claim her, based on her mother’s scattered recollection of the experience of Willow’s conception. But when a sweet and massive man steals her heart instead, she decides she’s not going to wait around for destiny any longer.


forever violetFOREVER VIOLET (TANGLED REALMS BOOK 1) by Jessica Sorenson

A year ago, I was attacked by werewolves. I’ve hated their kind ever since.

Now, I’m being told I’m one of them. That Jules, a tortured, gothic werewolf prince, is my soul mate and that I may one day rule over a werewolf pack.

Not how I saw my life going, but fighting my destiny isn’t an option. Neither is ignoring the powerful connection I feel to Jules.
But facing my future is going to be dangerous when not all of my pack wants me around.


cursed in loveZODIAC SHIFTERS: CURSED IN LOVE by Bethany Shaw

Guardian Ethney Wallace’s job is to eradicate the lycanthrope threat before they can feast on unsuspecting humans in Savannah. Gifted with the ability to turn into a mermaid, she fights alongside the other eleven guardians. It’s not an easy job, but it’s one she enjoys, at least until innocent children get hurt. On a solo mission gone wrong, Noah, a stunning stranger who has been infected by the lycanthrope, rescues her. He and his young niece, Claire, need Ethney’s help, but she’s been down this road before and it has never ended well.
Noah Hawthorne and Claire survived a brutal lycanthrope attack, but they didn’t come away completely unscathed. Both were bitten and now risk becoming the very monsters that murdered their family. With the full moon two weeks away they are in a race against time to stop the mutation from spreading within them.
Together, Noah and Ethney search for a cure, which brings them closer. Resisting the budding attraction between them is arduous; a romance is forbidden, as Ethney is honor bound to destroy all lycanthrope. If she and Noah fail in finding a cure, she will have to destroy him.

Amazon     iBooks

elemental matingELEMENTAL MATING by Milly Taiden

Brilliant scientist Melinda Caster has discovered a new strain of the Zika virus that stimulates synaptic growth in embryos, causing neuron development beyond normal human levels. Way beyond, like ESP-levels of cognitive abilities. When the lab is broken into, Melinda realizes that someone has been keeping tabs on her research and wants it for themselves. A happy accident destroys critical data before it can fall into the wrong hands, but unfortunately that makes Melinda and her perfect memory a target.

A.L.F.A sends in jaguar-shifter Agent Parish Hamel to discover who is after the virus and why. The beautiful scientist acts like catnip to his senses and throws his mating instincts into overdrive. And then she disappears along with the only sample of the virus…. Now Parish must canvas the darkest areas of the supernatural underground to rescue Melinda, and what he discovers is beyond a paranormal’s worst nightmare.

Amazon     iBooks

past be damnedPAST BE DAMNED (LAST HOPE BOOK 2) by Rebecca Royce

Ripped from her life and her loves, Teagan spent five hellish years in a demon infested mine. The darkness she experienced, living on within her long after her rescue. Lost without her loves, she worries as the darkness grows—she will not become the evil they have faced. Sacrificing her identity will protect those she is supposed to serve…and after everything else she’s paid, Teagan sees no other choice.

They will never give up…

Thaddeus, Aidan, Noah, Eric, and Brody live for one reason—revenge. They will destroy Sister Superior for her part in the death of their love. Battle and hate fill the void where their Sister should be, but when they get word that Teagan might be alive—nothing will stand between them and the woman they love.

Amazon     iBooks


VS Note: From June

Since the murder of her gifted mother, Elaina has been sheltered on her father’s ship. But when Elaina’s secret is compromised, she must return to land and live under the king’s protection…much to her objection.

Ashland’s crown prince, Nicholas, has never been without. He is, however, facing a possible civil war and a deadly foe who preys on his gifted citizens. So when he meets Elaina, Nicholas delights in insisting that she share her military expertise gained on her father’s ship. He gets more than he bargains for, though, when he finds that he might have fallen for the one girl who refuses to fall for his charms.

Just as Elaina and Nicholas begin to realize they might need each other after all, a dark turn of events finds Elaina exiled and forced into servitude, a civil war declared, and the murderer bloodthirstier than ever. Can Nicholas and Elaina defeat the dark forces that have poisoned their kingdom…and find their own happy ending as well?


VS Note: People have been asking me where they can find my story Star Cruise: Stowaway, a novella in last year’s PETS IN SPACE anthology:

Amazon      iBooks        Kobo     B&N 



July 12

July 5

June 28

June 21

June 14

June 7


My standard Notes and Caveats:

It’s a mix of the genres in no particular order. Also the term “new” is generally plus or minus a week or two. I try to catch up on ones I missed in recent months.  

(NOTE: If the author provides me with buy links I insert those; otherwise I default to Amazon and iBooks. Pricing and availability are current as of the day I prepare the post – things can change fast in the ebook world LOL.)

Also, I often include only the beginning of the book blurb…