She Prefers to Be Addressed By Name Weekend Writing Warriors

WeWrWaHere’s the link to the Weekend Writing Warriors central page, so you can visit all the participants sharing excerpts today…a fun way to sample new books and find new authors! (Also welcome to the Sunday Snippet visitors!)

Here’s the second snippet from STAR CRUISE: OUTBREAK, which released in April. I picked a less gory scene for contrast to last week’s snippet (here). In this snippet (which takes place before the outbreak begins), Dr. Emily Shane has just been called upon to treat an animal, belonging to a princess traveling aboard the ship.

 “I’m off to a great first day—undoubtedly broke fifteen or twenty regulations, not to mention a few medical canons.”

            “Little girl with a sick pet.” He shrugged, “What could you do?”

            “You don’t even need me for this situation – the AI is obviously prepared to diagnose and treat on its own.” Emily washed her hands again.

            “Maeve.” His voice held a hint of impatience, “I did mention several times that the ship’s AI has a name—Maeve. She prefers to be addressed by name.”

                “Not Nebula Zephyr?” 

            “No, Fleming brought Maeve over with us from the ship he commanded in our military days,” Jake said.

StarCruiseOutbreak-FJM_Mid_Res_1000x1500The story:

She saved countless soldiers in the wars … but does she have the weapons to fight an outbreak?

Dr. Emily Shane, veteran of the Sector Wars, is known as “The Angel of Fantalar” for her bravery under fire as a medic. However, the doctor has her own war wounds–severe PTSD and guilt over those she failed to save.

Persuaded to fill a seemingly frivolous berth as ship’s doctor on the huge and luxurious interstellar cruise liner Nebula Zephyr, she finds the job brings unexpected perks–a luxe beach deck with water imported from Tahumaroa II, and Security Officer Jake Dilon, a fellow veteran who heats her up like a tropical sun.

However, Emily soon learns she and Jake didn’t leave all peril behind in the war. A mysterious ailment aboard the Zephyr begins to claim victim after victim … and they must race against time and space to find the cause and a cure! Trapped on a ship no spaceport will allow to dock, their efforts are complicated by a temperamental princess and a terrorist–one who won’t hesitate to take down any being in the way of his target.  If anyone’s left when the disease is through with them…

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40 comments on “She Prefers to Be Addressed By Name Weekend Writing Warriors

    • Emly doesn’t care if the AI has a name. Emily is annoyed at the way Maeve inserts herself into conversations and doesn’t follow proper medical protocol. The thing here – and we didn’t have enough sentences to complete the thought – is that the AI usually takes the same name as the ship. So Emily is just surprised.

      • No worries! It;s hard to know the details from just our snippets each week. I didn’t want to leave the idea that this AI was scary though…she’s just overbearing!

  1. Being completely unused to reading science fiction, I first read the name as Al (i.e. short for Alan), then realised it meant artificial intelligence. Seems strange that the AI should have a preference to be known as Maeve. Sounds like an AI with attitude. Fascinating read.

  2. I’m planning to write quite a few stories set on this ship – it’s my scifi equivalent of a ‘village’ and there’s a deep backstory to the AI, Maeve.I have a lot of plans for her character going forward, In OUTBREAK she plays a role but it isn’t her book, you know? So it’s “stay tuned” for more Maeve.

  3. It kind of disturbs me that the AI has a name… and a history with a crew member. Considering how the AI, excuse me, Maeve, interrupts, etc, I worry how much it/she is going to get “too personal”

  4. What fun, it sounds like bad blood between a human and an AI. I hope you’re planning to show us an interaction or two between Emily and Maeve, I’d love to see that!


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